
i'm about to lose my mind


03-18-2014, 08:58 PM

The moor was quiet, and hot as hell. The obsidian temptress was deeply angry with the whole thing, and was still reeling in her mate's abandonment. Dual toned optics were focused on the ground while the dame turned to her thoughts and wondered how someone who had claimed to love her, who had gone ahead and gotten pregnant alongside her, could abandon her without a word. How cold, how truly unpredictable of someone who had claimed to love her. A growl tore from the throat of the ebony bitch as she swept her paw forward and kicked a stone into the snaking stream at her left. A faint squeak told her she had uncovered something, and she found a burrow of growing mice underfoot. Irate, the demoness stuffed her muzzle into the small hole and snapped her jaws shut around the squirming forms of the infant mice.

Blood dripped from her maw as she kept walking, the dead creatures slithering down her throat. Long inky tail lashed behind her angrily as she slunk across the plains, searching for a suitable place to house herself and her children. She wanted to get away from the willows, there were too many memories of plans made and canceled. Tea cupped paws scraped wicked talons into the dried soil as the twisted bitch's rage boiled in her veins. The sultry shadow crushed an infuriating bright flower bud underfoot, thoroughly annoyed by the ability for colour to survive in this heat. Tiara lowered between petite shoulders as she continued to trek through the bright moor in search of a proper den for her and the babes.




5 Years
03-18-2014, 09:22 PM

D?gmar was on the move again. The simple fact being that she was still simmering over her luck to wind up pregnant! She'd grow into it in time but for the most part she was determined not to let this little set back slow her down. She would continue her training as best as she was able. She'd also track down her pups father? Licking her lips she continued on her way in no particular direction. She'd taken to wandering again to clear her mind of the tasks that lay ahead of her all the while musing over what she was going to do with herself. The bottom line was simple. She could take special plants to expunge the little beasts from her belly but the risk of damage to her body was not worth it. She needed to be in peak physical condition to achieve her goals. She'd have no choice but to birth them...

A sudden grin split her maw. The pain of child birth was legendary, said to match several of the vilest tortures and the strain on her most delicate and tender of flesh. The will power needed to overcome that pain? Perhaps she had been given a blessing after all. A chance for her mind to dance with pain and emerge victorious. Yes? she was beginning to get an idea for her new training regime both before, during, and after her pregnancy.

A skip was starting to appear in D?gmar's step as she turned to head back to Elysium. As she did so she noticed a black femme, clearly an irritable one as well. Amused she allowed her eyes to trace the females form. Ohhh? she longed to have her own curves back. While not heavily pregnant there was a slightly questionable bump to her belly. A shame. Did she glow, she wondered? She'd always heard tell of it. Pfft. Walking in languid graced she approached the ebony woman. "Looking for something?"


03-20-2014, 04:14 PM
The voice of a stranger distracted the ebony bitch from her irate mullings, and the dual toned optics of the demoness would fixate upon the dark splashed features of the unknown woman. Tiara would raise, sizing up the stranger unconsciously. There was a slight swelling to the femme's abdomen, and a faint smirk would curve up the onyx lips of the sultry shadow. This pretty thing was burdened with whelps of her own, like she had been just a few mooncycles past. "More like something." Sultry lyrics would purr with a bored expression on her dainty features. The tip of her long plume would flick absently as it swept across her heels, tea cupped paws dancing across the hot terra as she pivoted her curvaceous frame to face the woman. "Care to tell me your name, lovely?" A luxurious purr of the sumptuous lyrics would pose a query to the stranger, curious to see who the burdened beauty was.

Tall obsidian audits would flick as a brow was quirked inquisitively, the petite wisp of shadow looking up yet again to a uniquely marked and bright eyed fae. She'd seen eyes like that before, toxic and consuming as acid, yet glinting with dark mirth and intelligence. Her own eyes were almost cat like, bright and enchanting, with their different tones fading into one another in a swirling battle for dominance. These marvelous optics scanned the horizon behind the shade smattered wolfess, blandly searching for something in the distance that might provide a home for her and her children for the time being. Nothing presented itself, and the languid gaze would return to the defined features of the stranger.
