
Medusa & Ignis kid readoptions!

2 available


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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08-08-2024, 02:28 AM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2024, 02:19 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 10 times in total.)

Hear ye! Hear ye! I have available here, 4 kids from both Medusa Mortem & Ignis Praetor!
Everything about them can be changed, except for the design on one of the Mednis kids because there's already a couple art pieces for it.

Rules & Info!

1. Names: For the Medusa litter(s), names oughta be spooky themed! Halloween, monster, gruesome stuff, horror inspired, etc etc. For the Ignis litter, names ought to be fiery themed. Latin is also fine!

2. Involvement: Preferably active please and thank you! Medusa is a highly active character and has been involved with all of her children from day one and has been very loving and doting on her lil monsters! Ignis, on the other hand, hasn't exactly been the best father to his kids. While he has been around them (with the exception of the litter he had with Medusa since he was unaware of them until recently), it can be assumed he has been harsh on all of them. Ignis was not aware of the litter with Medusa until very recently, so there's not quite a relationship with those ones yet.

3. Activity: I reserve the right to reclaim these characters should they be set inactive, or not posted for 3 ooc months! I'm generally pretty lenient because life (been there, it happens), just communicate with me please! Also please try not to kill them off without discussing with me prior. Medusa will bring hell to anyone that causes severe harm or death to her children. You've been warned! Likewise, Ignis, despite his many faults, will also seek revenge in some form, regardless on if it's plotted or not.

4. Designs may be altered (but don't ask me cuz idk how to do that). Designs I provide remain with the character. You're welcome to use your own! Do not use these off site without my permission! Both lines throw both natural (browns, blacks, whites, gray, slate shades, albinism, melanism, etc etc), and unnatural colors (reds mostly from ignis, and all sorts of rainbow colors from Medusa's line). Skeleton/spooky designs preferred (but not required) for Medusa kids. Majority have some form of skeleton/skull markings, or creepy-esque markings (Cheshire smiles, voodoo mouth markings, ghoul/ghost markings, etc).

5. For the moment, these kids are considered missing, however, Medusa and Rue have been searching for them to bring them back home. There's many a plot brewing in Insomnia, so I highly recommend they come back, even if it's for a little while. In general, the Mortem family is pretty close and tight knit despite their many conflicting personalities. Ignis & Wade have recently joined Insomnia, and Ignis has also been searching for his own missing children.

6. Potential disorders: Both the Mortem children and especially the Ignis children are prone to mental/psychological disorders. Medusa deals with illeism, mild turrets in the form of random giggling and body tics, struggles with social cues, and struggles with some other things. Ignis due to the "demons" that run in his line, suffers from Dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia (aka his "Demon). These children may inherit just about anything from these two, though not particularly required (it does add some fun and drama on Ignis' side tho ;D)

7. Mutations & discounts: Mutations not required as Medusa doesn't have any. Ignis has Sika deer antlers & dire height. Larger heights are common but smaller heights accepted to! Discounts available!
*50% off height up to 41" (then 25% off for that last inch) for Mednis litter
*25% off height for Ignis x mystery litter
*25% off red from Ignis for both litters

8. Personalities are kinda here and there. Majority of both Medusa's children & Ignis' children lean closer to chaotic souls, none of them are really in the "good" alignment and fall mostly towards some type of chaotic to evil alignments. Especially if they end up with some sort of mental/psychological disorder! Medusa herself is just pure chaotic and lives on the edge of whatever she feels like doing, while Ignis is more abrasive and a bit of a dick when he feels like it. Both can be unpredictable, however.

Available to adopt

Medusa x Ignis - 1yr old
- Unnamed 1 (formerly Rawhide)
- Unnamed 2 (formerly Sawbone)
Everything is up to the applicant for this one!

- littermates are Redrum Mortem, Ripper Mortem, & Grim Mortem

Ignis x Mystery - 1yr old
- Unnamed Male 1 (formerly Sulfur) - if the original design is used, he comes with art!
- Unnamed 2 (formerly Kebak)
Everything up to the applicants for these. They were living in Raiders Hollow, but Ignis and the others have since left. Ignis & Wade are currently in Insomnia, and Draven has gone missing! (Maybe there can be a lil plot there Hm? HM!?)

- Littermates are Wade Praetor & Draven Praetor

Available designs!
Can all be found here

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Who are you applying for?:</b>
<b>Character name:</b> --- Mortem or Praetor
<b>Biological sex:</b>
<b>Appearance:</b> Site minimum
<b>Personality:</b> Site minimum
<b>Plotses?</b> (if nothing comes to mind right away that's fine!)
<b>Any other fun stuff worth knowing?:</b>

As her mate and *ahem* protective detail, Erebos may crash her threads at anytime!

Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:


08-08-2024, 04:57 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2024, 05:06 AM by Alo. Edited 4 times in total.)
OOC Name: Alo
Who are you applying for?: Mortem
Character name: Cyra Mortem
Design: Using the premade red design provided!
Appearance: Her base is a crimson red. Her fur is kept clean and is scented by her most fond incense: frankincense resin. This is to mask her natural rather masculine scent that excludes notes of wet dirt and blood. Creating a unique scent after she bathes herself with her favored resin. Cyra wears a distinct mask of white and stockings over her legs that create the reference of a skeleton. Darker fur saddles her back and dress over her legs, neck & face. Tip of her ears and tail are dipped with ink. Her eyes are a vibrant azure. On her own accord and standards, she deems herself beautiful.

Personality: She is primal at first glance-, her stance never truly relaxed as she walks with a vigilant gaze and guarded heart. The yearling is unpredictable at best, her whims changing and morphing. She embraces her odd nature, never fitting in and enjoying the solitude she experienced growing up. Cyra is comfortable in her own skin, appreciating her body and ways of being. Secure within herself, she moves freely through the world without the burden of caring what others think of her.

Very observant. She lacks motivation to keep up with trends and societal standards, preferring her simplicity of self. Cyra is blunt and precise. She is succinct and concise when speaking & expressing herself. Outspoken and doesn't understand passivity and social norms. Naturally, she distrusts others. However so, she is known to assist others who have treated her well. Not inherently bad or good, she just is. Authentic. Following her desires and rather rigid in nature, she can be self ruling. Cyra is unconventional all around. Amoral and impulsive. She has a temper if provoked too much. Can lash out and become aggressive at no predictable notice. She may of clung to her mother while she was mute. Proving to be shy and kept close to her wherever she went.

Alignment: True Neutral
Plotses? None yet comes to mind!
Any other fun stuff worth knowing?: Cyra means 'sun throne' and is fiery themed. Cyra has a fluency disorder that has not yet been labeled by her, or her close ones. The cause is unknown but she did speak awfully late (at about 7 months old). Cyra was completely mute before then.


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
08-08-2024, 07:15 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2024, 08:17 AM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 5 times in total.)

OOC Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
Who are you applying for?: Ignis Mystery (Kebak)
Character name: Fiersome Wyrm Praetor
Biological sex: Male
Design: See above.

40" | Extra-Large | Heavy

Build: Fiersome is a respectable sized wolf. He stands forty inches tall and bears an extra-large frame. His torso is wide and his legs are short and thick, built for power. His facial features are pointed, giving him a handsome appearance. His fur is on the thicker side, most noticeable at his ruff, elbows, chest, belly, thighs, and the underside of his tail. He bears wide, rounded eyes and a thick nose. His body bears several scars across it and he has a short mohawk, mostly with the fringe of bangs, that falls over his head in a leftward lean.

Coat: Fiersome's base coat color is a bright and vibrant red that covers much of his form. He is a tricolor wolf though, with markings of white and black. His lower jaw, chest, belly, the underside of his tail and his front paws are white. His ears, face markings, tail tip, and back paws are black.

Mutations: Fiersome has a short red mohawk that builds on his neck and rises between his ears before falling in front of his face. The hair-like fur is longer on the left side giving the mohawk the appearance of long bangs. While the style is short, the thick locks rest over his head as an added defense against bites to the area.

Scars: Fiersome's thickest scar runs down his right hip where a decent chunk of flesh had been torn away. Below that scar on his right knee is a smaller one. A thick scar that rivals the one on his right hip can be found running down his right shoulder. Near that one is a thin scar on the right side of his chest. A larger scar can be found on the left side of his chest. There is a small scar on his left foreleg. There are a set of scars running from through his left eye and from the corner of that eye down his muzzle onto his chin. A scar also runs up the right side of his chin onto his muzzle.

Eyes: Fiery hues of red, orange, and yellow

Flesh: Deep red


Chaotic, Self Serving, Impulsive, Reckless, Reactive, Judgemental, Bull-Headed

He sees the benefit of a pack and working in numbers but doesn't hold a lot of respect for authority... especially for those in positions of power he is not allied with.

Wyrm: After surviving a predator attack, the trauma from the experience and his injuries has formed Wyrm. Wyrm presents as a young and submissive personality, with a more agreeable and sweet nature. They are innocent and are able to share Fiersome's headspace in harmony when he is not the dominant personality. Fiersome views Wyrm as if he is his little brother, insisting that they are their own entities. Fiersome can often be seen talking to himself, though he is talking to Wyrm.

Alignment: Chaotic something!

Plotses? Survivor of a predator attack, possibly part of where Draven was / why the boys were gone. This can expand to the other kiddo depending on how long it takes for me to get him up and running.

Any other fun stuff worth knowing?:

Skills -Fighting / Hunting
Defensive Accessory - Collar
Weapon - Handaxe
Name - Fiersome is the Elder Dragon of fire and destruction from the Rune Factory series.
Fighting Style - Tank attacks, smash opponents with brute strength

"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
08-17-2024, 04:08 PM
Congrats to Alo & Beau with Cyra & Fiersome! excited to see them in action!

That leaves two left for adoption! One from the Medusa x Ignis batch, and one from the Ignis x mystery batch!

Assistance with store purchases can be provided! Just ask c:



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
08-23-2024, 10:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2024, 10:31 AM by Skelle. Edited 5 times in total.)
OOC Name: skelle
Who are you applying for?: remaining Medusa pup
Character name: Battery "Batty" Mortem
Biological sex: male
Design: click
Appearance: Battery was born as an average sized pup, no different from the rest. It's only now, after his less than fortunate time away from home, that he appears stunted. Runty, even. Aside from that, he resembles his mother most, to the point that it appears that none of his fathers genes were even used to create him. Black, brown, and white make up his primary color palette. Black undersides and legs with a brown blanket-like marking that encompasses his shoulders, body, and thighs make up the majority of his appearance, but it is the ominous white markings stretched across his face, the white rib-like markings on his sides, and the racoon-like banded tail that draw the most attention. White connects the striping on his face and runs down his neck and back, connecting to most of the rib markings and starting the rings on his tail. White is also found accentuating the knuckles on his forepaws as well as the unders and heels of his hind paws. It's the blue eyes that really drives the look home though, a spitting image of Medusa's own.
Personality: It obvious right from the start of meeting Battery that something is.. off about him. He's not right in the head after living for an extended period (and somehow surviving) in the glowshroom cavern. Though, to be fair, he probably wasn't real right to begin with, but its easier now to put all the blame on the psychedelics he was eating to survive than to try and analyze him prior.

Due to his lack of socializing as a child, Battery is clearly inept. Either too friendly or not friendly at all, he doesn't seem to have a basic understanding of personal space or manners. He smiles and laughs at inappropriate times (rather, he's almost always smiling and laughing about something and it's usually morbid), lacks any couth, asks and says things that most would consider rude or too personal, and although others might not see him as such, considers most everyone to be a friend, even enemies.

Most of the time he appears to be rather happy-go-lucky and in a good mood, but it really doesn't take much to change that. Although he often starts fights just for the fun of it, he tends to black out and lose control when he's triggered, seldom remembering what happened or what he did and reverting back into the happy, inappropriately smiling fool once the 'threat' is gone.
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Plotses? battery was a normal pup... until he had got lost in glowshroom cavern and nearly overdosed. now he speaks in third person with a broken speech pattern, he has tics and the occasional seizure, suffers from a drug addiction, equipped with a hair trigger aggression, and a vulgar tongue.
Any other fun stuff worth knowing?:
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
09-16-2024, 02:18 PM
Congrats to Skelle with Battery!

That leaves one pup left for Ignis x mystery litter!