
I like that boulder, that's a nice boulder

Azriel & Oath (seasonal)



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
09-03-2024, 07:07 PM
Day was falling into night and with it came a cold unlike any that Atreyu had experienced before. Sure the winters in Judila could get cold, but nothing compared to this flash freeze that seemed to take hold of the lower continent. Driven by a need to get warm and protect Bigs from any frostbite or worse, death. The little naked dog was struggling in this frigid weather, and needed to find shelter fast. Atreyu looked behind her to see if Azriel and Oath were still with her, hoping they would be as the warmth would be needed tonight. "Don't worry, Bigs, we'll find you a good warm place for your head." The dog rolled his eyes and smiled, 'It's all of me I'm worried about, I'm freezing.' Atreyu nodded and moved on ahead, searching for something that could make a good den for the four of them.

Azriel may not want to share a den, but right now in this weather, it was better if they did. Freezing alone in bed sounded worse than snuggling up to your betrothed, her little dog and her brother. Atreyu would take the warmth of a pile any day, but Azriel was a creature unto himself. Still, Atreyu managed to find an abandoned-looking bear den and pointed it out to the guys. The ground here was too solid to dig through, so this would have to do, and it was big enough to house the trio of giant wolves and the tiny dog too. Atreyu scented around the area, making sure that all possibilities of a bear being in the area was a thing of the past, not wanting another run-in with the ursine creatures. When it seemed like the coast was clear, Atreyu turned to the others and smiled wide.

"Well, looks like we camp here tonight." She said, and moved to peek inside the cave. No one was home, thankfully, and the spotted dire woman made her way inside - hopefully followed by the others. Bigs wasted no time, and made his way inside with Atreyu. "It's big enough I could build us a small fire!" She exclaimed excitedly, her holographic eyes widened and happy. The continent would only get colder the more the season wore on, and Atreyu knew they would have to migrate to the South Boreas area, but she wanted to gather the siblings she knew were in Auster and let them know to go north. Once they got everything settled, Atreyu made her way to get firewood for them so they would have the added heat. Soon enough they would be warm enough to laugh hopefully. The spotted dire woman set up the wood in a teepee and put some kindling in the middle, taking her flint and striking it so that the kindling ignited. She was getting rather good at making fires.

All of a sudden a commotion could be heard outside, and in came three badgers who looked ready to fight. Well, they would get their fight...

Word count: 501 / 1500
"Talk." || Think || 'Hear.'
code by bird, art by alo

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-05-2024, 05:26 AM

It's not sin

Azriel was quick becoming the tail Atreyu hadn't known she wanted nor needed. Not that he didn't think she could defend herself, but she hadn't had the training he had. His paws were light thus as he fell into step behind both Oath and Atreyu. He was still for the moment in his mind ranked below them, not that it would stop him from putting his foot down with the royal family. He was no pushover, and he didn't mind using force if he had to to get his points across. He'd already proven somewhat to Atreyu how headstrong and stubborn he could be.

He refused to give the temptation of sharing a den until he had the blessings of her brothers and sister. He knew he had her blessings and the blessings of their parents but the dead could only vouch so much for him. They hadn't told even Oath yet, though Azriel would of liked to remedy that sooner rather than later. He felt dirty keeping the secret from the man who had in the last year become a best friend. Not that their previous betrothal was much of a secret. He just hadn't told Oath yet that he had accepted to proceed with it now once more that they had found each other. He'd also kept his word that Atreyu was going to be safely guarded so far.

Words were spoke to the small dog and he gave a huff of suppressed laughter. The dog was cold huh? Maybe Atreyu should dress it up in outfits. That would solve it. Call it his odd sense of humor but he found the thought of the dog playing dress up with Atreyu funny. He gave a shake of his pelt, the tinkling of his jewelry his telltale sign of doing so. He needed to stop thinking about that for now. He was on duty and he should be more focused on the security of Atreyu and Oath.

Once Atreyu found a place he nodded to her words and settled down next to the entrance of the den. He'd stay outside to keep watch among other reasons. He gave a large yawn but kept his intentions to remain on watch. He could sleep later. Admittedly as well, Azriel didn't mind the cold outside. Perhaps it was a difference in his build, or how his coat easily thickened up for the cold. As Atreyu emerged and said she could even build a fire inside he nodded and stood smoothly. "I'll get us some firewood then. Just stay with Oath." he was already moving. He knew she would disobey but he had hope she wouldn't. He padded off and it didn't take long for him to find enough branches and kindling from what he figured.

As he made it back though there was a scent he crossed that made him drop his load of wood. A snarl rose from his lungs. He was upon the would be intruders within moments. Tail held high as those feral sounds erupted from his lungs. Guess today Atreyu would learn. His eyes narrowed and he lunged viciously for one, aiming to grab it by its head and fling it. If he got lucky he would snap its neck easily.

Walk, "Talk", Think

or a murder for carnal disgrace
Art by Asena; lines by Bio-Zev

Words: 543
Total: 1044

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.



Advanced Fighter (85)

Novice Intellectual (20)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-06-2024, 09:48 PM

The air bit into Oath's skin, the harsh chill cutting through his thick scarlet fur despite his efforts to ignore it. His rainbow-spotted frame moved through the barren landscape in sync with Atreyu and Azriel, his mind drifting between silent thoughts and his usual nonchalance. He'd been trying to avoid the weight of the cold, but his stomach had other ideas. Every step seemed to sink a little more, the cold sapping his energy, and he silently cursed the frigid weather for dulling his normally sharp demeanor.

When Atreyu found the den, Oath moved forward, his cyan eyes gleaming under his bright crimson horns as they scanned the terrain around them. He noted how Azriel positioned himself at the entrance, always on guard. Oath admired that about him, though he wouldn't say it out loud. He was loyal, capable - a good friend despite the secrets that seemed to linger between them.

As Atreyu set about building the fire, Oath positioned himself inside the den, trying to shake the stiffness from his limbs. It was then that he heard the commotion outside: three badgers, hostile and snarling. Oath didn't need a second to react. His body instinctively followed the sound of Azriel's snarl, ears pricked and eyes narrowing.

He moved quickly, his magenta fur a blur as he rushed out of the den. His jaw clenched as he took in the sight of the badgers, their smaller forms bristling with aggression. He could see Azriel was already on one of them, aiming to snap its neck, and without hesitation, Oath lunged toward another. His voice was calm, measured, even as adrenaline coursed through him.

"Let's make this quick," he muttered, mostly to himself.

One badger turned its attention to Oath, growling as it charged him, but he was faster. His claws raked through the air, colliding with the badger's side as he forced it to the ground with the weight of his body. The creature squirmed, gnashing its teeth, but Oath's eyes gleamed with a dangerous light. He lowered his head, his sharp fangs glinting in the moonlight as he bit into the badger's neck, his jaws tightening until he felt the satisfying crunch of bone.

He stepped back, blood staining his muzzle as he turned his attention to the last badger, already cornered between Azriel and Atreyu. It wouldn't last long. Oath wiped his mouth on the back of his paw, nodding to Azriel. His red horns cast an ominous shadow in the flickering light of the fire, and he smirked, adrenaline still coursing through him.

"Need a hand with that one?" he asked, his voice low but playful, as if the fight had barely rattled him.

Without waiting for a response, Oath surged forward, his body a blur of crimson and black as he charged that the last badger. The creature snarled, trying to defend itself, but Oath's speed and strength were overwhelming. He slammed into the badger, knocking it off balance before delivering a swift bite to its throat. His teeth sank in deep, cutting off its air as he pinned it beneath him. The badger thrashed once before going limp. Oath released it, stepping back to assess the scene with a satisfied flick of his tail.


Oath Morningstar

Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
09-08-2024, 07:52 PM
She ran at the first badger fully expecting a fight, instead, she was surprised when this one ran away. Azriel went for the second one and Oath for the third while Atreyu chased the first down. This one proved wily but ultimately ended up being stuck between herself and her betrothed, she was about to go in for the kill when Oath beat her to the punch. While she was busy, Azriel and Oath had already fought and defeated their badgers, leaving them open to offer a helping paw. When Oath killed the last badger standing, Atreyu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Thank you, brother mine. That one wouldn't stay still, like it wanted to play tag."

Panting despite the cold, Atreyu made her way to sit back down by the wood pile, making a teepee for the fire. Taking out her flint stone, Atreyu struck it with her knife and let the sparks fly onto the kindling, blowing softly to get a flame started. This place was prime real estate apparently, and Atreyu hoped there weren't any more surprises for the trio. Bigs snuggled up close to Atreyu, using both the fire and her body heat for warmth like a pup, hoping that Azriel wouldn't mind. The small dog needed all the warmth he could get as the fire began to grow, maybe Azriel would understand. Beckoning for them both to come by the fire, Atreyu fed it and let the flames grow higher. Her stomach began to growl softly, though she was sure her brother and betrothed both heard it. 'Does badger even taste good?' She wondered, though she would keep the thought to herself for now.

"Talk." || Think || 'Hear.'
code by bird, art by alo

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.