
It's Where My Demons Hide

Twig I


03-17-2014, 09:29 PM
The girl had gotten little time to herself recently, having Jinxx around had caused such. Though after being with out him for so long she didn't mind that he was always there to watch her back. He was there when she needed to cry and she knew he did his best to make her smile, but her pregnancy was certainly wearing on her. She could hardly stand to look at her swollen sides, and she felt to terrible for those around her. She'd become terribly irritable and snapped at most wolves who tried to talk to her. She'd hidden herself away in Jinxx's den, not wanting much to face the over-helpful wolves of Valhalla. So with too much pleasure the oddly marked girl had left the confines of Valhalla, sneaking away from her sleeping brother that night. The moon would coax her from the confines of the den, it's soft light would lead her away from pack territory to the edge of the southern lands. The sound of waves crashing against the black beach would lure her to a magical oasis. Still the heat would permeate the lands, but as a front was coming through the temperature would drop to a perfect range. The reflective sand would enhance the brightness of the moon's glow as her dainty slate colored paws would gingerly take her over the sands. Her orchid gaze would take in the beauty of the coast, the breeze would tousle her shaggy fur as fireflies danced around her. Far off in the distance she would see the flashes of lightning on a storm cloud as the thunder began to serenade her soft ears. She could feel the tension in her body caused by her life's constant stress, a feeling that would persist even though she happened upon the most relaxing of scenes she had ever experienced. She could feel tears of irritation well up within her lavender eyes as she was unable to let herself unwind in such a beautiful atmosphere. She just wanted to enjoy herself, but it seemed nothing would keep her mind from the future she had to face. She would let her haunches coil beneath her wide girth as her marked features were pointed towards the vast waters, her tears finally spilling over. She cared not about showing them, it seemed all she had been doing recently was crying. Maybe letting these tears flow freely would help her release, but with her current emotional status it was likely they would cause nothing but a headache.?



03-18-2014, 04:37 PM

An odd sensation would jolt the man awake from his slumber, his massive frame squirming as he stumbled to his paws. He assumed a bad dream had woken him, and he would shake his hazy mind as he peered toward the entrance of his new den. It still felt odd to be here instead of in Seracia, and he couldn't deny that he missed his old home- but he knew he was serving a purpose here, and that was to tend to Chrysanthe until she was well again. He would contemplate rolling back onto his side, but something about this night lured him into the open and out of Valhalla's territory. Nostrils would quiver as he came across Twig's faint perfume, and curiously he would begin to follow it. Where had she gone in the middle of the night while heavily pregnant?

He would question her intentions while continuing his pursuit, his brow furrowing as he reached a sandy beach laced with obsidian sand that seemed to glow among the moonlight. He would squint his eyes so that his vision could adjust, and the faint figure of a wolf would ensnare his attention. His tail would begin to wiggle back and forth, his lips creasing as he barked to her, alerting her of his presence. He would stride forward and upon reaching her he would lower himself so that he could lay beside her. His head would swing toward her, a warm smile placed across his features- only it would fade as soft sobs reached his audits, morphing into a concerned frown as his warm gaze fell upon her orchid stare. "Twig, why are you crying?" He would softly inquire as he attempted to nudge her gently, an attempt at comforting her. Why was she upset and alone?


Twig I


03-18-2014, 05:19 PM

The somber form of the marked girl would sit before the water's edge, the waves of the massive ocean licking her ashen toes. Her tears would be added to the salty water at her feet, as orchid gaze would stare into the dark waters. She would assume seclusion, she had not been alerted to anyone's presence as she fled Valhalla's lands. In reality she should not have left with out a proper escort, she had not thought of the dangers that she would be putting herself and her unborn children in. Another mistake that could have easy cost her life. The young she wolf would let her mind linger upon unpleasant thoughts as a bark would reach her darkly covered ears. She would feel herself jump out of her skin as her head whipped around to see the intruder.
What she would find would set her cheeks alight and the butterflies would swarm her insides. Silently she would wonder how there was even any room within her swollen frame for them. She would feel her marked lips turn up slightly as Themisto brought himself close to her, his sunny gaze and warm smile chasing away some of her clouds. He would ask about her tears, nuzzling her gently as his concern was brought out through his features.?"I feel like I'm always crying, Themisto." she would sniffle and offer a sweet kiss to his temple,?"i feel so stressed, so afraid all of the time. Like he's still there behind me, watching my every move." her ears would fall back fearfully as she glimpsed over her shoulder, almost sure after saying it that the monster from her nightmares would return for her.?"What if he comes back for me.. For them." her lavender eyes would slowly drift to her bloated abdomen, she avoided looking at them as much as she could. No matter how long she looked away though, she knew they were still there. Her offspring and her children alone, they had no sire or father. Just her. How would she ever be able to explain to them how they came to be? A sorrowed sigh would fall from her mouth as she let herself join Themisto in the sand, her front end gently lowering to the granulated surface.?"I don't want to face my future."




03-20-2014, 12:17 AM

He would feel his cheeks begin to burn as she placed a kiss upon his forehead, and he would nudge her again, his lips creasing into a long smile. Butterflies swarmed within his stomach as their fur intertwined, and his tail would wiggle behind him happily. He would lap gently at her tears as she spoke, and he would simply nod his head in acknowledgement. He did not know what he could say to make her feel better, so he would take her into his arms until he could come up with a plan.

As she lowered herself to lay beside him he would roll onto his side so that his belly was facing her. He would extend his limb so that he could attempt to place it over her, hoping to pull her in so that she was pressed against him. He would sigh, his chin pressing against his collarbone as he wanted to press his face into the back of her neck. He would hold her tightly and speak gently, his husky voice quiet. "If he ever comes back we'll kill him. You don't have to be afraid anymore..." Should the perpetrator ever return Themisto would rip him apart himself, and would let Twig make the final blow. Despite his gentle nature he believed the penalty for rape should be death.

He would somehow aim to pull her in closer, should it even be possible. He would not push on her abdomen, but instead he would put his forearms in her armpits so he could hold her, his paws pressed against her plush chest. He would bring his chin up, his moist nose running along the back of her neck. Slowly he would begin to groom the backs of her slate dipped ears, an attempt at soothing her with his kindness. "As for the children... They will only know what you tell them. You must tell them the truth so they know their father is a bad man and nothing more. They need to know a parent is someone who raises you, not creates you. You will love them just as you love your family, maybe even more." He would chuckle lightly, his tail wiggling as the idea of little Twig babies came to his mind. Her sons would be magnificent, and her daughters... well, they better be locked up like princesses to keep the men away. He would feel a wave of overpowering emotions swell up within him as he held her tightly. He could get used to this feeling.


Twig I


03-20-2014, 05:48 PM
Sweetly Themisto would carefully remove the tears from her cheeks, her lips would curl up into the beginnings of a smile as his sunny gaze took her in. As she slid to the sandy earth he would reposition himself to show her his caramel colored belly, his forelimb wrapping around her as he pulled her in close. Her sigh would intermingle with his own as she let his comfort wash away what it could of her stress and anxiety. His words would help to bring her the comfort she needed then, a sigh of slight relief would leave her jaws. She felt safe with Themisto there, like she could finally start thinking of relaxing. He would bring himself ever closer, wrapping his arms tightly around her ribs. His paws would pull her in, and cause yet another wave of excited butterflies to well up within her stomach. She would close her eyes blissfully as his gentle licks would groom her audits carefully. His words would softly bring her comfort, seemingly reading her mind. Already he seemed to know her so well, offering her a solution to one of her largest dilemmas. Certainly what he said would not be easy, telling her children of the day they were created would surely be one of her most difficult moments. Right now though, his warmth was all she wished to think about.?

He held her so close, she never wanted him to let go. Did he realize what he was doing to her? The butterflies, the sweet kisses as soft words, they were all too much for her to take. She was falling for him, and it seemed she had never stood a chance. There was no other man who has ever made her feel like this, she'd never craved someone's presence as much as she wished for his. She would sigh as she leaned back into his touch, pushing to try and mold herself even closer to his warm body. "I'm in love with them already, and I would be excited to meet them if I didn't have to look forward to giving birth to them. I'm pretty nervous about that day too.." she would let herself take a moment to enjoy the gentle caress of his tongue as she felt her butterflies again, but they seemed much stronger than she'd remembered. Her head would turn to look at her bulging belly to find her child's paws pushing on the inner wall. "Oh my goodness Themisto look, they want to say hello." a genuine smile would play across her features as she looked between the healer's features and her abdomen. "It feels so weird.." a hint of a giggle would leave her lips as she watched her little ones do backflips within her.?



03-21-2014, 03:11 PM

Somehow she would seem to press further into his embrace, and he would welcome it, laying still so that she could perfectly position herself against him. He would continue to soothingly groom her, his tongue gently intermingling with the fine hairs along the back of her ears and skull. His throat felt tight and the sudden impulse to cry overwhelmed him. He was so truly happy next to her, so overjoyed when he held her in his arms he could cry. Twig and he were molded against each other so tightly now he couldn't imagine having to pull himself away. Not now, not ever. "I'm in love with them already, and I would be excited to meet them if I didn't have to look forward to giving birth to them. I'm pretty nervous about that day too.." He would chuckle lightheartedly at her comment, he knew that birth wasn't the funnest thing to endure, but the pain was more than worth it. "Don't worry Twig, I've been through a lot of births. I'll be there to help you." He would reassure her, his tongue trailing downward as he kissed her neck tenderly in different spots. If she could withstand the horrid conception, she could death with the aftermath- he was sure of it.

Suddenly she would giggle, her words bringing a warm smile to his lips as he peered over her shoulder, just enough to where he could see the pups writhing within her. He would chuckle as he watched a paw push on the inner wall of her belly, and he would nudge her when she said it felt weird. He could only imagine how it felt to have something alive inside of him, but luckily he would never have to experience it being a man and all. He would move his right paw down her chest softly as he led it toward her stomach, a shy smile tainting his lips. "May I?" He would request, his movement pausing as he waited for her approval before attempting to feel them move with his paw. He had felt pups move before, but he wanted to feel these pups because they were hers. And he would love them just as he felt love in his heart for Twig.

Twig I


03-21-2014, 04:23 PM

The gentle rolling of thunder would caress her ears as she and Themisto lay under the starry sky. Millions of stars would look down at them, adding their brilliant light to that reflected from the moon. She would breathe in the fresh ocean breeze as it danced across her shaggy pelt. It would almost feel cool against her exposed areas, a stark contrast to the inexplicable warmth she felt in Themisto's grasp. She didn't want him to have to pull away, she felt a calmness that hadn't visited her in many months. Since before her mother died and her family massacred she hadn't felt such a sense of peace any other time. Him holding her so tight would renew her spirit and vigor, he would pursue her fears and anxieties and he would vanquish them with his gentle kindness. She would voice her concerns and he would direct his answer to comfort her, his lyrics would certainly bring her much comfort. His skill had led him through more births than she had ever witnessed, still she could feel a nervousness within her. Child birth would be a completely new experience for the girl, and trying something new always brought about a little uncertainty.?"It makes me feel.. A lot better to know you'll be with me." she would whisper as she enjoyed the trail of kisses he would leave on her neck.?

His sweet natured chuckle would join her own exclamation of joy as his gaze followed her own down her bodice to her bulging belly. She would feel his paw slip past her breast as he moved to touch her child's exposed paw. It almost felt as though it tickled, and as she relaxed into his chest she would not hesitate to grant him access.?"of course," She would recite quietly,?"I couldn't deny you Themisto.." her vocals would become shy as she murmured the last few words to him. Her resolve would almost dissipate as she stole an innocent kiss upon his exposed muzzle. Watching as he made contact with her unborn son or daughter, a soft giggle bubbling forth from her marked lips.?"They're going to be wonderful I know it." with those words she would push her head affectionately against her sunny gazed companion. The butterflies tickling her belly worse than her babies.?
