
Down By the Bay


03-15-2014, 02:50 AM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

The russet male was keeping his distance from the Ebony queen, remaining close enough to hear any sounded alarms and yet far enough away to not be overwhelmed by her sweet scent. Golden eyes would gaze out over the calming waters of the sea, the discolored sky creating a beautiful maroon and amarillo pattern across the ever-flowing current. His optics would close just then, allowing the sound of the crashing waves to reach his auds in precise concentration.

Images of the northern alabaster dame who had been cursed upon meeting him that fateful night so long ago flashed across his mind. She had been so helpless, so broken beneath his paws. He had made her that way. It was a sickening sensation, to continue remembering the feel of her body as it grew limp beneath him. He wished he could numb all his senses. If only he could amputate all his limbs. He would no longer be able to run from his past. Is that what he needed to do? Face the woman and hope she didn't kill him? It wasn't as if he didn't deserve her lashings. She had every right to rip him apart for what he had done to her.

A sigh would escape his maw as the sun finally settled beyond the horizon, and he was left facing the ocean from his position seated on the sand of the bay in complete seclusion. Just as the constellations began to make their appearance in the sky above, Fugue lifted his chin and sang one sorrowful tone into the night. It wasn't much, but enough to alert the gods that he was still searching for direction. If only they could direct him closer to normality. If only.


"Talk" Think "You"


03-15-2014, 04:01 AM
A sudden pause, a sudden figure, sleuth and nomadic like, Neika falteringly followed the direction of a hymn that was unknown to her, which enticed extra focus on her lovely behalf. A lonesome creature with the hue of winter, fell into a clear visionary path of the stranger. For now Neika only wanted to observe Fugue, who silently sat there, apparently wallowing in his own isolation, very much in the same way she often found herself when ever her own sibling had left her for far too long. Neika was quite enthralled to just stand there and watch him from a distance,being too timid to interrupt the scene. It might have been considered reckless to just come up to some peculiar strange wolf, in which she had no previous interactions with. For the time being, Neika seemed to be content to keep some space between them.

Inhaling the smell of salt and brine, the air filled her lungs until she simply couldn't hold it in much longer. Then suddenly Something in the corner of her caught her attention,something that was creeping hectically across the sand to get away as if it had barely any time to indludge in any shenanigans from anyone, yet that didn't stop Neika from becoming a bit too enticed to figure out with this strange thing was. The way the crab skittered sideways with such a menacing appearance pulled her focus away from the other wolf ,while neglecting to use precaution as her nose started to sniff at the strange creature with fascination.

At first the creature only stopped and raised its red spider like body off the wet sand in a bizarre behavior, hoping to deter the petite wolf from getting any closer to it, its boisterous large claws reached up to Neikas essence , while it swayed back and forth . Investigating this disgruntled animal in amusement Neika had a really hard time taking the crab all that seriously ,since it was such a small thing. She clearly under-estimated the aggressive crab which glared back at her with a certain kind of hate,continuing to stand his ground more so when it ascended its thick claw , attaching itself to her nose.The attack had been unexpected.

Neika threw her entire body into a violent wag to thwart the vicious creature off her sensitive nose accompanied by a loud cry from her maw. Thrashing the crab against the sand , it finally seemed to have given up its hold , allowing her to bathe in infliction and confusion, vowing to herself that she would never antagonize things with claws, no matter how big or small they were.

It was embarrassing to be caught in this predicament in front of a stranger , hoping the other wolf remained ignorant to what had just happened , she shook the incident off a few times.


03-18-2014, 12:04 AM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

A loud and shrill cry ripped the male from his reverie, causing his spine to stiffen and every hair on his back to rise. With a growl he jumped to his paws and turned to face the stranger who had dared interrupt him from his solitude. Golden eyes would settle on the form of a small woman not far from him. The little thing was worrying over a welt on her nose that seemed to be growing in size. In an instant he softened, realizing that the woman did not pose a threat at all.

Fugue could not manage to keep the smile off of his face at the sight of the ivory fae. She seemed so stressed, and had obviously been attacked by the very flustered looking crab that was scuddling away from her in a huff. With a slight shake of his head he would approach the woman, keeping his eyes averted from the wound and focused solely on her embarrassed features.

Auburn head would lower slightly in her presence. An ear would twitch in her direction and the man would raise his head. "Everything alright, milady?" He would ask the dame. Though he was trying very hard, the humor would simply not stray from his eyes. It was quite a relief from the internal battles he had been facing the past couple of days.


"Talk" Think "You"


03-18-2014, 12:29 AM

Shaking her alabaster colored pelt rather enthusiastically Neika's soft eyes fixed on the male who seemed to be rather momentous to approach her without feeling any sense of threat, in reflection her tail started to progressively sway back and forth . She suddenly became unusually excited. Stammering forward to close off the distance between each-other, Neika replied " I'm fine, I saw you laying alone, I'm sorry if I interrupted your solace" words pressed to the fullness of her maw, she purred forth in a sensual summon like silken tones to boldly caress the hot, insatiable air.

The crab, the welt , the pain dissipated slowly. It was only her ego that seemed to be sufficiently bruised now. " That...thing! It bit me!" she exclaimed being determined to stew in what little sympathy he was going to give her. With wide eyes, as if trying to anticipate and intercept his focus on her, looked about anxiously, and struggled to seem indifferent. Why was he looking at her in such a way? Her head tilted to the side just a little as her own hues hastily met his.

Fugue was much larger than she, and held a completely different colored pelt which intrigued the white lanky wold so much that she just had to...smell..the fur at his neck. His coat reminded her of the strange grounds they stood upon, sandy and holding a musk that drifted into her nose which made her feel a weeeeee bit funny. Her tail stopped its slow swag " is this your place?...It's frightful!"


03-18-2014, 01:02 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2014, 01:03 AM by Fugue.)

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

Fugue continued smiling at the girl as she danced before him. Cute little thing, wasn't she? The ivory fae was jumping about, making his golden eyes dart around just to follow her movements. She was still very upset about the crab, though she was trying hard not to show it, and he could only chuckle in response. "It's a crab, love. It doesn't quite bite like we do. It pinches. And truly, you just have to find the proper way to catch one." His eye would twinkle at the girl and he would sit down, watching her as she drew ever closer.

The smile fell from his face as he felt her hot breath against his neck. She was...sniffing him? He turned his muzzle in towards her and took a sniff himself. Ah. Just as he had thought. Sweet and youthful. She was not much younger than himself yet he could tell by her demeanor that she had simply not had a very hard life. He enjoyed living vicariously through her, even if she was a bit strange.

Golden eyes would fall once more upon her sapphire gaze as she pulled away from him, her mouth spouting out words at irregular speeds. He didn't know how she pulled it off. His tail would wrap neatly over his paws as the friendly smile returned to his face. "Not to worry dear I was simply enjoying the night." He lied to her and lifted a paw to examine it. "This is not my home, but I don't live too far away. And the beach is quite tolerable once you get used to the waves and the uh," His optics would twinkle once again as he gave her a wink. "creatures that peruse it's sandy grounds."

With a slight chuckle at the girl's expense, he lowered his paw and looked again into her eyes. Curiosity crossed his features as his head tilted slightly towards one shoulder. "What is your name, princess?" He would ask in deep and friendly tones. She was quite the spectacle; pretty, young, and undamaged. SHe could make a good friend, someone to keep his mind off his demons.


"Talk" Think "You"


03-18-2014, 01:38 AM

There were strange fluttering feelings arising in her gut, something much similar to that of hunger , yet not quit the same . It was like the butterflies she'd religiously caught and held in her mouth to enjoy the way their wings scathed her tongue and gums, something she enjoyed thoroughly and will never never admit to another living soul .Nika's eyes fluttered a little bit while taking his scent into her nose , clearly not understanding anything that was going on now. It was as though she was caught in a limbo, a place between being an adult and still naively youthful.It took his words for her to finally break away from further smelling on him, then to turn her gaze at the darkening ocean line where the crabs presence had been washed away by the tide long ago. " And you ..catch..these horrible little creatures? How? Do you eat them? We never had these things where I am from." She quirked . Settling down as she noticed he too decided to smell at her and she couldn't help but thrash her tail wildly about in the sand.

In a slow move, one of her white ears pressed down against her skull while the other remained upwards to listen to his warm breath wrestling against her coat. Wondering what her brother Sirus, her keeper will think of the scents he may find on her when he finally decided to collect her had never registered through her thoughts, she was simply too excited to see another wolf." And you are used to this? You come here on your own free will to enjoy this place?....why?"Asking mildly inquisitive.Unlike Fugue Neika wasn't too enraptured by this place enough to make a regular ritual to visit to it.

Seeing the wink nearly caused Neika to run in circles within herself with pent up energy, so much excitement building up in her tiny little frame she thought she could implode right there in front of him and hadn't the faintest idea why. All she knew, was that she found someon to keep her company and vise versa! " Neika....and yours?' Oh he was a charming Devil , wasn't he? One heated gaze from him could set a bible on fire. That carnelian smile dressing his perfectly shaped maw. Being drawn in by Such assailing promise burning elegantly across the livid flames of his eyes, she purred with pure naivety and innocence.Something that normally got her into trouble.