
Morningstar adopts

reunite and rise!



Expert Fighter (145)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
07-11-2024, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2024, 02:09 PM by Atreyu. Edited 4 times in total.)
This is going to be really basic as I am still fleshing the Morningstar line out, and I have never done an adopt before. I need your help!

What I'm looking for:
Atreyu has been looking for any survivors of her home pack, Judila. Extended family and surviving pack members are all welcome! The more the merrier! This is a bring-your-own-design adoption, and alignments can be anywhere from lawful good to true neutral. This is a tight-knit pack that operates as a family, their bonds are now deeper due to shared trauma. There should be no animosity toward anyone except the demon king and his minions, and other monsters in general. These wolves will become monster hunters in their own right one day. Their backstory can be found on Atreyu's profile. There are an unlimited number of relatives and surviving pack members available.

I am not overly worried on activity, but I do reserve the right to take back the character after 3 OOC months of inactivity. That being said, I do expect them to be posted regularly. I have great things planned for them. If for some reason you lose muse or just don't want them anymore, please reach out to me before dumping them. Also, no killing them off without reasonable cause and reaching out to me. Atreyu would seek retribution for any harm done to what's left of her family.

Feel free to add on to the applications, I don't really know what I'm doing XD

Sibling Application:
<b>Parents:</b> Viktor & Chevelle Morningstar
<b>Sibling #:</b> 1-5
<b>Appearance:</b> Site minimum word count.
<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum word count.

Relative / Survivor Application:
<b>Relation to Atreyu:</b> Aunt, cousin, pack member, friend, etc.
<b>Appearance:</b> Site minimum word count.
<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum word count.

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

07-28-2024, 05:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2024, 02:04 PM by Astra. Edited 13 times in total.)
Name: Petra Morningstar
Parents: Viktor & Chevelle Morningstar
Sibling #: 5
Gender: female

Site minimum word count.
Unfriendly, Private, Stressed, and Hostile.
Unenthusiastic, and Perceptive.

She always look grumpy or angry. She always scowl or frown at everything. They don't know how to pull off sarcasm as a joke and end up offending people because they don't get how to say it in a fun way rather than a judging way.

She does not like the spotlight, fame, or added attention. She may feel uncomfortable with public attention or scrutiny and prefer to keep a low profile in social situations.

After being abused by the devil wolves she had become an hostile wolf who can eaisly get snappy with strangers, trust had gone far and now she feels like she has to show an strong and unwelcoming nature to keep others from harming her again.

She is always found feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm. passionless. not passionate. spiritless. lacking ardor or vigor or energy.

[Image: IMG-0647.png]



Pride - GenderfluidPride - BisexualToys for TotsEaster Egg Hunt 2023
08-03-2024, 05:30 AM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2024, 10:28 PM by Asena. Edited 4 times in total.)

Name: Azriel Zohar
Relation to Atreyu: close childhood friend(possibly was going to be betrothed to a Morningstar?)
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years; born spring year 19


45" | Heavy | Dire

Scent: Smoke and Ashes
Voice claim: Vin Diesel as Riddick
Mutations: Elongated Canines and porcupine quills

Azriel is upon first inspection a more normal looking man, with a coat dark as night and even darker markings he seems oddly normal. Though when one inspects him closer they would find he is a lot less ordinary than their first glance of him. He has a heavily muscled frame with a massive structure, likely from his father more than his mother. His eyes are also a callback mostly to his father, or at least who is believed to be his father. His left eye is a charcoal color reminiscent of the dark. His right eye is a gorgeous blue like a larimar stone. His dark pelt holds two blonde markings, one on his forehead making a crude arrow or cross shape, the other on his chest, making a thick blaze in the center of it. Coming off his shoulders and lower nape is a patch of quills that are black with blonde bands. From his upper lip his canines are longer than normal, giving a set of elongated fangs, much like sabers.


There is a multitude of ways one could describe Azriel's personality. He can be a man of many faces, a man who even thought he is young has seen and tasted a lot for his time. He's once touched death and spoke the tongue of the gods with the Deity. It left an impression on the man, giving him a bit of a complex as well as cleansing him of his fear of death. Its not that he seeks it nor that he intends to die anytime soon, just that the man isn't afraid to die should it be his time.

Another aspect that another would notice and note is that the man seems to believe himself to be born better than some. Why wouldn't he though? As a young boy a seed pf belief was planted in him, that he might be the child of a god. It's made him confident in himself, its in the way he walks, the way he holds himself and the way he speaks. He's sure of himself and certain he is more than a mere mortal, making him arrogant. He can even come across as cocky. Like he is so certain in fights he will win regardless of who he faces.

The way he speaks seems to let others meet the man he is immediately out of the gate as well. He is filled with sarcastic quips and comments, and he doesn't always keep them to himself. In fact its not uncommon to see him rolling his eyes and making a quick quip about almost any situation he is presented with. Want him to guard someone he dislikes but get along with them? You might get a "yay... I can't wait to just be their best friend". with a snark that just lends to his attitude issues. He doesn't particularly care if you like him or not either, he's here for your benefit, so deal with it.

That being said If he is given a job or an expectation he will do his damnedest to ensure it gets done or is exceeded despite his qualms with them. He was brought up to do what was expected of him and not retaliate with too much outward disdain. Though none could stop the sarcasm that would always drip from him. It was also instilled in him to be loyal to those that took him and his mother in when they needed it. It's a part that has become a piece of him that he is forever indebted to the Morningstar's but still he doesn't let them know that.

Under everything though there has been damage done to him from his past. It shows in the way he has no fear of death, but also in how he seems to have a violent streak. He seems volatile when crossed or wronged. He can even seem unhinged and ready to dole out punishments and death to anything or anyone that seems to have ill will for him and his friends. It seems to only rear its head in fights, perhaps a trauma response but he doesn't like to talk about it as if it's wrong.

Skills: fighting and intellect

Plans: spoke on discord about some, but would like to just see where rp takes him and maybe have him meet back up with Atreyu and co after a thread or two unless ya'll want him immediately, plot idea of maybe Chevelle and his mom would of intended him to wed one of the Morningstar kids when they decided he must be the son of a diety? If anyone has ideas, please feel free to dm me

History: Azriel was born outside Judila to a loner named Mareah. His mother joined when he was barely weaned, over time his mom became close to Chevelle and he also was raised alongside their litter as they were close in age. His mom became a healer, and and apprentice priestess in her time with the pack. While Azriel started training to become a guard, aspiring to work close to his friends.

With Chevelle and Mareah being close friends, there were discussions had, with Mareah revealing that Azriel's father was a mystery to her. Chevelle, after time of observing the boy, spoke of how she suspected the father to Azriel to be none other than their diety/spirit Cudros. After all the boy shared a likeness with him and his mother couldn't tell anyone what his father had looked like only that he had a deep voice and was kind while she had been hallucinating and only somewhat lucid. His mother took this to heart and began telling the boy his father was a god, and setting even bigger expectations on his shoulders. Which he seemed outwardly to take to like a duck to water.

Internally though, he despised having so much expectations of him.

When the pack fell he was one of the wolves on the Frontline of battle. He was a guard who did his best to ensure the royal family had gotten out, though he has no idea if any even survived, except Oath who had returned regardless of the danger to himself. He has made it to Ardent with the thoughts of finding out if anyone else survived, and maybe if he can't find anyone to find his own path among a mortal pack.

Need to purchase: jewelry and



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf
08-03-2024, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2024, 04:57 PM by Oath. Edited 3 times in total.)
Name: Oath Morningstar
Parents: Viktor & Chevelle Morningstar
Sibling #: 1
Gender: Male

Appearance: Oath Morningstar is a dire-sized wolf, a striking figure draped in dark mauve fur that shimmers with an almost otherworldly vibrancy. His pelt is adorned with jaguar-like spots in a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors, each outlined in bold black. Bright red devil horns curl elegantly from his head, adding a menacing grace to his divine appearance. His eyes are a piercing neon blue, glowing with an ethereal light. Despite his formidable size, every movement he makes is fluid and graceful, a testament to his indomitable spirit and divine lineage.

Personality: Oath Morningstar possesses a serene superiority, convinced of his divine nature and immortal blood. His God complex drives him to uphold religious laws with unwavering devotion, showing no mercy to those who disrespect the deities. Aromantic yet a master of flirtation, Oath delights in charming interactions, his words sweet and his voice melodious, reminiscent of a soft but masculine timbre. He is fiercely loyal to his family and traditions, acting as both a guardian and enforcer. His presence is a blend of divine grace, formidable strength, and captivating charisma.

[Fighting / Intellect]

- Divine Enforcement: Upholding and enforcing religious laws with precision.
- Charismatic Flirtation: Charming and captivating others with his sweet, melodious voice.
- Combat Prowess: Skilled in battle, defending his beliefs and family with unyielding strength.
- Ritual Mastery: Conducting and participating in religious rites and rituals with deep reverence.

Plans: Oath Morningstar seeks to solidify his position as a divine enforcer within his community, ensuring that all members uphold the sacred laws and traditions. He aims to protect the sanctity of his pantheon, eradicate any threats to their reverence, and maintain harmony within his family. Through his charm and strength, Oath intends to inspire awe and respect, leading by example and embodying the divine will of the gods he serves.



Expert Fighter (145)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
08-04-2024, 06:29 AM
Congrats to Shazaki, Asena and Sinchanted! Petra, Azriel and Oath are all approved!

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.



Pride - Demisexual
08-04-2024, 11:10 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2024, 08:37 AM by Disaster. Edited 1 time in total.)
Name: Vayne Morningstar
Parents: Viktor & Chevelle Morningstar
Sibling #: #2
Gender: Male
Appearance: Vayne is one of the more of a natural looking brute the base of his entire coat is chocolates melted into browns and tans. Upon his shoulder and spine are hints of a silvery grey pigment that travel to the base of his tail and front shoulders. There is a darker patch of mocha upon his sides and the top of his head were his ears and forehead. That face of his is that same dark chocolate while around his eyes are a softer tan, not a light hue though. He isn't as tall as his siblings but more on the average height. His eyes seem cold and uncaring with the teal pigment. Upon the edge of his nose is also that of a grey outline, making him appear older than he really is. But also being mature helps with that in ways no one truly understands. His body is structure is not the most powerful but he can hold his own when needed. He has a very serious look to him although he's always almost relaxed and calm.

Personality: Vayne has come to allow others to know of his patience and well disciplined nature. But also allowing him to appear very hateful because of being very careful with those he does not know. He isn't one to ask many questions, so others could see him as submissive although his family could and would tell you differently. He can be spontaneous and highly active. He appears to always be serious and businesslike. Although he is not hard to get along with others may tell you differently. Vayne can be very cynical but in a sophisticated way. And always casual and discreet. It's not like if he don't trust you he wont allow you anywhere near those he cares about. Having that of a very peculiar taste of the company he tends to keep around. Which one can't really blame the brute. His family is always seeing his caring and gentle side when their alone.

Skills: Hunting & Fighting

Plans: TBD



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
08-05-2024, 06:52 AM

Name: Abaddon Morningstar (Deadname: Abyzou)
Parents: Viktor & Chevelle Morningstar
Sibling #: 3
Gender: Transmale
Appearance: reference There isn't much to Abaddon in size surprisingly, as the other Morningstar siblings are much bigger than him. Sharing a similarly feline-painted coat as his eldest sisters, his is much more bland. Pale silver and smoke mask his face with feline-like spots and striping, symmetrical around stormy blue-grey eyes. His narrow muzzle is white as well as his brows and the shells of his ear- however the inside and the rim are actually a rich smoke. Almost as if he's wearing a suit, or more like a relaxed robe, the pale silver and smoke returns to his middle torso and thighs complete with black feline patterning fading into a dark silver. Black 'sleeves' fade into the grey just above the elbows, but it wouldn't be a proper tuxedo pattern without white paws, however the white on him reaches up the back of each foreleg almost back up to the elbow. His collar is entirely white and dips down into a deep V-marking on his back while the tip of his tail and lower rear limbs also lack any coloring.
Personality: Site minimum word count.
Skills: fighting x hunting
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥



Expert Fighter (145)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
08-05-2024, 08:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2024, 08:44 AM by Atreyu. Edited 1 time in total.)
Congrats to Disaster and Skelle! Vayne and Abaddon are approved!

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.