
Bad times, new beginnings


03-13-2014, 04:40 PM
OOC: If Ares could post first please :)

Paws kissed the earth, approaching the territory in which she had grown up. Seraphim had brought her here, raised her, trained her and so much more. This would be the first time she returned to the garden since he was murdered. It was bittersweet to return home, but know that her father would never join her. Tattered audits flipped back and forth, listening to the sounds of Ares walking beside her, the wildlife that resided here and the distant sounds of pack life.

She had chosen to seek out the pack in the early morning, avoiding the heat of summer. She had heard whisper of a new pack, still young and growing. She had high hopes that she could make this place home. The dark girl would come to a stop at the borders, standing a respectable distance back. Two toned eyes would turn, seeking out Ares. A small smile would tug at her lips as she leaned towards him, placing a light kiss on his cheek.

"Ready?" Excitement laced her tones, "Would you like to do the honor?" Her crown tilted to the side as she waited to see if he wanted to call for the Alpha of this pack. She stood close to his side, leaning against him lightly. He had voiced no real opinion about finding a home, but she wanted to make this place a home, make him feel like this was home. She wanted him to be happy.

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Ares 1


03-13-2014, 05:14 PM
She had said little about where she had decided to go, but he would keep his word wherever she wished to be. As they went on their way it would become apparent where she was heading, where they had lived before Seraphim's demise. A feeling of regret and longing would fill him, every day he would feel the tug of his heart as he remembered the man who sired him. How he had guided him through his mother's downfall, and how much love the man had held for Ares. Though he hadn't recognized it at the time, he still wished he had spent more time with his father.?

He would brush the thoughts aside, and do his best to concentrate on the future he was going to greet. He would lean into Devya's side as she came to a halt just before the newly formed border. It seemed a pack had taken up residence in their old home, Ares would only hope they would be allowed back. She would kiss his cheek before asking if he was ready, even allowing him the howl of beckoning. It was all so similar to joining Taurig's pack, he hoped it would not end the same. He would return her affection, though instead of a light kiss he would nuzzle her exuberantly ending with a passionate caress of his tongue. "What ever pleases you my pristine beauty." he would let his haunches fall as he tilted his head back, a long summoning howl would be released from his inky lips.?



5 Years
03-14-2014, 10:23 AM

The summons fell softly on the queen's ears, causing her body to rise from it's relaxed position atop the boulder than marked her den. She spent much of her time atop the monolith, surveying and contemplating. They were growing quickly, and if the inflection within that howl was aught to go by, perhaps other sought to join her. The possibility was exciting and brought a small grin to the woman's face. She had grown her pack around the principle of freedom and loyalty, and if the past weeks were aught to go by, the system was appealing. Wolves had come from all over the realm with word of rumors on their tongues. She wondered what the winds had brought her today. At a trot she made her way towards the supposed origin of the call, and came eventually upon two wolves awaiting her audience. Banner waiving and head held high, she wordlessly announced her dominance over the lands, so they would know just who it was that had come to heed them. "Welcome the Ebony, strangers." She said no more, waiting instead to see what manner of case they might present her.

code by sam & image by lu
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-14-2014, 11:49 AM

She would not know any reservations he held about the pack, or even joining, he never voiced them. He just simply went along with whatever she wanted. Two toned eyes would settle on him with a smile as his head tipped back, a call filling the atmosphere. She would remain standing beside him, tail swaying eagerly at her hocks. Audits would twitch, listening to the sounds of the approach.

The woman carried herself proudly, her crown lifted high just like her plume. The darker girl would greet the older woman with a smile, dipping her head in greeting. "Good morning miss. I'm Devya, this is Ares, and we are here in hopes of finding a place within your ranks." Despite her youge age, she would not waste time with pleasantries, she had always been quick to get to the point.

Her gaze would shift to Ares before returning to the woman, looking hopeful. She was desperate for a place to call home, for a place where they could thrive, together. The blood that ran through her veins still called for power, still left her desiring for control. She knew she was born for power, and not once had she forgotten it.

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Ares 1


03-14-2014, 04:33 PM
He would let his haunches coil beneath his as he got set to wait for the summoned to arrive. He was patient though, allowing himself to enjoy Devya's simple presence. He would continue his mischievous kisses, little pecks placed in the sensitive area behind her ears. He would be interrupted by the quick appearance of what he would assume to be Ebony's leader. She held herself proudly enough that his suspicion was almost one hundred percent, she would greet them with out offering her name. Ares would remain neutral to the best of his ability, his own bleached features nodding a greeting as Devya introduced the both of them. He would catch her eye and give her a supportive crooked grin, she threw the shots in the relationship. As far as he was concerned ?he belonged to her. Still silent he would watch the proceedings, wondering who the woman was and if they would become part of the pack.?



5 Years
03-15-2014, 09:07 AM

The man remained quiet and reserved as his dark furred companion voiced her request. While her direct request caught the queen a bit off guard, she was more than thrilled. For one thing, these two had actually called at the border! Raisa could not remember the last wolves who had come seeking a home that hadn't at first been trespassers. Beyond that, the dark fae didn't seem interested in beating around the bush. Raisa smiled and let a quiet chuckle out to grace the air. "There is always room within my pack for those who need a home. I'm Raisa Xanilov, queen of these lands. I take it you have heard of Ebony before?" It seemed like more than mere happenstance that the pair had turned up at her doorstep. Of course, Raisa had indeed met those who had decided on impulse to join her ranks, but this scenario held a certain predetermined aura. Raisa settled onto her haunches and waited to see what questions the pair might pose, and hoped to catch their names in the mean time.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-17-2014, 10:40 AM
ooc: devya already introduced them XD

She was the Queen, but it came as no surprise. And this was her pack. A small smile would pull at Devyas lips as the woman confirmed that there was still room within the pack. "I have only heard whispers of a new pack that had formed, and was curious to learn more about it." She hoped the Queen would explain a little bit more about the pack, what they stood for, how they operated. The young girl would allow her haunches to finally drop and rest on the earth, catching Ares smile at her. He would remain silent, offering a small nod of greeting, but nothing more. As she sat her tail would rest so that she was still touching Ares, could still feel him beside her. The excitement of joining a pack had not yet worn off, even as she spoke to the Queen.

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Ares 1


03-17-2014, 12:23 PM
Ares would watch the marked woman as she chuckled slightly, her words following quickly after would answer Devya's request just as bluntly. He was glad she didn't seem to be one bent on pleasantries, he knew how to be tactful with his words but direct statements were his preferred method of communication. She would state her name and that of her pack, and Ares would continue his silent contemplation of their activities. In the end where he was would be with Devya no matter the circumstances of their living arrangement. If this was the pack she pledged her loyalty to then he would gladly follow behind her. Raisa had not given them entrance quite yet, as Devya would answer the question given to them. She would hopefully lead the queen into giving them information on what Ebony was. Yes they made their home in what used to be his father's.. But would they hold similar enough beliefs that Devya was willing to give their allegiance, he would have to find out. Her dark tail would rest near his own as she concluded her words for the queen, Ares still had nothing to add to the conversation so would remain silent.?



5 Years
03-19-2014, 09:29 AM

If it was information the pair wanted, Raisa would happily oblige them. Raisa swept her tail over her snow-furred paws and watched them with a level eye. It concerned her to a degree that the man had not yet spoken, and wondered absently if he was a mute, but it did not matter overmuch to her. Clearly he had come to some sort of arrangement with the fae beside him, and that was well enough for her. "Well," she began thoughtfully, "We are a pack with a strong focus on loyalty, and freedom. There is a trust that exists between us all, that we will always do the most we can for one another, and within that agreement my companions enjoy a sense of independence that is hard to come by in typical pack life. I would not expect them to lay their lives down for me if I could not do the same for them." Raisa looked to the side, to the border that stretched out to her right. As far as her eye could see, all the way to the horizon, she knew the land to be hers. That was a powerful thing, yet she could not let it go to her head. The lands might have been hers by claim, but they belonged to all the creatures of the world, to a degree. How many rogues had she found trespassing since her pack had been birthed from the ashes? She now called each and every one of them friend. Looking back at the pair she smiled. "Ebony is sanctuary and force in equal measure. Our strength comes from the bonds between us, and within that security we are quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with. All I do, I do for the peace of my loved ones." She did not know if her short speech would appeal to the pair, but she hoped it would. Every word of it was true and she would not alter her story to suit what she suspected they might want to hear. That was not her way, nor would it ever be.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-22-2014, 09:09 PM

The dark girl would listen, the Queen wasted no time. Every word sounded better and better. This could be the home she had been searching for. A grin slowly stretched across her face and her gaze would leave the woman to find Ares. WOuld he be happy here? She hoped so, she desperately wanted him to be happy. When the woman would finish, her eyes would linger on the pale man for a moment longer.

"You Kingdom sounds wonderful, and we would love the opportunity to become part of it, if you'll have us." Her tail would thump lightly against the earth as she spoke. Things had finally begun to turn around. After the death of her father, her maiming by Ares brother and Ares disappearance, she needed this. She needed a place to call home.

She would gaze hopefully at the woman. She would take any rank given to her, so long as she could help provide for the pack and make a difference. She had the drive and desire to do so, all she needed was a place to work. The pack sounded wonderful, the Queen spoke honestly and seemed wonderful herself. Everything was falling into place.

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5 Years
04-03-2014, 01:15 PM

Raisa was pleased by the Devya's enthusiasm, liking the first impression she'd received. Even if her companion was eerily silent, the queen was in no haste to chalk this up as a bad thing. Some simply enjoyed their silence, and often as not it was a trait of the restrained and thoughtful. Raisa smiled and nodded. "In that case, welcome to Ebony! I'll induct you both as commoners for now, until you learn the ways of things. Call for me when you've decided on the path you would like to walk, Ebon or Sola." Their meeting had been so brief, Raisa was of a mind to instruct her higher ups to keep an eye on the pair, to observe where their strengths and weaknesses lay. Both seemed bright-eyed and eager, so she felt she had little to fear on that front. "I can show you around if you like?" She tossed her head over her shoulder towards the lands that stretched out behind them, and eager smile on her face. Two new souls for the family; all in all a good day's work.

OOC: End?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!