
the hag of the swamp


10-26-2014, 12:44 PM

A giggle would escape her lips as long black legs pulled her through the swamps. She loved the swamps, Always had and always would. Maybe it was because she blended in so nicely here, maybe it was because she felt like she belonged here. In the end it was probably because everything was so freaking green here! Dainty paws squelched in the mud, suction cupping down as she pranced and padded though the sludge. It was so magical here!! "I think? I should become the old hag of the swamp. And live here and chase children our of my lands?" She said, speaking to herself as her butt plopped down with a squelch. Ew. Another giggle and her head would tip back, ruby red eyes fluttering closed as she drew in a deep breath. It was so nice here. She was glad to have finally joined a pack, to many have stability in her life but this place? Maybe she could make a pack here. Of rainbow wolves where they could come and live without being judged. And you know? Chase kids off their land.


Table by Namaste



2 Years
10-26-2014, 01:13 PM

The merle boy, now man would quickly scurry along with her, trying to keep up as she darts this way and that. He should have known that she'd pick a place with a swamp, she always seemed to want to go in the most revolting places she could think of. Not very ladylike, hmm? Novaro didn't really care, infact he loved going in the swamps, though no where near as much as she did. He would waste no time in putting his large paws into the squelch, groomed pelt getting dirty and merle fur turning more brown. A grin would play upon his lips, lifting a forepaw, swiping it against his cheeks as though he where in a tribe or heading out to war. " Is this our place to rule!?" His laughter would fill the silence that the swamp would bring. He would jump about, sinking and sinking further within the muck. He was atleast at his shoulders until stopping. " Deee!!! Dee!! i think im stuck! Save me!" Whether he was stuck he did not know, but it felt like his movements where limited. He should probably be acting more manly and brave towards the women. Ah, well.

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]


10-26-2014, 05:32 PM
She was blissful in the mud, the swamp clay sticking to the feathering on his legs as she flexed her hind paws and spread her toes, leaning back so they lifted off the ground and forepaws sunk in the ground. She was grinning when she heard the squelch of mud behind her, eyes fluttering open as she tipped her head as far back as possible to try and catch a glimpse of her dear Mr.Red as he approached. She would continue tipping her head back until her forepaws left the ground and she fell heavily onto her back with another wet squelching sound. Her breath left her lungs in a wish of laughter, fading into a giggle as she tipped her head back. No doubt she almost looked like a normal wolf not with most of the green of her body covered in mud. He was wearing mud like war paint and he looked quite dashing! "Oh but what amazing rulers we would be!"
She exclaimed, forepaws moving from where they had been curled into her chest to snapping wide and flinging sticky mud from her purple toes. Head tipped back to look at the sky and she was still giggling when he started panicking and calling for her. Immediately she would flip, moving so she was laying on her belly and red eyes focusing on him as she watched him slowly sink. For a moment she couldn't figure out if it was a game or not and she simply stare at him blinking. "I hate to say it man? But your fat. I mean. I can try..? But I don't think I can get you out. " She said, head tipping as she regarded his situation and slowly belly crawled her way closer to him before dropping her head on her paws and studying him.

"Talk here."



2 Years
10-26-2014, 05:48 PM

He would carefully watch her as she simply eyed his situation, She fell within the swamp- though she made it appear so natural, so happy she was when getting messy, most girls would want to look perfect. He would attempt to flex his toes and to wiggle his large form slightly, needing to know if it really was possible to get out. It was, though for now he didn't feel the need to tell Dione that. " what Irresponsible rulers we would be!" Truth be told, he could never see them being responsible and thinking of everyone elses well being. He would watch her as she neared closer, blinking as she did. His ears would pull back, a mock whimper leaving his ebony lips. " fat... FAT? my mother says i was just big boned and im beautiful just the way i am." He would sharply turn his head to the side in the hopes of looking shocked, though he did look rather fat if they where compared to eachother. He'd cough, before continueing. " Anyway, i've never heard you complain about it before, now help me you peasant, make sure not to bruise my booty in the process." He would wiggle his tail on cue then. She would soon find out he was no longer as stuck, he was certain.

OOC: Slacky post, im gonna head of to sleep<3

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]


11-04-2014, 12:47 AM

She would regard him as he wiggled, slowly army crawling closer towards him so that her hind legs would stretch out and then slowly starfish out. Head would flop on her paws as she watched him. Could he get out himself or did she really have to help him? "Uh yeah. But we would be AWESOME rulers!" She would state, leaning forward to try and boop him on the nose with one messy paw. He would exclaim that he was not fat and in fact big boned and she would roll herself backwards, cackling as she flopped on her side, obviously completely at home in the mud. Big boned? That still meant he was heavy. Her giggles would quell as she rolled back onto her belly and studied him curiously. "Your still heavy!" She would state though she couldn't keep a straight face. His next words shocked and appalled her. Or at least thats what she hoped her expression would say as she looked at him slack jawed. "EXCUSE ME!" She would say in a louder then normal tone as she stood and glared down at him despite the smirk that still tugged up the edges of her lips. Well. She didn't get to do this often. She would step over his head, dainty paws following the line of his spine before spinning and dropping her full (yet minuscule) weight on his back, skull flopping on top of his skull so her chin rested on the crown of his head. "Carry me. Peasant." She would mumble.


Table by Namaste



2 Years
11-04-2014, 01:58 PM

Oh, well perhaps she did fall for it

She did a few attempts of trying to push him out, al limbs flailing everywhere. He would not hide his cackle, head swinging hysterically into the air. Though what she did next caught him by surprise, she took advantage of his state to go and lay on down onto his back, feeling used or what? " Oh, Thanks for the help Di!"The sight of her jaw slacking was one worth watching, that attitude was more adorable then taken seriously. Ah well, the mud was beginning to isolate him and he really didn't like the feel of being 'trapped' so with enough huffs and sighs he would finally wiggle himself out, his blue fur now just a mucky brown in appearance. And just like that, the green nymph couldn't even reach the ground with her toes. Should he take advantage? Oh yeah! He hoped she would hold on tight, though with no warning he would leap into the air and sprint around in circles as he did, going this way and that, singing " Dancing through the swamp! on a one man open sleigh! He would sing on top of his lungs, he seemed like the sleigh right now, but whatever. " im big boned and im sure one day you'll love me for it" and after a few minutes of dancing all over the place, he would suddenly halt, panting like a dog who had been walking hours on end.

OOC: Had to right this out twice and now im to lazy to read through it for mistake, sorry<3

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]


11-04-2014, 03:46 PM

He would watch her, regard her as she screwed with him. She didn't really notice that he wasn't taking her seriously, barely took note of his wickid little grin as she walked along his spine and then flopped dramatically on his back. She cackled evilly as he thanked her, about to nibble on his ear when the ground beneath her began to tremble. For a moment she almost forgot she was laying on him and was about to panic when she began lifting from the ground. Woah. What? Oh yeah! A giggle would burst from her lips as she was lifted so one foreleg and one hind leg dangled on either side of Nova's back with her belly and chest pressed to his spine. For a moment she would swing her legs, Streatching her toes and enjoying the feel of floating. It was kinda magical. Until he darted forward. "REEEEDDDDD!!!" She would screech, forepaws flying forward in an attempt to wrap his neck in a hug of deach, hind paws turning in so dainty paws would press into his rib cage.

Eyes flew wide as she screamed out his name, her voice going up an octive every passing millisecond. And then it would cease, cutting off as she shoved her face into his neck. She didn't hear his singing over her own screams. And then it would all stop. So suddenly. He was breathing heaving and so was she. All of a sudden her leech like grip would release and her body would roll limply to the side. Her now rag doll body would hit the ground with a squelch of the mud and she would groan, rolling into her back and waving black muddy belly in submission. Long limbs would streatch and paw at him as she groaned. "What the hell Red... Definatly not how I imagined my first ride..." she would mumble before finally rolling into her belly and standing. Dear god. Somehow both fun and terrifying all at the same time.


Table by Namaste



2 Years
11-05-2014, 12:02 PM

She was screeching on top of her lungs, though he wasn't sure if it was out of fear or thrill. They where both covered through in mucky brown, there unique appearances almost vanishing. Still panting, his tongue would hang out freely from his open maw, momentarily forgetting that Dione was on top of his back. Though, he was soon made aware once she flopped down onto her side, rolling onto her belly as though she needed a long needed break. Was she ok? He would take a step towards her, cranium lowering down towards her and nudging her cheek. "always expect the unexpected!" He would chuckle, he liked her small form, it made him feel much taller then he really was. his lips would pull to form a grin, half hoping she wasn't going to have a heart attack next time. " Ill make it up to you ok! but that was fun!" He would aim to push a fore paw into her shoulder, as though to say ' hey that wasn't so bad' " So, are your parents tiny?"

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]


11-06-2014, 12:58 AM
Fear or thrill? She wasn?t really sure what she was feeling, all she knew was that her heart was hammering so loud she could almost not hear her own shrieks. She knew it was exhilarating, and damn later on she would look back and realize how much fun it was and want to do it like a billion more times. He would step towards her and she would force a smile, though most of her focus was on trying to slow her heart beat. He would taunt her, telling her to always expect the unexpected and after a moment she would snort, shaking herself out indignantly and sending a spatter of mud at him. Dick. ?Ha. Ha.? She would say the words rather then laugh as if mocking him though already the realization was beginning to dawn on her. Hot damn. That had been fun. He would promise to make it up to her, saying it was fun and a sly smile would slither across her lips as she turned it towards him. Yes. Fun. But now she got a favor out of it too? Uh. Yes! His massive paw would push into her shoulder and she would pretend his shoved much harder then it really was a flail useless to the side only to land in the muck again. ?My mom was but my dad was normal sized. Not as big as you. Freaking giant? But you know. Normal?? She said, lifting herself into a seated position before lifting herself into her bunny seated position, one paw curling into her chest and other paw lifting to indicate the vague height she remembered her dad being. ?Were both your parents giants?? She half asked and half accused as she dropped back so her forepaws were on the ground and her head tipped, peering at him scrupulously.

"Talk here."



2 Years
11-06-2014, 12:24 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2014, 12:25 PM by Novaro.)

They must go on more adventures in the future, just to have something fun to look forward to. A few minutes had go by and his breathing rate went back to normal, though his grin would stay plastered upon his inky lips. His ears would twitch at her sarcasm 'haha' though he was sure he would do the same thing. He would glide along as smoothly as he could across the swamp, tripping up a few times in the process, until finally reaching a rather large rock to go up upon. He would attempt to climb up upon it, though it was with great difficulty. With three tries along the way. He would wipe a paw above his brow, as though to say 'phew' before sitting nicely upon it, looking down on the even more smaller looking Dione. He would presume normal height was inbetween Novaro's and the green nymph, though he couldn't be certain. " Dione you know nothing about being normal." He would snort, look at there appearance for example! or the fact they find it fun to go swimming in mud. " But yes, they where both giants, my mothers just a few inches smaller then me. It runs in the family. He would chuckle, it really did though his little sister was abnormally small for the family genetics. " Hey di, this is our first romantic date!"

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]


11-08-2014, 05:22 PM

Ah yes adventures, it was in fact a brilliant idea for her love of adventures was really what drove her. He would comment on her knowledge of being normal and her jaw would unhinge,, faking mock horror before she considered it and giggled. Yeah. She knew shit all about normal! It probably didn?t help that she was green? She would close her mouth and giggle softly. He would carry on to detail his parents and how they were both giants. Ah shit. She was hoping that some normalcy ran in his family. Head would tip as she considered it before looking to him as he climbed his stupid rock. Their first romantic date? ?If this is a date how am I supposed to seduce you all the way up there?? She would ask, prancing after him to stand below his rock and grin evilly up at him. First date meant sex right?


Table by Namaste



2 Years
11-08-2014, 06:00 PM

He would look down upon her, a smile spreading on his lips at her next words. He could be a great king upon here, couldn't he? Though this wasn't exactly a nice place to claim as a home, or well- in diones case it is. He would jump down from the rock, going ahead towards her. They had known eachother for a while now, but there time together only seemed short. He would near closer to her small form then, before putting his large form against her petite one, Forelimbs pushing forwards to rest against the contours of her shoulders, jaws seeking to so tenderly hold the folds of her scruff. She was the one that offered, right? He would pause waiting to see if she disapproved before slowly merging forward and becoming one.

- Fade to Turqoise?-

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: G6jciao.png]


11-09-2014, 05:14 PM

She would smile slyly up at him, eyes glittering at she watched him look down at her and consider her words. Would he take her up on her offer? The blue man would hop down from the rock, bringing himself more to her level and yet still towering above her. She was motionless, red eyes following him in her sockets as she felt a brush of fur followed by warmth. Well that didn't take much convincing. He would lift himself onto her, forelimbs grasping her waist as jaws would grip her scruff. Neck would arch, tail flicking against his stomach and underside before she would lean back into him. She felt his hesitation, felt him waiting for permission and she would give it.

-fade to turquoise ;D-


Table by Namaste