
Stand in the Rain

Lyric I


4 Years
03-20-2014, 08:33 AM
The moor was hilly, but the grass just rolled on and on. The land itself never grew anything higher than her hip or so, and so from where she stood atop a good sized hill, she felt she could see for miles. The summer sun had dried out much of the grass and shrubbery that grew here, leaving gold and red plants beneath her feet to mix along with the few stalks of green. It was different than the tall grassy plains at home, and the woman found that she could appreciate it. The only problem was - that there probably weren't many herbs here for her to collect. Nothing to pick and prod and experiment with, she had come all this way to either keep going or to turn back.

For now, in the pale light of a cloudy noontime sky, she would take a moment to stop and rest - she had been traveling for an hour or two at least, and regardless of the stretch being rather nice, she didn't want to tire herself out. With a yawn, the healer would settle where she stood, laying down rather neatly and enjoying the break in the weather. It was somewhat windy, and the air smelled of moisture - but honestly, Lyric looked forward to the rain. Of course, shortly after it fell it would dry up again - but that wouldn't take away from the experience, she was sure.


03-20-2014, 04:41 PM

For as many problems as the summer gave it gave solutions. Prey was just as hard to find in the heat for everything sought water and shade. No creature was in the open or at least no creature that had scence. In the dry land it was easy to smell any moisture and predict the rain. That's what Isabella was up to for the moment, trying to find some rain and enjoy its coolness. Following her nose lead her to the moor and even it seemed relatively dry. Pausing she could see a wolf in the distance atop a hill, probably one of the largest in the area. There wasn't much hiding form the wolf, a white female. Even if her foxy color and dry grass went well together the grass wasn't tall enough to hide in.

Not liking the fact the female had a good advantage Isabella approached to determine the personality of this stranger. She did not want to feel like a prey-thing in the eyes of this other wolf. Approaching boldly from the front Isabella walked on in her typical dominate yet non-aggressive manor. Stopping a few body lengths from the hill she looked to the female. "It seems you have the best vantage point in this area." She stated in her blunt and empty fashion as she looked over the female before settling on her bi-colored eyes. "Ah, pardon me for speaking before introducing myself. I am Isabella VentFlurrer. It seems I am not the only one after the smell of rain, unless of course you are here by chance." That was enough of an introduction and greeting, falling silent she waited for the woman to respond as she prepared to react just in case. Being so close to the bottom of the small hill meant the woman would not have as much of a speed advantage as the hill would normally give should the woman prove to be unfriendly.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."

Lyric I


4 Years
03-27-2014, 01:47 PM
She hadn't been followed, no, the stranger wouldn't approach her from behind - but the front. The Valhallan would look down at the other from where she lay, wondering why she didn't climb up the hill and sit beside her if she wanted to enjoy the view as well. Her lips were pulled into a small smile, a kind expression for this woman who she had seen coming from her place atop the grassy hill. Although admittedly she had almost missed her, as her gaze was on the sky and not the ground below - by the time she had spoken, she had Lyric's complete undivided attention. "Hello there - I'm Lyric - I thought the rain would be a good way to cool off." She would respond, her voice friendly despite the other female's blunt tone. It didn't seem to bother her - Lyric was a stranger to her after all - not every lupine seemed to get along with or even respect those they didn't know. In comparison, Isabella was mannerly and had even taken a moment to introduce herself. "Would you like to wait for the storm with me?" The lady would ask, her tail wagging as she did - she always enjoyed company.



03-27-2014, 06:33 PM


So, the woman was very friendly, she supposed that was for the best. Maybe she was a little overly friendly for Isabella's taste but it was better than being aggressive. She even gave her name, Lyric a rather pretty name. At the invitation Isabella nodded a moment, though she did not smile she did her best to look friendly. "Thank you, it is a good place to wait for the rain. I hope it shall be bountiful, or at the very least cool." Cautiously she moved up to the hill beside the female, moving slow as to not make her uncomfortable and to ensure some space between them. Not sure what to say Isabella fell silent finding the lull in conversation a tad awkward, but then she was always awkward around more social wolves, she never really knew how to interact with them.

"My words are for all."[I]"My thoughts are not."[/B]

Lyric I


4 Years
04-15-2014, 04:24 AM
The other female was polite, which was just fine with Lyric. The young woman didn't hold her to any expectations - Isabella was just fine the way that she was. She would quietly watch her make her way up the hill, only breaking the silence to nod at the other's statement. "Yes - my thoughts exactly miss - this heat has been the harshest I've been in yet." During her first couple of summers, she had either been young or been traveling - and being in the south west wasn't something that she really had to deal with. "I hope you have been keeping out of the heat." She would say, not wanting her new acquaintance to run into diffulties because of the season.

"You don't seem to be part of a pack, do you do much traveling?"She was curious about this mystery woman - she was polite, but didn't seem too happy about anything in particular. She wasn't a part of a pack and didn't seem to smell of anything in particular. Just a lupine looking for a good spot to feel the rain - rain that could start at any moment. The Valhallan would blink, staring at her muzzle as the first drop of rain that she had felt all day fell on her face. Her tail gave a good sweep behind her, and resisted the urge to pant in front of miss Issy. It was just so humid!


04-20-2014, 01:26 PM

Settling own in a sitting position Isabella nodded to Lyric. "For the most part yes, it is hard to find water but when it is the air is always better around it. The best place is the caves they are always cool and dark. A good place to do some thinking or sleep if one is comfortable enough. Though considering their value at the moment others are bound to seek them out." Caves were indeed good this time of year but not very solitary meaning they may not be all that safe.

At the next question Isabella nodded before looking to the sky as the first drops found their way to the ground. Silently she thanked both the rain the the Spirit of the Ocean before answering the question. "Yes, since my first year I left my home pack and wandered wherever my paws would take me. Every now and then I would settle in a place but mostly i would be on the move. The more walking I did the more I was able to do so long distance travailing became both easy and fun. There was another pack at one point but the members just went their separate ways. This land is a vast one, I can travel all I like here yet have a few places to return to for a sense of home."

Home wasn't something she had many fond ties with yet it was nice to have a place to sleep each night. Still it was more fun to roam, to have no limits and to travel all she wished to. It was hard for her to imagine a sedentary lifestyle.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."