



03-20-2014, 02:53 PM

It was about time Alpine took more to exploring his new territory and less to the lands surrounding it. He had passed the borders plenty of times, but this time he cut a path through the territory, his steps quite across the sun baked earth. It wasn?t long before he found what he was looking for, the rich scent of life filling his sensors. He lowered himself to the ground, creeping forward until the prey was within his sights.

The lithe rabbit stood, cocked head attentive, besides the trunk of a tall tree. Powerful shoulder blades barely moved as the brute took another step forward, his eyes unblinking and his white pelt hidden by the shadows of the tree and folds of leaves just above him. He moved until the point where he would lose his cover, bunched his muscles and lunged, the frightened creature saw him in that moment, with eyes enormously huge it turned from him, but it was too late. He ended its life with a merciful bite against its neck, wrapping his jaws around it he gently carried the dead creature.

Beginning a light jog he moved away from the scene of the death and followed another scent trail, this one was heavy with the scent of a different kind of life. He stopped outside the den of the pregnant wolf, breathing softly he placed the dead creature outside and woofed gently to announce his presence, sitting on his rump behind his kill and waited.


Twig I


03-20-2014, 06:05 PM
She felt as though she has been pregnant forever, she had to be due within the next week and she certainly felt it. What she found odd however was her lack of girth, she had gotten quite a bit rounder after finding out and then she had quit growing. She had seen she wolves blow up like balloons before, yet her abdomen was still quite small comparatively. She hoped there was nothing wrong and that all she had to worry about was a small litter, and she certainly hoped for that too. The marked girl was napping lightly, trying to keep her strength up for when the big day did arrive. Though Jinxx had been doing an excellent job of feeding her she would be awoken by the grumbling of her stomach. As soon as she realized the source of the sound a gentle bark would alert her to someone outside who held a carcass. Curious as to who it was and what they had the cross marked girl would peek her lavender haze from beneath the den's entrance. Her eyes beholding the form of someone she did not know. Her ears would fall back against her skull, she'd done her best to avoid the wolves of Valhalla but it seemed their over-helpfulness would foil her plans again. "um, hello." she would stare, not trying to be impolite but it might have come across that way. "er, I'm Twig.. That wouldn't happen to be for me would it?" her gaze would move to the rabbit's body by his feet, the scent would drive her hunger crazy as she hoped he would say yes.?



03-20-2014, 06:18 PM

Alpine didn?t have to wait long until the source of the scent would make her way from her den and look from him to the carcass. He could almost see in her eyes the hunger, and well he sure she was getting feed regular a little extra would go a long way to her and the burden of pups she carried.
He chuckles warmly and pushed the carcass towards her with a soft movement of his paw.
?Hello Twig, that depends, think you could manage it all on your own? Then again, you?ve got help?
He teased her as he nodded his head towards her swollen stomach.

?I?m Alpine by the way, still new to the pack and learning her faces?
He explained to her, his tail swished lazily behind him as he waited for the hungry, pregnant wolf to make a move towards her kill.
?Do you want any company? I can?t imagine you get the chance to be out and about much anymore?

Ooc: Sorry for short posts shortness


Twig I


03-20-2014, 06:50 PM
He was certainly correct in assuming that she was well fed, Jinxx made sure of that every day. She was unsure where he might have been at that moment, having left her after she'd fallen to her nap. Slate backed audits would swivel as he let out an amused chuckle, the corners of her lips turning up as he nosed the meal towards her. He would ask if she could handle it, she didn't think it was that large of a rabbit but he would continue and jest about her additions within. She'd let herself slip a giggle at his humor, her acceptance of the pups within her having lessened her sensitivity about the subject. He would introduce himself then, allowing her his name and tellin her the time he'd spent in the pack so far. Surely she hadn't been confined there longer than he, she wasn't even sure she smelled of the pack yet. She wanted to tell him her story, because he had been kind enough to bring a complete stranger a nice meal. Still she felt a shyness and sense of privacy that she could not break. "I haven't been here long either, I'm staying with my brother while... While I'm with child." the scent of the rabbit was becoming quite irresistible, as he continued to speak she would start to drag it towards her. Normally she would have sent him on his way, she was still quite iffy around strangers. Something told her to let him stay though, he seemed rather interesting and he didn't seem to want to pry or be too overly helpful. "I wouldn't mind the company.." she would loom back up at him momentarily before letting her jaws start tearing at the rabbit's thin skin.?



03-20-2014, 07:52 PM

The snowy brute was pleased to see the smile light up the others expression after his joke. He was deeply respectful of mothers Queens they had been called where he had been raised, and thought very highly of and they became one of the most important wolves in the pack. He shifted in his seating, getting comfortable and set to stay for as long as she accepted his company.

When she told him a little of herself he got the faint sense of something not being quite right and wondered what had gone wrong in her life, why it was with her brother she stayed and no her partner.
He didn?t speak for a moment, allowing her to feel she could first devour her food. He waited even then, looking quite comfortable, willing to let her sate her hunger before he would start to converse again.
He took to admiring her strange colours and her pomegranate orbs. He wasn?t sure, but he thought also that for her scent of how far along she was did not quite match the fullness of her stomach and wondered if she was stressed.

He figured he had given her enough time to eat in peace and gently asked.
?Your brother, you two are close??
He couldn?t bring himself to pry after her mate, or the father of the children, feeling it could be a sensitive stomach, he would ask questions around and if she did not say he would not ask.


Twig I


03-20-2014, 10:58 PM
She would pay him little attention as he repositioned himself and became comfortable. His silence was rather comforting, she was able to eat in peace. She didn't have to worry about any small talk while satisfying her hunger. Focusing on her meal she would daintily consume the flesh held within. Taking the most nutritious of the organs first, she would slowly rip strips of muscle from the creatures bones. She would continue to slow her eating until Alpine spoke again. His question was of her relationship with Jinxx, his protective paw had led her here. Now she slept beside him like they once did when they were young. She would feel a slight smile as she thought of him, "Jinxx and I are very close." she didn't want to unload her whole life story on him, but she felt it was very few words to exchange to Simone who had just brought her breakfast. "We became separated for a time, after everything that happened in our homeland." she would scowl as she though of the day her mother had died. He'd killed her right on front of her, their at the time oldest brother. Once she'd come to Alacritia she found Pulsus, an older brother thought to be dead from birth. Her eyes would grow a bit misty, he would have to forgive her for not explaining further. "I'm glad he found me though, it feels much safer within a pack's borders."



03-21-2014, 01:07 AM

Alpine nodded his head in encouragement as she began to speak, explaining her relationship with her brother, how they had once been close. She told also that they had been separated, hinting that something that happened at the place they had grown up but not elaborating on what it had been and nor did he pry. She had made quick work on her prey and he decided he might be leaving a few more offerings at her door over the next few days, just until she fattened up a little. He knew the weight would help her bare the children, if she was too skinny for it, it would just be painful.

He watched also the expressions on her face, the scowl and the wistful mistiness and found himself wondering what had brought such expressions across her maw. He would mentally shrug it off, he was already committed to not prying. When she spoke of the safety with the pack he nodded, determination flaring in his silver-blue eyes
?I, and others of this pack, would never allow harm to come to you or your pups?
He promised her, nodding his head to her and to his promise.
?Do you have many reasons to smile, Twig??
It might have been a strange question to ask, but the kindness in his voice added a sincerity to it.


Twig I


03-21-2014, 07:57 AM
He was rather patient with her, he wasn't in a hurry to leave and he didn't seem to want to push into her past. Both of which were good qualities when speaking to the cross marked girl. He almost reminded her of the dual toned girl she had met not so long ago. She had been rather patient, and even though Twig was stubborn and didn't much like small talk the she we had been a slight comfort. Little did she know the woman also would reside in the family like pack. Her attentions on the mystery however would dissipate with Alpine's words. He would vow, just as Themisto had, that she was completely safe. That nothing would be happening to her or her children. His second question however would catch her off guard, she had very few reasons to let herself smile. Her first reason though, and it came rather quickly was her sunny gazed healer Themisto. He had an unimaginable knack for finding her during some of her darkest times and causing her to grin. He was good at chasing away her somber clouds, as she thought on very few other reasons would appear. She smiled at the thought of nursing her newborn children, though she was still not looking forward to their birth. Jinxx had the skill of finding her grin, but he had been as downtrodden as she. Though he tried to hide it from her she knew he was hurting as much as she was. "A couple that I can think of.." she would hesitate again, this was their first meeting she couldn't just shove her story upon him. "Life has been rather difficult for me recently." she wondered if he planned on going somewhere with his odd question. Was he leading up to some great revolution for her? It seemed more likely he was just curious, other than Jinxx she knew she has to be one of the few Valhallans that wasn't always smiling.?



03-21-2014, 02:12 PM

Alpine had asked his question, and watched in silence now, watching the expressions appear upon her face. Perhaps she was considering all her reasons to smile now, for he saw one now tugging at the end of her lips and felt a little pleased with himself to see it there.
He could see it in her, the hardships she had suffered. It was something about her posture that he couldn?t quite put his paw on, and the pain had been there in her eyes. Perhaps that was why he couldn?t just give her the kill and leave, he could not bear to see it there, he had to do something to push it away if even for a little while.

He wondered If her mate had died, it would explain a lot in her posture, perhaps the idea of baring his children without him had given her that solemnity. The other idea that drew its way to his mind didn?t bare thinking of, he could almost feel the rise of his anger like a living think at the thought of a brute forcing its way onto her. He shook his head quickly to clear, pushing it all down as she spoke now. She admitted that their where still reasons for her to smile, but that her life had been difficult of recent times.
He nodded his head to her softly, settling his grey orbs on her luminescent violets.
?I understand?
He said gently
?But it doesn?t need to be so here, it sounds to me like your beginning to find your friends here, and you can count me in as one of them?
Then, worried he had been to presumptuous he amended himself
?For as long as you?ll have me around?


Twig I


03-21-2014, 10:11 PM
It was hard to think that her pregnancy was almost over, it didn't seem like so long since she'd been attacked. It was still too easy to recall the morning not so long ago.. Not that she had any kind of wish to. She wanted to completely forget the day, to block all aspects of it from her life. But it had happened and she was carrying his children as a result. She would never be able to forget what happened to her. The moment would haunt her for the rest of her days, she just hoped Themisto would be there to shine a light on her ghosts. Alpine's movement would bring her bak to him, as his words would soon follow. Slate backed ears would swivel to listen as she pulled herself out of the den a bit more, allowing the sun to being its warmth to her aching spine. She would listen as he spoke of gathering her friends, and he would include himself in such a group. Adding on a phrase that would allow her to choose his place. "You seem very selfless, Alpine. I can respect that." she would offer him a genuine smile then, her lips turning up to show the slightest glimmer off her pearly teeth. "But some things are very hard to forget." she would add, addressing his words on life not being so hard. Maybe things would mellow since she joined the pack, still there were her memories that could not be forgotten. She didn't go a day without reliving her mother's death or when she'd been attacked. "Since I was young I've always aspired to be completely self sufficient. Only asking my kin for any kind of help. Since I've been here though it feels like every time I turn around I'm in need of someone else's help. It's been really hard to accept it all..." she felt like she couldn't owe anyone, that she should have been able to take care of herself. She just felt so weak. "I've felt kind of useless since coming here."



03-21-2014, 10:31 PM

Alpine would watch as she made her way a little further from the den, so the sun could glint of her off-white coat and catching in what seemed to him like large-sad orbs. He would bow his head to her next set of words and say
?I was raised politely is all? and wink at her, as was the manner of his peculiar humor. He enjoyed the smile that sometimes fluttered delicately against her features, and would smile until her next words. He became more solemn again after that, nodding his head in acknowledgment
?Very true?
He agreed softly, after all he had vowed never to forgive himself for his part in his brother?s death. Determined not to get lost in the past himself he would fix his eyes back on her again and tilt his head in the manner of someone listening to show she had his full attention. He was partly surprised at her need to do things herself, and partly not. After all, he could see that faded hint of fire in her nature, pushed down by the weight of whatever had happened to her.

?You wouldn?t be the first pregnant fae to wish they could do more. But don?t consider it done just for you, it?s done for those who you carry. As part of this pack, temporary or permanent it is our jobs and our pride to care for the future generations. I don?t think you?re helpless, far from it, you?re just busy in the midst of doing something remarkable right now.?
He said, nodding towards her swollen belly once more.


Twig I


03-22-2014, 06:11 PM

It was oddly nice to sit and converse with someone, she found herself smiling a decent amount. She had to admit that it was a welcome change to finding herself weeping most of her time. The unpleasantness she would regularly experience was something she knew she could do without, she had to pick herself up before they were born. She had to change her attitude before they were welcomed into the earth, she knew how much her emotions could effect their well being. Really all the stress she'd been under had to have been effecting her children somehow, it couldn't be good for them or her. Still, she couldn't shake the memories and the feelings that had her all twisted up inside. Though she would be pulled back to the present as Alpine was able to give her advice. He seemed right, it was a good excuse to believe, even if it was only fooling herself. She knew she wouldn't be able to do as much while pregnant, but she had meant since being in Alacritis all together. She'd been getting into a lot of trouble since much before her attack. "Again, you have a very valid point, sire Alpine. Once I've rid myself of their added weight I'll be able to fend for myself again." Maybe she hadn't been able to defend against her attacker in the first place what made her think she would be able to stand up for herself afterwards.

I can talk!



03-22-2014, 09:46 PM

Welll he was still respectful of her space he moved forward, moving to nudge his nose gently against the fur of her shoulder. There had been something there in her eyes and he wondered if she believed her own words as she spoke of being free of their weight and fending for herself again. When he looked up he was surprised to see the progress the sun had made agianst the outline of the blue sky and knew the day had been progressing around them. He was enjoying their conversation, and his attempts to banish her aura of sadness. He moved off his rump to stratch out his back before he would speak again.
?I guess I just dont want you to forget, no matter how bleak things might seem at any time that you have friends here?
He said softly, anoter, almost sheepesh smile making its way to his maw. He wasn't normally one for speeched but realised he had been giving some to her.

Ooc: Im struggling to write something here at the moment, can you think of anything that could happen? :)


Twig I


03-23-2014, 11:57 AM
She would not expect it in the least but as Alpine moved to nudge her shoulder she realized how much she needed it. A comforting touch after surrounding herself with wicked thoughts would be welcomed. She almost found herself leaning into his touch but she had to keep herself proper. The only wolf she allowed herself to return affection to was Themisto, all others were her immediate family. She would crave the sunny gazed healers presence in that moment, his impossibly soft touch and kind words. Alpine would do his best however, and Twig would find herself appreciating him for it. As he moved away from her again he would offer more of his rather comforting advice. She wasn't sure she would ever be able to forget, since every wolf she'd met in Valhalla was more than eager to help her along. Not that she felt she would ever look for help, but friendship would always be here if she wished to seek it out. "I don't think I'll ever forget this bunch of wolves." her words were good natured, but held the slightest bit of humor.?

Her gaze would follow his as she looked into the blue of the sky, the suns warm heat would continue its massage of her joints. Still she would not be completely pain free but it was obvious the heat was soothing her body. She would feel her eyes half close as she let the contentment wash over her, none of the previous thoughts of horror would plague her. Her belly was full and she had someone who cared about her well being beside her. As she let herself give off a sigh of peace something would throw her body into convulsions. She would gasp as a sharp pain would radiate from her spine, her body would curl as the pain overtook her. Breathing heavily she would pant as it slowly subsided, unsure what had just happened to her. Twig would look back to Alpine, fear again evident in her royal purple eyes.?



03-23-2014, 07:40 PM

Alpine felt nothing but warmth and love for the pack he had chosen. He knew it would be hard to beat a pack like Valhalla, with its loving and closely-knit wolves. He knew he would not have been the first to offer his comfort to Twig, and well her pride might possibly have made all the help hard to swallow the sincerity of those who gave it must have at least helped. Despite it all he liked the spirit he saw in Twig, it stood out in her despite her sadness and whatever difficulties she had lately been forced to over come. He could see that independence within her that might have made it difficult to join with a pack if even for a little while. He found himself wondering, that if she left the pack, where she would go and if she would be alright. He would shake his worries free with a mental shrug, he knew her strength would see her through and they could only offer what little help she would accept.

He too sat in silence for a little while, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the peaceful quite of the friendly company. The sudden gasp of pain jolted through his body like adrenaline as this gentle fae went from peaceful to agony and seemed to curl up around herself protectively, he watched in a moment of frozen helplessness as it seemed to wave over her and pass, and her wide purple eyes would look into his with fear. He swallowed, looking her over with careful eyes. How he wished he had looked into healing already like he kept promising himself he would. He wished he knew what to do as he looked into those fearful eyes.
He folded away his fear and seemed to draw calm into himself it would do no good to look fearful himself, he would have to comfort her. He reached forward slowly, allowing her to tell him not to and give himself a chance to pull away. If she offered no protest her would, with the most gentlest movement he could muster touch his nose to her pelt and take in a deep breath in an attempt to scent blood or wrongness in her. With the crisp scent of warmth and hormones he did not think he could. Although his knowledge was so rudimentary he could easily be mistaken.
?Was that a convulsion? Do you need me to fetch someone??
He asked in gentle tones.
