
Home Is Not Here



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-17-2014, 08:29 PM

Silence. Where was everyone? Avalon stood atop a small slope, overlooking the home she had disappeared from long ago. Was her family gone now? She scented no traces of them anywhere, and the sadness within her grew. It had been an entire year since she had disappeared, kidnapped then rescued in the war. It was but a memory, but one she tried to never remember as it would remain vivid in her mind when she did think about it. She stared around the landscape, the water gently rolling in and out from the shore. Slowly, she moved forward. Hopeful to find a trace, a scent, anything of her family. Her father was nowhere to be found, her mother the same. Siblings were gone, and not even the Snow Rogues seemed to be here anymore...had they decided to not wait for her? Left her behind? Her heart sank the more she walked, they were gone. She was sure of it.

She walked along the beach, finally stopping at the edge of the jetty that went out into the sea. (Image ref of Jetty-Click) She stared out towards them, ears against her head as sadness filled her mind and heart, chest becoming heavy. Where had her family gone off to? Did they all leave and abandon what they once called home? Where was her sisters and brothers? Tail curled around her legs, her left leg that had once been damaged was healed now, and the limp she had trained away for the most part. She still limped, though it was barely noticeable and did not hamper her in any way. The only thing that bothered her was when the weather turned wet or humid, and moisture caused her leg to stiffen from time to time, but nothing that heat couldn't fix. And so she sat there in silence, thinking about what her next move would be...


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03-17-2014, 08:41 PM
The ebony and snow white male trotted through the cove. The smell of fresh salt water brought some tears to his eyes as it had begun to spit some of the mist into his gold colored orbs. His tail moved from side to side as he listened to any sounds, or signs of movement. That was when he had soon caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a shadow, standing in front of a jetty. He approached cautiously, and soon, to his dismay, it was a female. It had been a year since he had any contact with a female wolf, and maybe he would be able to speak with him.

"Excuse me, but, who are you, and why are you out here alone?" He asked as he showed his form into a somewhat dismissive gesture. He did not like to fight, especially if his opponent would happen to be a femme. His gold orbs focused on the she-wolf's pelt. It had appeared she had seemed a bit in her life, and everything he had known about females, were not probably gone. He bowed his head respectfully and gave her some space.

"My name is Klypso, and I am a loner, and I have been that while for a year now. Was this where your pack was located?" He asked, but he knew that she may not be happy to talk to him with that, and he tried his best to give her space and not dig into anymore questions. The wind began to pick up as the mist of that water began to whip around his pelt. Salt was something he hadn't known in a long time, and he had not spelled it in a while either. He lifted his paw slightly and sat down next to the female, giving her space as he watched the ocean smack into rocks and other things that bundled up here on the cove.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-08-2014, 04:43 AM
First, a scent. Though she did not bother to turn around for whoever it was, was of no concern to her. The girl figured it was a passing loner, though moments later it would seem that loner would find its way to her. A voice of an unknown caused her to turn her head almost too quickly, startling her slightly. A male she had never seen before was approaching, questions upon his tongue. He didn't seem to be hostile, but she wasn't sure if she could trust him at all. The female that had kidnapped her almost a year ago had acted the same way before hurting and enslaving her. His demeanor confused her slightly, for he soon bowed his head to her and she wondered what sort of display he was trying to offer. He had introduced himself, explained himself a bit before finally asking about her pack. Pain seemed to cloud her eyes for no more then a split second as she turned away. Wary, however, she would remain where she was even as he sat near her. If someone was truly evil, they wouldn't do as he had just done, right?

Glancing at him, she would study him for several moments before taking a deep breath to answer. "M...My name is Avalon, daughter of Gargoyle and Ocena." She turned, facing the water as her thick plumed tail curled around her large paws. At 39", she was larger then everyone she had come across. Then again, she held her father's build. Even for her large stature, she held some feminine curves...though nothing she really noticed considering she hadn't noticed in the first place. "My pack...used to live here. Before that, I used to live in Old Glaciem when my Father was Alpha, before it was stolen from us. So, I guess you can say I'm out here alone, waiting." Waiting for what? She wasn't sure...perhaps a shred of hope, that someday, things would be okay...that they would return...that she would see her family again...that she would be happy.


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05-10-2014, 03:00 PM
Klypso looked to her and nodded, "Like I said, I'm Klypso and you seem to be alone here, may I sit here with you?" he asked with a smile and yawned slightly as he lied down. The sound of water crashing on the rocks and the sound of water going through the sand caused him to feel better as the water lapped at his pelt. "I don't really have a family, and my mother and father had been deceased for quite some time now."

He looked to her once more as his gold orbs looked to hers and he gave her a small smile, tail wagging slightly.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-27-2014, 03:23 AM
ooc// Remember posts have to be at least 100 words ^^ Just a reminder.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Klypso. You may stay if you wish." She would respond simply, gaze turning to him for a brief moment before returning her gaze out to the water. One ear turned towards him as he explained that his parents were dead. Was that something he so easily told everyone? It made her slightly uneasy...what if her own parents were dead too? Was that why they hadn't been back in so long? "I'm...sorry for your loss." She would look at him again, a sympathetic look offered before she glanced back at her paws. She shuffled them a bit upon the rock they were in, the water crashing against the rocks caused the spray to lightly mist their pelts. She didn't like to sit close to the water, for the oceans depths frightened her to some degree.

It had been a long time since she had really interacted with anyone. And she found it somewhat difficult to do so now, but hopefully she would learn to do so again. Perhaps even starting with this male. "You don't smell like any of the packs. You're a loner?"



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05-27-2014, 05:28 AM
The brute would turn his head slightly and opened his eyes when they were closed when the ocean mist had sprayed into his face and pelt. A small nod and smile would come across his face when she asked the question to him. "Yes, I have a loner almost all my life. My parents were there for me, but rarely would they ever spend time with me since i was a runt. At least you have someone there for you," he smiled and looked to the ocean as the wind blew his pelt and a wave crashed onto the cliff they were sitting on, causing the water to go upward and splash his face. The taste from the liquid was salty and unpleasant, and it caused the brute to make a disgusted face.

"Well, didn't see that coming, I guess the ocean hates me," he joked with the fae to lighten up the tension that the female had felt. Whenever he sensed that someone was sad or depressed, he would always try and tell a joke or say something funny; but, maybe it would not work upon this female wolf that sat a couple inches away from him.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-29-2014, 02:56 AM

She watched him. The sea mist sprinkling on her coat as she sat still. He told her he had been a loner most of his life, and in a way she could relate. "I was born into a pack, but we became loners not long after. I used to live in a pack called Glaciem, when my father used to rule. My family was very close to each other, and I was one of the biggest. As large as my father now. But, It's been a year since I've seen any of my family." She laughed nervously, an undetermined look in her eyes as she side glanced at him. She said only that. Not going into all the other hardships she and her family had been through since.

A wave would suddenly crash against the rocks they were on, though they weren't particularly far from the water. The jetty they sat upon was often soaked by the crashing waves, only this time, the water soaked the male and her. She yelped with surprise, the cold water drenching her long fur. She glanced at him as he spoke, ears splayed as water dripped from her coat. If anyone else were to see her, she looked like a sopping wet dog now. "You and I both...that was cold!" She shivered as the cold wind passed them over again, and she would stand to shake her pelt. Attempting to avoid spraying him with any extra water before she sat down again. Her fur stuck out at odd ends and angles, but the wind would surely dry them off soon.



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05-29-2014, 05:20 AM
He would look to her with absolute kindness in his eyes. She did managed to spray him with a few drops of water after she was shaking off, but he did not mind that. The brute would move back as to not get the fae wet once more, and shook off the water that had been on his coat for not even a couple minutes. Once the water had been taken care of from his pelt, he would walk back over to the jetty and sit back beside the female, making sure he left some space for her to move if she was claustrophobic.

"I see. I have not heard much about Glaciem, but one of these days i will, even if you are not the one to tell me more. Before i came here, i used to be in a pack with just my parents and grandparents. We were not much, but we always looked after each other whenever we needed." He would speak to her and smiled, his golden orbs shimmered slightly in the sunlight that the ocean had reflected as the sun was hitting it.