
Welcome Distraction


03-18-2014, 09:57 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The strangely warm temperature was incredibly inconvenient for the white she-wolf with the black tail. Things were already horrible as they were without needing the extra annoyance to add to it. No brother, no friend, and a bad time of the year. If it were not for her consistent wandering and refusal to rest longer than was necessary Yin would likely have broken by now. She was not used to these feelings of loneliness and longing and wished desperately for them to go away so that she could go back to feeling like her old self and not this unstable, jittery mess. And goodness did she feel that way! It was driving her crazy.

Strong, pristine white paws carried her at a lope across the snowy landscape, driving herself to keep moving and racing on despite the heat of her exertion combined with what was already in the air. Air was dragged in deep breaths as she ran, testament to the reckless pace she had been keeping for some time now, and it was only when the tall wall loomed with a large, stretching shadow overhead that she allowed herself to stop. In all her time of being this far north, she could not recall having once been here to see this strange formation. It looked quite out of place here, solitary and cold. Pausing in the snow to catch her breath, she found the curious sight of it a welcome distraction from her irritability.

But the stillness aided in revealing something else to her: just how tired she had grown from racing about so carelessly. Despite the cold cast by the shadow that extended from the Wall, Yin padded slowly toward it to curl up within the snow at its base, tucking her nose beneath her black tail as she allowed her green and blue eyes to close restfully.


03-19-2014, 11:29 PM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

The north was a relief only in temperature. He knew that Roman was no longer here. She was in Tortuga now. Their queen. If he was lucky he would never have to see her again, but for now he just needed some time away from his pack and all the demons that seemed to be following him. So North he went.

It had been a long journey, but the wall loomed in front of him like a sign that here was where he would stop. The auburn man knew he was vulnerable here, in broad daylight against a pristine white background, but he didn't care. If he was attacked, let him be hurt. He deserved it, didn't he? And so when he spotted a strange female lying in the snow, he held no fear or ill will in approaching her.

The woman appeared to be sleeping so Fugue thought it only polite to announce himself before intruding. He stood a number of feet from her and sat, tail curled around his paws and head dipped slightly. He cleared his throat and put on the friendliest face he could muster in his depression. Perhaps she could get his mind off of things...


"Talk" Think "You"


03-20-2014, 05:36 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The stillness around her coupled with the cold lulled Yin into a swift and complete sleep. She had pushed herself too hard and gone too far to continue, worn out in her desperation to prevent herself from slipping further into those depressing thoughts whose greedy claws were lurking in wait for the moment she would let her guard slip. In the waking hours, the mostly white she-wolf had begun trekking far to distract herself and leave little to no time for reflection. In sleep, however, she was unfortunately less lucky, and she was only just beginning to realize it. All that was repressed during the waking hours crept within her dreams, her brother a shadow that lurked around the edges of her subconscious but never close enough to catch while Hansel's voice teased her as she tried to follow it inside the dark world of her dreams.

He spoke to her, urging her to follow, and she did. She could almost hear the sound of his footfalls within the snow, growing louder as she thought she was gaining ground on him. Even Yang, who still remained out of sight within the peripheral areas of her vision, seemed to gain a stronger shape. She was closing in.

But the sound of a clearing throat, surprisingly near and considerably more substantial than the other noises she had heard, caused her brow to furrow in confusion just a second before her mismatched eyes opened themselves and, after taking a moment to adjust to the lighting around them, fixed upon a brightly toned stranger. This isn't Hansel. The color scheme of this wolf was completely off, comprised of reds and silvers and colors that stood out starkly from the white backdrop, not to mention he lacked much of the brawn the other male possessed. Unless Hansel had undergone many changes during their separation, this was not him.

Having her sleep interrupted was horrible enough, but made by a stranger it was only made doubly worse. She wanted her brother to help her behave correctly, even Hansel to quell the longing she had to have someone worth curling up with. And so when Yin addressed him, ignoring the smile that he tried to present her with, it was with a blunt and remorseless tone, eyes once again closing as if to further shut out the stranger. "Whatever you're looking for, you won't find it here," she stated, hoping to dissuade him from lingering. She was already irritated enough. It would have been all too easy to displace it all on him.