
Hardened Heart


03-23-2014, 01:22 PM

It had been a sleepless night. She had been restless. Creamy limbs pulled her up to the cliffs, returning to her new found favorite place. She had been mostly alone. Even though she had run into Odette and her father, she still felt alone. Aeron had vanished shortly after. Everyone was leaving, disappearing from her life. Her brother had not returned, even her nieces and nephews had been missing. Sadness pulled at her heart, pulling a sigh from her lips.

Desperately she wanted a place to belong. A place to call home. A place where she could be happy. Every day that she spent alone, her fathers offer sounded better and better. She didn't know what the man was offering, but it was more than anyone else was offering.

Russet bodice would move across the grass, the moonlight dancing across her pelt, making it come live. Hips swayed as she weaved a path towards the cliff. Plume curled delicately at her hocks. The cool sea breeze played in her fur, ruffling it gently. Slowly, her crown would lift, lips pulling together to form a O. Her melody would flow, calling to no one but the moon. As she ended her song, haunches would fall, pressing into the soft grass. Verdant gems would stare out at the waters below, looking at nothing specific other than the vastness, the endless possibilities, and yet, it was so out of reach.