
Mid-Morning Drink



03-17-2014, 12:02 AM

While completely overrun with canines, there was no denying that these lands held a certain sort of appeal to the cat. They were plentiful even if they were heavily populated with wolves, and while she was in no way eager to cross paths with them she saw no reason for them to get mad if she decided to share borders with them. Besides, she wanted no trouble, especially being outnumbered as she was. Getting on the wrong side of a pack of wolves would spell disaster for her if she let it happen. No, she would make friends and play nice, keep herself on their good side if she happened upon them. Until then, though, why worry?

Her ventures had brought her further west in search of a location that suited her. Most of what lay out this way seemed to be a majority of flat spaces, even deserts, and while she was not afraid or put off by the heat she preferred rockier landscapes, places with cliffs and uneven footing to make it harder for others to find her chosen den site. Surely there had to be something out here that suited her wishes? She had been searching through the early morning, and now that the sun's stark heat was beginning to be more strongly felt a break was in order. The forest that she had wandered into seemed relatively empty for the time being, and quietly she slipped through it, drawn through it by a sound of a splash that she had heard just moments before. A splash meant water, and with the weather warm like it was passing up on an opportunity for a drink was foolish.

She did not dart right out of the trees and up to the lake when she came upon it but hung back within the treeline, peeking out and waiting a moment to ensure that that coast was clear. Nothing but the natural sounds around her and no new figures strolling around the lake. Good to go. Tentatively, silently, she crept from the cover of the trees and out into the open, pausing at intervals to continue listening and ensuring that there was no one about. With care she made her way down to the water's edge and lowered her muzzle, crouched there to take a moment and enjoy a refreshing mid-morning drink.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-21-2014, 10:15 PM

She had been heading to the lake for her daily wading routine when the scent blasted into her nose. Instantly, the Snowy Alpha Primary was on alert, eyes all about, ears swiveling, hackles begging to rise. Cat. Big cat. Mountain Lion. The Cougar was a fellow predator that usually avoided wolves, but with pups in the pack, Erani was worried. So she stepped quietly, falling into the silent walk taught to her by Arro, the forest craft master of Redwood. Silver eyed and silver voiced, the male had been as elusive in the forest as a ghost in a graveyard. If he didn?t want to be noticed, you would never hear or see him, and he was a master at masking his scent with the forest at his paws.

She paused, eyes landing on a tawny figure?s back. The Cougar was checking the surroundings, and Erani hunkered down nose wrinkling at the feline scent constantly blowing into her nostrils from the wind which was blowing in her direction. She watched the cat?s furtive progress toward the lake, wondering at the hesitancy. Most big cats behaved like they owned the place once they moved into a pack territory. They were bigger after all, and had a wider arsenal of weapons at their disposal. They would be nothing against numbers, however, if you came at them in the right manner.

This got her to thinking. Rising, she slid from the tree line, paws finding silent placement with each step. ?You walk on Valhallan lands, fela.? Pleasant, reserved tones that held a respect for the cat?s space as she circled around to the feline?s far right, out of reach of an initial bounding leap. ?I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla. May I ask if you mean my family harm?? Deep blue gaze strove to lock with the tawny feline?s eyes.



03-23-2014, 06:37 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The water from the lake was perfect, satisfying her thirst while helping cool the cat down as it eased the feel of the summer heat upon the air. Had it not been very obviously wolf territory, she supposed even with the lack of rocky edges that such a place would have been appealing to wandering passersby. Savoring the quiet, the stillness, the amber-eyed cougar allowed herself to relax there along the edge of the lake, pausing as she licked her muzzle and listened to the woods that encircled the body of water. Still no noise to alert of approach, of an angered pack hell bent on punishing her for crossing into their land. But for how much longer?

She had dipped her muzzle down to the water for a second drink when she heard the first sounds, so faint that she thought they might have come from afar. Her ears turned to listen upon her head just seconds before the voice, near enough to have exited the treeline too, spoke to her. The water at Laila's paws was forgotten as her body tensed within its crouched position, not daring to move with the fear that more silent canines lurked out of sight just begging for an excuse to make themselves known. Only one spoke, her tone guarded yet respectful, but knowing the likelihood that she would receive hostility rather than hospitality she was not keen on letting her guard down so quickly all because of one tolerant individual.

From her right side, well out of harm's way, the white wolf approached, and slowly Laila angled her head toward her to take in her form. Taller, certainly, but no young thing, the wolf informed her of whose territory she was presently trespassing on as well as her own name and station. Alpha. Well, what a privilege that was. Did that mean that there were others lurking about nearby, awaiting their leaders orders? "No. So long as you and yours don't mean me harm," the wary cougar answered, eyes shifting away from the wolf to peer around them at the trees. Nothing. Maybe she was wrong after all. "I'm Laila," she added in an attempt at cordiality as her gaze wandered back to the Alpha of Valhalla, Erani, forcing her muscles to relax and loosen a little where she crouched, not wishing to make this singular wolf uneasy knowing she still had a pack at her disposal.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-27-2014, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 08:35 PM by Erani.)

The big cat?s answer was somewhat of a relief to the snowy wolf. ?Then we have no problems.? Her eyes studied the cat, even as she dipped her head slightly in greeting of the name given. Over the strong, sinuous lines of muscles tensed with readiness to flee or fight, watching them slowly relax. Packs allying with big cats. It was a strange idea, but not unheard of. Obsidian had reported, not just one, but two, big cats at the siege, allied with Glaciem. An old wolf could learn new tricks. Anything that would better prepare Valhalla for the next needless annoyance Isardis might throw at them.

?So what brings a mountain cat so far from her natural habitat?? The was an honestly curious question that had been niggling at the back of her mind. Admittedly, this cat would blend in fine with the dead grasses of the plains, and would be able to walk like a ghost through a place like the moor. The Gorge had an underground mountain feel, with it?s deep, twisting cave systems. There weren?t many packs in the eastern mountain range. What brought the cat here?



03-29-2014, 05:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was polite enough, kind enough, but the tension still felt palpable to the young cat. Or perhaps it was one sided. She was, after all, an outsider among many, a target if ever there was one, and even with the implied promise of safety from this Alpha wolf it was difficult to ease up knowing how badly things were stacked against her. It made her considerably conscious of herself and what she would say, and very observant of the wintry-white she-wolf as she studied her with the same sort of interest. Maybe she felt the same? Maybe this was the strangest interaction she had ever had, the same as it was for Laila?

Only the subtle shift of her sides from her measured breathing and the curious roving of the cat's golden eyes were the only movements she made, occasionally joined by a waving motion of her tail. A new question was posed, and with it an unflattering answer was voiced. "I'm still getting my bearings," Laila replied, daring to finally draw herself up from her crouched position and leave her hind end lowered so that she could sit there beside the lake, tail coiling around her side to wave beside her foreleg. "With how hot it's been, I figured it'd be stupid to pass up a drink here." And it had been very refreshing after all morning without one. If only her choice of location had been one a little less occupied with wolves.

It seemed a bold thing to do, but so far the wolf had been of a decent caliber. And knowledgeable about the territories that the cougar presently wandered through. If she was ever going to find a helping hand, this might well be her chance. "You wouldn't...happen to know," she questioned, feeling the doubt beginning to creep into her tone with each uncertain word, "where a good, rocky location is, would you?" Yep. That was stupid. She should have kept going on her own; what really were the chances of a wolf helping a cat out when they tended not to see eye to eye and generally were at each others' throats, sometimes in a literal sense? But there was no taking back the question. It had been asked, and with a rather glum look, Laila once again let her amber eyes wander as she awaited some amused answer from the blue-eyed Alpha.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-03-2014, 09:29 AM

Erani listened with interest to Laila?s answer, sharp interest keep in her eyes. ?So you?re new to Alacritia, then?? The cats next words brought a soft chuckle from the wolf, accompanied with a small, understanding nod. ?I know what you mean. I was actually coming here to take a small swim, myself.? She tilted her head toward the cool water of the lake.

Laila spoke hesitantly, next, asking about a rocky location. Erani pondered, wondering if the cat would be persuaded to reside in Valhalla?s vast territory, in return for an allegiance that would be a boon to Valhalla in the event of a siege. ?I know of many. Here in Valhalla, I would say Whisperers Gorge is our rockiest place. There are a great deal of caves and such within its area.? Here, she paused, gathering her thoughts into a careful sentence.

?Last winter, my pack went through a war against a pack in the north, Glaciem. With them, they had two big cats, allies to them. Now, an old wolf can learn new tricks. I would be willing to allow you to reside within our borders, with the understanding that the members of my pack be unharmed, and that if we ever go through a siege, you lend a paw, even if it?s just by guarding the children, elders, and wounded. Also, we have an ally, a horse named Obsidian. She fought in our war, was wounded fighting beside Valhalla?s warriors, by one of those big cats. I ask that she remain off your list of prey.? With the way she worded it, she left the choice to Laila; agree to the terms and have a home, or turn away and leave unmolested.

She just hoped the cat would stay. For some reason, she rather liked this feline.



04-06-2014, 08:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It surprised her just how understanding and open this wolf was to the cat's company. She would have expected threats and guardedness, even open hostility, knowing the rivalry that was well known between their kind, but this Erani seemed to be paving new roads for them. It was strange but nicely so, although Laila was still debating how comfortable she could be in such a setting. She was used to being unwelcome by the wolves; how was she to set aside those thoughts, that ingrained distrust, so quickly?

"I am," she answered, "if that's what this place is called." In her travels so far she had heard nothing of a name for the lands as a whole, so this was definitely a first. Alacritia. Now that she knew it, she doubted being able to forget it, especially since she had a strong feeling, despite presently being on protected wolf territory, that she was going to settle here. Somewhere.

She never would have expected that "somewhere" to actually be offered to her, especially by a wolf. Laila's rounded ears rose attentively as Erani spoke of a place within her pack's territory known as the Whisperer's Gorge, claiming it to be rocky and composed of tunnels that might appeal to the cat. While the tunnels themselves were only a mild curiosity, but the fact it seemed to fit her desired locale was promising. And even more promising was the offer the Alpha wolf set down before her, a safe place to live in exchange for her assistance should their home be threatened.

As odd an offer as it seemed - who had ever heard of mountain lions and wolves setting aside differences to live cooperatively? - there was some level of intrigue and temptation about it. If she lived here, she would not have to compete with others, wolf or otherwise, for food and territory. And all she needed to do was help them out a little. "That doesn't sound too bad," she muttered contemplatively to herself, taking another few moments to think it over before lifting her amber eyes and meeting the blue gaze of the wolf leader. "Alright. Deal."