
Vanilla Twilight[Twig Birth]

Twig I


03-24-2014, 09:06 PM
As the first contraction ripped through her petite frame she would thank herself for seeking Erani's wisdom only moments before. She would involuntarily let a labored gasp fall from her lips, she had felt fake labor pains but a week ago but this was much worse. Panicked, the cross marked girl's lavender eyes would widen as she was stopped in her tracks. Themisto had told her he would be with her during her birth, but Erani was right there behind her. She knew her strength would not be able to keep herself going if she were to travel back to her den. A whine would be let loose suddenly as another contraction took hold of her, she felt her body tense and her rear legs would shuffle to the floor. Marked features would be pushed back as she braced herself through the painful contraction. This had to be the real deal, they were on their way. Now. It all came back to her as her fears were once again realized and very much upon her. She wanted to curl into a ball, she didn't want this part. Even with Erani's kind and informative words she still didn't consider herself ready. Then her water broke. A pitiful whine would leave her lips as she kept trying to deny it, to push it away and to forget she still had to give birth. She would return to Erani it seemed, but before she was able to call another contraction pulsed through her form. She would feel tears begin to spill forth down her cheeks, the pain would increase as her anxiety level skyrocketed. She wasn't ready.?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-24-2014, 09:23 PM

She was glad Twig had come to her to ask advice from her. There were some things males just couldn?t explain, and young females didn?t know how to yet. There was also something niggling at her. Twig smelled close? Very close? In fact? Her ear cocked back as the distant sounds of Twigs departure halted, and the breathing hitched. She was bounding down the natural steps in one leap and charging down the ravine before Twig?s haunches were truly damped by the water breaking. Talk about fast births. Sometimes, there were moments where you just knew that something was up, and you acted.

?Come on, Twig. On your paws, lean on me. It may be warm at night, but they need a soft bed under them, and I?m sure you wouldn?t mind it either.? Gently firm, lightly quipping, she lowered her front end, offering her shoulder for the Cross marked female. Once she was sure Twig was firmly leaned upon her, she began to move forward, pausing with each contraction, counting. ?Breathe in through your nose, breathe out through your muzzle.? Gentle instructions were given as they reached the stone steps. Erani helped Twig up them and into an alcove that she?d recently cleaned and relined with thick moss and soft grass.

Leading Twig to the softest spot, she let the female lay down at last, as she was sure she was dying to, then whipped around and darted to her stores in the large alcove opposite Twig?s birthing room. She snatched up a bunch of lavender then grabbed up the other essentials and padded back to Twig. Breathe with your nose against the lavender, and eat these.? She stepped away and looked at her patient, ears perked. ?Is there anyone you wish for me to call? Jinxx, I?m sure of.?

Twig I


03-24-2014, 09:42 PM
She need not even have called for the experienced healer as the woman was quick to find the helpless she wolf as the first part of labor began. She was sure she wouldn't be able to move from the place she'd fallen but Erani would insist she get herself onto her feet and back to her den. Before she could even think to call for Themisto she felt herself being led back into the ravine. Her vertical stature was very much dependent on the older she Wolf's presence, hardly able to keep herself standing she was more than glad she has been so close to the healers den when they had decided to come. With each contraction she would grit her teeth and push her brows together as she endured her body's pain. With every fiber of her being she wished it would stop, but still the pair would move on and the next waves would inevitably come upon her.?

She would listen to Erani's guidance, her calm words leading her as well as her physical being in what needed to be done. Breathing in her nose and out her mouth was easy enough when she didn't want to scream from the contractions. Still Erani would lead her on to the den's mouth and to an almost separate little indent. The floor was covered in a soft moss with bits of plush grass, Twig would find herself appreciating such amenities later. The eternity of her walk would come to a blessed end as she was lain upon the green bed, her body relaxing before another contraction overtook her.?

Erani would swiftly return, the last wave of pain would trickle away as the healer explained the herbs given her. She would do as instructed, her breathing hard as she listened to her Alpha's question. She would summon Jinxx, but was there another? "Themisto.." she would breathe, "He said.. He would be here with me." she would feel herself whine as her body betrayed her, it would escalate to a pained moan as her labor continued. "Erani, how long will this take?!" she would pause to catch her breath, "It hurts so bad," crying, her orchid gaze would plead with the healer to make it stop. She'd not been looking forward to this day, with ample reason.?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-25-2014, 07:15 PM

Twigs answer received a nod even as inside, Erani put a mental note to have a word with the new Eta. She never missed the way Chrysanthe gazed at him, and if he thought he was going to get away with stringing two females along, while in Valhalla, he had a surprise coming to him. She turned away, padding toward the mouth of the den, but paused as Twig?s next question came. ?It varies with some wolves. It can take up to two days, or down to a few short hours. The plants I gave you will help with the pain, as well as help slow any bleeding.?

She continued out of the mouth and to the end of the ravine, sending her head back and a thunderous howl for Themisto and Jinxx to come immediately, then returned swiftly to Twig?s birthing Alcove. She slid into the small room, gently resting a paw on the swollen belly, palpating it with her paw to get a sense of the pups positions, and how many there might be.

Twig I


03-25-2014, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2014, 09:29 PM by Twig I.)
Twig would watch pitifully as the pale woman would continue to the door, her words brought little comfort. Two. Days. How could she ever hope to last through this for two whole days. The latter part of her words would comfort the girl slightly, a relief for the pain. Before the woman had left through the door Twig would have the herbs downed. The very prospect of being able to lessen her pain was worth the bitter taste it left within her jaws. As she swallowed another contraction would envelope her body, contorting her spine as she struggled in vain to find a comfortable position. Barely would she hear Erani's call for her preferred company, she was occupied with the wave of pain. Breathing heavily, but as Erani instructed her to she would endure through the difficulty. They were worth it, her children were worth it.?

The healer would return, her skilled paws would knead at her stomach, ferreting out their little bodies. She was still concerned at the size of her belly, it seemed so small compared to other expecting mothers. She wondered what Erani would say, how many were within her trying their best to escape her womb? The laboring she wolf would pant as the pain subsided, she would lash her tail as again she would reposition herself. Two days. That was not acceptable at all, she wanted them out now. No matter how she struggled though, the contractions would continue. And continue. And continue. She felt foggy from the herbs and the continuation of her labor, breathing heavily she would give a push as she struggled. A feeling of relief would overcome her for just a moment, she had felt something slip from her.?

The she wolf would move her marked face to turn to look at the bundle, but her eyes would just grow wide in a flurry of panic. A pool of blood would sit beneath her, the thick red liquid would soak into her paws as fear gripped her form. There was so much of it, hadn't Erani told her the herbs would keep her from bleeding?! "Erani!" she would cry, "why is there so much blood?!" she was horrified, her head would become more light headed as the loss of blood began to effect her. She didn't know if Jinxx was there she didn't know if Themisto was there either. Another contraction took hold of her as she squirmed and tried to get away from the awful red lagoon that enveloped her hind quarters. A wail would burst from her lips as she felt the incredibly sharp pain within her middle. Tears would fall from her orchid eyes as she tried to overcome the pain, but it was so terrible. She would feel the urge to push, but she was so terrified of what would leave her. She would moan painfully as her body would convulse, doing its best to rid itself of the whelp within her. Twig would feel as she slipped into the world, the only pup she had carried with her for so long. The final result of her attack, a small white she pup with a silvery cross upon her right shoulder.?

Twig would give a final gasp as the child left her womb, her ability to keep herself conscious to rid the child of her birth sack gone. Her eyes would blindly look to the alcove's far wall as she slipped from reality and into unconsciousness. It was probable that Erani or either of the two males called would clean the newborn she wolf. Though the tiny girl would never stir, never having been meant to exist in the first place the child would never take her first breath. Twig would remain unconscious, her mind not returning to her body for at least a day after her ordeal.?

-exit twig-



03-26-2014, 11:15 AM

As soon as Erani's call would reach the healers audits he would scramble to his paws and take off as fast as he could manage. He would weave over obstacles without much effort, his mouth agape as he panted to keep himself cool. She had called for him and Twig's brother, which could only mean one thing- she was in labor. The thought would cause his eyes to widen, a soft smile caressing his lips as he picked up the pace. He didn't want to miss the birth did he? He promised her he'd be there, and he certainly didn't want to break a promise.

Only he would break it, and it would be smashed into a thousand pieces as the overpowering aroma of blood caused his nostrils to wrinkle. His ears would fold, and his brow would furrow, the scent growing stronger as he approached the alcove. He couldn't hear Twig, nor could he hear Erani talking, but he could smell them both beneath the thick mask of blood. "Tw-twig? Erani?" He would call gently as he slid into the opening of the den, his eyes widening the size of saucers as the horrific scene unfolded.

Twigs body lay in a pool of crimson blood, her own blood. Beside her was a small limp figure, and Themisto could see the silvery cross placed upon her shoulder, just like her mothers. A whine would burst through his pressed lips as he already knew what had happened. She had birthed a still born, and the blood was the ending result. His somber gaze would fall upon Twig who was unconscious, and he would watch her side rise and fall for a moment before turning to Erani, tears welling up within his sunny gaze. "Should we bury her now, or wait until Twig regains consciousness..." He did not know if Twig could handle putting her only child to rest, but surly Erani would know the right thing to do. They needed to get the blood off her and do something with the body though before she wakes up, which could be at anytime.



03-26-2014, 12:25 PM


It was time. The males eyes snapped open the moment the cry hit the air, although Jinxx had already been rushing on his way, a sinking feeling within his stomach before the call had went out. He had seen the mouth of the den the moment another arrived, and who the hell it was he did not know. Ears fell back, eyes narrowed, and his limbs pushed him forward faster then before, and then the tainted scent of blood hit his nostrils. His heart would fall, thoughts of desperation swirling within his mind. He would not be losing his sister, not before her time. And the bastard male that forced the bastard child upon her would pay. Even for a gentle wolf such as himself, when it came to family, he would have no mercy. Though not as brutal as Lunatik was, Jinxx could still do the unthinkable to those who dared harm his family. And he wondered...if the male that had entered the den would be one to watch out for.

He would fall to a halt as he slipped into the den, just in time to hear the males words as he shoved past him without a word. His only concern was his sisters welfare, and it would be him to decide what happened to her. Oceanic blue eyes kept focused on her unconscious face, an enormous amount of willpower sitting on him to keep him steady and focused. He couldn't panic, not now. The stench of blood was strong as his eyes slid down her body to the cross marked child. Though it was very unlike him, he could not help the cold look given to the child. It was that thing, that had put his sister through so much pain. And so, she would not see it upon waking. "We bury it. I will not allow my sister to awaken to something that will cause her more harm." He responded, and in what way of harm? He knew only too well. It was best for her not to see it.

He turned to Erani, emotions swimming within the outlets of his soul, did she understand why? "I will stay with her and clean her up...take it out of here, and he can go too. My sister needs to rest alone." The request seemed to come out as a slight demand, and although he hadn't meant to, it had slipped out that way. Then again, the Black family had that quirk when it came to their own. The male slipped to the ground, cradling his sisters head on his forepaws as he wrapped his body along the backside of her own. Gently, he would lick her face for comfort, all the while bis heart was beating in fear.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-27-2014, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 10:24 PM by Erani.)

Twig was indeed small of belly. In her palpitations, Erani felt only one body, and it was frightfully still, not kicking or twitching at the intrusion of unfamiliar pressure. It worried her. She wondered if Twig had noticed any lack of movement recently. ?One.? She stated lightly, as Twig glanced at her. And then the cross marked wolf would writhe, tail lashing, falling into a new position, and a push of her muscles released a deluge of red. Erani put her nose down, sniffing delicately. On the blood, she could smell the lack of life, the faint scent of decay. That pup was not viable any longer. It needed out.

It was then that Twig turned to see the blood, panicking. Erani felt a great deal of sadness for the young female. This would likely stop her from ever wanting another litter. The fear that this would happen again. And it could, yes. ?Be still, and push. The pup needs to get out of there.? She could see the loss of blood already affecting Twig. The fear of pushing. ?Let it go, let nature taker her course.? If that pup didn?t get out, there could be so many problems. Erani stepped behind Twig, a haunch acting as a pillow for her head, and finally, the pup came free, parting from it?s mother to rest among the blood. It wasn?t moving, She felt Twig go limp against her, knew that the female had lost consciousness. Rising slowly, she extricated herself, cleaning the stillborn efficiently before attending to Twig, checking the bleeding. Less was escaping, but there could still be internal bleeding. The herbs should help with that.

Themisto arrived then, closely followed by Jinxx. She met Themisto?s eyes with a chilled stare, letting him know that she intended to speak with him later, but for now, her answer to his question was ?We bury her.? The cold look from Jinxx to the still child was countered with a soft, still look of her own. ?Save that coldness for someone who deserves it. The bastard who raped your sister, for instance. This child is innocent. She didn?t choose to exist.? Her voice was soft, gentle, but commanding. Lowering her head, she scooped the limp body up in her jaws and slipped out of the alcove with a glance to Themisto that said to come with her, and not to argue. Her tail had lifted above the level of her hips, a clear sign that she would not accept any protests.