
What have I done, what have I become.

alo ♥



Expert Intellectual (200)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-11-2024, 12:40 PM

The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue across the landscape. Bright emerald eyes scanned the surroundings as a yawn escaped her lips. Months had slipped by, and she had been focused on her own path, forming alliances as she saw fit. Yet some lingered in her mind, leaving her feeling a bit uneasy. She trusted them, but not to the fullest extent; building alliances required time and patience. It had nearly been a year since everything had changed. She quickly pushed those thoughts aside, determined to avoid letting them affect her. Despite knowing the feeling of regret would linger, she still struggled with it. Another yawn escaped her as she felt the earth tremble beneath her and dealt with the oppressive heat, though the nights offered a welcome coolness. With sore paws from her recent travels, she pressed on, until the terrain opened up into a sprawling meadow. Ahead, fresh water gurgled melodiously, enhancing the beauty of the scene around her.

An ear flicked on her head as she approached the stream's edge, quenching her thirst with a much-needed drink. Deer observed her warily from a distance. The blonde woman knelt down, letting her stomach graze the ground, the grass brushing against her sides and legs, teasing her with gentle tickles. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she took in her surroundings. A wave of transformation washed over her repeatedly, fueled by the warm breeze. Identification was no longer the sweet woman many remembered from last year; she had become more grounded, shaped by the realities of life. Her body bore new scars from failed hunts and battles for survival, reminders of her struggles. Now, she faced an important decision—whether to form a pack, challenge for one, or join an existing group. This question often replayed in her mind, and she knew she would have to choose eventually. However, she also had other tasks to attend to. For now, she would rest and unwind as much as a rogue could.

As she gazed into the water, her eyelids began to droop. Suddenly, a sound jolted her back to attention. "Show yourself," she commanded, her tone a mix of gentleness and seriousness. She refused to be caught off guard. Rising to her feet, she stood tall as the moon ascended majestically in the night sky. With a calm vigilance, she scanned the surroundings, her head lowered but her tail relaxed, signaling that while she would not shy away from a fight if necessary, she was not looking for trouble. "I doubt you would like to be snuck up on or stalked and watched from the shadows of the night."


table coding by bunni ♥



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-11-2024, 01:26 PM
a birthday later, and he found himself to be increasingly matured. colder and more selfish these days, and always ambitious. he had set out to recruit for the bone queen, eager to invest in the pack as a whole. but it was dark now and he needed to return home. only recently did he discover his fondness of medusa-, striking his chance to get her to date him. but in the meantime, all was in the air. no marriage, not plans for it all yet. so when he found her, he did not think twice in this potentiality & instance. she called out, demanding him.
his large chest emerged from the thickets, his ears erect as her familiar voice beckoned him out. but in this occasion, his previous standoffishness towards her was traded in for cloaked curiosity. "why are you so close to insomnia?" she had discovered his residency now, or did he just give it away? "in a night like this, have you been a rouge all this time?" he thought she would've continued to join polaris. he didn't keep tabs on the pack though, not sure who ruled there after nearly a year.
his eyes landed on her face, remembering her as he finally met her emerald pools for the first time in a long time. his face did not read the same intrigue his eyes showed. "I'm only passing through." he said, shuffling his weight before he attempted to go, handing her nod but not much else. there wasn't anything else to say.. was there?

"talk" - 'think'
table by scarlet, art by rott-gutt
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Expert Intellectual (200)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-11-2024, 02:12 PM

Paws caught the lady of cream off guard, she known someone was out there watching, and didn't expect him to come out from the thickets. A curious tilt of her cranium was offered as pools of jade watch him. He wasn't standoffish with her as he was before. With that she gave respect to the piebald masculine known as Erebos. A quick smile crossing her lips only to fade slowly.

"Why am I still roaming these lands we all call home, is the question to end all questions." Her tones were warm, melted honey and also more confident than before. "But I guess I could ask you the same question. Why are you so curious of someone such as myself, Erebos." She was warm with her speech as looking to him. She didn't care were he resided in all honesty, but have worried about him time and time again. He did smell of pack life once more. "Erebos, remember not all who wander are lost dear."

Her body relaxed more as she looked him over, picking his scent up once more as she advanced closer. Breathing in his uniqueness. A wave of her tail was offered, as she moved a paw to pat the ground below them both. "Come sit, it has been a while since we've chatted. I mean, if you don't have someone waiting for you at home." She purred to him, her voice dropping slightly. Although her heart sank, she didn't want to rebuild that bridge that burned before. However, she would not state that.


table coding by bunni ♥



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-11-2024, 04:38 PM
she spoke in riddles he had no patience for. shaking his mane, the dire wolf paused as she spoke to him in ways a friend would. "Érebos. not your dear." he wouldn't let her get away with it, weaving him in her web that is. he had no time for her games, or even her ideas. what could she possibly want now? he always did have to remind her of his name.
she treaded closer, daring to close their distance. but one wrong jagged move from her & he'd finish her off. refusing to let her meet any mercy this time around. his scars over his chest evident as he turned to face her entirely. the dire wolf backed away with one step before splaying his toes on the ground. he planted himself firmly lest she try something again.
he released a low rumble, a growl to warn her to be slow and cautioned during their rather sensitive interaction. he was on guard and distrustful of her. defiant to her invitation of sitting and "chatting". "what do you have to possibly say to me, identification?" why did she always seek him out? what did she want from him? "No one waits for me at home. I'm no ones pet." he sneered, fangs flashing once denoting his more fickle temper at play. on edge, she had better watch her step.

"talk" - 'think'
table by scarlet, art by rott-gutt
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Expert Intellectual (200)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-11-2024, 07:33 PM

Oh would she ever get threw to this stubborn thick headed brute, probably not. But here he was, the Erebos she had no need to remember. Honestly the womans heart ached for the Erebos that she played with at the beach, but he was gone. She made sure of that. Surely she didn't mean too. But he wouldn't understand that, not at all. Why would he care to take the time to see a womans point of veiw. After all she did give him her virginity, and he had given her his. What had changed, what had caused her to attack him like she did. She sat there however and listened to him speak. His voice colder, leaest she understood where he was coming from. But why was he here watching her from the darkness of the shadows? That question had the lady's mind swirling around like the wind on a cold hard day.

She sat there in silence for a little while longer, before words fell from ebony lips. ""You hate me and have every reason to Erebos. I wont deny that. Our own war we have with one another needs to end." She turned to him, looking at him over her shoulders, her blonde coat appearing slightly darker due to the moon climbing slowly higher and higher. "I did not state that you are a pet to anyone Erebos. You are too head strong and powerful for that." Everyone and anyone that had meant Erebos known that from day one. She wasn't blind nor stupid. "I do however want this tension between us to end."

To be fair, Identification was correct. The war between the two of them did need to end. They were both pretty stupid to allow the stupidity of her actions to seperate everyone. So she had done what was best. To remove herself from the situation for as long as she did. She should have just stayed away. That she is coming to understand. Replaying his words within her mind, she looked to the brute. "Either you fuck me like you hate me or just kill me right here were we are sitting Erebos. I have told you I have fucked up. And almost died due to it, are you that blind to not see?" Identifications voice lowered softly. Although that wasn't the reason she was here, her eyes turning out to the meadows which infact grew darker before turning to him once more.

"I was stupid Erebos. For allowing that of jealousy to come between us. For me to mark you like I have. I deal with that day in and day out. I've avoided running into you for what a damn year? And yes, I still beat myself up. Finding ways - anyway to end the pain that I have caused. I wish you known how fucking much I loved you, I also wish my apologies were good enough. That they mattered to you. That I still mattered." Drawing in a deep breath. "But my appologies will never mend this broken what ever this is. We both know this. I was stupid, young and careless. I wasn't thinking clearly. I wanted you for myself Erebos. And that, that right there is what caused this bullshit. This turmoil!"

Her voice raised slightly but not completely - but also shakey, her attention fell back to him. Was it so bad that she still loved the hell out of the masculine known as Erebos? Or should Identification just get up and leave. Not knowing if she wanted to hear what he had to say, a hard swallow, as if whiskey slid down her throat. "Can we move on from the past Erebos? Can we forget what had happened and build a strong alliance?" The fae was not stupid she known it would take time, but what else did she have right now? What did she have to loose when she's already lost everything?


table coding by bunni ♥



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-12-2024, 10:46 AM
she opened up like a clam now, giving way to many pearls of information. things he didn't understand, some he wasn't aware of till now and to some, he was resistant to. she demanded their tensions end, that their bad blood settle. true, it had been such a while he held a grudge towards her. it went to show how seriously he took his investments. how selective he was even after it all. and still, fic showed face. asking for what she did in their last encounter. at this point, he didn't think she'd ever stop coming after him. and surprisingly, he felt a sense of surrender to it. but not in the way that she might've liked.
and as she went on like she usual did, his ears clung onto the passive mention of suicide and the pleading for an alliance. all the wrong words, the wrong motives, began to take place inside Érebos who stood before a woman he did not love anymore. a dangerous thing now, she did not know the territory of her words. and why save her from it now? she seemingly begged. he was a secretive, advantageous bastard. that part widow got correct- as she saw but only a glimpse of his whole being. and it scared her as she went and cried wolf to everyone. she misinterpreted his inferno, deeming his qualities uncontrollable & dangerous to everyone and that simply was not true. to most, Érebos was selfish. but for his club, he was reliable in every facet. true, unbreakable and unwavering to have by ones side. to be intimated by this was right perhaps, but it was foolish to assume he was aimless. Érebos was never.. aimless. "We can." he finally spoke, face stoic and eyes attentive to her. he sat slowly then, watching her and listening furthermore before saying, "I am not inclined to hand you my loyalty. Of what can you offer to me that serves as protection from your liabilities?" he asked in a serious tone, his words heavy with a baritone voice. methodical in every sense.

"talk" - 'think'
table by scarlet, art by rott-gutt
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Expert Intellectual (200)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-12-2024, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2024, 08:41 AM by Identification. Edited 4 times in total.)
|| "Thoughts"

Erebos had listened to her, showing her some patience and what she had to say to him. Sure the information shared may have been a bit much, but it helped getting it off of her mind. Which cause a brief smile. The creamy wheat pelted woman felt better. Her gaze went to the stars now, as the silence wrapped around the pair. The pair that use to be so close.

Identification was lost in her thoughts, trying to find the words that were trapped upon her tongue, frozen and unable to speak them. That's when he spoke out. The woman sat there and listened to him. "I do not need protection, I can protect myself. However it would be a nice added layer of protection I believe not only for you but also for myself. And what liabilities Erebos? I have caused no one pain or harm. Besides that day that sealed our fate. Which I did not mean as stated. I have also allowed myself to heal from my mistake." Attention turned to him.

"I miss the friendship we've shared." Her voice was that of a grown woman's, one who've became more matured as well. She was no longer a girl whom believed in fairytales. "I am not stating that I or anyone is perfect. We all make mistakes. We also do things to others we do not mean. It's a part of growing up and becoming more mature "

Slowly rising up she allowed or pause to carry her frame into the water as a lapped around her legs. It was cooler, even though it was still humid. A gentle wind - however as hot as was felt welcoming. Has she breathed the moment in. Giving herself a second to think of what needed to be said next.

"but if you want or need something in return for even a friendship..." a pause as she allowed her tongue to lap at the water, the thirst disappearing along with her dry throat. Identification soon climbed out of the water passing slowly in front of them, her tail dancing under and against his chin for a moment.

It was a very dangerous game the both of them were playing. Maybe she would submit to him, or would he have to make her? Either way, she would not leave mark's again. Or maybe she was submitting to him already...




Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-13-2024, 10:08 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2024, 03:51 PM by Érebos. Edited 2 times in total.)
she was a conundrum; more than once contradicting herself in the same sentence. he snorted his nose, defusing his aggravation that flared frequently from listening to her, keeping his head cool while he painstakingly endured through it. 'we also do things to others we dont mean', his ears splayed from catching it. he growled then, brows furrowed as his thick accented voice cut her off. "No. you do things to others you do not mean. I have never made actions I did not mean. Take accountability of yourself." he watched her, his icy blue & chocolate brown eyes holding disdain for her. "You say you did not cause harm, 'except' for the day you did. And that you did not mean this?" a question he tested against her absurd judgement. "then is this not a fucking liability? you shift and turn-, let your emotions drive your actions." he spoke with contempt, his jowls clicking shut for a moment. explaining his point across where he felt they should've been perceived easily, was hard. his patience, thin.
his tail lashed to the side once, whipping at the wind. she played her little game that he saw through. he gave her time, now it was running up. "IF you want a mending of a friendship, you will offer me a permanency that you cannot change when you feel like it." he hated her emotionality. women's emotionality in general. they were never ideal leaders in any sense. he took his directive and drowned fic in it, leaving her no room to be confused. leaving no time for guesses. "strip and abandon your life as you know it. you want to make amends, to have access to me and to obviously rekindle whatever it is you think we can have-, then you will do this for me. Repay me for the scars you gave this relationship." his voice was cutting, direct and firm. he meant everything he said in this moment. he knew what he asked for and understood the weight of it. his mind already making plans and using this situation to his advantage. she was trusted once and burned him. now, he aimed to take away her tools and control her since she could not herself. this was her only option. "In doing so, you will be branded as a dunamis & join my clan; to then spread my bloodline." he carefully worded to her. "in this dynamic, I know you will not break my trust again." his terms for trusting her were drastic and intrusive no doubt. but he was quite fine with that. whereas if she was not, she had the option to walk away forever right now from him. no sleep was lost in either scenario. this was but a gift he offered her, you see; to become more than she had known before. to join a greater cause and have meaning. to have and keep a rightful place in his life.
hackles rose and he watched as her tail came to tread under his chin. he flashed pink gums, baring his fangs as if to yield her. wanting her to remain a respectable distance for now.

"talk" - 'think'
table by scarlet, art by rott-gutt
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Expert Intellectual (200)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-13-2024, 11:09 AM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2024, 11:26 AM by Identification. Edited 1 time in total.)

There had to be something drawing them to each other, allowing their conversations to flow. She was no longer the woman he once knew, and she was determined to show him just how much she had changed. Over the past year, her sense of identity had evolved significantly. She had grown stronger and was eager to learn, reshaping her perspectives more than ever before. While she no longer believed in fairytales, there was still a glimmer of hope in every direction she looked. The challenges she faced during that year were far from easy, especially compared to some of the other wolves in the wild. But through it all, she had discovered a sense of inner peace that had eluded her for so long.

The woman had grown accustomed to solitude and no longer feared it, though it often left her feeling quite lonely. As she listened to his words, Identification felt smaller than she already was. "I won't deny that my emotions have sometimes overwhelmed me. Emotions, which everyone experiences, can be a liability. It's not just me; I'm not trying to imply that I am beneath you, Erebos. But isn't your thirst for power also a liability?" Despite his male identity, Identification understood that he had feelings too. After a moment of contemplation, she spoke bluntly. "Well, you see, you're male and I'm female. It's typically the case that males hold higher positions."

She lowered herself onto her belly again, her tongue slightly out. Time felt stretched, though it could have been just moments. Yet, it meant nothing to Identification, even though he appeared hurried—probably eager to get home. She couldn’t grasp his urgency. As her tongue moved across her lips once more, she listened but found her gaze following fish as they swam away. "I’ll never betray your trust again. I did it once, and I would never do such a thing again." Her words were filled with sincerity.

She listened intently to the words spilling from his lips, replaying them in her mind like a movie on a loop. Did he expect her to strip away everything she had ever known? She understood that he acted in ways that served his own interests. Her ivory-tipped ears flicked back and then to the side as she contemplated this, her emerald eyes shifting to meet his gaze. "So you want to take everything from me," she said, her tone steadier than she felt. "Not that I mind, considering..." She hesitated, searching for the right words. "What do you mean exactly? What other conditions do you have, Erebos?" She paused, before she continued. "If there is no other terms. Than I accept your terms Erebos. I'll prove to you that I am not the same woman ruled by emotions as before."


table coding by bunni ♥



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-14-2024, 04:25 PM
as he spoke down to her, making it clear of the wrongs she'd done to him, he was surprised not to see her tear down like before. no tears, not even hurried. she took her time, moving with grace despite the tension their conversation held. and it impressed him. could be it?- fic a new woman? he listened, increasingly intrigued as he watched her with his usual harsh gaze. studying her and hearing her out for the time being before responding to her. "My thirst for power is never a liability for the ones I consider close, relative and complementary to my goals. I am not some ruthless villain ruining my relations for fun. I build my self from the ground up, as my family has. And then I sustain it." he spoke with a deeply baritone voice. "It is up to you, like the others, on which side you choose to stand on." he snorted, his nares flaring as he blew out hot air. he hoped he himself very clear in this moment; concise with his wording as he explained what widow had not allowed him to in that first instance of personal enmity. had the queen of hellborn listened, maybe she would've had what medusa will. a missed blessing, all in all. for what the dunamis would become in boreas would be great. Érebos was expansive and direct with his ambitions. he gave everyone a chance to choose their sides. to be conquered or join him-, it was was a play of power. and in the world of wolves, it mattered. "Other conditions?" he paused. "Withstand polygamy if your eyes are set on me." his binary pools shifted across her face, reading her. he knew she did not like the idea of it, but Érebos was far from monogamy. his first relationship had been widow-, and that was open to other suitors on both ends. an idea he himself had struggled with at times truth be told, but he never became overwhelmed by it. if keeping fic in such a dynamic meant he had to give her the same met freedom in regards to sex & affection, this would prove tricky. but not impossible. he could order escorts for her enjoyment, provide a detached way for her to let off steam had she felt the need to. it could be so simple. he was truly hallow.
and finally, she signed the contract; it was sealed and forever held against identification. she belonged to the dunamis now. adopted in a sense, but she would enjoy the perks just the same. she would bear the lineage's future and for it, be made safe & supported but a large powerful family that was soon to dominate boreas. "Take on a hyphenated surname if it makes you happy. But ensure you go by a Dunamis as well here on out. I reside in insomnia. Do you agree to venture there with me and remain there for as long as I do?" he asked, sitting and watching her.

"talk" - 'think'
table by scarlet, art by rott-gutt
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Expert Intellectual (200)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-15-2024, 10:58 AM

It appeared that they both have changed, which wasn't a bad thing at all. More mature and willing to understand one another much more than a year ago. But the woman laid there her gaze out over the soft bubbling creek before the strange duo. Identification listened to him as he spoke with a nod to that baritone voice. Ears soon went to the side with the snort. Here she was though, listening to him. Sure, polygamy wasn't easy to deal with. However one thing he did not realize that the year she had was not easy, she cried many nights alone. Now, tears rarely fell from her bright emeralds. The same spearmint pools that turned to look at Erebos.

"It appears to me we both have matured and grew up even more than we were before Erebos." Her vocals gentle and warm still. The same tone she had used since this tense meeting. She was fluid and agile but also calm and selective with most things she needed to say to him. "I do not need a surname since we are not married Erebos. When and if that day ever comes then I shall. But until then you know where I stand and who I stand with. It's easy as that." Words almost like a whisper, if he wasn't paying attention he wouldn't even hear them slip from her lips. Giving a bat at the waters edge before rising up.

"I do agree, and I will venture there with you, Erebos." Her words that flowed out shocked her in a sense of how more mature she really had become. "Let's go. Lets allow Insomnia to meet me, shall we?" Identification yawned and stretched out quick as a yawn was stolen from her lips. It really was a time to witness though, seeing them both talk and converse. Her not becoming emotional over the slightest, and him not letting his anger there to boil over. Fic smiled tenderly as she looked to him, watching him intently.

She had come to learn that not everyone was perfect, nor did everyone care about others around them. But that didn't dim her fire out. That fire that burned bright. And this was only opening another door for the fae to learn and apperciate what pack life could teach her. A new chapter in the life of Identification. A life she would welcome, sure not completely at first but she'd come to learn the ropes. For her and Erebos known she was a rogue, living these years without a pack. So it was a new learning experiance. "Fill me in on what to expect when we arrive at Insomnia since we have a small journey ahead of us. If you'd like."


table coding by bunni ♥