
A one way ticket to a place that's cold and ill



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
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Critical Fail!
09-07-2024, 01:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2024, 01:45 PM by Ellara. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

The air was sharp with winter’s bite as Ellara moved through the forest, her breath visible in short puffs of mist. The snow crunched under her paws, a thin blanket of frost covering the once thriving herbs of the God's Garden. She cursed the timing of it all. Her owl, Eos, one that had watched over her for so long, had fallen ill. It wasn’t just fatigue - she’d seen it in his drooping wings, the raspy wheeze in his breathing. He was strong, a survivor of many hunts and battles, but now the harshness of winter had taken its toll.

Her brow furrowed as she searched the frozen landscape, the cold making every movement feel heavier. Most of the herbs she usually relied on had withered under the season’s weight. The garden was bare of the medicinal plants she so desperately needed. There was little time to waste, and even less supply to use.

She paused by a gnarled old tree, its bark weathered from years of enduring the elements. Her eyes scanned the roots, looking for any sign of green, any remaining trace of life. She needed coltsfoot to ease his breathing or even just a bit of thyme to help stave off infection. Her heart sank as she brushed aside the snow, revealing only dead twigs.

Desperation set in as she wandered farther into the woods. The sun was low in the sky, casting long shadows across the snow-covered earth. Her mind raced with possibilities: what else could she use? What could she stretch to make up for the missing herbs? It was dangerous to experiment, especially with her owl’s condition worsening by the hour.

Ellara’s eyes caught sight of a tuft of something green. Her heart leaped as she darted forward, paws skidding to a stop in front of the plant. It was a small patch of yarrow, barely surviving beneath the snow. She quickly plucked what little remained, mentally calculating how much of it she could safely use to treat her owl. Yarrow was good for reducing fever, but she needed something to loosen his breathing.

Her ears flicked as she remembered an old trick her mother had once taught her. There was a way to stretch the dosage - combine it with pine sap. It wouldn’t be as effective as coltsfoot, but the resin could act as a base, thickening the medicine and helping it coat the lungs more thoroughly. It wasn’t ideal, but it was better than nothing.

Quickly, she began gathering small chunks of sap from the pine trees surrounding her, her claws scraping at the bark. Her breath quickened with the urgency of the task. With yarrow in her jaws and a pouch of pine sap gathered, she turned and raced back to the makeshift den in the garden where her owl lay.

When she arrived, his breathing was shallow, his eyes half-lidded. Ellara set to work immediately, crushing the yarrow between her teeth and mixing it with the sap. She nudged his beak gently, coaxing him to take the concoction. He resisted at first, but eventually swallowed the bitter mix.

Ellara sat beside him, her heart heavy but hopeful. The night was coming quickly, the cold creeping in faster than she'd like. Now, all she could do was wait and hope her remedy would hold through the night out here. There were no guarantees. She needed to find more herbs by morning, or this wouldn’t be enough. She nestled herself around him in the shallow den, shielding him from the cold as she closed her eyes and eventually fell asleep.

[Word Count: 600]

Ellara "Ella" Praetor
Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Expert Healer (130)

Expert Hunter (130)

1 Year
09-11-2024, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2024, 09:50 PM by Asahi. Edited 2 times in total.)

Asahi felt the chill in her bones. She figured she would stop by God's garden again on her quest. Though the frigid temperature was biting her toes and sinking deep into her thin fur. She wasn't meant for this type of weather. She wondered how that garlic they had buried last autumn would make it through this hard freeze. She looked up at the gathering evening, hardly a puff of clouds in the sky. The sunset cast a pinkish glow just before it dipped under the horizon. The night would be frigid and fitful. A shadow caught her attention and she started, sinking down into the frozen landscape. Her breath still puffing into the air. That shape looked familiar! Ellara!

Her panic subsided and she followed the shadow toward a den that smelled like sickness. This was an awful time to be sick! Oh, she hoped Elarra wasn't stricken! Herbs were in short supply, did she find a way to stretch them? She knew of one way to stretch herbs, and that was to substitute them for what you had on hand. Might not be as effective but could help somewhat...

She bowed at the entrance and let out a soft whine, hoping to grab her attention. Did she need any help?

Speech // thought // Nihongo


Asahi does not typically speak, even sometimes when she wants to.

Her brother Jiro may enter her threads unannounced!


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
09-12-2024, 03:31 AM

Ellara Image

The evening’s cold pressed in on Ellara as she sat beside her ailing owl, her breath forming small clouds in the frigid air. His breathing was steady but weak, and the improvised remedy she’d given him had only bought them some time. She needed more herbs, but the frozen landscape outside offered little hope.

Suddenly, a soft whine came from the entrance of the den. Ellara’s ears perked, momentarily alert. When the familiar scent of Asahi drifted in, her body relaxed. Relief flooded her—she wasn’t alone in this.

“Asahi,” Ellara murmured, her voice both welcoming and weary. She stood and made her way to the entrance of the den, where the cold hit her once again, biting at her fur. “I wasn’t expecting anyone tonight.”

The worry in Asahi's eyes was clear, and Ellara quickly understood why she had come. The sharp scent of sickness lingered in the air, and anyone would have assumed the worst.

Ellara gave her a small nod, her breath coming out in shallow puffs. “It’s not me,” she began, gesturing behind her. “It’s my owl.”

Her eyes softened as she glanced back toward the bird, still lying under his protective cover. “He’s been sick. His breathing’s been rough, and I’ve barely found enough herbs to help. I managed to stretch what little yarrow I could find, mixed it with pine sap... but it’s not enough. I’m not sure he’ll last through the night.”

She looked back at Asahi, her pink eyes filled with both exhaustion and the quiet determination she always tried to maintain. “It’s been hard, trying to find anything in this cold. I’ve searched the woods, but everything is frozen solid.”

Ellara could see it in Asahi's posture: the quiet willingness to offer assistance, even in these dire conditions. She had come here, braving the cold, and Ellara couldn’t ignore the sense of hope it brought.

Ellara stepped back to allow Asahi fully into the den, the warmth inside barely cutting through the chill of winter. The space was small but provided some shelter from the freezing night. “I hate to ask, but... if you have any ideas- anything that could help- I’d be grateful.”

Her gaze remained on Asahi for a moment longer before shifting back to the owl. The rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing was a comfort, but the worry still gnawed at her. The herbs had helped for now, but the sickness had its hold on him, and she feared it wouldn’t let go so easily.

“He’s holding on,” Ellara murmured quietly. “But I’m not sure for how long. If we don’t find more soon...”

Her voice trailed off, frustration flickering in her eyes before she sighed softly. “I’ll do whatever it takes. I can’t lose him, not like this. If you have any suggestions, I’m ready to try anything.”

She met Asahi’s eyes, her plea unspoken but clear. The cold outside was unforgiving, but together, perhaps they could find a way to push back against it.

"Speech" - Thoughts

Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.



Expert Healer (130)

Expert Hunter (130)

1 Year
Yesterday, 07:05 PM

Ellara invited her in and told her what was happening to her poor owl companion. It seemed like she had used pine sap and a little yarrow. Hmm... What did Asahi know of stretching herbs for something as dire as this? She had a pack stashed at her campsite with a few herbs, would what she have help? The pine sap was a good idea.

Asahi gently nosed the owl's chest, feeling for the rhythm in its breath and listening to it carefully. The pale wolf nodded, of course, she would help! She gently pulled Ellara into a brief hug and then gave her a nod as if to say she'd be back. The pale teenager was whisked out of sight from the den for a good half an hour.

When she returned she had a satchel clasped in her paws of spruce tips and pine needles, freshly gathered, and a few sprigs of oregano from her own pack. She had been on her way to check into the Hallows herself to see if she could ask for one of her older sibling's locations and perhaps trade for more traveling herbs. The oregano sprigs were most of what she took from her home in Tojo.

"L-lets... Let's brew half into a tt-tea." She started, the shiver of cold made her teeth chatter as she re-entered the warmth of the den, her voice whisper quiet and sweet.

She let Ellara take half of the paltry supplies to brew into a tea.
Then Asahi took the other half to grind the pine, spruce, and oregano together into a fine paste.

She looked at Ellara and showed her the paste. "On his chest...?" She said quietly and drew nearer to the patient expectantly waiting for Ellara to allow her to administer the paste between his downy feathers. Between the paste and the tea hopefully, it'll be enough to help him make it to morning at least.

Speech // thought // Nihongo

wc 1500+!

Asahi does not typically speak, even sometimes when she wants to.

Her brother Jiro may enter her threads unannounced!


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (195)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
4 hours ago

Ellara Image

Ellara watched as Asahi moved with a quiet determination, examining her owl’s chest with a delicate touch. There was something calming about Asahi’s presence, even as the pale wolf fought back the cold’s bite with her shivering. The brief hug she gave before disappearing into the woods had been unexpected but comforting. Now, after what felt like an eternity, Asahi had returned, carrying the hope Ellara so desperately needed.

Asahi placed the satchel down, opening it to reveal the spruce tips, pine needles, and oregano she had gathered. Ellara’s heart lifted slightly at the sight of the herbs. It wasn’t much, but it was more than she could have hoped for in this barren season. Asahi suggested brewing some into a tea, her words soft, the cold still making her teeth chatter.

Ellara nodded quickly, moving to prepare the tea. She took half of the herbs Asahi had brought, carefully setting them over a small fire she had kept going in the corner of the den. As the warmth spread through the herbs, the scent of spruce and oregano filled the small space, creating an earthy aroma that gave Ellara a sliver of hope. The simple act of brewing something, of doing something, made her feel more in control.

As the tea simmered, Ellara turned back to watch Asahi work, her paws grinding the rest of the herbs into a fine paste. Asahi’s focus was admirable, her delicate touch and attention to detail showing a quiet confidence that reassured Ellara. When Asahi showed her the paste, Ellara nodded in agreement.

“Yes, on his chest,” Ellara said softly, her voice filled with a quiet gratitude. “That should help with his breathing. Thank you.”

Ellara moved to her owl, gently parting the downy feathers along his chest, revealing the skin underneath. His breathing had remained steady but shallow, and she could see the slight rise and fall of his chest as he fought off the illness. With careful movements, Ellara helped Asahi apply the paste, the cool mixture seeping into the owl’s skin.

“There we go,” she murmured softly to her owl, as if reassuring him that help was finally here.

The tea was ready soon after, and Ellara brought a small portion of it to the owl’s beak, coaxing him to drink. He resisted at first, weak and tired, but eventually, he managed to swallow a few drops. Ellara sighed in relief, knowing it wasn’t a full cure, but it was something. The paste and tea would hopefully stabilize him through the night.

Once everything was settled, Ellara turned to Asahi, her heart full of gratitude. “Thank you," she said again quietly, her voice thick with emotion. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help.”

The den had grown warmer, both from the fire and from the presence of another who cared enough to come to her aid. Ellara looked back at her owl, whose breathing was finally easing. He wasn’t out of the woods yet, but the worst seemed to have passed.

“For now, I think he’s going to make it through the night,” Ellara said, relief evident in her voice. She met Asahi’s eyes and gave her a small but sincere smile. “You’ve given Eos a chance.”

"Speech" - Thoughts

Ellara has two Barred Owls, Halia and Eos, that can be assumed to be with her at all times.