
When I'm Wiser And I'm Older


03-18-2014, 11:10 AM

The tired brute stepped forward, touching his muzzle lightly to the pool. Warm water moved gently down his throat as he drank. He'd been walking for miles now, lost in his own thoughts. This was the way it had always been for him. Wandering, exploring, avoiding the smell of packs. And he smelled one nearby.

But today, he decided to test his limits, just a little. It was worth being able to replenish his thirst in a spring such as this. His lips formed a smile as his tongue lapped in and out, savoring the warm liquid. It was a wonderful place to relax. And so Hyperion relaxed, sinking on to his stomach as he pawed at the running water. His ears turned constantly, listening for any telltale sounds. Maybe a snapping twig or the rustle of fur. Then he would need to run. But for now, he was still a safe distance away from whatever pack called this place home. His black fur stirred slightly in the breeze.

No one would know he was here.




5 Years
03-18-2014, 01:11 PM

Something about the rumors of bubbling pools of warmth intrigued the tiny nymph, so much that she had decided to disobey her mother's laws and travel far from her den to investigate them. She did not fear the likely punishment she would face for venturing off alone, and she did not contemplate her actions enough to care. The only things on her mind were questions that demanded answers- and so she would get them herself. She would stumble over her tiny paws, her meager form swaying from side to side as she still had a hard time walking a straight line. Her volcanic glare would fall upon the unfamiliar territory, mouth gaping in awe as she discovered the unknown. Never before had she seen steam arise from the earth, especially from something that was supposed to be cold like water. How was this possible?

Wearily she would take her first paw steps into the uncharted wilderness, steam arising all around her, heat teasing her pores, and her feet rising as the ground beneath her began to grow hot. She had never felt a sensation like this before, and it brought a delighted sneer and a bubble of laughter from her lips. She would break out into a run, sloppily weaving between the massive pools(compared to her) of molten lava.(actually very hot water) She did not know if she could touch the magma due to its temperature, but she wanted to find out. The adults had spoken of wolves entering these pools because it was soothing and relaxing, so why couldn't she get in too?

She would direct her movement toward the next hot spring in her path, which seemed to be directly next to a pool that had a stranger submerged within its depths. She could not sense him though, and would come to the waters edge only feet from his pool, her eyes wide as she peered down into the boiling pit. Slowly she would extend her slender appendage, her toes flexing as she aimed to touch the tip of her toe into the water. She did not know how to swim, or that swimming was an actual thing. All she knew was this water was supposed to be hot, and that she was supposed to be able to get in it.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



2 Years
03-18-2014, 02:19 PM

The tiny girl had watched her older sister go off in search of something, so the second oldest girl narrowed her crystal blue eyes and followed her sister, knowing the danger as well as Fiamette did. White paws would move faster and faster, as the pup looked back a few times, dark gray fur bristling with the chance to earn her mother's love. But then, a thought echoed through her mind; would Fiamette hate her if she told on her to mommy? But, even after she decided not to tell Fiamette on her mother, she knew that it was too late to head back now; her punishment would be worse than Fiamette's. A few pawsteps behind her sister, Hestia glanced up and looked at the land in front of her, allowing her eyes to widen in surprise and wonder. What was this place, and why was something cold like water bubbling easily, with steam rising up from it? To the girl, with her only slightly corrupted mind, it was like a miracle. Maybe she could push something in the water later.


03-18-2014, 04:58 PM

Steam was beginning to cloud his vision as he lowered his body farther into the pool. As soon as his aching muscles hit the bubbling water, all tension held in them disappeared. Hyperion released a tranquil sigh, his golden stare sliding lazily across the landscape. This was what heaven felt like. His spirit would soak in a hot spring when he died. Well, I won't have to wait long for that. he thought with a bleak chuckle.

It was rare that Hyperion thought of death, but in the recent years he'd faced the facts many times. His youth was gone. His life was nearing its final days, and eventually he would have to accept it. And making jokes doesn't count as accepting it, he scolded himself. You're just delaying the inevitable.

Come to think of it, it was also rare for Hyperion to give his mind such clear thoughts. It was as if he was talking to himself. Another low chuckle echoed in the brute's chest. It must have been the minerals in the hot spring. Or the steam getting to his brain. Despite the odd feelings that were swimming through his mind, he edged his old body a little farther in.

Then a ruffled noise caught his attention. He let out a quiet groan. Was this a member of the pack he'd smelled earlier? Were they coming to chase him off?

He had just begun lifting his legs from the spring when the figures came into view. Two young pups, tiny females, prancing over to the steaming pools without a care in the world. At first the sight amused him, but then he considered the parents that would be close behind. His burnt amber gaze narrowed as he searched for any followers. But these young ones were alone.

The first child came deliberately to the edge of the pool he was resting in. Her fiery red coat gleamed in the sunlight as she extended a paw to test the water. "I would be careful if I were you, little one. That water can burn you a bit if you aren't used to it." Not only that, but Hyperion feared that the female would fall in if she weren't careful. With a kind smile, he looked to the next newcomer. Her little white pads were more cautious than that of her sister's, but she looked upon the pools with the same sense of awe. She appeared to be following the first child, but he wasn't sure the little red pup had noticed yet.

Then the obvious question came to him. "Where are your parents, young ladies?"




5 Years
03-19-2014, 12:52 PM

She hardly noticed her sisters presence as she journeyed on, only acknowledging Hestia when their pelts accidentally brushed along the way. She would pay her no mind as she glared into the bubbling pit before her, and to her surprise, something would begin to stir besides the warmth within the pool. "I would be careful if I were you, little one. That water can burn you a bit if you aren't used to it." She would seem to jump out of her crimson coat, back peddling a few steps as her lips curled instinctively. Her volcanic stare would fall upon what she assumed were his eyes, and she would respond, her brow furrowing in annoyance. How dare he sneak up on her like that, she could have fell in! "Burn me? HA! I'm made of fire, I'm Fiamette Sovari!" She would admonish, her tones laced with her fearlessness and resentment. An amused smirk would grace her lips as she approached the waters edge, and again she would threaten to dip a toe in the boiling water as she extended her blackened appendage.

But before she could utterly mock him he would speak again, and she would freeze, her paw dangling just inches from the sizzling surface. "Where are your parents, young ladies?" "Why." She would not recoil her slender limb as she countered his question with one of her own. The only movement the duchess would make was to roll her gaze upward as she glanced toward the strange man, a cocky expression enveloping her features as she questioned his motives. What did he plan on doing, kidnapping them? Pushing them in? Boiling and eating them? She'd like to see him try. Her volcanic gaze whispering taunts as she demanded an answer to her question, no thought in her mind besides why he wanted to know where her parents were. She did not know he was a rouge, and merely assumed he was a pack member along with the others strangers she had seen around Ludicael.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



2 Years
03-20-2014, 01:46 PM

It was when the older wolf spoke that Hestia looked at him, narrowing her eyes in obvious contempt. "I would be careful if I were you, little one. That water can burn you a bit if you aren't used to it." Glaring silently at the wolf, it wasn't until her older sister spoke, until the shadowy girl spoke. What had her mother been teaching Fiamette? The thought went through her head for a minute, then the pup shook her black head. Blinking her blue eyes after a moment, she turned her head to a steaming pool of water. Moving forwards on white paws, the girl threatened to stick her paw into the hot water, glaring at the wolf in a silent challenge as she did so. Nothing can burn us. Even if it did, it wouldn't hurt us.

When the male spoke again, Hestia jumped and fell into the water. It did burn, but she was determined not to let Fiamette or this wolf see that. Instead, she struggled out of the water as gracefully as she could, shaking her black fur as she did so. Listening to her sister's question, Hestia allowed a small smirk cross her maw. That was a good question. Hestia had no intention of answering the older wolf. But maybe, just maybe, she could earn her mother's love. Moving forwards quickly, until she was right in front of the older wolf, she sat there, and stared at him.

Finally, with a low growl, she aimed to push the wolf back into the bubbling water he had just crawled out of. She knew that the water couldn't kill, now, but she didn't care. Maybe she could get Fiamette to help her drown him. These thoughts went through her mind, and she waited patiently for the results of her push.


03-20-2014, 11:12 PM

The male watched with silent amusement as the red pup threatened to dip her paw in. He wasn't too concerned at this point. If she did test the water, the worst she could do was find out Hyperion was right. It would burn, but only slightly, and not for long. Then her sibling stepped forth and did the same.

He laughed once, flatly. Then the little black pup jumped in. Hyperion gasped in shock as the steaming water converged around her small body. Then she resurfaced and began to paddle, struggling to conceal how difficult it was for her. Laughing deeply again, the aging male moved forward and took a bit of the girl's scruff between his teeth, tugging her closer to the edge of the pool so she could climb out.

Her blue eyes sliced into his as she left the hot water. "And what did that accomplish, little one?" He grinned at the look of contempt in her eyes. Suddenly an irritated growl left her throat, and two black bodies collided as the young lady tried to push the brute in. He rolled his golden eyes good-naturedly and grabbed her scruff again, lifting her and dropping her farther away.

"What do you think you're doing, dear? That's no way to treat your elders." Hyperion scolded the tiny female with a smile in his voice. These were some feisty pups.



03-20-2014, 11:31 PM

Red temptress had left her children for a short time with her brother yet again, already annoyed and tired with them especially since their eyes had opened and they had decided to begin their exploring. Today it was the girls. Funny how the boys were her least favourite but they seemed the best behaved. White paws dragged wearily against the hard rock. Red crown was hung low as she moved through the hot springs but black lined eyes were attentive and as they shifted over the surroundings. But it wasn't her eyes that would find them first, it was her ears. They would flutter at the sound of first Fiamette's voice and then Hestia's followed by a an unknown male. Immediately a sense of urgency overcame her and her head snapped up, who was with her children? Long legs moved with ease through the paths between the hot pools of water, paths she had taken many a time. She was ready to fight when she bounded onto the scene, the first thing she was seeing was the male picking up Hestia. But immediately he put her back down a bit further away from him and she stopped, taking a moment to reassess.

Slower now she would approach, silently now as she looked to her darling daughter and the black child she had expelled as well. "Hello? You don't smell like a pack wolf, are you part of the pack? This is Ludicael pack lands." She said a bit warily, lantern gaze studying the older male. Though he smelt of a rouge she wasn't overly worried about him. "But were my kids bothering you?" Words rolled easily off her tongue as she shot a quick look at her daughters, despite him being the trespasser she still didn't want them to be a trouble. She stepped to them, placing Fiamette protectively between her forepaws as she reached down to affectionately nuzzle her first born. They were fine? Funny how much Desiree had evened her out since they had met, Vi much more content to relax and see how things went rather then attacking first. Though instead of any affectionate greeting towards the black sheep of her children she shot the child a look as if asking what she had been doing that had lead to her being picked up and discarded.



2 Years
03-21-2014, 01:59 PM

It was the look her mother gave her. The look that Hestia knew all too well. Closing her eyes, a sadness went through her, and the pup lowered her head. She closed her light blue eyes, unwilling to look at her mother or her sister. I....I just wanted to make you proud. I wanted to make you and Fiamette proud. She said, softly, and lowered her head. It was then, that the first hints of wanting her mother's love began to enter her heart even more. But the sadness was a little too much for the pup, right now, and she stared into her reflection. I'm the different one. She thought, and closed her eyes. Not that it would help. The black sheep.

Looking at her mother, and wagging her white tipped tail a little, Hestia lowered her head once more and began to walk by her. Maybe the black sheep could find another place to explore. Without her mother. But one thought went through her mind as she walked by. I wish she loved me. Glancing up at her mother's face once more, Hestia spoke, heading back in the direction of her den. I'm.....Gonna go home.



03-23-2014, 01:37 PM

He continued to give the pups a friendly smile when, suddenly, an adult wolf stumbled upon the scene. Hyperion felt a twinge of fear. This was a pack wolf, no doubt the mother of these two little wanderers. What would she think of this old male, toying with her children? Surely she had seen him pick up her daughter.

His golden eyes stayed fixed on the mother as she approached, asking if he belonged to the pack. "No, my lady, I do not. But I meant no harm by trespassing. I only wanted to relax in the springs for a moment." He began to rise from the steamy waters, shaking his pelt lightly to release any extra drips of moisture. He stepped carefully around the little black pup, nudging her a bit as he did so. Why did these girls insist on straying so close to the edge? He let out a low chuckle as the pup seemed to sulk, meandering past her mother and back into the woods.

Hyperion returned his attention to the adult woman in front of him. Her fur was the same blazing color of red as her fiery little daughter. "I'll just be leaving now, miss. Sorry to bother you. And your children weren't troublesome at all. You should be proud to have such beautiful, independent young ladies." He sent a wink in the red pup's direction as he left the pool, shaking his paws dry as he did so.

The old brute started to turn and make his way to unclaimed grounds, but an afterthought held him for a moment longer. "Forgive my ignorance, but what pack is it that holds dominance here? Just out of... curiosity." The dark wolf wanted to know who else believed that they held power over the land. The idea seemed ludicrous to him.
