



03-19-2014, 01:50 PM

The light of day was a golden colour against the sparkle of foaming and quick moving water. It was funny how the brute always found his way to the nearest source of water. Although this site might not be as peaceful as his normal haunts, the rapids still offered the sound of water and the coolness of its spray. The snowy brute sat against the cool flatness of a worn rock against the bank of the water, not close enough to touch but near enough that as the moving water rushed against the rocks that lay under the stream and sprayed out in salty silver sprays they dappled at his coat.

Here the rocks where the highest, as the water slopped downwards against the movement of the earth and they juttered out more plainly, but as soaked as they where it took a daring wolf to use these rocks as stepping stones.
The Valhalla wolf closed his eyes against the contact spray of salt water and found himself listening to the rushing water, the cries of birds in the trees behind him and felt the warmth of the sun against his pelt as he allowed himself to enjoy the quite peacefulness of the moment.



03-19-2014, 03:34 PM

She would not let the recent events in her life trap her within Glaciem. She would push on, forcing her bruised body to move as she continued her daily hunting duties. She had managed to get lost in thought while tracking and had traveled to the eastern part of Alacritis, which didn't seem like the best idea due to her heat. Though the bleeding had subsided she could feel hormones whirling within her, the overpowering desire to mate almost unbearable. She would resist the urge though, mainly because she didn't want children yet. They would ruin her body, and what would she be then? Undesirable.

She would do her best to ignore the uncomfortable bloated feeling she felt within her abdomen, and she would attempt to stay on the trail of what she hoped was an injured doe. Suddenly while continuing her pursuit she would be halted, her audits falling toward her left as something else ensnared her attention. Was that... running water? Salmon tongue would roll across her dry lips as her thirst quickly returned, as she had managed to ignore it until now. "Just a quick drink..."

She would approach the bank, her cerulean eyes glancing from left to right. She seemed to be alone, so she would stalk forward, not expecting to walk up on a stranger. By the time she had seen him it was too late to turn away, and so she would continue on, memories of recent events pleading her to do otherwise. The last time she had been alone with a stranger he had beaten her up and kidnapped her. Now that she was in heat there were even greater stakes than being locked up in a cave.

She would glance toward him, keeping her distance as she approached the edge. She would do her best to lap the water without leaning over far enough to accidentally fall in. One wrong move and you could be pulled to its depths like a ragdoll. She would continue to quench her thirst, assuming the male would be the first to say something should he wish to converse. If not then she would leave once she had her fill.



03-19-2014, 03:49 PM

The sound of the rapids had drowned out the subtle approach of another wolf, but although he could not hear her he could catch her scent upon the wind. It had the familiar tang of a pack lands on her pelt although he knew little of the pack she hailed from. It was more than the scent of a pack that he could gather drifting from her glands. He realised in an instant that she was also on heat, his body realised it before his mind and he felt a wave of heat rush in against himself and he shivered at its touch. She strolled on near him until she found herself at the water?s edge where she lapped gently at the frothy water below. She didn?t speak, she seemed more intent on quenching her thirst and balancing her step, the fact that she did not look at him allowed him to regain his composure.

He had the sudden desire to plunge himself into the cool embrace of the rapids to clean himself from the rising heat that immersed his body. Her scent was so alluring, so warm and inviting, filled with her hormones and taunting his righteousness. He shivered again and rose slowly so as not to startle her. He did not however approach, but instead moved to the steam himself, moving forward but no to the side, and not towards her. He move until he could dip his paws in the water and then, spreading his paws to balance himself he plunged his face directly into the quickly moving water, feeling the sudden impact of ice cold water running through his fur and shocking him to his senses. He pulled back and shook out his main, letting the droplets fly wild as he finally felt himself return at least a little to his normal self.
?Excuse me, Lady, for my ill manners?
He had taken his time to speak, cleansing himself first of his drama-induced body and chuckled now good naturedly.
?I?m Alpine, may I ask your name?
He could still taste her scent in the air, and decided to stay near the waters-edge, just in case he needed another quick manner of cooling himself off..



03-19-2014, 04:10 PM

She would feel her aching muscles tense as she heard him rise, and she would quickly to feel the impulse to run. She had expected him to lunge at her, but instead he would move away from her, and without warning she would be splashed with a few dozen droplets of water. He had plunged in, spraying her with more than the mist the rapid put off itself. Her muzzle would wrinkle as her lips curled, and she would take a step back as he emerged again. He would shake his pelt, and she would turn her head so that he did not get her face wet. He would speak, and she would feel the fire ignite within her as she glared into his pale gaze.

"Well, Alpine, I do not appreciate being sprayed by men." She would huff, her hormones swelling within her as she was greatly irritated at this point. A moment ago she thought about screwing him, now she wanted to push him back in so he could drown. She would sigh, turning away from him so she could face the water, and she would shake the excess droplets from her slender bodice. Her fur would fluff to its usual beautiful luster, and she would turn her gaze toward him, thick and luscious lashes batting and protecting her azure hued eyes. "My name is Liberty." She would offer her name simply because he had already given his.




03-19-2014, 04:50 PM

The brute concentrated on the cool scent of water and the touch of the light spray on his pelt to accompany his dripping face. He felt the warmth of the sun tingling against the water that lay there, in fact he concentrated on just about anything but her alluring aroma. Too caught up in his need for a release of the heat that had built up inside of him, he had missed her displeasure as a few stray droplets found their way to her coat.
He did however catch it in her tone and in her words as she turned them icily towards him.

He pushed back the chuckle that would have risen unbidden to his throat, and well there was no sign of it on his face his words held a gentle, welcoming mirth.
?Was I a woman the spray would have been acceptable??
He enquired with a raise of fur above his eye. Perhaps it wasn?t fair to tease her when she already suffered the ailment of her gender.

However, as she shook out her coat and the gentle wetness would mingle with the rising taste or hormones he let out a soft groan and a tremor would rake his body. He considered plunging his head under the water again and this time just leaving himself there. He hated the lack of control that scent hinted of; he hated what it did to him. He was a gentle brute, and had no desire to have this fae before him. She was desirable as well as intoxicating, but his mind was entranced by the Lyric of another song and he knew there were no true feelings here, only desire. He would never give in his will to such a thing, he would go for love and nothing less.

Her raging emotions tipped from annoyed to alluring as she battered her lashes at him and offered forth her name. He swallowed again, hard and slid his paws forward until they touched the cool of the water before him.
?Liberty, an interesting name, and what brings you here today??
Aside from a desire to torture us males and burn us of our goodness
He thought, almost bitterly. No sign of his annoyance would flutter to his face however, his expressions still as gentle as his nature.



03-19-2014, 06:57 PM

"If you were a woman you would not be me." She would correct him, her tones laced with a venomous kiss. She would relax though, as he spoke to her softly and gently. It seemed he had no ill intentions, and was merely a fellow stranger who enjoyed getting out of the summer heat. She would watch him as he slipped his paws into the rapids, and her gaze would fall upon the water as she contemplated doing the same. If he had been able to plunge in.. Why couldn't she?

?Liberty, an interesting name, and what brings you here today?? She would smirk when he made a comment toward her name. No one had ever said anything about her name before, did he truly mean what he said, or were his compliments empty? She would not let his words get to her head though, but instead she would keep her gaze lain upon the foaming rapids. "This dammed summer heat." She would look upward as she glared at the sun who seemed to taunt them all within the sky, her tail flicking in annoyance behind her. She would bring her head to swing toward him, her azure orbs seeking to align with his. "You?"




03-19-2014, 08:05 PM

He didn?t understand her meaning when she corrected him in harsh tones, telling him had he been a female he would not be her he shook his head, not sure how to make sense of that. The warmth of the sun had taken away the coolness of the water and he breathed in time with a shiver, he felt drunken in the heavily perfumed air and wished for a respite. He lowered his head closer to the water until when he breathed he almost choked on the spray and took in the cool crispness of the frothy waves.

He tried a new tactic, bringing forth the angelic face of Lyric, concentrating on the unique astonishment that was her eyes. He thought of her soothing voice... somehow applying her face to the heavy scent of hormones almost caused him to lose his head. Ashamed at his own feelings he considered ducking his head back in the water again, maybe even plunging his whole body in there with it. Her eyes moved to lock onto his and he felt yet another shudder tumble through his body. It was unbearable and shameful to see how far he could fall with a bit of tail and a strong sent of hormones hanging in the air. He could hardly bare it any longer and he considered the dangers of the rapids might not be so bad after all. He threw his head back under the water and held it there for a few seconds, attempting yet again to purge himself. He could fully understand how such a scent could drive men wild, he had just never considered himself so weak of will to act as he was acting now. Finally, forced to breath he had to rise again and face the perfume.
?I came here for a respite, funny enough?
He grinned despite himself, considering how he had come here to clear his hear, the day was definitely not going as he had planned it



03-21-2014, 11:54 AM

Her brow would raise as she watched him dunk his head into the rapids, and she would begin to question his odd behavior. He had just plunged in moments ago, and now he was dunking his head? Her skull would cock slightly, confusion spread across her striking features. Her mouth would open to speak, but he would interrupt before she could demand an explanation for his demeanor. ?I came here for a respite, funny enough? She would turn her azure gaze toward him, her brow still furrowed as she responded. "Is that why you keep dunking yourself in the water?" A lighthearted giggle would follow, her eyes closing as her muzzle crinkled. She was really curious to know why he kept throwing himself into the water, surly he wan't that hot?

She would bat her luxurious lashes at him as gazed aimlessly into his mirrored stare, hoping that he giggle had lightened the mood a bit. Somehow he reminded her of Drake, the fellow she had met ages ago who she had instantly been attracted to. Perhaps it was his ivory pelt, his striking gaze, or his soft smile? Though she had never admitted it she missed him dearly, and a part of her wished she could have a friend like him again. With Drake and Azalea out of her life what else did she have besides drooling over Isardis? She would never have her king, at least not while his sister ruled beside him. It was pathetic, and as she matured she was starting to realize that Isardis could not be her only reason to live. She needed to get out in the world, meet new people, see new things, and make new friends. She had a lot of years left to live, and she needed to start living. "What caused you to seek a respite, Alpine?" And so she would aim to keep the conversation going, because despite her alluring perfume and frigid stare she may make a new friend today.




03-21-2014, 02:00 PM

He finally noted the odd looks she was giving him, and when she tried to match ?respite? to ?dunking his head in the water? and giggled, he had the graces at least to blush. Did she really not see the effect she was having on him? It didn?t help with the way she battered her lashes, and fresh waves of her scent just kept rolling on down towards her. He breathed in again, feeling the cool touch of the water running down his cheeks and other trickles tickling down the back of his neck, cold, realistic and soothing.

?I?m doing it purely to entertain you my lady?
He told her, well his voice solemn he ruined it by dropping a wink her way. He wouldn?t allow the pressure of the moment to shake his humor or good nature. He settled himself back on his rump by the water?s edge, he could feel himself becoming almost accustomed to his scent. He realized it was probably strange that he hadn?t really encountered many fae on heat. Perhaps that very unfamiliarity that explained his reaction now, as she tossed her scent to him with a batter of her lashes.
?The need for some clarity, a chance to think. I always prefer the water?s edge for such things?
He let his eyes stray to look lazy out at the rapids, the silvery foam and the reflection of the sunlight as it danced in golden rays against its crystal surface.



03-21-2014, 02:40 PM

She was so utterly unaware of how easily her perfume could twist up a man, especially one close to her age. She would pay little mind to the feeble amount amount of blood that fled her body, but she would allow herself to be led by her hormones. Naturally she was a flirtatious girl, and throw a sudden swell of hormones due to her heat in there, and she's almost uncontrollable. Her brow would furrow as she kept her alluring gaze on him, her lashes batting slowly as she waited for him to respond in some way.

?I?m doing it purely to entertain you my lady? Another giggle would bubble from within her jugular, and she would turn her gaze away from him again. She did not believe he was doing this simply to entertain her, but the joke was cute. She would glance back toward him, but when she noticed his gaze was upon the water, she would turn to sweep rapids with her eyes too. Slowly she would relax, falling back onto her haunches so that she could fold her legs beneath her and lay beside the flowing water. Her tail would flick behind her, which in turn stirred up her alluring perfume even more.

?The need for some clarity, a chance to think. I always prefer the water?s edge for such things? She would begin to think back on the times she had been to the lake with her mother, which in turn brought back memories of her death. She felt so helpless as terror fled through her in waves, and she would be engulfed in the what ifs again. She would keep her gaze upon the water and she would fall silent, her mind lost as she did not acknowledge what he had said. She was too lost in the past now, her eyes trailing the water as it whipped upward with the current. It reminded her of the flooding waters that washed her mother away. She would sit in silence until the man decided to speak, and should he leave she would hardly notice due to the horrifying thoughts in her mind.




03-21-2014, 06:42 PM

There would be no reply forth coming to his words, and he cast his eyes back to her in a moment to see that she, too was lost in her gaze of the water. He found himself wondering what road her thoughts where travelling down, and what caused the solemn expression to cross her delicate features. He let the silence lead on for a moment, he could still feel the cool of the water and his respite was not yet over. He was relieved that her entoxicating scent was less potent with each moment he stood in her precense.

Whatever resilience he was building up, he hoped that it would last. He would turn his attention back to her now and could admire her delicate features with a fresh taste of clarity. She was pretty, with her darks and creams and cool blue eyes, cast silver by the reflextion of the foamy waters before them.
After a longer moment he would let out a soft sigh, taking in the last full breath of clean ocean air before moving closer towards her. Close enough to almost touch her, but not enough to over-crowd her he would stop, head tilted ever so slightly to the side in his trademark expression of a cruiosity mixed with kindness.
?Whats on your mind, Liberty??
He asked gently.



03-24-2014, 03:44 PM

She did not notice him approach her, and it was not until he spoke that her thoughts would be interrupted. Her somber gaze would rise to align with his own, tears swelling within her eyes as she noticed their close proximity. She would look away though, clenching her jaw as she scolded herself for showing weakness in front of a stranger. It was usually very easy to mask her feelings, but something about the raging rapids triggered a nightmare. "Nothing important." She would mutter, her voice just shy of a whisper. It was audible for him to hear though, and no one else. She would rise, forcing herself to her feet so that she could begin to drown the anxiety with this boy's presence. Usually a distraction worked when she wanted her mind off things, and what better distraction for a girl in heat than an attractive boy ?

"Where did you come from, Alpine?" She would inquire as she finally turned her gaze back toward him, her muscles tense as she sniffed in his direction. The tears had subsided now, a curious expression played across her face as her brow furrowed. He had plunged into the water so many times she couldn't smell a distinct pack on him, so perhaps he was a rouge? She was aware that Glaciem had a few enemies, Valahlla of course, along with their allies. She did not want to run into a wolf seeking vengeance, especially since she was guilty of introducing Isardis to Valhalla.




03-24-2014, 07:11 PM

Alpine blinked in silent astonishment as unshod tears seemed to glisten with her sapphire orbs, crystallising them beneath the sheen of the unspilt liquid. He could not have expected this wolf who had seemed to glow in such a brilliance of strength, spirit and even sas that he could not fathom why, what had brought those little flecks of sadness to her eyes. His look when he levelled it on her was filled with a tender gentleness. Warmth, even as she turned her gaze away from him. There was something about seeing it in her that changed his opinion ever so slightly of her, from the fiery strength she had levelled at him in a flurry of emotion to the sadness that glistened in her orbs. It was like accidental catching a glimpse of the good in someone.

He doubted her thoughts had been down the road of 'nothing important' as she had claimed but he did not argue against I, watching as she rose from her seated position and seemed to take command of herself again. He was however caught off guard with her question to his own past and he took a moment, blinking beneath the onslaught of her curious gaze before he spoke.
?Somewhere far away from here, its wolves and places are lost to me now, so I suppose I could say I could say I cam from nowhere?
There was a deep sadness in his own tones, he had never told another of his past and couldn't even fathom to begin to do so now.
?And what of you, where did you come from Liberty??
She had risen but he unpolitely remained on his hunches, his gaze lingered on her a moment more before falling back to the rapids and he would the urge to sigh from the sudden melancholy that seemed to sweep over him.



03-26-2014, 12:11 PM

She would keep her eyes on him now, not only was he captivating but she wanted to be polite and look at him when he spoke to her. ?Somewhere far away from here, its wolves and places are lost to me now, so I suppose I could say I could say I cam from nowhere? She would nod in acknowledgement, though she had really been asking if he resided in a pack or not in Alacritis. Surly she reeked of Glaciem's unmistakable stench, but he hadn't said anything about it yet. Maybe he did not know Glaciem exists yet? He may be a rogue after all, she hadn't gotten the chance to ask him about his pack specifically yet. "I see... And me? I was born in Alacritis, in a pack- but some stuff happened, and now I live in Glaciem." She wondered if saying that would run him off, so she would keep the conversation going in the hopes that he would stay here and talk to her. It was pleasant to have someone engaging in her presence, especially when her hormones were begging her to beg him. Her tail would flick behind her as she leaned back on her haunches beside him, her tail curling around her side as she look at him. "Do you live in a pack? I can't smell on one you." She would sniff at him again, this time aiming to bring her nose inches from the fine hairs along his jawbone. Her nostrils would quiver slightly, and her head would recoil so that she could look at him again, her brow furrowing as she still couldn't smell anything on him. A soft smile could crease her features as something whirled within the pit of her stomach, an impulse begging to be acted upon. How much longer would she be able to resist her urges?



03-26-2014, 08:17 PM

Dusty blue eyes would settle again upon the bright ones of his companion. It was strange that this wolf who had seemed to different from him in her sass and manner would or so he felt, click so easily with him. He felt a friendship had begun to sprout between them, enough so that had barely hid his pain at the thoughts of his past. He thought he could see in this wolf a kindness, buried by the strong, enflamed persona she pushed out first and foremost and it reminded him oddly of Lyric although the two could not be more different. He warmed a little at the thought of his melody, before bringing himself back to the present to answer her words.

?Glaciem... I believe I?ve heard their name before?
He admitted, pausing as he considered why the word had a vague sense of familiarity to it. It took him a moment, but realised that indeed Lyric herself had mentioned the name before. ? "Glaciem and Tortuga are more dark in nature, and Ebony is a newer pack?
She had said, and it was now with surprise that he regarded the wolf before him. He could not doubt Lyric?s words, he did not think there was a deceitful bone in her entire body but as he took in the fae before him he could not understand how Glaciem could be a pack of cruelty, or this wolf simply could not boost the nature of its wolves.

He was watching her closely now, drawing in all he knew of her in sight and personality and decided that it did not matter if Glaciem was evil, he knew that this wolf was not one who followed the path of cruelty. Perhaps she was capable of such feats, perhaps she did so to blend into her pack, but he did not believe that it was true in her heart whether she did so or did not. As he came to this conclusion she pulled her head towards his, her soft pink nose tickling the hairs below his jawbone and he would freeze in astonishment, with only his eyes moving as they looked down upon her. He barely dared to breath, to take in that hormone perfumed scent, that one designed perfectly to bring down a male?s sanity, to make them lose their minds.

Oh, gods, he couldn?t believe her face was so close to hers and he closed his eyes against the sight, even as he was forced by his body to take a breath and chanted in his mind Lyric, Lyric, Lyric, Lyric. Until he sensed that she had moved away again. He almost marvelled at his self-control, he had felt that wave of scent full through his nostrils in a terrible drag of breath and felt like an addict, begging for more of its intoxication. He had to believe she did not realise what she was doing or all his belief of her good nature was false and she played with him even now. But as he opened his eyes again, the swirling scent before him and it filled him with half a wish that it was true so he could say she was turning the full force of her charms against him and it thus was not truly his fault at the wildness that filled him. But, no, he had opened his eyes and looked into hers and could not say that she was cruel, perhaps simply naive at the way she teased him.
His voice shook for a moment and he fought to bring himself back under control, and cleared his throat before beginning again.
?I?m from Valhalla, but I?m new there so I?m not surprised if I haven?t picked up the scent yet?
He explained, a little huskily.



03-26-2014, 09:56 PM

He would gaze back at her, their analogous hued eyes casually watching one another, both consumed in an inner battle induced by whirling hormones. As she gazed into his stare the lust within her core would only grow stronger, a fluttering feeling spreading throughout her body that caused her legs to feel like jello. She had only felt this drunk off hormones her night with the man in the caverns, which she vaguely remembered. ?Glaciem... I believe I?ve heard their name before? She would simply nod when he regarded Glaciem, and he didn't seem too worried about her living there, so hopefully he would stick around a bit loner?

As she leaned forward to sniff him her tail would somewhat twitch in protest as she resisted the urge to wag it blissfully. She would not notice the way he struggled to control his urges, and as she drew herself back she would giggle lightheartedly. Without hesitation her front end would drop downward as she laid on her right side, her body twisting as she writhed onto her back, her head falling gently across both his ivory paws. She would gaze up at him now, her tail curling toward her right so that her desirable aroma could fill the air, her thick lashes batting slowly as a smirk graced her exquisite features.

?I?m from Valhalla, but I?m new there so I?m not surprised if I haven?t picked up the scent yet? Her right brow would raise when he spoke of Valhalla, there were so many things she could say about the pack, but the only thing on her mind right now was him. "Valhalla huh? Interesting." She would coo gingerly, showing very little interest in anything other than him. If he didn't have a problem with her being in Glaciem, she wouldn't mind him living in Valhalla. Her slender left limb would extend as she pawed softly at his chest, her dull claws unsheathed as she aimed to twist the thick hairs with a flick of her toe. "Anything else I should know about you, Alpine?" The way she said his name, her lyrics dripped with desire as her gaze left his to follow her paw as it trailed gradually down his brawny chest. She wanted to know more about him of course, and she had other motives on her mind as well- that much was obvious.




03-26-2014, 10:39 PM

The silver coated wolf struggled to breath, once more the touch of water was gone from him and all he could sense, feel and even taste was the wolf before him. Her scent touched on everything around him, he felt he wadded in a river of her hormones and he felt utterly high upon its touch on him. He was losing his senses, he could feel it fade as her scent encased him. No longer did he hear the chirp of birds or the gurgle on the rapids. No longer did the world coexist besides them, how could anything compete to that intoxication she laid upon him. He heard her giggle, the sweet sound of laughter light and carefree as laid down upon the soft grass, rolling until she lay upon her back and her lay caressed against his paws.

He could feel her eyes upon him and knew that he was losing himself. The world around him was hazy and wondrous and the fae before him was soft and warm under his paws. He struggled to remember how suddenly her head had come to lie resting upon his legs, how a fresh wave of aroma would fill the air around them, coaxing them both, warming them and begging them to lose themselves. He could barely pull a coherent thought from his addled mind, as he looked down at the fae in his arms, her gently blinking eyes, and the warmth of her gaze upon him. She had charm besides that scent, and perhaps that was what made it so very hard to fight for his consciousness, his sanity. She had a beautiful personality coated with spunk and independence and life.

he brushed off her Valhalla remark, her voice a gentle coo in his ears, her paw would rise and playfully paw at his chest, catching at his fur, she spoke again, asking after him and the way she caressed his name with her words, the way her paw gently pulled at the tuffs of his chest-fur caused a rumble in the back of his throat almost like a purr. He knew the desire that was building up inside of him, begging for a release, begging for her. The rumble in his throat would continue, a soothing rhythm of noise he barely even knew he was making. The touch of her warm body filled him with heat, her scent was everything, it was the air the earth and it swirled inside of him, seeking out his soul.

He lowered his head over her outstretched paws, lowered until his nose touched hers, his eyes were closed, his throat was a rumbling purr as he felt the cool touch of her nose on his as he lowered his face to hers.

Then, like a burst of realism he realised was he was doing and jerked his head upwards, he pulled his paws out from under her, he hung his head , this time over nothing but open ground. He was breathing in hard, gasping pants, pulling in breath and scent until his head swam but he couldn?t seem to stop his gasps as he dug his paws into the earth, gripping it as through his life depended on it. He had closed his eyes again, he couldn?t open it, he couldn?t bare his shame, he could not look her in the eyes.
She?s on heat his mind screamed to him, she had perhaps even less control over herself as he did, it would be a betrayal to everything to Lyric, Valhalla, even to Liberty herself. His paws shook beneath him, he could not open his eyes, he could not move his head, he hung their quivering and ashamed.



03-27-2014, 12:39 AM

Her eyes would close blissfully as he leaned down to press his nose against hers, and she would purr along with the low rumble in his chest, an alluring growl bubbling within her. Though when he suddenly pulled away her eyes would snap open, a frown creasing her lips as he pulled his paws out from under her and looked away. It was obvious he was avoiding eye contact, and her head would cock slightly, a confused expression spread across her face. Why had he made a move just to pull away and regret it? She would gaze upward at him, her brow furrowing as determination swirled within her. She would have him merely because she wanted him so badly, and she was stubborn. Plus she'd been in heat so long now her body was begging for release. Why not listen to her hormones, she had been ignoring them since summer had begun!

She would notice his muscles begin to quiver beneath his ivory pelt, his toes flexing as he gripped onto the earth with his eyes clenched. Her audits would fold and she would begin to rise so that the upper portion of her body stood upward, her body writhing toward the rapids so that her back was facing his chest and stomach. She would run her skull along the defined creases of his chest, following the upward path until it slid against his chin and off him entirely. She would rise to all fours now, her tail swishing from side to side, her intoxicating aroma wafting right before the mans face. She would run her rump along his chest as she rose, and she would toss her head back and look at him, a charming and inviting smile quirking the corners of her lips.

"Alpine... Please," She would coo to him again, her voice sickly sweet and dripping with temptation as she cast her gaze over his. She wanted his attention, she wanted him to open his eyes and look at her. He needed to stop fighting this, and just give in to her coax. She would pivot so that she could face him now, her tail raising so that she could attempt to brush the tip along the bottom of his chin. "relax," Her voice held an edge in it now, almost shy of a demand as she leaned forward, wanting to nudge him gently with her nose against his cheek. "it will be our little secret..." Her voice would trail off, and she would giggle, her tones dripping with hunger and desire. Her eyes begged him to give in, this was all she wanted, all she needed.




03-27-2014, 01:25 AM

Alpine could not believe himself, in fact at that very moment he despised his weakness and quivered with the emotions that rolled unbearably, uncontrollably inside of himself, curse his empathy, the overly strong almost living thing inside of him, the empathy that pushed him forward, urging him needing him to soothe those around him, to ease them. In this case, it was her hormones and her needs that pushed against him so strongly, urging him to want what she wanted. And by the gods that scent was an insanity on its own. His breathing had began to slow now, but he still could not open his eyes he could not bare to look her in the eyes when he knew that he had failed her.

He quivered as sensed her half rise, her rump on the ground with her tail flicking towards him, her turned head towards him, and he felt her touch and his eyes fluttered slowly open. There was she was her head against his chest, running against his coat, his chin and then her touch was gone. His blue eyes where so misty he looked lost within them, and his breathing raggid. Next she would fully rise and her tail and rear-end would follow the same path her skull had just made against him and his eyes would widen in astonashment as she so casually moved her rump against his chest, so... suggestivly

Her voice so low and seductive, a purring coo and a beg all rolled into two glorious words Alpine, please but something seemed to have changed about everything, about her scene and her words and her manner as she tried, quite clearly to seduce him. There was something almost wicked about her words, a command, a beg and a need that she give her this.

?Oh Liberty?
He breathed softly, that sense of sweet innocence seemed to have lifted from her.. it was that innocent desire, that sweet gentlness that perhaps had secuded him most of all and now that she lifted free of that and demanded his body and soul, she had lost him.
He said her name again, so softly, his eyes fully open now and almost sad.
?You can't ask of me this?



03-28-2014, 05:34 PM

?Oh Liberty, Liberty, you can't ask of me this.? He would seem to barley breath as he muttered the words, his eyes somber as he peered into her similar gaze. It was obvious he would not be giving into her coax, and so she would sharply turn away from him, her body falling toward the earth as she laid on her side with a displeased huff. Her brow would furrow and her tail would twitch as she peered into the whipping waves before her, her lips creased as she muttered a few words to herself. How in the hell could he tell her no? She was in heat for pete sakes! Wasn't she irresistible? She would sigh heavily and she would choose not to respond to the man behind her. She was far too consumed in confusion and rage to respond to him now. She felt unwanted, she had been rejected even in a desirable state. No wonder Isardis didn't want her, she couldn't even persuade a rouge to fuck her.


OOC: excuse my short tag xD