
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder


03-19-2014, 08:31 PM

The trees looked like bones here, reaching their skeletal arms into the sky. The silence was eerie. Hyperion stepped carefully through the scene, holding his aged body reverently. He knew that this territory was sacred ground, but his gentle steps had brought him here many times in his life. He always entered this place with respect. It was a place for thought and silent relaxation.

His muscles were old but strong, and they brought him to the edge of the pool. He stared in wonder at the runes etched in stone. One rune always stood out to him. It's curved shape reminded him of a bird. His mind was captured by it, and he wondered - not for the first time - what the rune meant.

Lost in thought, Hyperion lifted a paw and rested it over his special rune. He closed his golden eyes and sighed into the silence. After a moment he returned his paw to the earth and stepped gingerly into the glimmering spring. He didn't lower his body into the water. He simply stood there, his gaze trained on the clear blue water.

The dark male leaned down and lapped up a bit of the water, just to taste it. He waited in the silence for something, anything. Maybe nothing would happen. Maybe no one would come. It wouldn't be the first time he'd been alone with his thoughts.

The aged black male remained in the spring, his burnt golden eyes trained on something in the distance.



03-20-2014, 09:27 AM

Loneliness, it wasn't something Isabella felt recently since Alphonso was with her. Though a wolf such as her rather liked the feeling of loneliness it gave her she was alone for the better part of her life and it was a feeling she was more than used to. Not that she minded Alphonso, sometimes she just needed to wander on her own. Alphonso understood this perhaps better than the fox colored female did and never minded the times he was left alone so long as it was some place warm. That wasn't a big challenge this summer but Isabella knew he loved the south and the sands whiten the region so she traveled to the area for her friend and found a more suitable place to leave him. Thought the gecko was small he was a hunter in his own right and could more than look after himself when left alone something he had to remind Isabella of as she departed from him to wander the lands of the south.

Wandering was a sort of hobby of hers, if the seemingly emotionless female would admit to a hobby that is. Wandering and exploring made her think of when she first left home to keep to her own beliefs. It still felt awful, that kill she was forced to make but talking to another about it helped or at least it did long after the conversation. Wandering also let her learn more of the land and the secrets is held and that even she would admit to being happy about. Learning was a passion she had, more so than hunting and that drive to learn and the curiosity she held within lead her to investigate odd white trees. She wondered if the things were even still alive as they stood, they did seem rather stable. Weaving deeper into the trees she walked with grace and control making sure each step would carry her proudly and lead to no show of weakness or sloppiness.

Following the trees to see if there was a path or rhyme or reason among them Isabella stopped as she heard the not too distant sound of water being lapped up. Turning her head her icy blue optics looked though the skeletal trees to see an odd structure some ruins that reminded of her of the wall in the north. "More human things? I do wonder how those creatures lived maybe I can learn something there, maybe whoever is there knows more about them." The thought ran though her mind as she changed her path to the shrine. As she got close she lifted her nose to catch scent of whoever was there. It was another wolf for certain, male and not one of a pack. Isabella knew to be cautious on this approach as she always was.

Moving around the ruins she found a place where she could look within and sot the male standing in a pool of water. There was no way he would not notice her, she had made the mistake of walking right into his line of sight, something for which she cursed herself in her mind for. There was no need to be stealthy now, moving closer she stood in the structure about three body lengths away from the male and looked him over. He was an older male no doubt older than her and of course larger. Though no stranger was to be trusted, Isabella held respect in high regard and elders were always to be respected. Dipping her head she relaxed a bit before meeting his golden eyes. "Greetings Elder, I am sorry to have disturbed you so suddenly but my curiosity has made a fool of me to walk in front of you so. I am Isabella VentFlurrer,a loner of these lands. If you wish me to leave you to yourself I shall." Though there was her trademark emptiness in the words that passed over her tongue they were well thought out words meant to hold the respect that was easily visible in her eyes.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


03-20-2014, 10:48 AM

His golden eyes caught movement, sending a small surge of hope into his heart. How was it that whenever he felt lonely, another wolf happened to stumble upon him? The gods must have held him in high favor. With a smile, the old brute watched a young female step into view. Her fur was bright and held the coloring of a fox, but her eyes were an icy blue. She seemed to hesitate as she realized her mistake, walking right into his line of vision. Luckily for her, Hyperion was a kind male. He nodded to her as she approached.

"No need to apologize, young lady. You aren't interrupting anything. My thoughts are far from my mind now." She introduced herself as Isabella, and she was a loner like him. "I wander these lands without a pack as well. The pleasure is mine, dear Isabella."

The aging male lowered his head once more, bowing in respect. As always, his highest respect was given to females. He tried to ignore the familiar color of her eyes as he spoke. "May I ask what brings you to this sacred place, miss?" Hyperion was only curious. He wanted to start a conversation with the girl. But he had other motives as well. He needed to talk to Isabella, to distract his mind from any thoughts of his lost mate. But those pale blue eyes... they were so familiar. It hurt to look at them for too long, but he knew it would be disrespectful to just look away. So he busied himself with exiting the shallow pool, keeping his golden eyes trained on the layers of runes.

This wouldn't happen to him again. It had been years. He had to get over Aurora's death eventually.



03-20-2014, 03:50 PM

Isabella felt glad that she did not catch the man on an important moment and that he did not mind her intrusion. He too was a loner and was very polite, greeting her kindly and bowing quite low. It had been so long since she had seen such behavior, not that other wolves were not as kind as the elder but not many acted in such a fine way. It made her smile for a moment or two and thought of how to best answer his question. She knew honesty was best but how to go about that would be the interesting part. The male looked at the pool as she thought, she didn't mind everything about this place was interesting and she knew she would get a good look at it herself.

"Well, I came to the South to bring friend of mine, a very small friend of mine, to a place he likes most. You see this friend is, well it may be hard to believe but this friend is a gecko and I was just bringing him to the sands. We are dear friends, but even the dearests of friends like and need time apart every now and then." It was true they drove each other crazy at times but that aside it was wonderful when the two of them were together. Even so they were not joined at the hip and time alone was good for both of their well beings.

It would be interesting to see the reaction of the male, now she understood why Alphonso loved to stay silent then say something to a wolf and see their own reactions. For a moment though she turned away from the male to observe the area they were in. "So this place is sacred?" Her eyes went back to the male, specifically the pool he was in. "Water such as that in a place such as this.... Yes it must be then, for even here water flows and all water is tied to the Ocean. I wonder though where this place came from, who built it and why?" Wondering if the man knew or not she looked to him also hoping she wasn't asking too many questions.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


03-20-2014, 11:33 PM

Hyperion's golden stare remained fixed on the mysterious runes as a moment of silence passed between the two strangers. Isabella seemed to consider his question. Then her blue gaze lifted to his. He met her eyes hesitantly, a slight frown on his face. He managed to distract himself, however, as her words entered the air. She had come here to bring her friend - a gecko - to the sands. Her words were sincere as she spoke of their friendship, and the male had to admit he felt a pang of jealousy. If only he had such a loyal companion. But he placed a smile on his maw and let himself be happy for Isabella.

"What a lovely story, miss. I am glad you have found such trust in another creature. And I don't find that strange at all, I assure you. Wolves aren't the only creatures, after all." His smile grew a bit as an airy laugh left his lips. Then he looked away again. He pretended to examine the white bark on the trees.

It was then that the female spoke again. This land was clearly unfamiliar to her, but Hyperion didn't claim to understand it either. So he told the young lady what he knew. "Yes, my lady, it is very sacred. At least it is to me. It's a place of serenity and relaxation, and never has it been disturbed by noise or violence. I suppose you could call it a sanctuary..." He blinked once and met her gaze.

"Yes, the water is my favorite part. It seems to hold healing qualities. Please, give it a try." Hyperion tilted his head in a welcoming gesture, stepping aside for the young lady. She could enjoy the water anyway she liked. Whether she simply touched it or drank it, he believed it could restore her inner peace. Maybe she didn't require such healing. He didn't know her story. And she didn't know his.

Those eyes... he winced and looked away, staring at the runes once more. He contemplated them as he answered her last question. Such a curious little maiden... I must admit that I don't have a clear answer to that question. This shrine is a mystery. But that, I believe, is the beauty of it all."



03-23-2014, 01:33 PM

The male seemed distracted by something. Perhaps he was just caught up in the ruins. After he spoke she nodded glad he understood. Many wolves would think her odd for such a partner, sometimes she still thought it odd after all yet he was even happy for the duo. Listening to his explanation she took her chance to look at the many ruins on the wall. Some seemed to be the same thing or at least tied together but there were those that stood out.

It was true the place had a stillness about it, that was both silent and peaceful. The trees around seemed to guard that peace not giving much of a chance of anything settling down here to fight or shed blood. "A sanctuary, yes it seems like just that." Sensing eyes on her she met his gaze once more as he spoke of the water. She was delighted that the water had healing properties, she had seen so many new areas of water in this land, the sea, the oasis, the hot springs, and now this. "Water and it's ways never cease to amaze me." She commented giving a grateful nod to the male as he moved aside. Walking forward she paused outside of the water to first observe it.

The surface was so clear and calming truly a gift from the sea. Lowering her head a moment she lapped up some of the water, it tasted strange as if heavy with minerals yet good. Nodding to herself she slowly entered the water. The pool was quite relaxing, she didn't know if it was the smell or the fact this gift was here but for a moment she smiled. That smile faded by the sudden wince of the male. Had she done something wrong? He didn't seem upset with her but was clearly bothered by something. As he gave his answer she nodded. "Curiosity is a gift I think, the urge to learn all there is to learn, something that can never fully be done but can give one joy." Indeed, it was fun to learn and would be something she would strive to do until she died. With hopes of learning what was wrong with the male she spoke. "Excuse me but...oh I have yet to know your name but, did I do something to offend you? You seem troubled. If so I apologize." Dipping her head she held it there a moment before lifting it hoping she did not upset her elder.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


03-23-2014, 02:36 PM

He smiled lightly as Isabella tasted the soothing waters. She seemed to notice the minerals in its depths. Then he watched carefully as she padded into the pool, standing close to offer help if she needed it. His eyes continued to avoid hers as she spoke. She seemed to agree that this wonderful place was a sanctuary, and at that he had to smile. He responded, keeping his eyes on the image of her reflection where it wavered in the still water. The liquid distorted the color of her eyes, making it easier for him to bear. "Yes, water truly is a gift, and we are lucky to have it during such hot weather."

Hyperion smiled down at Isabella's reflection, feeling ashamed that he was too weak to meet her gaze. He would deal with it eventually. "Curiosity, too, is a gift. I do believe that you're right about that. I have lived many years, but even I learn something new every day." His golden gaze tore away from the water and met her icy blue eyes evenly. "I'm sure I could learn a lot from you, my dear."

She seemed to frown, as if noticing the pain on his face. The young woman suddenly apologized for any offense, taking a bow of respect to her elder. He let out a breathless laugh. He couldn't believe her words. They reminded him of something obvious he had forgotten. "Oh, my lovely girl, can you ever forgive me? I've neglected to introduce myself. How foolish of me." The old brute let out a hearty laugh at his stupidity. "And how impolite of me as well. Miss Isabella, my name is Hyperion."

He gave another bow, though it was unnecessary now. He needed to comfort the young lady. It wasn't her fault he was being so weak. "Please don't apologize. You haven't done anything to hurt me. It's just that your eyes..." his warm voice trailed away for a moment. "They look so familiar to me. So much like Aurora's..."

"Aurora was my mate. She died while carrying our pups. Hopefully you can understand how difficult it is for me to be reminded." Hyperion felt his voice shake and he gave a sad smile as his explanation came to a close. He hoped the girl didn't feel responsible for his discomfort. She shouldn't.



03-26-2014, 04:47 PM

Though the male did still looked around she did not mind, she only listed as he spoke but did try to give somewhat of a smile as he me her eyes to show she was grateful and friendly. "An Elder learning from one as young as me? That is an amusing thought but yes, there is much in the world and I may have seen what you haven not." She nodded a moment then watched the male as he laughed and introduced himself. "There is nothing to forgive yet I thank you for being so kind. Hyperion, a name I shall not soon forget." She added with a wag, well more of a flick of her tail. She didn't mind showing little movements every now and then with him, he was a very kind wolf, one she would not mind associating with. Besides she did not want to wrong him in any further way.

Her eyes wandered over him curiously as he bowed once more then spoke about her actions. This directed her attestation to his eyes as she would consider his words. So, she hadn't done anything wrong, she simply looked like another wolf by the name of Aurora. That was a great relief to her, and yet it was no time to celebrate within her mind for Hyperion seemed saddened by the thought of this Aurora. Tilting her head a bit she waited for the male to speak. The explanation was not a pleasant one, and it was very understandable why he seemed so saddened.

Isabella turned from Hyperion just a moment to close her eyes and lower her head. It didn't matter to her how long ago Aurora passed, it was always appropriate to show respect for the departed, both the mother and the pups who did not even get a chance of learning of life's many wonders. Giving a silent, gentle thought for them she turned back towards Hyperion hoping the pause in conversation was not too long. "I am sorry for your loss, no wolf should know that pain. I do not truly understand as I have never had a mate but there are those I would wish to never loose. Also I wolf I hope I would never see the likeness of, his death was indeed untimely." Her voice grew a bit softer to hope to ease the mind of the elder as she thought of the poor wolf she killed. Though she did not know him his death was one she mourned for as if she did. "But, the fact I or any with eyes like mine affect you so shows how much she meant to you, I think any wolf would be proud to have such a mate and would no doubt watch over them from the afterlife." Again her words were gentle of respect for the departed and kindness for Hyperion.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


03-26-2014, 05:10 PM

Hyperion gave a light smile as she took amusement from his words. "I certainly didn't mean it as a joke, miss. One is always learning things in life, no matter their age. Every new day brings new discoveries..." His amber gaze seemed to twinkle at these words. The old brute had been traveling for most of his life. So many years of exploring, singling out the beautiful details of everything and everyone... of course he had come to love it. Discoveries were his passion now. In a way, they were his life.

His face darkened a bit as he explained his troubles, but the gentle female couldn't have reacted in a better way. Her voice was soft and sympathetic as she apologized for his loss. His dark head dipped low in recognition. "Thank you," he said, smiling sadly at Isabella. "Your condolences are much appreciated, but I should be the one apologizing. Five years have passed. I should have finished mourning her by now." But was he finished mourning them? His unborn pups? Children that would never smile at him, never see the light of day?

The male felt his throat tighten and forced the feeling away. No tears. "Dearest Isabella, it is my hope that you should never feel that pain. But I do wish you luck in finding a mate. Love makes everything worth it. And as such, I do not regret meeting Aurora. I do not regret falling in love with her. The short time I spent with her was the best of my life." Hyperion let his gaze drift away for a moment before gathering the courage to look Isabella in the eye. All of this pathetic struggling would be over now.

He admired the sweet girl as she turned her head away and closed her eyes, seeming to spare a moment of silence for his loved ones. It warmed his heart, and he decided to do the same. It would be painful, but he would allow himself to think of them. Just for a moment. He tilted his head away as well and sighed, releasing a short prayer for his family. Then he lifted his eyes again and smiled upon his new friend.

It wasn't the first time someone had told him that they were watching over him. Only a few days ago, his close friend Esperanza had told him that. So why did he have such trouble believing it? He had never felt their presence, not once. On cold nights and rainy days, when everything seemed lost, he only felt their absence. Being watched over by them was a totally new concept, and he couldn't exactly say his mind was open to it. "Thank you so much for your kind words. I will forever cherish them." His voice was deep, covered in a layer of hidden uncertainties. "On a lighter note, how did you meet your reptilian friend?"

Hopefully a change of topic would make this less uncomfortable for him. He was done talking about himself. There was nothing to tell but grief.



03-27-2014, 06:12 PM


Isabella nodded in response to his comment. "Ah, but that is why it is amusing. Life is amusing in it's own ways." She smiled a little, life was such a fun and mysterious thing, granted it was not always grand and it had its many twits but it was precious. Yet another reason to mourn those who lost it. As Hyperion thanked her she merely smiled back glad she was able to help. Five years was a long time to loose someone, and as he said she should have finished mourning by now she wondered if it would be possible for her to end her own sort of mourning.

As the male spoke of her finding a mate Isabella wondered if she would ever have luck with such a thing. There was a male she showed some interest in before she came here, a male who seemed so determiner to try and get her to open up and even to laugh. She was not an easy wolf to make laugh of course and she wondered why the male was even wasting his time with her. That was a mystery she did not get to solve as she left that land when her pack died out. Though she did not feel much of a chance of love in her future she did not want to upset him.

"If I shall find love or love shall find me I will try to hold it above all, if only the love is honest." She said with a bit of a smile. In her own mind she doubted she could find such a thing but if there was a wolf who wanted her for a mate then she would want him to be honest and nothing about their love to be fake. A small bit of her hoped it would happen some day but her doubt was greater than her hope. Even so, she did not mind her time spent with Hyperisoin as he spoke once more thankful for her words.

Again she only gave a smile, it was something she saw as right and words she hoped anyone would say. This Elder was so kind and a wolf she knew she would help out if he was ever in a crisis. She could indeed see him as a wolf she would call friend and hoped that they would meet on numerous occasions. At the question she smiled just a bit not even minding the smile as she thought of Alphonso. "Well he met me more than I met him. I wanted to explore the sands, it is like a land that contrasts the Ocean, which is something I hold dear. Any opposite of something so dear must be investigated. So, I was atop a dune in the heat looking at the land when a voice called out to me. A wolven voice, well imagine my surprise when it came from a gecko."

She paused a moment thinking of it and laughing just a bit to herself. "Anyway it turns out a jackal taught him the language and he liked to trick any kind of wolf, dog, jackal, fox, any such thing. But aside from the fun, he was also curious about me and I him. So we sort of formed a bond and it went for there." It was truly a simple story but then again it was a simple meeting simple things often did turn out to be the best.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


03-28-2014, 06:21 AM

Hyperion bravely endured her gaze. He did not falter again. He met her eyes with an inward defiance, keeping an outward smile on his friendly maw. "My dear, any male would be lucky to call you his mate. I wish you all the best." His dark paw shifted as he dipped into another bow, but his golden gaze remained locked on hers. He was testing himself. Testing his strength.

He listened with genuine interest as the female spoke of her friend. She had been exploring the deserts, climbing atop a sand dune when the voice of a wolf had called out to her. Imagine her surprise when a gecko was standing at her feet. So he knew how to speak the language of wolves? Fascinating. Hyperion kept smiling, nodding with interest as her story went on. Her eyes shifted from place to place as she spoke, so he found it appropriate to avert his eyes occasionally. He eventually found himself comforted by those eyes... their icy blue color was rather relaxing once his mind got over the familiarity of it.

"That's pretty unique for a small creature such as him to know our language. I have seen some wolves with companions like foxes and large birds, but never little reptiles." His throat rumbled with a carefree laugh. "But that's wonderful. Truly."

But that part of the conversation had died down, and as the light of storytelling left Isabella's eyes, a knot twisted in his gut. He had to keep her talking, or at least, had to keep some sort of conversation going. It was for distraction, but not only that. He honestly took interest in what this maiden had to say.

"Are you from Alacritia originally? Where did you grow up?"
