


03-22-2014, 09:45 PM
Neika hesitated and whined in a quick, querulous tone as her prey, a simple hare rushed into its burrow. Despite the heat, the Fae knew she that needed sustenance to maintain her health and it wasn't exactly an easy feat. Steadily she paced around the grassy entrance a couple of times before lodging her head into the alcove of cool dirt. Her rump was ascended up in the air , where as her tail fanned from side to side. Finding this less amusing that she was annoyed due to her fickle nature. There was no training to help her, only her instinct.

Confidently Nei started to thrust her front paws in a digging fashion at the dirt trying to make the entrance of the burrow that much wider, anticipating an ability to follow her prey. She was tired of traveling, her poor paws were warm down and her stomach grimaced with disproving hunger. Her nose and ears would warn her of anything or anyone approaching. All she wanted to do now was to feast and rest her weary body within the cool rustling stalks of grass.


03-23-2014, 02:46 PM

Dry weather and tall grass went well together if you were small and fox colored. It was so easy to stalk though the grass and catch any mice or voles that weren't on their guard if you were down wind and were sure to stay low. "Learn, track, stalk, pounce, kill." Her old standby the lesson she knew so well that let her hunt anything she knew the scent of, or at least try to. Today she manged to snatch up three voles and a few small filed mice with those skills and found herself full enough to be happy. Of course she was always happy when she hunted but not always full. Hunting was her activity, something that let her be proud of her small swift frame and silent gate.

Silent was a key word when hunting and was the reason she was alone now. Alphonso was elsewhere doing his own hunting for insects. It was easier this way, they didn't give any extra scent in the air and Isabella could run at top speed without worry of a gecko falling off her back. She and Alphonso had agreed to re-meet in a day at a den close by so Isabella was in no hurry to move on so she took a moment to lay in the grass and groom herself to remove the blood of her meals. It was then she heard a whine and shot her head up. Standing right away she scented the air and caught scent of a female wolf. Waning to know if the wolf was friend or foe and if she should stay in this area or not.

Lowering her belly almost all the way to the ground she moved on with long strides moving her legs her full length before setting her paw down in the most ear place she could find to make as little noise as possible. The wind wasn't too much of a factor in the grass, all the better for her to move on. Stalking forward in this fashion she found herself positioned beside the white female who was small like her. Keeping her icy eyes on the stranger she saw her dig at a den. Isabella shook her head slowly, that was certainly not the best way to go after something in a den. Hoping to hep she emerged from the grass, wondering if the wolf knew of her presence yet or not after all she seemed observant of her surroundings. {COLOR=blue]"Excuse me miss, but there is a much better way to get at whatever is in there. I do not wish to help those who do not wish for help though so I shall leave the decision up to you."[/COLOR] the icy words fell from her tongue and though they could have sounded condescending she meant only to help.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."