
Intentionally Lost



2 Years
03-23-2014, 01:01 PM
The pup had meandered away from the den near the waterfalls, wandering further and further away from his family. He was sure they would come looking - and probably rather quickly, but he was nearly a couple of months old now, and his legs were beginning to stretch out a bit. No longer as rolly, and neither were his eyes blue, but the cherry red that would stick with him for the rest of his life. Vivek showed signs of growing up to be a rather large brute as well - because even as a puppy his feet and ears were just a little bigger than your average pup's, and it made him clumsy, but whispered of the future where he would be quite the behemoth.

His wandering would not be at all streamlined, he zigzagged from here to there just exploring. Nosing at plants and getting distracted with the little animals that got away far too quickly for him to really find out what they were. Finally, his eyes would land on something that seemed to move slow enough for him to chase - a butterfly - and he would follow it's trail for a while. The monarch was lovely, but he really just liked it because it was a similar color to him. There didn't seem to be any wolves that were pretty reds like he and his family, and for that he felt a little surge of pride in them. They were different than anyone else, and he liked the feeling of uniqueness from it.

Hestia and Arisu were family too of course, they were just a little less special in his childish mind.

The butterfly would lead him to the falls, pools of water littered a rather tall hill - and he would loose track of his insect to inspect the new place. These pools didn't seem hot, like the springs - but there was only one way to find out. He made a bee line for the nearest pool of water to splash in it - it was summer after all - anytime the sun was up it was hot.