
i hear his ghosts


03-17-2014, 07:48 PM
Altavro Of The Nomads
Altavro had never been much of a pack wolf. His nomad family had been the closest that the healer had ever come to a pack, and they had been wanderers that moved with the tide and helped all they came across. But the very idea of a pack had never made much sense to Altavro honestly. To be bound to a group of wolves that fought and hunted as well as healed, and to be locked in one space with them, well, Altavro wasn't sure he was cut out for it. His father had been the poster child for why pack wolves and Nomads could never get along. But Altavro knew that not all pack wolves would be like Kaevro. He had taken care of many pack wolves during his years, and some had been similar to his father (or at least his mother's stories of him), but many had been vastly different. There had been as much variation within pack wolves as there had been within the loners and Nomads that Altavro had known over his five years of life.

It was that and the thought of the upcoming seasons of shortness that had drawn Altavro towards the borders of this specific pack. He had chosen the pack at random, simply interested in learning about it, not joining. Which was why Altavro was careful to sit back from the border, not allowing even a stray hair to cross onto the pack territory. Some packs were very particular about that, Alavro was aware. Still, he was curious, and soon winter would be upon these lands, and Altavro was not sure if these winters would be something he could handle on his own. Perhaps the gods would press their wrath upon these lands during the winter, and he would need a pack to survive the harshest moons of the year.

In any case, Altavro figured there would be no harming in inquiring. So the Nomad tilted his head back and let a howl ring out, a rough noise that carried easily through the oppressively warm air. And then the golden male fell silent, tail wrapping easily around his paws as he waited for a response. He called for none in particular; any wolf from the lowest ranked to the highest would be welcomed on Altavro's part. He simply wished to learn, that was all.



03-17-2014, 09:00 PM

Paws moved in a rush over the land, steady and sure of their path. The dark woman was mindful of the upcoming seasons coming upon them. She had only a few good weeks left for plants to be at their peak. She raced across Valhalla making many trips from all the places that had the best patches of herbs and back to her den to store them. She was making another run along the border when a howl pulled her up short. Ears perked up and head twisted back the way it came from. She hesitated for a few heartbeats before her body turned around and slowly made her way to the owner.

A golden figure came into view and she paused to give her fur a good shake to rid the bits of plant debris before moving forwards. Her sky blue eyes studied him carefully before she gave a low woof of greeting some feet away. She noticed the scars between his eyes and it was vaguely familiar to her for some reason. She thought of Shilah and Amia with their scars. Were they all somehow connected? Greetings strangers. I am Imena, Primary Theta. Is there something I can help you with? She asked softly as she came closer.



03-18-2014, 10:42 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2014, 10:43 AM by Altavro.)
Altavro Of The Nomads
A black female was the first to appear, melting out of the shadows like a ghost. Altavro twitched his ears, examining her carefully. She didn't look like much, he thought with an internal snort. But perhaps she would surprise him. "I am Altavro of the Nomads," He couldn't hide the hint of pride that touched his words at that, even though it was unlikely that this female had heard of his family. Still, the title 'Nomad' meant a great deal to Altavro. It was a badge of honor, as was the scar etched into his skin. "I wish to learn a little of this pack," Altavro began carefully, "Though I am not certain that I wish to join." There. He would not let this wolf think even from the earliest moment that he was interested in joining just yet. He had heard rumours of wolves being forced into packs simply by expressing an interest in joining.

In any case, Altavro figured he could put up a little bit of a fight if it came down to it. And this Imena didn't look like much. Was she all that this pack had to offer? If so, Altavro was rather disappointed. She was quiet and scrawny and kind of sad looking. Overall, very pitiful and not the kind of wolf that you'd want keeping other wolves from trespassing. Of course, that was probably just Altavro's grumpy nature speaking. Still, as he looked the female up and down, she just didn't seem like much. She wasn't particularly intimidating, and while Altavro was no monsterously sized creature, he was at least a fairly intimidating creature, right? He could handle himself, at any rate. Imena looked like she needed protection. Hmph. This pack couldn't drum up better to guard their borders? He wanted to protect her, not have her protect the borders.

He was really just waiting for the obligatory dumb comment to fall from the female's maw. It would happen, Altavro knew it would. That would be his luck. He would get turned off from this pack before even learning about it, he suspected.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-18-2014, 04:39 PM

Erani had been patrolling, enjoying the late summer air and the successful feel of a good first meeting. Two Alliances, possibly three. Thus far, Valhalla was kicking off well and strong, and this was gratifying to her. Her stock was full of the herbs she needed, she having stepped into the Moor to gather some of the plants that only grew there. It?d only grow, as there were a few herbs that still grew in winter. A call rolled through Valhalla. Unfamiliar, calling any wolf. This would be the kind of wolf that would gather information before deciding to join or not.

Automatically, her paws changed course, as she uttered a low bark to Surreal and Alsander, noting with some amusement that Alsander was still taking the upwind side of his young cousin to avoid her heat scent. ?Continue the rounds without me, you two.? Velvet tones were gentle, before she headed off at a quick trot. She arrived on the scene, noting Imena?s arrival had already transpired. Her eyes flicked to the male, one made of golden, sandy colors, and bearing the fully trained mark of the Nomad Pack. The same mark her mother and father had both carried. She was in time to catch the male?s inquiry. ?I am Erani Adravendi, Daughter of Alorek and Aobhinn, High Healers of Redwood, Alpha Primary of Valhalla. Ask us what you wish to know, Nomad of Calarada. This pack is much like Redwood was. A family, with wolves
having a paw in all three skills of hunting, fighting and healing, as well as their main skill. And rank. Imena is an accomplished healer, and my lead healer.?

Deep blue pools rested on the sky blue gaze of the male, ears attentive of his reply, as she read his face. He clearly didn?t think much of Imena, and she wondered vaguely if he would fit in around here, if he didn?t give a stranger the initial respect, particularly a pack wolf. Scarred forelegs shifted slightly, a loose stance taken as her haunches lowered to the ground. Nomads were not wolves who were attackers of others. Never had been. She had a very vague memory of the Nomads visiting when she was just starting to see and hear. The fuzzy memory of a fiery red female with deep blue eyes smiling down upon her and her siblings, but her especially. Her grandmother, who was descended from the founders of the Nomads.



03-18-2014, 08:25 PM

Her eyes watched him carefully, mindful that not all males were safe. She was still alert for the scent of the bastard that had hurt Twig. She might not be a warrior, might not be strong or the fighting type but her rage was not something to mess with. It was an emotion rarely ever shown, experienced. Something huge would have to hit that cord to snap it, and it had. A rapist was dead in her eyes. But upon careful scenting, this golden male did not trigger it. As his name and title was giving she thought of the two young healers under her. She needed to start they're training, very soon actually. Pulling her haunches under her, she sat down with tail curling over her paws.I'm sure you'd be interested to know Shilah and Amia have joined our ranks, both Etas. She said softly.

She did not miss the slight loathing he had directed to her. Before she could even think much on it, much less say anything else Erani joined them. She bowed her head respectfully to the Queen with a tight smile. Erani always seemed to be on her toes and she was slightly worried for the older woman. But she dared not say a word of it. She wouldn't till the time came. She looked back at Altavro as Erani mentioned her and could not help the proud swell in her chest. Outwardly she would only sit up taller, ears back humbly and blue eyes slightly shy on the matter.I've learned from the best. And I owe Valhalla everything I have. She commented more towards Erani.


03-18-2014, 08:52 PM
Altavro Of The Nomads

Shilah and Amia. Both Nomads, though they had been of a younger generation than himself. "Two Nomads?" Altavro observed with a hint of curiosity touching his tone. That two wandering wolves could claim this pack as their home made him slightly more inclined to respect it. Still, Imena was not the most intimidating of guardians and nothing could change Altavro's mind. Hmph. "Interesting." Altavro nodded a little, managing to look as if he were aiming for philosophical when really Altavro had no idea how to feel about this development. He had left the Nomads as a fully fledged healer to seek out more knowledge, to fill the vast gaps that he knew existed even if he could not locate them. And yet, there was so much more than he had seen even during his wandering days.

His ears pricked in the direction of the rustling in the bushes, and Altavro was pleasantly surprised by the elegant figure that emerged forth, as different from Imena as night from day. Whereas Imena came across as young and inexperienced, this female clearly had experience. Altavro approved of her a little bit more than he did of Imena - not that that meant much. He still wasn't sure he liked this pack. The Nomads who had joined it were not likely to be very similar to Altavro. His disposition was not the most pleasant, Altavro knew. Still, he was far from evil. Just grumpy. A lot. "Is that all that you have achieved? Being descended from greatness?" Altavro sniffed irritably. He wasn't sure what about this female made him feel even more crotchety than normal, but she was certainly succeeding at that. "The best, at any rate, would likely be the Nomads." Grumpy, grumpy. He didn't particularly mean to insult Valhalla, but it was rather true. They were the healers with the most expertise of any. They had spent generations gathering their knowledge, and now here he was, faced with some young whippersnapper who didn't know a thing about Healing and thought this random pack was the best there was.

Gods above, he would have a lot to teach them if he chose to join this pack. Altavro yawned, aiming to look unconcerned as he let his gaze flit away from Erani for the first time since her appearance. "It sounds like you have plenty of healers. You probably wouldn't have room for one more anyways." The thought perturbed him a little, but the grumpy male just twitched his ears. He had no reason to be upset over not joining such a silly pack anyways. And too many Nomads in one area would simply remind him of why he had left.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-18-2014, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2014, 10:59 PM by Erani.)

The words that came from the sand colored Nomad male caused all gentleness to vanish from the suddenly frigid deep blue eyes. Slowly, the snowy female would rise from her seated position, deep blue gaze locking with the tawny gold male?s gaze. There was no outward sign of the rage swirling like ice through her veins. Not unless you looked into those eyes. When she spoke, her voice was calmly, cuttingly civil, and colder than glacial winds. ?Do you remember the stories of the Fall of Redwood?? There was something in her voice, like caverns and midnight, and her volume raised not one octave above normal speaking volume.

A wind whipped across the plains, tugging at her thick fur. Perhaps it was the trick of one?s imagination, but did it carry a chill? Thunder rolled far off as the Alpha Primary stepped forward, coming nose to nose with the male, deep blue gaze glazed and icy. ?By your scent, you are five years of age. My brother would have been taken into your pack long before you were ever born. I was a yearling, eight years ago, wandering the lands of Calarada, Homeless, having just seen my pack strewn dead upon the ground, told to run for my life by the brother I had thought just died. You have the gall to come and insult my pack, and my Theta Primary. Here in Alacritis, the best is me. Get off of your high throne, youngling, and earn the respect you so greatly think you deserve, or get out of my territory and never return. You think My being here As an Alpha is a tiny accomplishment? You Know nothing.?

Her head jerked back, and she turned with a glance toward Imena that said to go back to her business. ?I have no need for students fresh off of full training who think they know all there is to life. True training comes from life experience, the loss of your first patient, and fighting your first battle to protect your patient. Grow up, Altavro of the Nomads. Your younger pack mates show better respect than you have shown anyone this day. While we have need for healers, we need wolves who will respect those they know nothing about until given a true reason to not respect them.? She didn?t leave quite yet, giving the male time to apologize if he wished. A glance to Imena told the Theta to hold back any retaliatory responses she might have for the moment.



03-20-2014, 11:35 PM

What would transpire from this meeting had Imena's hackles raise slightly. He this male came, not only insulting her but Erani and the pack. She nearly jumped up with a snarl till she could feel the change in Erani. She turned her head to look at her, but she already knew what she would see. Calm on the outside but a storm ready to destroy everything in it's path inside. Those ice blue eyes held it all. Imena might be one of the few who did not cringe away from Erani when this happened. But the dark woman knew it was not directed at her, so she had no worries. But Imena's own eyes held the darkening blue sky, a twister swirling and just inches from touching ground. She would turn back to Altavro as he spoke and head to snap her jaws shut to keep silent. Muscles twitched in her shoulder, claws on her left paw digging into the earth before she tried to send it at the male's face.

But Erani's words were far stronger than what might have resulted it Imena let her paw go flying. She had never see the white woman go off like that before, and it only angered her more that someone could do such a thing to her Alpha. Erani had nothing but offered to help others time and time again. She did not deserve those words, that disrespect. When Erani turned to go, Imena snapped up to her paws. Lips pulled back in the start of snarl but Erani's look halting any noise to back up her lip lifting. With a daggered glare she spun on her toes, tail lashing at the air. She took two steps then waited, one paw lifted in mid-step. Maybe this Altavro would get his head out of his rear and apologize.



03-23-2014, 07:59 PM
Altavro Of The Nomads

The woman was frigid when she lashed out at Altavro. The anger in her tone was an unfamiliar occurrence to the crotchety male. Sure, wolves got irritated, but this was a beast of an entirely different (and kind of pretty) color. Her anger would have driven a wolf to the end's of the earth to regain her good graces, Altavro found himself thinking, but the golden male quashed that thought firmly as soon as it drifted through his mind. There was no reason for him to want to earn the female's approval. Still, he felt his heart give an odd little twitch in his chest as the female drew closer, her nose so close that if he had leaned forward just a little bit, they would have been touching.

His ears pinned flat back against his skull, and Altavro felt muscles tensing, joints and ligaments locking into place. His body was stiff as a board as Erani continued to berate him, and Altavro felt for the first time a flicker of guilt for his irritated comments of earlier. She had been a Nomad; she had been a Redwood wolf. Perhaps he had judged too harshly. It was a possibility. But it hadn't been meant as a judgement, not truly. He had simply been grumpy, and speaking before he thought, as always. It was a fairly common occurrence in this male's life, but it was rare that he got such a reaction from another wolf due to a few simple comments.

They had been rude, of course, Altavro had been aware of that even as they spilled from his maw. But there had been something about Erani and the easy grace with which she held herself that had made him want to needle her, to push at her and see if she lashed out with as much grace as she stood. The answer to that seemed to be yes. She was beautiful now, even leaving, but Altavro found himself wanting to stop her, even ignoring the snarl that almost fell from Imena's maw in favor of a swift apology. "Erani, Imena..." The two females' dragged themselves from Altavro's maw as he chose his next words carefully. He was not naturally polite, and so these words required careful thought. His body was slowly relaxing as Altavro forced himself to speak before he lost courage - before Erani lost patience and left. "I know that I spoke too soon when making comments about Valhalla and yourself, Erani, and for that I apologize." Oh gods, what else had he said that was rude? Pretty much everything that had fallen from his maw. Crap. "Actually, I'm sorry I said anything. It's all been rather uncalled for." Well, it was impressive that he'd managed to realize everything offensive that he'd said. Which was, of course, everything. That was a pretty impressive track record, even for him.

Altavro snorted irritably at himself, but found his ears pricking cautiously in the direction of the two females. Would they leave? Probably. Altavro wouldn't totally blame them. He was not the easiest wolf to get along with, and half the time, Altavro didn't even enjoy his own company. A cactus would have been easier to get along with than Altavro himself, and he was well aware of that.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-25-2014, 09:10 PM

His apology, when it came, was halting, as though he wasn?t used to having to apologize for what he said. One brow point rose, though she hadn?t turned to face the male, letting him keep a full view of her back, and she rolled her eyes to the sky, until he corrected himself completely. It was then that she turned to face him, the ice slowly melting from her eyes, though that feral anger still haunted the edges. ?Indeed, it was. And you need to learn to keep your rude remarks to yourself around Alacritia. There are wolves who would gladly tear someone in half for merely looking at them in the wrong manner.? Deep blue gaze bore into the lighter sky blue eyes of the younger male.

?As I said, we have need for Experienced Healers who can lend their knowledge to the younger generation. Our Thetas and myself are experienced, but we have several young wolves who wish to join in the ranks of the healers. We could use all the teachers we can get. With the pack being part of my duties and responsibilities, I can only devote so much time to training.? Her haunches lowered once more. ?Valhalla is a place of second chances. Perhaps third chances. If you can learn to hold your grouchy tendencies at bay, I will give you that second chance, and a chance to work your way up and show me the Nomad knowledge.?

She glanced to Imena, eyes softening to a gentle smile at the female. The danger was gone, unless Altavro was dumb enough to run his maw again. Her eyes returned to the male. ?Now, you wish to learn of Valhalla. What are your questions for us?? Perfectly conversational.



03-26-2014, 08:24 PM

Imena stood there stiff legged as she waited for Erani to make the next move. Honestly if she knew Erani wouldn't have her tail for it, she'd have shredded the male's ears for such disrespect. And it wasn't the disrespect she had received but more for Erani. She snorted softly as Altavro started to apologize, more towards Erani than herself. She was slightly urked by it, she had been with Valhalla for some time now, had she not earned any respect at all? As Erani turned back to the male, Imena was slower to do so. Her body said she was holding herself at a distance, that she was stiff offened. Her fur was fluffed out and ears turned back.

Do she believe the words from the male, yes, no one got away with such things towards Erani. But Imena was less forgiving, her eyes glanced at Erani, silently asking her to trust her. Stalking forwards with hackles up, eyes blazing she thrusted her face into Altavro's. Insult me fine, insult my Alpha again and I will shred those pretty ears of ours and much more. Understand! She growled out before backing up calmly and sitting next to Erani as if nothing had happened. In truth that little outburst made her feel better. She had to get her point across to the male as well. Now would Imena actually follow through with her words? Most likely not unless it was very severe. She looked at Erani with some soft acceptance now. So long as Altavro knew not to make that mistake again she was fine.


03-27-2014, 08:47 PM
Altavro Of The Nomads

Altavro bowed his head a little, allowing the commentary to wash over his ears. The anger was gone from Erani's tone, and so Altavro allowed her to say what she would without flinching back or tensing up. He did not, however, feel enough pride to hold her gaze, and so he let his eyes focus on her white paws, even as she gazed solemnly at him. "I will keep that in mind," The wolf spoke very seriously, exhaling softly as he spoke.

Her offer was a strange one. Altavro did not understand how the female could go from ice cold anger to the peaceful way that she was speaking now. The idea of second chances was not entirely a foreign one - his father had been allowed to stay with the Nomads after his first outburst, hadn't he? Despite proving clearly that the male was not the kind of wolf that the Nomads would wish to stay, he had still been offered a second chance, and so had Altavro after his sister vanished into the wilds. Second chances weren't foreign to the male, but he wasn't entirely sure that he deserved another chance from this female. She hardly knew him, after all. "A second chance is more than many deserve," Altavro observed, voice carefully blank as he did his best to avoid saying anything offensive or rude - a difficult feat for this wolf. "And I have never been a teacher before." Though this Erani was beautiful, he was worried that he would not be able to offer what she was requesting of him.

The male took a moment to respond when Imena turned to lash out at him, her muzzle pressed close to his face. He pinned his ears back as she snarled, but otherwise didn't move. Altavro was aware that he deserved the snapped words, which meant that he bit his tongue carefully until the other female retreated. "Understood." Altavro inclined his head in the younger wolfess' direction, "And I would not blame you." He would probably be upset if his ears were shredded (and especially if he was reading the implication of 'other t hings' correctly), but when he got over the pain, he would probably understand why. In any case, this Imena didn't look like much. He was sure that if push came to shove, he would be protecting her more than having her shred his ears.

After a moment, Altavro turned his attention towards Erani again. "I was curious as to what your rules and customs were." Altavro's words were quiet as he, too, settled back on his haunches, curling his tail over his paws. He was ready for a longwinded explanation. Of course, if it was short, that would be all right, but Altavro had always been a bit of a pessimist.