
if i say yes will you take me away

Loki 1


6 Years
03-18-2014, 10:50 PM

Loki's footsteps had taken him back out of the mountains, down to the side of a raging river. The tumult matched the still turbulent emotions that had him feeling emotionally wrung out and exhausted. His time in the mountains had done little to ease his guilt, and it was just as well he felt guilty because he was clearly in the wrong, a monster who had injured and defiled something pure simply because he had daddy issues.

He stared with brooding eyes into the foaming water. A branch tumbled by, flipped end over end as the water smashed it against rocks and carried it along it's path. Loki found himself wondering what would happen if a wolf were to find itself in those icy waters. If, say, that wolf were to have the sort of family who wouldn't even miss him, that wolf might be tumbled the length of Alacratia before anyone found it again.

Something pulled him from his dark thoughts. Not a sound, because he wouldn't have been able to hear over the rapids, but a very familiar scent washed over him and he took a moment to, rather dispiritedly, try to place it without bothering to turn around and look.




5 Years
03-19-2014, 12:04 PM

She was close now. Every step brought his scent stronger and stronger into her nostrils. The beast whose spawn were now growing inside of her. D?gmar had come to terms with her pregnancy and she now viewed it as physical and mental training. Particularly training to withstand and over come a kind of pain unique only to faes. Pain that would make her stronger.

The roar of the rapids filled D?gmar's ears but it wasn't long before she came upon the form of the large black male she'd fallen into bloody bliss with on the battlefield. She grinned, half tempted to bound over and push him but then she sensed a change had come over him. She could smell it. Somewhere the coy and spirited man she'd met had dimmed and dulled and while the breeze was at her back, blowing her scent right to him? he didn't turn around. He might as well have been a dead thing, a rock, a stump. The spark that had thrilled her had faded. D?gmar frowned. Very well? then it was time to get right down to business and if he wanted her to shove him in the rapids afterward she'd happily oblige.

A smirk graced her maw. "Not even going to turn around and face me? I'm disappointed." D?gmar moved forward to pull up alongside the male. "We have a few little? matters to discuss. Now, I don't know what is going on between those thighs of yours but I was fairly certain I was not in heat and yet the fates deem it hilarious to bestow upon me the curse of children. Your spawn." Her tail twitched as an ear flicked back, lips pulling back in a leer. "Now I haven't the ability to be a mother. I'd destroy them, through neglect or violence or good intentions I'd annihilate their innocence and my pack is too small to dump them on someone else." Her weight shifted and she resisted the urge to pace a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I intend to slay them as they draw their firsts breaths and put this little matter behind us as if it never even happened. Does that appeal to you?" He could walk away scott free, no responsibility whatsover. "Or? do you actually want to keep them? If so as soon as I regain my strength I'll deliver them to you and you can do with them what you please. What say you?"

Loki 1


6 Years
03-19-2014, 01:25 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2014, 01:26 PM by Loki 1.)

Dark ears flicked back at the sound of the voice and he turned his head slightly as she came upon him, finally placing the scent with a face - the wolf he'd shared a heated moment of passion with not long ago. Uh oh.

Before he could do more than open his jaws to reply, she was launching into a monologue. We have some little... matters to discuss. Double uh oh. She wasn't here to ask him to marry her or some nonsense like that was she? She hadn't struck him as the type... He got a very bad feeling about that start.

At least the surprise and concern had served to lift him out of despondency for the moment as he stared passively at her, allowing her to continue. Though what she said next was not what he was expecting. Wait... children? His children? He gaped openly at her now, jaw working as he attempted to find some words to say - any words, a sound, a squeak... but he couldn't seem to find the brain power. Children? He didn't even begin to know how he felt about it.

In his shock, Loki nearly missed what she went on to say, until he realized she spoke of slaying them. "NO!" the sound burst from him, the first he'd managed to make since the one-sided conversation began. He coughed, forced down the hackles that had risen in his sudden alarm, and started again under a forced calm. "No, it won't be necessary to kill them. I'll take them off your paws when your time comes."

Having said that it was time for a little soul-searching for dearest daddy Loki. He would swear that she hadn't been in heat when they'd mated, and she said she hadn't known either so... How did he even know they were his? Did it really matter to him if it wasn't proven? Judging by his own unbidden response he didn't want the pups dead, but would he even be able to take care of them? Would he be any better of a father than she would be a mother? He didn't know, but something in him was squealing with joy at the idea of being a father. A darker, more conniving part of him agreed, but for a different reason: wouldn't raising these pups, treating them right the way his father had not, wouldn't that make up for his own monstrous being, if only a little?

One question slid into his mind... What now?




5 Years
03-22-2014, 01:03 PM

D?gmar finished her monologue quickly, anxious to get a move on. While she was glad she'd finally tracked him down it was clear that he wasn't all there right now and wasn't nearly the raging fire he'd been on the battlefiled. As such she had little time for him. Especially as she was now pregnant she didn't want to linger outside the packlands for too long. D?gmar felt like a walking target. Her round belly screaming easy prey to predators and psychopaths and while she was always ready for a spar now was not the time to be pressing her luck. She had yet to know how the babies growing inside her would affect her ability to battle.

He surprised her when he screamed no. No? She stared at him quizzically. No? She was offering, willingly, to wipe their little oops off the map and here he was saying no. Something stirred within D?gmar, and it wasn't the babies. She'd never in her entire life known a male who would willingly offer to raise the pups from a one-night stand, well, unless he was perverted in a particular sense. But no, this ebony male seemed honestly concerned and horrified at her suggestion to just kill them and be done with it. Why would he care?

"You? you honestly care what happens to them?" She smirked. "You are a surprising male. Very well when they're due their yours. I will do what I can to ensure they survive the birthing process but this will be my first litter? I am? inexperienced in such matters. Where should I bring them to you?"

Loki 1


6 Years
04-10-2014, 08:50 AM

Whether or not he'd be a good father suddenly became irrelevant when the female actually agreed to give him the pups. Where to bring them to him? For a minute his mind went blank. He didn't exactly have a permanent address, what with him being packless and wandering from here to there on a daily basis, and he wasn't sure he really wanted to tie himself down to one place long enough to defend it against intruders so it would be safe to bring babies there when the time came. "Ah... I'll meet you near your pack's borders. Soulless Forest, right?" He might not know her name, but it was good business to know the packs in the area and their territories, so he could certainly recognize the scent on her. Ridiculous name for a forest, though. "There's a little den in one of the hills near the wash just over the border." One of his many emergency dens, too small to entice a particularly dangerous rival to take up residence so it should be somewhat safe for her to dump the pups there if she showed before he did, and he didn't plan to stay there long anyway. Somehow he didn't think she'd actually show at all if she had to carry a bunch of pups further than that. Gods, a bunch of pups. How many would there be? His pelt prickled with growing excitement. Pups! Of his own! More and more the idea was beginning to chase away the gloom surrounding him. Sure he felt guilty about it, but Loki was selfish at heart and it wasn't his life he'd ruined with his stupid actions, so he shoved aside the guilt that had he'd been gnawing on in favor of this excitement.




5 Years
04-11-2014, 04:10 PM
ooc: short post, sorry not much muse tonight xD

D?gmar nodded as the male spoke. How observant to have recognized the smell of her pack on her coat. Oh well that would make things easier for her. "That will do just fine. They will likely be birthed outside the pack borders. Well? nice talking with you." The sleek femme turned to leave bat as she did so she paused for a moment before turning back to him. "Do be careful." It wasn't really meant as any sort of sentiment. Just advice. Elysium was not a pack any wolf wanted to tangle with and if he was caught and force-claimed she'd be stuck with the little rats. Though she did hold the thought in her head? Elysium badly needed numbers. Maybe when the pups were grown. Who knew? Turning she moved to leave, slipping like a shadow across the terra.
