
Imprisoned Within



9 Years
03-19-2014, 01:20 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2014, 01:20 PM by Rincavornon.)

Hatred. Abandonment. Unworthy. They were just many of the things that he felt, and not just lately, but for a while. He had given up trying to please his sire. Enough to not even call him father anymore for he was never there to act like one. It even seemed like his family and pack as a whole didn't care, and as a result of being isolated within his own mind for comfort, he grew distant from those around him. Anyone that had approached to talk, he simply nodded in response and gave no more then single empty words, not even bothering to try and carry on a conversation. They were all liars, why should he try when all everyone did in the end was abandon? He hadn't even really spoken to his mother or favorite siblings for a while, much less sleeping in the same den. He felt he didn't belong, for even when he tried to atone for his apparently wrong curiosities so long ago, his father seemed to no longer recognize him as his own blood anymore. He had been a prisoner because of a pups naive curiosity, and now he was of a juvenile rank that seemed to classify him as nothing more then a peasant.

Although Rin had learned to not care anymore, he couldn't help but feel like wanting to find something to release the frustration. He was almost a year old now, and still he had yet to find a purpose. He felt like it was no longer here...perhaps he would choose to follow his older brother, Sin, into something more promising. Silent thoughts would work their way around his beaten mind, translucent green eyes staring at the motionless trees as he sat under the morning sunlight. It was still early, the sun not even at the midday peak yet, and so he remained there in silence.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


03-19-2014, 05:22 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

Another sleepless night plagued my ravaged body; not enough down time left it feeling fatigued and heavy. A feeling that I was somewhat used to, but never had it been something I cared much for. I often pondered weather or not if this was what it would feel like to be on the verge of death; so drained that at any moment you felt as if the earth would just take you. That your body would smack into the ground and be swallowed up forever into a cold dark abyss. The thought provoked a quick chuckle; a cold dark abyss might be much more pleasant then the heat filled days of this land. That blasted blazing ball of fire seemed to zap all of my energy by noon. I was quite pleased that at present the damned thing was at least not fully blasting down upon me. Although my perception of time was currently muddled I was sure that it wouldn't be long before the burning sphere rose to its full peak, but for now I would enjoy the few cooler degrees of the morning.

I wandered for quite some time before stumbling upon an area caked in the scent of others. My leather nares engorged itself in the fumes; it was not often that I came upon such a strong odor. A pack, I was assuming lived within the giant forest. My lilac eyes stared at the massive collection of weirdly shaped trees with curiosity. Usually it was impolite to breach the borders of someone else's home, however, I was not one that held such manners. So the choice to explore the claimed territory was nothing out of character for myself. Maybe it was a lack of better judgment to do so due to my sleep deprived mind or maybe I just felt like pissing someone off. Even I didn't know or care for that matter.

Agitated grumbles expelled from a tight jaw as my wandering eyes looked onward. At first intruding into someone's home seemed like a delightful idea, but I did not take into account that the forest would be so... strange. The trees darted up toward the sky at odd angles; creating natural bridges from one another. It's complexity made it slightly tougher to navigate through, on top of the fact that I really had no sense of direction at the moment. "great." I drug the word out with a thick sarcastic tone, "looks like the big bad wolf has gotten himself in a big bad mess." Early when making the decision to enter the forest I hadn't really thought of any consequences in doing so; not that I was the least be afraid of ass kissing pack wolves. The thought of being ganged up on was not a pleasant one. What a bust this plan was. Just as the words crossed my mind a single figure appeared in the distance. Was I beginning to hallucinate? Either way I was far too bored of being lost to not check it out.

Slowly I climbed onto a fallen tree that lead to another that was angled just perfectly. Quietly I crept along the body of the plant, getting closer and closer to the sitting creature. I was only a few feet away from it when the scent of the wolf filled my sensation nose. I crawled onto one last tree before laying myself against its bark; letting my tail and one leg dangle just a few feet above the wolf. "well, hello there little pup..." My voice came out quite eeriely creepy, perfect.



2 Years
03-29-2014, 12:12 PM

"And thus it is so that

Since Glaciem had expanded S'alkrie had not been adventuring each and every one of them as much as she would of liked. Her den resided in the sparse pines, and as of late that was the only area she had preoccupied herself in. A yawn would pass from her mouth, Her eyes still drooped lazily. But when she began to pick up the pace her crown would go left to right, alerted by all of her surroundings and who was in it. She soon found herself in the mile high woods where the queen would usually stay. The placid babe would inhale deeply, and soon would be overwhelemed with the scent of a rouge near by. What was going on? Perhaps Isardis was going to accept him? Intrueged- the girl would venture over to find that he was infact in the centre of the territory. She was almost one years of age and obtained the frame of a very small adult wolf. Her head would raise, her defenses set. She had no intention to fight the rouge of, hoping that an adult would come along and take care of the problem. Hopefully.

you dont look like a big bad wolf, you just look like a fool. Your on claimed lands.



2 Years
03-29-2014, 12:31 PM

There! The final branch landed with a contented thud and Drashiel stood back to admire his work. He'd dug himself a new and larger den to incorporate his growing size and to also fortify it against the coming winter. Grinning he licked his lips and took off to find a drink and relax for a bit before he made the final decision as to whether he'd head to the battlefield or not. He'd been craving more spars since his taste with Kyarst and it was clear he needed more practice.

As he walked the wind shifted and Drashiel froze as he caught the scent of Rin and S'alkrie and a third scent he did not recognize. Lips curled back in a snarl as he raced toward the gathering in time to find his fellow youngsters with a strange rogue. Hair and hackles rose as his tail streamed out behind him, ears pinned to his head. Drashiel moved next to S'alkrie, his weight distributed evenly across his limbs. "If you are not here on business then leave." His jaw was parted, brows furrowed and lips pulled back as his limbs coiled and tensed. Isardis was fond of maiming trespassers.

Had Drashiel been fully trained he'd rip something off this brute himself but for now he knew the odds were iffy. Two pups vs a full grown wolf? He didn't even bother counting Rin. The other male was taller than Drashiel but far lighter and the laziest creature in all of Glaciem in Drashiels opinion. He joined neither the training or the pack meeting. Pfft! The ice-eyed whelp had some idea about respect being freely given. In Drashiel's opinion if any of Isardis' pups wanted his attention they had to work for it, to train for it, to earn it. The idea of getting everything handed to you for free? Nonsense. He had no idea if Rincavornon would side with Glaciem or with this random rogue just to spite then and those were not odds he liked.



03-29-2014, 01:13 PM

The overwhelming stench of the unwanted caused the mistresses nostrils to quiver in disgust. There seemed to be an intruder within Glaciem, and so she would promptly remove him from her home as she had been instructed to do. She would rise from her restless paws, her slender legs unfolding beneath her as she stood to her full height, her head tossing over her shoulder as she peered into the forest and toward the direction his musk was impending from. She would pivot her entire body and would waste no time making her way toward the borders, her lips creased into a displeased sneer as she weaved through the towering pines. She could only imagine what idiot had crossed the borders, didn't the rouges know that Glaciem was not a pack to tinker with? Her pace would greatly pick up as she drew closer and a snarl would emerge from her pressed lips, provoked by the aroma of pups mixing in with strangers musk. If he were tormenting any of Glaciem's children he would have more than just her to fear.

Three children came into her vision as she burst onto the scene, her lips creased into a snarl as she hastily moved herself in front of the children, creating a physical barrier between them and the rogue. Her defenses would effortlessly fall into place as her frigid eyes bore into the strangers, her brow furrowing as a growl bubbled from deep within her core. She would not pay any attention to the children yet, not until they were completely out of harms way. "One who knowingly trespasses into Glaciem must have a death wish, no? She would inguire, her tones laced with venom as she stared at him with a lethal glare. Should he chose to torment them any longer she would maim him until he was a useless being, and he would writhe helplessly beneath her, begging for mercy. Maiming your enemies had always worked for Isardis, so perhaps he would be proud if she maimed this criminal for his sins?



04-05-2014, 06:35 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

My thick tail swayed silently as I waited for the young wolf to speak; hopping that I was able to spook him. However, it seemed that in these lands, fun was not allowed. Before the pup was even able to acknowledge my presence another quickly appeared from the dense forest. Laughter erupted inside my mind as I watched the adolescent white wolf become defensive immediately. Who did she think she was? Did she really think that a pipsqueak like herself would be able to take on a beast like myself? For a few moments I mused over the thought of rising and showing this ill mannered little girl just how bad I could be, but I decided why bother. I needed not to prove anything to some pup. I knew that in a moments time I could snap her fragile being in two. "My, my, has no one taught you manners, little girl?" I smirked at the end of my sentence as I was about to ensure her that I would teach her of some, but as I opened my mouth to speak again another youngling dashed out from the woods.

This one was of mixed tones that belonged to the night and earth. It seemed that this third whelp had no more manners than the second, but at least he knew how to cover that fact better than the female. "Is your pack so frightened by guests that they approach any with hostility?" I spat at him with disgust laden deep within my words. "As for my business, it is one of pleasure." I swayed my head to the side; dismissing the fact that there were a group of strange wolves standing just a few feet away from me. They were nothing, but ants in my eyes; they posed no threat. The fact made my features dull as I had hoped to have an interesting day. Having to babysit a bunch of rude kids was in no way interesting. "I wished to take a stroll within a foreign land and yours just so happened to be in my path." A slight smirk tugged at the corners of my pale lips.

As I awaited for a smart-mouthed response from one -or all- of the youngsters my keen eras picked up on a beast that was romping through the forest with immense speed. This time a full grown wolf had appeared from the thick foliage; though she was not nearly as large as I. Her demeanor was not much different from the others, except this one had more bite in her words. The spectrum of grey boiled with rage; I could see it in her eyes and hear it seething out from her mouth. "Well, well now I see where all these children get their terrible behaviors from." My wandering orbs drifted back over to the group of pack wolves as their guardian stood in front. "Shame on you for teaching them such horrid methods of greeting guests." A tone of disappointment rang through as I spoke; my head shaking back and forth in a disapproved manner.



2 Years
04-22-2014, 07:32 PM

Drashiel felt some relief when Liberty showed up. An adult had a much better chance then a pair of random pups if this came down to a fight. Even so? where was everyone? Hadn't others noticed that they had a trespasser on their land? And a particularly arrogant one as well. Drashiels eye's narrowed as he glared at the stranger. The simple fact was that he could not take this male in a fight and as strong as he believed himself to be he was no fool and knew when the odds were not in his favor. But he could speak, surely?

"It's a matter of showing others respect to wait on the border, " he snarled. "It has nothing to do with your perceptions of hospitality. I'm going to call Sendoa."

Turning he quickly left the seen to alert the other members of the pack about this unusal stranger.

-exit Drashiel. Luns is on absence til May 8th, sorry guys!!!! -
