
Something sweet and something dangerous


03-15-2014, 02:08 AM
The seasons through lovelorn forests and tainted woods changed from a lush vibrant greenery full of verbosity and spring slowly transgressed into something lecherously dry and forelorned. The heat scintillating through her fur despite it thinning out so long ago to adjust to the weather change, exposing her wiry white silhouette to any others whom roamed near by. Neika didn't enjoy the idea of being so vulnerable and easily noticeable against the pallet of dry pine needles and wild berry shrubs now in season. It was becoming a frequent ritual to be left companion-less while her sibling Sirus seemed to busy himself with his own callings, which were either to pursue prey or study their surroundings,urging Neika into keeping herself entertained,which wasn't always an easy feat for the flighty wolf with an attention span that was unsurprisingly frivolous. Sadly though, Sirus had the responsibility of getting Neika out of toilsome situations and this one might not be any different, with a large stick clamped tightly within her dainty maw, Neika laboriously dragged the large Honey bee hive at the end of the stick across the rocky terrain one backwards tug at a time struggling in between the traction of weeds and rocks.

Every now and again the lanky she wolf paused to ascend her sticky nose loitered with grass and pine needles into the warm breeze to make sure that she was alone, the only sounds for now came from the tree tops above where ravens hopped from one shadowy branch to the next being curiously charmed at the theatrics being displayed down below.Sometimes they'd cackle to one another after ejecting a pine cone in Neika's direction causing the small wolf to skip back or even take the embarrassing blow to the top of her head. At least someone was having fun she thought. Neika gave the little flock of black birds a small chirp full of retort and irritation, after all this wasn't easy bringing her brother a gift as grandiose as this especially with a bear in the distance that was heavily on her track in hopes to retrieve the stolen object taken from her cubs and give retribution for the purloined theft.

Neika stood there for a moment trying to cope with the heat and the antagonists above her, with a full body shake and a snort from her nose the wolf began to drag the hive one painstaking inch at a time.

By the time she reached her destination, a clearing of dead grass Neika settled the honey hive on the ground to then circle around it as though to inspect its condition. Her long bushy tail slowly wagged in a proud momentum seeing she achieved exactly what she had hoped for, wanting to surprise her brother with a sweet gift it didn't occur to her that it might have been wise to place the hive far from their make shift sleeping quarters.It was the lack of experience Neika had that caused situations such as this to arise,disaster will strike with the swirling lack of Neika's consideration. Even with the best intentions behind circumstances such as this one , there was no telling what might happen.For in the truest sense, the young wolf hadn't known any better.

After trying to rub her sticky nose against dirt and dried grass to rid of the glue like sweetness from her fur had been quickly denoted ,as a smell of an unknown wolf aroused her nose,much like a shock to her senses Neika jerked and realized then , that she and her brother were on the ridge of a pack's territory. Coaxing her ears to rise from the back of her had as her body crafted an alert poise she listened intently for anything that was out of character. Blades of grass and dirt caked the wolf's maw even as she sneezed and snorted, doing her best to keep as quiet as she could; at least until Sirus came back to find and collect her . There was a noise in the near by shrubbery that stilled her with rapt attention.


03-18-2014, 11:36 AM

Summer heat had baked the land beneath her paws, the high sun- and nearly unbearable temperatures had turned the once lush forest a disturbing faded green color. It was a welcome distraction from the snow- at least as her coat had thinned it wasn't sodden with water and ice. It was a minor improvement. She had taken to patrolling her territory thoroughly- spending vast amounts of time studying the land, keeping her eyes on the borders for potential members- and trespassers. She would be foolish to turn any wolf away, that could prove useful to her, and her empire. However, reckless trespassers she would not tolerate. Her pack would at least have the respect of their lands. When the ivory queen had caught the slight scent of a stranger on the land, she had moved quickly and quietly towards the sound. She clung to the thick of the trees, drawing her closer to the scent and the one emanating it.

Amethyst eyes would finally come to land on the intruder, and her ears trained forward, watching her intently from the concealing brush of the trees. She would watch the stranger for several moments, wondering if this fool was aware that she was trespassing. The question that perturbed, her mind the most, is how she would deal with this intruder. Growing tired of waiting, she would emerge from the trees, striding confidently towards the other wolf. Her head high, tail raised like a banner- she would approach, though no violence emanated from her. Coming to a halt near the stranger, she did not speak for a moment, rather waited in silence.

She would watch the other, her eyes scrutinizing her, before she finally parted her jaws, to speak. "You tarry on my lands, stranger. Identify yourself." She would speak confidently, her eyes resting on the stranger- waiting expecting an answer. She had not decided how to truly react to a trespasser. She supposed it would depend on the character, and how the creature before herself reacted.

ooc:I assumed she had officially trespassed, but if she has not, let me know and I will edit that part.
