
into hell's mouth we march



10 Years
03-31-2014, 10:25 AM

Thor was angry. That much was obvious, even to Kapras?us in his current state. Thor struck his hammer fiercely down against the earth, sending quakes through all the lands. The land itself began to roar, a product of his god's wrath, surely a punishment sent against him and all others. They were gentle at first, mere tremors beneath the earth's surface, but soon Thor's wrath grew stronger, disrupting his already faltering balance.

Earlier today, he had come across some rather tempting mushrooms. He could not help himself -- he'd consumed them quickly, and the effects had come just as suddenly. They caused a brilliant scene to spill across his vision, all of his senses heightened. More colors than he knew existed floated in the sky, taunting him, singing to him in voiced only he could hear. It was all so splendid -- until Thor made himself known. The roaring grew loud, almost unbearably so, and his legs threatened to give out beneath him.

He was already quite unbalanced; mushrooms often has that effect on creatures. His body swayed and he struggled to stay upright, but before long he found himself toppling over onto the ground. A hearty giggle escaped his lips, his tail thrashing about behind his incapacitated form. Oh Thor, what a temper he had! He could only hope his punishment would not be too great, for he could not begin to imagine what he was being punished for. Perhaps he was angry that he had not yet returned to his family. Or, even more likely, maybe he was condemning him for the dark love and need he had developed for his brother. Was Thor uncertain of his faith? Or was he seeing to punish all of the other non-believers?

It felt strangely like he was being targeted. Hastily he stumbled to all fours, only to be knocked down as quickly as he rose. The roaring grew louder, the earth quaking furiously and threatening to swallow him up. He did not know what was real and what was not -- but it all seemed so comical to him, in his crazed, slightly delirious state. Thor would show him mercy, he had to! He had always been a man of faith, he had always served him... it had been so long without a sacrifice of great importance though.. perhaps he was growing angry and impatient...

The ground itself seemed to cave in. He hardly had a moment to react before the solid earth turned to rubble, dirt flying around him as he fell. How long he fell, he was not sure. He felt his limbs coming in contact with dirt and rubble he felt so much pain. The moment seemed to never end, but after a long matter of minutes, it did. He was still, and a whine left his lips as he struggled to move. Everything hurt. The limbs he had once exercised full control over no longer seemed to want to work; he began to panic, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. All he could make out was a faint, glowing red in the distance, so brilliant in color he was certain it was a figment of his imagination.

It took a long moment for him to realize that his hind legs were covered in rocks and soil and who the hell knew what else. They weren't just covered, but pinned to the ground. Oh, he was certainly helpless. A cry of pain left his lips. Rarely did Kaprasius ask for help, but he knew he needed it now..


WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



6 Years
04-04-2014, 08:42 AM
Mariposa padded her way into the enterance of Hell's River, her beautiful Black pelt illuminating against the surroundings, but fitting in ever so perfectly in the dark worlds of her mind and Hell's River.

Mariposa reached Hell's River and stood tall, holding her head high. She closed her eyes and hummed softly in pleasure as the heat from the burning magma reached her pelt and made her skin warm. She bowed at Hell's River in great respects for the earth giving the Queen Of Darkness a beautiful sight for her eyes. Mariposa lifted her head, throwing it up in a howl. "Bow down to your Queen!" She said, throwing the words up into the dark air.