
Putting theory into practice



The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-21-2024, 04:20 PM
Day by day he was getting more and more confident with his healing skills. He could pretty much list off every herb that was currently growing in the Hallows garden and greenhouse and he could recognize nearly all of Aunt Gwyn's different medicines and extracts that she had stored around the infirmary and in the pharmacy closet. What he wasn't so confident in was the practical application of those things. He knew how to do all of it in theory, but the paws on experience was a little lacking. His aunt decided that he was going to have solo time attending the infirmary in hopes that he would have more exposure to different ailments that came in on a daily basis. In the back of his mind he knew that his aunt was near enough that if he needed help he could call for her, but he also really wanted to be able to do it on his own! His siblings were already doing patrols and stuff in their fields on their own, he should be able to do this!

He got to the infirmary early in the morning right after he briefly visited the greenhouse just to say hello to the plants and make sure none of them were super dry or anything like that. While he waited for someone to potentially come looking for help, he busied himself doing all of the things he usually saw Aunt Gwyn do–rolling bandages, cleaning the cots, restocking some of the medicines that were used the day before, all the usual infirmary stuff. Luckily he had Dovleac and Boabe to keep him company, the little monkey a newer addition to his life. Otherwise hanging out in the infirmary would have gotten really lonely and boring really quickly! He even practiced with Boabe on how to use the needles that Gwyn's companion Blue usually used to do stitches. It wasn't like he wasn't being productive, but he sure hoped someone turned up soon!

"Solaire Carpathius"


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
03-24-2024, 02:41 PM

Limping with each step, Clove slowly made her way to the infirmary- holding her right paw tucked against her chest, which made hopping around on three paws a little cumbersome. It wasn’t a serious injury or anything, just a laceration she’d gotten on one of her adventures. Dang it, she should have avoided that sharp-looking rock! But her curiosity got the best of her, she’d slipped and tried to catch herself- resulting in a bloody, lacerated paw.

She didn’t want her father to find out- didn’t want him to worry and ask her to stay home. And so, she’d slipped through the corridors like a stealthy little spy, avoiding her parents until she arrived at the infirmary door. Knocking, waiting, and stepping inside, she looks around for her aunt Gwyn. “Hello?” She calls out, looking around at the various items in the room- not knowing what any of them were, but interested nonetheless. “Oh! Solaire!” Stopping, she was surprised to see her brother there, without their aunt Gywn. But he was a physician nonetheless, having studied under her for quite some time now. Did this mean he was on his own and treating patients? How cool! “Um, you got a sec?” With a sheepish smile, she pulls her paw away from her chest and holds it toward him, revealing the laceration that had finally stopped bleeding.

"Clove Carpathius"


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-06-2024, 11:27 PM
Solaire had moved to the back part of the infirmary to put away a basket of rolled up bandages so he didn't immediately notice his sister come in until she called out a 'hello'. He jumped a bit with surprise and quickly backed out away from the cabinet, blinking as his teal and orange eyes landed on Clove who was holding one of her paws against her chest. "Clove! Hi!" he said in return, grinning excitedly as he trotted over to greet her. Somehow even though he had been in here waiting for a possible patient all this time it still didn't register why she was here or why she would have been holding her paw like that until she held out her paw to reveal the laceration that cut across it as she asked if he had a second to help her.

"Oh! Yeah... yeah, of course!" he said wide grin before he caught himself and reminded himself that she was here cause she was hurt and he shouldn't be excited that she was hurt... but oh was he excited to finally put some of what he had been studying for so long into practice! He cleared his throat a bit as he tried to sober up a bit and look more serious like he thought a real Physician should as he added, "Have a seat, I'll grab my supplies." He hurried over to the large cabinet behind Gwynevere's desk and he started rummaging through a couple of drawers and compartments to find what he needed.

He came back over to where Clove was, pulling over a small side table from where it was sitting next to one of the cots to lay out the roll of bandages and a trio of small jars that he had retrieved. "What happened?" he asked curiously while he went over to a basin of water and dipped a cloth in the water to dampen it. Sitting in front of Clove, he held out a large paw and let her place hers in it so that he could hold it steady while he used the dampened cloth to gently wipe away the dried blood and any dirt from around the wound.

"Solaire Carpathius"


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
07-05-2024, 11:58 PM

Solaire is quick to acknowledge her, stepping away from a cabinet laden with medical supplies to turn and face her. As he trotted over to her, she continued to hold her paw out for him to see, revealing the laceration on her paw pad. A little sigh escaped her when he agreed to help her, her smile widening when he instructed her to sit down. Walking into the room, she takes a look around, noting the various supplies and the strong, herbal aroma.

Sitting down, Clove nearly tucks her tail to the side, occupying her mind with thoughts of her brother and his training. He was rummaging through a cabinet, sorting through drawers, and collecting supplies. He looked in his element. Clove felt a wave of pride rush through her- knowing one of her siblings found their passion made her feel good.

Resting her paw in his care, Clove answers his question. “Well, I was out exploring, leaping over some rocks.” Her face contorted when he used a dampened cloth to wipe the laceration, cleaning the dirt from the wound. It stung a little, but she could handle it. “I slipped, tried to catch myself, and the rock under me was pretty sharp.” A simple, and sorta embarrassing story. But it was the truth nonetheless.

"Clove Carpathius"