
and I dont really give a damn what you think about me

seasonal prompt fighting



Expert Fighter (120)

Novice Healer (20)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
07-09-2024, 12:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2024, 12:22 PM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)
ooc: using 1/2 wc pass

the sun began to set, painting the sky with orange hues. the air was warm with humidity, denoting the rainfall that was soon to take place. spring was here and with it, the new arrivals of offspring. prey seemingly multiplied by the day. it was no wonder some were on edge..

erebos trotted whilst on the search for herbs, his ground shaking one that disrupted the ground as it sent vibrations about. collecting valuable things to experiment with later as he roamed the plains until night settled in, erebos was busy. small hills created a steep terrain as he kept mindful footing, checking in and around the many mounds of the territory with a diligent nose that flared like a mad bull- tasting and testing the air as he sniffed. but somewhere along his quiet journey stalked an animal- the scent of prey. hearing the tripping hooves of someone near, erebos paused, turning over to see a shadow dash to the left just behind a near boulder. a prey hunting him? he snorted at the irony.

irritated, erebos snarled with warning, his growls lowly and guttural as his ears splayed down, over his skull. this again? no. he refused to be hunted. perhaps a mixture of his own impatience and impulsivity, erebos charged forward with haste action. large paws brought the dire wolf to confront the male mule deer in no time; his binary eyes squinting on the herbivore with clear disdain, judgment and scold. "foolish father. sought me out for no good reason- before my teeth even clench around the necks of your meek young." he sneered, spitting his words at the brown deer. baring white fangs as he judged the silent mammal before him, his eyes traced over the animals features. it was newly horned, young and edging for trouble with the dire wolf. and between them, they shared a silence that gave way to an abrupt, aggressive collide. as if each sized the other up and remembered one another.

erebos would then lunge and the deer quickly met him with their rounded horns, diving into one another with powerful force that could be heard in an audible 'knock'! relentlessly, the dire wolf bit at and redirected blows to the deer's neck. however, his efforts are met with injury as the herbivores horns pierce into erebos's collar bone. both grunted and shuffled, fighting for some time. lifting to hold the deer, he clung onto it and forced his weight down, using gravity to secure himself above it. attempting to wear it down before finally placing a killing bite onto the windpipe of the deer, his locking jowls were unlovable as he awaited patiently for the deer to become idle. and soon enough, it did become limp within his mouth. secession was had. and with it, erebos's panting victory. he'd take the carcass to a secret cache near by and resume his herb hunting. this time he needed an antibiotic and some well deserved rest.

Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
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