
Slippery situations


03-17-2014, 12:59 AM
Neika was once more on the move and this time her destination seemed to be an unconcern, not that she had concerns about her whereabouts before this. it was never really something she pondered on. As an after thought, the thinned wolf with long legs stopped to view her location, which was off and different. But then again everything was different and strange here. Queens and strange wolves had her poor head bending in every which way to understand how things worked here, it was so alien like to the young girl. Motionless Neika stood upon a snowy bank that over looked a frozen area with what appeared to be pine trees poking through the crystallized frozen waters. It piqued her interest , as most things did, she felt the need to go investigate, allowing her restless thoughts to drift away. Even if it was just for a solitary moment or two.

The intensity in her eyes grew as she slowly approached the frozen lakes edge with a certain kind of bashfulness. After one long back and forth pacing gait Neika finally pressed a singular thin paw on the frigid ice to test it's weakness before she made any attempts to go on any further. As an inner struggle gestured her to place another paw forward, she stood half ways on the ice and partly on the snowy shore in an awkward stretch, making it clear she was still slightly nervous.Luckily her long tail relatively provided some temporary balance. And she had every right to be, after the last two incidents,she started to catch the importance of being a tad bit more leery.


03-21-2014, 11:24 AM

The snow never melted this far north, no, the small she-wolf had grown used to the constant ice- and she had learned and adapted to finding herbs and things in this frozen wonderland. She like Glaciem's lands, they had become home. She moved easily through the forest, in some places the ice had gave way to some greenery, but soon enough if one kept moving forward, one would be knee-deep in ice and snow. The scent of a stranger lured her interest, taking her weary paws away from the direction of her den, and towards the source of the emanating scent. Her golden eyes would come to rest on the figure of a white colored woman, one who didn't carry the scent of a pack. She glanced about, before approaching. She did not scent either Isardis or Sendoa- what should she do? Chase her off? Call the king and queen?

She would approach, hoping to walk up to the woman from her right side, letting out a bark to alert her of her presence. She didn't want the young wolf to fall, from where she balanced partially on the ice. She moved purposely, her tail raised, her eyes neutral, and she would speak, her tone slightly friendly. "Glaciem isn't a wise empire to trespass on, girl." She commented dryly. Her eyes would watch the other she-wolf, wondering- waiting on her reaction. She made no move of aggression, her bodice in a neutral stance. She was a healer not a fighter, but if this intruder was a danger to her home- she would fight.



03-22-2014, 05:31 PM
Nei was hardly a fighter and more of a runner . It was her curiosity that often got her into some qualms that were less than predictably savvy. It must have been a scene for anyone to happe upon, a girl stuck between the snowy banks and her other half trying to keep her balance on the frigid ice.Nei had had no specific geographical direction or a compass to guide her, and the only means of travel is through her curiosity and passion to see what is unknown.For all that Nei had know, she believed herself to be almost invisible to the trysts of those inhabited this world,rather a ignorant little creature Nei chanced it, in hopes to meet others along her way. Sometimes they chased her away while other times they greeted her passing with nothing more than an indifferent wag of their tail.

Turning to look at the one who approached her and Nei noticed though the contours of the the other wolf with a well controlled expression spoke of complacence, a common interest perhaps, beneath the surface she tongues the decadence of trespassing onto Glaciems territories." Oh,... I am truly sorry; well I was only passing through, I wont tred for very long. I promise" At least with the position she was in, she hoped that her words were truthful. Being that crossing a frozen lake wasn't always an easy peril.

" do you know if this water is solid all the way across?"She asked hopeful at the same time of slipping her front paws around on the icy surface for some sort of hold. " I'm just trying to reach the other side...without being noticed too much" Obviously she underestimated her ability to cross the snowy landscape unknown.While regaining her ability to stand still she introduced herself " my name is Nei, I was wondering if you had seen another white wolf came through these brother. It seems I have lost his scent"


04-02-2014, 11:15 AM

The tawny woman watched the intruder closely. It either marked the woman before her as a fool or outstandingly brave. Either way, trespassing on Glaciem wasn't to be tolerated. Her ears flattened back against her head. She would speak, her tone hard- stern. "A proper lady- or wolf, asks for permission to cross into a territory." She said, her tone cold. "You're lucky that it was I, not our King or Queen to find you, girl. You would be claimed or maimed for your idiocy." She wasn't trying to be mean, but cold- factual. If this stranger wasn't looking to better herself by joining the northern empire- then she needed to leave. "It is summer. The lake is thawed in the middle. Regardless, you need to leave. Go back the way you came." She barked the order. She wasn't a fighter and she wasn't a rank to claim a member- but she wouldn't hesitate to call the Queen, or one of the overseer's. Trespassing wasn't allowed. It would be better for this wolf to flee- while she had a chance.

ooc: short annoyed eris post. this started before she was ranked up, so this is before she is an overseer.
speech here



2 Years
04-05-2014, 11:07 AM


She had been watching from afar to see how Eris would deal with it. S'alkrie was only young and for that reason alone, she was marked as vulnerable. She knew very little about fighting, but had slowly been improving on defenses as she witnesses all the adults do it all the time. Her curiosity would pull her forward, wishing to know what would be done with the situation. Was the rouge going to get hurt for her stupidity? S'alkrie had heard that the leaders had a tendency to maim those who trespassed or who disrespect them. The yearling hadnt witnessed it, but she could only believe it as true.

Is someone going to punish her miss? Do we have to tell Isardis? Or sendoa? For every icky situation she always thought that it needed to be dealt with. Was it so easy to just ask them to leave? S'alkrie would draw close up to Eris's side, looking up to her for answers.