
if i had a heart



3 Years
03-23-2014, 07:20 PM

Lysis Armada had not seen her half-brother for some time. Not since the short training session that had been held recently. So it was today that she decided to call to him, plagued with boredom and unsure what the day might bring. She had grown accustomed to being alone lately -- her father was scarce, and her mother had yet to be seen for so many months. Her thoughts would drift to her siblings as she lay beneath the massive pines, gazing upwards at the tall boughs as they let small streams of light grace the earth below. The darkness that had no recently engulfed the lands slowly lifted, bringing a light fog to the pine forest as dawn set in.

Slowly she would rise, stretching sleep from her limbs, before lifting her muzzle to the sky. Her lips would part slightly as she let loose a sweet call for Kyarst. She did not know what the day might bring them, but she figured between the two of them, they could come up with something. She remembered the last time they had spent time together alone, in the marble wash, and could not help but smile. It seemed their slightly teasing nature had given way to some fondness, and she would not deny she felt affection toward her brother, even though he was not her littermate; and certainly not as close to her as Drashiel.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.



2 Years
03-23-2014, 07:43 PM
For record: Kyarst is 5.5 months old and approximately 72 lbs.

The near six month old wandered belligerently through Glaciem. His family was all but scattered, and he felt as if he'd been cast by the wayside. His mother was always busy, his father was god knew where - though rumor had spread that his old man was hurt, and his brother was probably living under a rock. He snorted at the thought. That's exactly where Kuvio would make his home - under a rock. A light, lilting call tugged at his ears, shifting them backward and toward the source of the sound. The Ice Prince (as he often referred to himself in his own mind) shifted his positioning in a complete about-face, turning tail on his original destination and hastening toward the howl. If Lysis wanted him, it only meant adventure or mischief - and right now he could happily go for either. It was merciful of her, really, to put up with him as he was, but he didn't know that. The nearly polar opposite girl came into view after a hundred yards or so, her body practically screaming of boredom. He chuckled lightly, coming into view of her honeyed orbs. ?What's up, Ly?? It didn't really matter much to him what was up, so long as it was more than what he'd had in mind - which was a big fat nothing. He stood, his crown cockeyed as he quizzically aimed his verdant green gaze in her direction - studying her as if she were a question waiting to be answered.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
03-23-2014, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2014, 08:14 PM by Lysis.)

Lysis was content that her call was not ignored. The child was unused to being ignored, and she was not so sure how she would take such an utter lack of regard for her request for company. Though she often kept to herself, she was naturally quite sociable and craved companionship as badly as most children tended to. Her pleasure at seeing her half-brother come to her was obvious, as her tail began to wave freely behind her slender bodice.

He asked what was up, and she smiled sweetly, as she always did.
"Bored," she proclaimed matter-of-factly. She was beginning to realize, with her parents not being around often, she ought to look to her siblings more. Not just for fun, but for companionship, as well. "Entertain me, brother." They did no have the same mother, but the lines between who was true blood and who was not seemed so blurred in the Armada family that it seemed like too much effort to distinguish sometimes. Her hazel eyes glimmered with laughter as she spoke, wondering if he would come up with anything and play along with her.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.



2 Years
03-23-2014, 08:41 PM

He noted her pleased demeanor, her happily wagging tail. He was accustomed to others being pleased with his presence, and had conditioned his mind to believe that his very being brought excitement to others. Arrogance ran strong and thick in his veins. He too allowed his banner to wag once, twice, thrice before settling it. It wouldn't do to let her know he was as pleased to see her as she was to see him. The curiosity remained upon his features as he neared her slowly, coming to a halt only about a foot and a half away from her, his figure precisely in line with her own. He allowed his weight to shift back and to the right, upon his dominant right hind-limb as he stood before her. A smirk played across his lips as she proclaimed herself bored. Ah, so he was here to cure her boredom. She then commanded that he entertain her, and he couldn't suppress the chortle that rose up in his throat. ?I'm not your Jester,? he quipped - an ear laying back in feigned irritation. ?but I do have an idea.? He allowed a moment of silence to add to the suspense made in his previous comment. His tail flagged up as a mischievous glean took over his emerald gaze. ?We could fight.? There was a seriousness to his tone, hinting that even though this would be a spar with certain boundaries implied - it was anything but a game to him. He carefully shifted, allowing his balance to be restored upon all four of his paws instead of just the one. She could jump him at any minute (though he hardly expected that from Lysis) and he would not be pinned by his half-sister, even if she was older than he. One-hundred-percent Armada blood coursed rapidly through his veins, stimulated by adrenaline and sheer excitement. Blood vessels widened in response, sending a tingling sensation to the extremities of his bodice - including the ones that lingered between his hind legs. He backed up a single pace, not wanting to appear to retreat, but desiring distance all the same. He lowered his head as if he were stalking something, spine lengthening and extending to it's full length while retaining a straight line. ?C'mon,? he egged her on - eager to get started. Blood drummed in his ears as the seconds ticked by.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
03-24-2014, 04:19 PM

She has always been treated delicately. Isardis was the kind of father to dote on his children, to treat them as though they were perfection; and to Lysis, she couldn't imagine being thought of as anything less. Perhaps she was naive, or perhaps the Armada bloodline simply was brimming with pride -- but it was likely a bit of both. Gently she reached out to Kyarst as he approached to nuzzle his shoulder lightly, a gesture of instinct more than anything. She had been without affection for some time,

'I'm not your Jester,' he retorted, though his tones were anything but angry. A gently burst of laughter escaped her lips. That's what he thinks, she thought silently to herself, which only widened her smile. However, her pleasant expression faltered slightly at his suggestion. A fight? She supposed she ought to learn someday, even though the idea of someone tainting her pretty fur was quite unappealing. She'd heard stories of how brave her father was; how he'd fought countless times to defend their family's honor. She wanted to be like him, and so she would have to learn some fighting skills...

Though Kyarst was younger by a season, she figured he might have more experience than she did. He shifted his weight evenly to all fours, and she pulled away to mirror his own balanced stance. Excitement was apparent on his features, and she found herself drawn into his eagerness, feeling a bit of adrenaline begin to course through her veins. It was white hot, and made her skin tingle, bringing a devious smile to the lanky girl's muzzle. "Fine."

She raised her tail behind her, an instinct that came naturally, hoping it would balance her. And then she lunged forward, jaws hinging agape -- aiming to grab hold of Kyarst's left shoulder. She did not want to hurt him, merely grab hold of him and push him to the earth below. Lysis truly did not know how the fight would go, but she knew her half-brother would not hurt her.

Round : 1 / 3

Defenses: Weight spread to all fours, tail straight behind her for balance.

Attacks: Lunging forward and attempting to grab onto Kyarst's left shoulder and push him to the ground.

Injuries: N/A

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.



2 Years
03-24-2014, 04:33 PM

With his spine fully extended in a single plane and his balance divided equally among all four paws, he found himself growing more and more excited. She seemed to have deliberated and chosen to join in his proposed idea, which only served to get his heart racing even faster. She chided a single word in the affirmative, trying to play it off as if she were letting him have his way. He knew she was just as excited as he, he could hear it in the unevenness of her breaths. As she raised her tail he lifted his own, more out of dominance than the realization that it was an actual defensive tactic. He'd never been trained properly, after all. Only a second later she lunged toward him, her lithe body a blur of white. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed her jaws seeking out his left shoulder, but there was no time to react. In effort to merely escape as much of her force as he could, he would shift seventy-five percent of his weight onto his back legs, allowing them to bend low to the earth in a near-sitting position. He felt her canines puncture the juvenile flesh of his shoulder, sending a jolt of pain to the surrounding nerve endings. It then struck him that he ought to do something in retaliation, or he'd forever be playing defense. He didn't know how long she might hold on, but he knew he wanted her to stop. His neck bent to his left, jaws aiming a quick nip to the bridge of her muzzle. He didn't intend to hold on, but rather rake his canine teeth across the area.

one / three


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
04-03-2014, 10:05 AM

The fight began quickly. Though she was larger than her brother, and a full two seasons older, she'd been a frail thing since her birth. Only within the last few seasons had she truly become strong again, though she was still rather frail. Still, she didn't want to lose, regardless of her lack of experience and her slender frame. And so it was with great fervor that she pushed forward, attempting to grab Kyarst's shoulder between her parted jaws, and found her attack land perfectly.

But he did not falter -- instead, he merely leaned back and took her attack with grace, though she swore she felt him cringe. She pushed down as she landed an attack there, though she knew she was not heavy enough to push him backwards. Her paws held her balance, tail still straight behind her for an attempt at balance. But Kyarst had different plans in mind than knocking her off her paws. A whine left her lips as he nipped at her muzzle, a gentle scrape, but one that surprised her nonetheless. The pain subsided quickly, almost as immediately as it came, but she felt another strong surge of adrenaline course through her veins. Releasing his shoulder, she tried to duck down lower, swinging her head down to the earth, aiming to nip at one of his forepaws.

Round : 2 / 3

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.



2 Years
04-03-2014, 05:05 PM

Her fangs in his shoulder stung, even if they weren't in very deep and they weren't really causing all that much blood. It wasn't often anything punctured his youthful flesh, and the sensation wasn't something he was overly fond of. Still, he refused to utter a whimper, but instead gave a brief growl of victory as his own pearly whites met their mark and danced across the flesh on her muzzle. Success! The momentary bout of pride in his own successful attempt was enough, though he would've liked to enjoy his five minutes of fame for a bit longer. As it stood, Lysis was on the move again, bowing low to the ground and aiming for his paw - he suspected. Unwilling to remove both of his paws (for he knew not which was the target) from the earth and forsaking his balance entirely, Kyarst acted impulsively and sent his jaws straight down toward her. Canines splayed wide as he aimed to ensnare the flesh of her scruff in his grip with intent to hold on as long as he possibly could. He'd done this before to Kuvio in a boyish tussle and it had resulted in tiring his brother out to the point of defeat - perhaps it might work the same way this time. His tail whipped behind him for balance, but also out of sheer excitement. Oh goodness why had he waited so long to spar with someone? This was fantastic!


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
04-08-2014, 07:27 AM

Though she was growing to be quite the physical girl, always eager to dote on her siblings with open displays of affection, she had never been particularly interested in fighting. But she knew she ought to learn. Her father would want no less of his children than to know how to defend their home, and their family. She would endure the pain, and she would train willingly and with great enthusiasm, whenever she could muster it.

And this was certainly a good look at what was in store for her. A fierce side of her began to show, especially as she mirrored Kyarst's growl with one of her own. She felt her fangs sink into his paw, though did not bite so roughly that he might bleed. In reaction, he leaned down and took hold of her scruff, causing her growl to grow significantly louder. Her instinct was to shake her head, and try to slip from his grasp, but as she began to whip her head about, she realized it was far too painful and detrimental. She knew she would grow exhausted doing this for long.

She could only think of one option. Her jaws unhinged, moving to grasp his lower limb, letting her teeth sink just slightly into his flesh. Her own tail lashed out behind her, aiming to keep her upright and steady on her paws, despite the pressure of Kyarst's jaws around her scruff.

Round : 3 / 3

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.



2 Years
04-10-2014, 07:46 PM

Success! His fangs wrapped around the flesh and fur of her scruff, holding tight but not so tight as to do her much harm. He wasn't, after all, trying to maim his half-sister. He held on, even as she thrashed about, almost chuckling because he knew she would do more damage than good. As he expected, she soon calmed and dropped her head down, tugging his own with it. Her fangs wrapped around his (left? not sure.) front leg between the ankle and the elbow. He winced but did not let loose a sound, and instead began to tighten his grip considerably upon Lysis' scruff. He hoped to draw just a bit of blood, enough to make her realize that he was in control, and not the other way around.

- 3/3, end spar


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.

The Judge


04-12-2014, 08:36 AM

Kyarst v Lysis for Training/spar

Round 1

8 for clarity- -2, how did she try to push him down eg- by ramming into him?

10 for powerplaying. None seen

2 for defenses. +1 for each given

5 for attack. +3 for trying to grab shoulder. +2 for trying to push him to the ground.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Lysis Total: 35/50


10 for clarity- Easy to read

10 for powerplaying. None found

3 for defenses. +1 for each found

3 for attack. Attempting to nip/ rake his teeth along her muzzle

9 for injuries.Small nip on shoulder

Round one Kyarst Total: 35/50

Round 2


8 for clarity- Which forepaw did she try to get?

10 for powerplaying. none found

2 for defenses. +1 for each one seen

2 for attack. +1 for trying to hold further on his shoulder +1 for aiming to nip

9 for injuries. minor

Round two Lysis Total: 31/50


10 for clarity- clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

2 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack. +3 for trying to bite down on scruff

9 for injuries. NIp to paw.

Round two Kyarst Total: 34/50

Round 3

8 for clarity- Which limb did she try to grab? left or right.

10 for powerplaying. clear

1 for defenses. +1 for using tail for balance.

3 for attack. +3 for aiming to bite his Limb

7 for injuries. -3 Hold on scruff

Round three Lysis Total: 29/50


10 for clarity- Easy to read

10 for powerplaying. none seen

0 for defenses. None stated.

4 for attack. +1 for staying hold of scruff. +3 for attempting to control wolf

7 for injuries. -3 for bite to limb

Round three Kyarst Total: 31/50


Lysis: 95/150

Kyarst: 100/150

And the winner is...

Kyarst! Lysis must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Lysis- Small nip on muzzle, will take a few days to heal. Firm bite/hold on scruff will take 4 ooc days to heal.

Kyarst- Small bite to limb will take 1 ooc week to heal, bite to paw will take 3 ooc days. Small nip to shoulder will take 2 ooc days to heal


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Great fight Easy to read and follow, quick to judge!

For Nyx
I really enjoyed reading this, she didnt have much training and that showed! Some ic training is all thats needed for development

For Andy
Make sure to include at least a few defenses, in the last round i detected none! Great fight

- By [Luisiana]



3 Years
04-15-2014, 07:03 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 07:04 AM by Lysis.)

Despite the force of her jaws, clinging desperately to Kyarst's forelimb, he would not falter. Momentarily he grip would tighten, daring to be more aggressive than before. And yet Kyarst would follow in suit, his grip tightening. Briefly she would shake her head from side to side, trying to break free -- but ultimately, she decided that he had won, and trying to rip free from his grasp would do more damage than anything.

"You win," she admitted carefully, pulling away from him as soon as he released her from his grasp. The girl was still panting quite heavily, chest heaving with excitement and adrenaline. She was sore, and surely her scruff would be bruised and tender for a few days --- but he would be sore just the same. A devious smile toyed at her lips as she watched him, her breathing slowly leveling to a more even beat. "You were just lucky." It was all in jest, and the sparkle in her eyes told him that -- but she couldn't help but feel determined to train to best him in the future.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.



2 Years
04-15-2014, 08:44 PM

He would have been lying if he'd said that her jaws didn't hurt as they dug into his flesh, but they didn't hurt enough to make him give up his vantage point. He loved the thrill of controlling her, of having all that power over her. It sent his blood racing through his veins, coursing alongside adrenaline and pure thrill. As soon as she admitted he'd won he released his hold, relishing for a moment in the metallic taste of her blood. She panted, and he did as well, his sides heaving as he felt oxygen enter his lungs once more. Admittedly he'd forgotten to breathe for most of the fight - and his lung condition didn't help the situation. For a moment he sputtered and coughed, but then regained himself and glanced in her direction. "That was skill.? he quipped with a mischievous smile. He took a step back to rock onto his haunches, but as he did so his paw smarted a bit. He lifted it precariously off of the earth and held it close to his chest, reaching down to lap at it twice with his tongue. Now that the adrenaline was fading, the pain was slowly kicking in. ?That was fun,? he commented idly between grooming his paw, leg, and shoulder which were stained with just a faint amount of blood.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
04-19-2014, 07:22 AM

Kyarst was likely her closest friend, other than Drashiel. They were both so different, and yet painfully similar in some ways. It seemed the Armadas all were similar in demeanor in a general sense, and that was why it was so easy to spend time with her family.

Her panting slowed as she reeled away from him, beginning to feel a dull pain in her scruff from where Kyarst had held her. A slight sting was present on her muzzle as well, though there was no visible blood on her ivory pelt. Of course, that didn't stop an ache from beginning to form. A slight smirk played at her features at his declaration that his skill had won their fight. It was likely -- but certainly not something she would ever admit. "We'll have to do it again," she suggested. Perhaps after she had been given some formal training, or practice against someone other than him.

"I think a nap is in order now, though," she offered with a gentle giggle. Perhaps Kyarst would join her? Her father had grown rather scarce as of late, and she would not deny that she missed the physical company of another. And who better than her half-brother to join her in an afternoon nap? "You ought to join me."

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.