
apologies and thoughts



8 Years
03-24-2014, 08:44 AM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2014, 08:46 AM by Maximous.)
Maximous came to the largest rock within the garden. It was where Raisa told him he could find her if he needed to. He hadn't wanted to call her as he knew she was pregnant. The exercise may have been good for her but the heat was miserable, so he came to her instead. However he was not sure if she was within her den or out and about.

"Raisa?" he would call into the den. If she did not answer from within then he would wait outside for her all day if he had to. He was a patient wolf, always had been. He wanted to apologize to his queen for his attitude and actions at the boarder toward Fuge. He wanted her to know that he would never again be able to trust the man but that he would not harm him either.

Another matter he wished to speak of with his queen was the Master Sola issue. He would love to the the Master Sols but not at the risk of causeing problems with Elsa. He wished to be her friend, someone she could rely on to have her back when she needed it just as he wanted every wolf of Ebony to know that he would have their back when he was needed. What he didn't want to do was become someone she bated.

A fight between the two Sola Knights would only cause problems for Ebony and it's queen. Max had already come to love Ebony though he was uncertain of what his feelings were for Lady Raisa. He felt more protective of her than any other wolf he knew, though he wasn't sure if it was because she was his queen or if he actually had deeper feelings for her.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)