
The Kingsroad


03-23-2014, 02:08 PM

The struggled between common sense and her desire for trouble stirred as she found herself at the edge of a forest she wanted to walk through but could not because of the pack border scents that rang through her nose. Her common sense was not doing so well in the argument though it did point out all the right reasons for a normal wolf not to cross. Kaneyna was no normal wolf and she was not swayed with excuses like force claiming or anything 'silly' like that. Still, she was unsure she wanted to risk trying to win a fight that she might not be able to conquer. Her will for adventure argued she was not a wolf to be contained and controlled with social laws like borders.

What an issue for her. "Damnit." She cursed under her breathe with her eyes narrowed. She would solve this once she got a look at an alpha or a wolf from the pack. If she had even a doubt about taking them down she would locate elsewhere. Who knew, maybe this pack was even though enough for her. She raised her stormy gray muzzle to the sky and let out a howl for the alpha or alphaess, whichever happened to rule the lands for the time being. No doubt, in time, Kaneyna could change that too. But first that would take training and mental preparation. If she were to join this pack she would not be so ignorant as to try and take the lead of the pack. no, she would go elsewhere if she ever felt the desire to take a throne for her children to inherit... well, that was if she ever had children.

Kaneyna was little more than a child still, but she had never lost a fight so she could add that to her list of accomplishments. Either way, alacrity seemed to flow through her veins for the time being. A small smile crept it's way into the sly part of her mind as she stood there, just outside the pack territory, as she waited for the ruler of the lands. Fake it until you make it.


03-23-2014, 02:45 PM

It was music to her ears. The sound beckoned her like a drug. Ivory legs pulled her from her place of rest and into an easy lope. A stranger had come knocking at her door, and by all means, she would answer. The Monarch would slow just before reaching the border, picking a quiet walk. Shoulders rolled with each step as power radiated her behemoth form. Tail would slowly curl at her hocks, crown lifting, coral pools searching for the caller.

Eyes would land on a spend fae, shorter than herself. A dark pelt and amber eyes bright like fire. A devious grin would pull at her lips as she slide from the mist of her home. "Welcome to Elysium dear, care to join us?"

The silver Queen in a particularly good mood, for the time being as she stood before the woman. Eyes would slide over the strangers frame, sizing her up. She could only hope that this woman wished to join her ranks and would prove herself worthy.


03-23-2014, 02:55 PM

It was not long before the calls for an alpha were answered. In truth, it had shocked her that the answer was so quick. When she arrived she seemed to be extremely happy and more than willing to accept a complete stranger into her home. Suspicions caught her mind as she narrowed her eyes slightly. "I do not make decisions until I know the facts there ma'am." She said with the utmost respect for the woman she assumed to rule the forest. The forest was part of the kingsroad, as the was the rest of the lands in the area. That was how Kaneyna say the land. It was a road, and judging from the borders, it was the road less traveled by. She thought carefully about what else there was to say. Perhaps she could question the female about the pack that she was considering entering the ranks to. The questions could roll off of her tongue but she held them back. Was this a pack of violence and war? If so, that was one tally in her wish to join. If it was not then perhaps it would be better to not join this pack and find a more violent one. Kaneyna had a strange way of thinking.

"Forgive my suspicions, it's just that you do not know anything about me, yet you seem all too eager to accept me." That was how it had appeared to the woman. Her stormy gray fur ruffled slightly in the breezes that swept past every so often. Her amber eyes held uncertainty as to what would happen exactly. She examined the female's stature and muscle composition. With thick fur it was often hard to tell how much muscle was there, but it seemed there was a descent amount at the very least. She was a large and sturdy woman. She would be a proper opponent, but Kaneyna didn't necessarily like to play fair and so she eliminated the option of a fight. She didn't feel like she could beat this one for certain so she would not try... yet. Perhaps one day they could do a friendly spar.


03-23-2014, 03:03 PM

Suspicion. It screamed behind the woman's words. A bitter bark of laughter would roll from her tongue as her smile spilled away. This one meant business. She had mistaken her good mood for one of eagerness. Soon enough she would learn.

"My dear, do not mistake my good mood for one of eagerness. Good moods are hard to come by. I rule a Kingdom of warriors and killers. My members train rigorously, there is no room for weakness, nor will it be tolerated. My numbers are small, but they are growing."

A brief warning would be subtly given to the stranger. It was not often someone caught her in a good mood. Her pack was still not well known, and she'd be disappointed to see this one go if she did not seek a home amongst the ruthless.

"So tell me, what brings you to my borders? Elysium still waits in the shadows, unknown to many." Haunches would fold beneath her, plume curling around to rest on her toes. The dark woman did not appear to be foolish enough to attack, especially an Alpha within her own home.


03-23-2014, 03:14 PM

The smile crossed her muzzle at a distinct word that separated the pack from the rest she had run into. Killers. That was all she needed to know in order to make her decision. The rest of the words were just icing on the cake. "My apology ma'am. I believe that is all I need to know to make my decision however. You see, I tend to have a passion for violence and the taste of blood. Call it a habit if you will." She offered to the woman when she was asked why she was at the borders. It was either a new pack of a well hidden one if it was unknown to the general masses like Kaneyna had just been told. She thought about the pack and how it seemed to be just the right match for her. If they trained vigorously like she had been told then no doubt she would get to fight often.

The kingsroad was a great place to find challengers and packs alike. Although Kaneyna was happy that she had stumbled upon this particular pack. "Would your pack, Elysium, have room for one more killer who is rather well trained?" She asked in curiosity to the female. The alphaess of the pack.


03-23-2014, 03:23 PM

It was gratifying to meet another that was so fond of the taste of blood, that it was addictive to them just as it was to her. Silvery features would twist, wickedness would gleam in her eyes. This one would fit right in with the rest. Ages varied within her pack, but everyones intentions were clear. Either they sought some sort of revenge and wanted her guidance to fulfill it, or their addiction to blood drove them from other packs and straight into hers.

"So long as you don't bring trouble home with you, Elysium always has room for more."

She would make it clear from the beginning that she did not want trouble from other packs. Yet. The Monarch was not one to put her neck on the line for those who cause trouble. There were very few that had earned her loyalty enough for her to do so.

"Do as you please, but know the rules well. I will not go to war with another pack over a mistake you made."

The Queen would rise, this woman had been accepted into her ranks. She would see that this woman thrived, just as the rest. "Welcome. I'm Cataleya by the way." She would step back, allowing the woman to cross the borders into her new home. And with that, she herself would turn, leaving the woman to do as she pleased.

-exit Cat, unless Kaneyna has any questions-


03-23-2014, 03:38 PM

No trouble was to be brought with her? That would be simple enough and Kaneyna gave a small nod to her new alpha as she was accepted into the pack. "That will not be an issue, all of my troubles are in the eternal slumber we call death." She said to the queen as she crossed the border into the forest. It was time for the training to begin. She would be one of the finest killers in the land once she did a bit of a catch-up with what the locals were like challenge wise. She grinned and gave a little snort as she ran through the forest to get a taste of her new home. It was hers.

-Short exit-