
After a While, Crocodile!

[Fighting Expansion]


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (699)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

TeacherFestival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinner
VengeanceCritical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - Rainbow
Pride - AromanticSocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble Master
Ooh La LaHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual
1KDream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
09-23-2024, 05:14 AM
It had been a minute since she'd been here, but she was looking to expand the pack so she came around to check it out again to make sure this was where she wanted to expand to. The heat was almost unbearable, and so when she arrived, she went straight for the willows that provided the shade she so desperately sought out today. This season was unbearably hot compared to last season, and it was really putting alot of stress on some of their resources. Rue's garden especially. They needed more access to water and resources, and so her gaze fell toward the pond that sat among the willows, its surface eerily still as she studied it. There was hardly any movement on its surface. Stagnant even. She saw a few bugs skating across the surface. A stream of bubbles here and there. She even spotted what she presumed to be a log near one end. When did that get there!? Was it so hot and dry that one of the willows fell over or something? Weird.

Deciding she needed a drink, The Wraith approached the still water and leaned down to take a drink. Of course, she didn't notice the movement of the bubbles nor the way the log slowly moved closer. And it wasn't until there was a thunderous crash from the waters surface right in front of her that all of her instinctive alarm bells went off, and next thing she knew, a huge set of teeth was coming right for her! She scrambled back in surprise, but not fast enough before those jaws grabbed her left paw. She cried out in pain at the force and strength of the bite, and she was face to face with a crocodile. A shadow blur leapt in as Umbra launched herself on the Crocodile's back, claws and teeth going for its back in an effort to force it to release Medusa. Luckily, the tactic worked, and she was able to free herself. With a heavily bleeding and likely broken paw, Medusa scrambled back beneath the tree, a panicked call for help for Insomnia sounding in the air.


As her mate and *ahem* protective detail, Erebos may crash her threads at anytime!

Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:



Master Fighter (300)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

VengeanceCritical Attack!ScarredCritical Fail!
09-23-2024, 11:30 AM

Ellara Praetor

Enyo's ears perked, catching the distant yet panicked cry from Medusa. The sound sliced through the air with unmistakable urgency, setting her heart pounding. Despite her complex feelings toward her brother’s mate, this was no time for grudges. The Queen was in danger.

Without a second thought, Enyo whipped around, her massive paws tearing through the earth as she bolted toward the Willows. Her thick, muscular frame surged with a determined ferocity, every powerful stride bringing her closer. Her scent was carried in her wake as if the very air bent to her will. She ran like a storm, her pride and authority evident even in moments of urgency. She knew the gravity of the situation. Medusa did not seem like one to cry for help unless it was life or death. The heat was pressing all around her, making the whole ordeal feel even more dangerous.

Arriving at the scene, Enyo’s keen gaze immediately took in the chaos. The stagnant water of the pond was now violently disrupted, with a massive crocodile thrashing near the shore. Medusa, her paw mangled and bleeding was desperately retreating beneath the swaying willows. The Queen's companion, Umbra was it? She was locked in a deadly struggle with the beast, but Enyo knew instantly that this situation required more muscle. More specifically her muscle.

“Get back Medusa, let us help you. Your paw- we need Erebros.” Enyo’s voice boomed, thick and velvety, leaving no room for debate. She knew of no other medics other than her brother.. For now, she had to protect the woman. Before she launched, she let out a shattering and guttural cry for others, hopefully her brothers, to aid her in this fight. It wasn't anything personal, she just knew them best as they did her. Enyo would prove to be efficient regardless of her battle buddies but when she was beside her siblings they all worked like a well-oiled machine.

Her icy blue eyes locked on the reptile, and with a snarl that echoed across the pond, she launched herself into the fray. She had never seen an alligator of this size nor had she seen one so aggressive. The snout was too pointed... the body was just so big... the teeth? Heart pounding and adrenaline began to pulse through her. She would take an elephant over this any day. There was no time for fear, she had to shove that deep down. Using Umbra as a distraction, her heavy, battle-hardened body slammed into the crocodile’s side the sharp edges of her armor adding another barrier between her and the massive beast. Her crushing jaws seek purchase along its armored neck. The beast thrashed violently beneath their weight, but Enyo was relentless, her broad shoulders and powerful limbs keeping her grounded. The beast's jaws snapped dangerously close to her, but she bared her teeth and tightened her hold, refusing to yield an inch despite flinching for the first time in a long time as jaws snapped barely an inch away from her face.

Perhaps it was poor luck, perhaps the wet terrain, unstable and slick... maybe it was fear she was too prideful to acknowledge that caused it to happen. Enyo would slip. For the first time in a long time... for the first time since puppyhood. A rare glimpse of utter surprise as Enyo's left paw skidded to the right, she tried to balance herself but not before jaws would come clamping down on her chest. Intense pressure, pressure she had never experienced before would press all around her. It felt as if her ribs would shatter. A searing pain in one of her shoulders as it seemed a tooth found a way in.

Blood splattered across her piebald coat, staining the pristine white side of her face, but she barely registered it. She was alive.. she was breathing. The crocodile let go, her armor saved her but it was severely dented... She couldn't imagine what her fate would've been should she not have had it on. Enyo would roar at it, a battle cry full of the primal urge to just survive. This was her domain, fierce, raw power in motion. Her muscles rippled with each movement, exuding the force of her lineage as she leaped back.

“Hold on, Medusa. I will not let this beast take what is ours nor will I let it get close to you,” she growled, her voice filled with a possessive fury. Her lesson was learned, she would have to play slow and wait for others. Take a more defensive approach. Keep it from getting close to the Queen. Even as her mind raced with irritation at the mess this situation had caused, the sight of Medusa’s injured paw stirred something deeper... duty, and perhaps something more complicated. Regardless of the tangled emotions, one thing was clear: no one harmed Insomnia's Queen under Enyo’s watch.

But would she die for the woman?

.... no




Enyo's companions Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, & Atromitos, a large snowy owl, are to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated



Master Fighter (265)

Advanced Hunter (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
09-26-2024, 04:36 AM

A panicked call sounded like a bugle. His fur stood on end as he recognized the voice. He had never ever in his life heard his mother make such a call, and he knew something must be wrong for her to do such a thing! Abandoning the pelts he was working on, he raced toward the willows faster than he had ever run before, crashing through shrubs and leaping over anything in his way to reach her. Her call had come from the willows, and as he burst through the hanging branches, he came face to face with the commotion. Enyo and Umbra were battling a giant water-lizard! And Medusa was sitting back beneath a tree, clearly injured. Ripper ran to her first, whining as he watched her bleed. But despite his desire to remain by her side, Medusa urged him to fight...and that she would, too.

She didn't need to tell him twice! "Nobody hurts mama Medusa!" He snarled as he turned on his heel and went careening toward the action. Talons dug into the slick mud as he launched himself toward the other side of the crocodile, claws sinking into its thick, armor-like hide. Its tail thrashed. Its head thrashed. It tried to back up into deeper water, but with the weight of the two wolves, and the jaguar, it couldn't quite get there. Ripper anchored himself to the ground with his hind legs as he tugged and tore at its thick flesh, a wild light in his eyes and haunting laughter from his tongue. What he didn't anticipate, was that another one was lurking nearby, sneaking closer by the second.


Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~


Grim Reaper

Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Healer (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Ooh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
09-26-2024, 08:29 PM


› he already smelt them all. medusa and Enyo's aroma sticking out against the potent scent of metallic blood. it stirred within him a powerful surge of adrenaline, of anger. his women were in danger and he wasn't already fucking there. their calls did not fall on deaf ears as the dire wolf went charging forth into the willows. his gallop was thunderous on the dry terrain as he moved his large body with impressive speed, eyes narrowed & ears erect as he came to approach the mess of a scene within minutes. he came to a halt, assessing the situation with urgency through the scorching heat. he needed to gauge the threat and assess it before jumping into the battle.

enyo was seen battling with ripper, taking on a large crocodile. enyo was covered in blood and it make his heart pound-, anger coursing through his veins as his snout crinkled. his eyes darted to medusa then, his brows furrowed as he looked her over with speed. he checked in with her for only a moment, assuring her with a nod that he'd work on her as soon as the threat was gone. he had to act, think and be fast- his eyes scanned over the water knowing that gators often hunted together, the commotion in the water enough to stir a frenzy. and he sees the other after seconds of looking for it. his actions, his moves, his thoughts had all been deliberate & methodical. for even in emergencies Érebos proved to be reliable, resourceful and intelligent.

he dives into action then, understanding their odds better and providing the needed guidance they all seemed to need. a serious bark sent to ripper as he shouted out, "Move out the way, there's another behind you!" Érebos then adurptly jumps, landing on the sneaking croc and successfully weighing it down with his heavy weight. he manages to grip on them with his muscular arms, muscles swiveling beneath his thick coat as he strained himself to pin the croc down for a while longer. "Drag them out the water. They will drown us in it if not." he sneered through his bared fangs. Érebos then became drenched with water, the croc thrashing more until he could not hold it still for much longer. he backs away then, quickly reversing to the shore as he watched the croc come at him. good, it forgot about the others as it honed in on him instead. the gator continued to move onto the terrain, hissing & angry. Érebos stood close enough every time to lure it out further & further. Now. he seized them with a sudden pounce then, his arms reaching to over turn the large croc from the side. and for a mere second, he flips it onto its scaly back to reveal the soft white underbelly where vital organs laid just beneath.

primal instincts drove him, his body lunging forward as he began to tear at the reptiles abdomen with relentless fury. his ears listened all the same, a skilled hunter who knew to remain vigilant and not become lost in the blur of wraith. ‹

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (699)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

TeacherFestival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinner
VengeanceCritical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - Rainbow
Pride - AromanticSocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble Master
Ooh La LaHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual
1KDream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
09-27-2024, 11:56 PM

Everything was happening so fast. Enyo was the first to show up, facing down the giant reptile that had attacked her. She barely registered what was said as her broken and bleeding paw throbbed with pain she had never quite felt before. She was in some form of shock, to say the least, as she registered this kind of pain. It was different then when the Habari wolves had broken a couple of her toes. That was mild compared to this, however. Then when Ripper came and approached her, she looked up to find him worrying and trying to figure out what to do with her paw, but she motioned for him to go help Enyo instead. "Medusa will be fine! Help Enyo. Medusa will, too!" She urged before he turned and charged off to exact his revenge on the crocodilian beast. She had to get up soon, the crocodile looked like it had gotten ahold of Enyo and could very well eat her if it wanted to if she didn't get more help soon.

Before she could get up though, her knight in shining armor appeared! Erebos was on the scene, and he briefly approached her to check on her before engaging himself. She felt a little dizzy, so she didn't immediately notice that there was a second crocodile coming up behind her beloved child before Erebos himself called out. Her fur stood on end, her pain forgotten as she lurched to her feet, swaying for a moment before she too, joined the fight against the reptiles.

She joined in on the one that Erebos was tearing at, a feral ferocity taking over her as she bared her teeth and lunged for its throat while it was on its back. Its tail swung to and fro, but with it being at the mercy of the two wolves, it had been unable to flip itself back over to better protect itself. Perhaps this one wasn't as experienced as the other. Maybe it was young still. Whatever the case, the white of Medusa's pelt was painted in crimson blood as the two of them tore away at it.

Anything that dared threaten her beloved children would almost always meet its untimely end. She would make sure of that.

As her mate and *ahem* protective detail, Erebos may crash her threads at anytime!

Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:



Master Fighter (300)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

VengeanceCritical Attack!ScarredCritical Fail!
09-28-2024, 03:57 AM

Ellara Praetor

Relief washed over her, more than she would like to admit, at the sight of her brother. At least she knew the odds were slowly ebbing in her favor. Her confidence was a little shaken from such a close call, the dents in the armor jabbing at her shoulders. It would be a bitch to get off later. She was incredibly thankful that Erebros not only called out the second crocodile but handled it with the help of his mate.

Medusa's paw did not look right and Enyo worried for the fate of the foot. Her eyes darted to the mangled pulp that was previously a paw. Surprisingly, Medusa would not stay back. The Queen opted to help aid her brother in his rending of the smaller crocodile.

Enyo's icy eyes watched, noting how the two worked together before returning to the task at hand. Erebros had ordered them to get the crocodile away from the water. Then she would obey. Her large frame would back up slowly, snapping and jumping in to bite the crocodile while jumping back just far enough to slowly lure it farther and farther out of the water. Hopefully, Ripper would get the same idea.




Enyo's companions Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, & Atromitos, a large snowy owl, are to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated



Master Fighter (265)

Advanced Hunter (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
09-28-2024, 04:04 AM

For all that he was doing, he was finding it difficult to tear through the armor-like scales of the crocodile that had dared hurt his mother! Even with the help of his packmate and his mothers companion, the crocodile thrashed and threw him off, and it was only then did he notice the other one sneaking up behind him. He jumped again in alarm this time, and it would've been a close call had it not been for Erebos and Medusa. Even with her injury, his mother went in for the attack, and although he wanted to help and protect her, there was still this one to deal with. With all the commotion, he almost missed what Erebos had said.

"Drag them out the water. They will drown us in it if not." Welp, he definitely wasn't in the mood for drowning, and he sure as hell had no intentions of going for a swim today, either. Umbra leapt off its back and onto the shore to help Enyo lure it away from the water, and although he wanted to keep trying to rip it up, he was far too close to the water and too close to the other croc, too. Snarling, he raced past the Crocodile, barely missing getting bit as it made a grab for him as he ran by, a tooth grazing his ankle which made him lose his balance and roll forward into the mud for a moment. Scrambling back to his feet, his gaze darted between Enyo and the crocodile as he took her lead. Barking and snarling, talons swiping toward its nose in a vain effort to lure it further up the bank. How the hell were they supposed to kill these things!?


Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~


Grim Reaper

Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Healer (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Ooh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
09-28-2024, 04:23 AM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2024, 04:23 AM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)


› he made a difference-, everyone gathering and doing their part of his plan. and it worked with ease, as medusa came to join in, they both tore through the croc in no time. as soon as he felt like medusa could finish it off entirely alone, he jumped to help enyo and ripper. as soon as the croc reached the bank more, Érebos repeated the same notion & attempted to knock it over by it's side. but this one had been too heavy! he snarled, frustrated as it thrashed around, it's tail hitting his paws and slicing the skin a bit. a minor injury, he pushed through it- expecting them all to help with it. this croc wasn't living another day, not after what it had done. ‹

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (699)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

TeacherFestival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinner
VengeanceCritical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - Rainbow
Pride - AromanticSocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble Master
Ooh La LaHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual
1KDream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
09-28-2024, 05:06 AM

Teeth tore into the softer underside of the croc alongside Erebos, and she was so focused on eliminating the threat that she hardly noticed when Erebos split off to help the others. Her jaws filled with blood, her coat heavy with it as well as she continued to tear away at it. It was in the midst of its death throes, its tail lashing ceasing as it began to still. She could hear the gurgling as the croc choked on its own blood, and she didn't stop until she completely tore out its jugular. Once she finished, the adrenaline suddenly drained from her and her paw throbbed with pain from the ambush prior. She sank back into the mud, suddenly out of breath and feeling dizzy. Dual-toned gaze found the others fighting off the one that had attacked her initially, but she felt too weak all of a sudden to help. Surely they'd be able to finish it off without her, at least this once...right?

As her mate and *ahem* protective detail, Erebos may crash her threads at anytime!

Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:



Master Fighter (300)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

VengeanceCritical Attack!ScarredCritical Fail!
09-28-2024, 06:04 AM

Ellara Praetor

Enyo’s eyes narrowed as her brother’s powerful slam failed to topple the enormous reptile. The crocodile hissed, its monstrous jaws snapping with a force that could sever bone, but Enyo’s determination only grew more fierce. She wouldn't allow it to win. Not in her territory, not against her blood.

Taking advantage of her brother’s attack, Enyo repositioned herself, her large paws pounding the mud as she circled to the creature's flank. As the crocodile's head turned toward her brother, Enyo saw her chance. She launched herself at the creature, her sturdy frame propelling forward with explosive power. Her teeth sank deep into the base of its thick neck, right behind its massive jaws. She felt the creature's rough, scaly skin split under her bite, and she held on with a relentless grip.

With every ounce of force she possessed, Enyo jerked her head violently, using her powerful neck and broad shoulders to pull the crocodile’s body. The croc twisted in response, trying to snap at her, but its neck couldn't reach her from the angle she attacked. It struggled, its heavy body thrashing, but Enyo held her ground, her claws digging deep into the wet earth to anchor herself.




Enyo's companions Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, & Atromitos, a large snowy owl, are to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated



Master Fighter (265)

Advanced Hunter (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
09-28-2024, 06:29 AM

Thought hesitation had gripped him for a few heartbeats, he knew he had to keep going. After all, that thing had hurt his mother dearest! He looked behind him when he heard a squelch in the mud, finding that Medusa wasn't looking too good as she sat back in the mud. He was about to go to her, but Umbra bounded past him, telling him to help the others finish it off while she aided Medusa back to her den. Reluctant but understanding the situation, Ripper returned his attention to the task at hand, determined to make this thing meet its end for what it had done!

Erebos and Enyo worked together almost in sync, something that he had with Grim when they hunted. While this wasn't a hunt, he could treat it almost like one, no? The beast was slowing down in its thrashing, especially when Enyo managed to grab hold of its neck. Wasting no more time, Ripper dove in at the tail just as it tried to use it in an attempt to roll. He practically straddled it, talons gripping either side as his jagged teeth tore into it, cutting and shredding it practically in half with the viciousness he was going at. Subdued even more, no doubt the others would finish it off soon!


Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~


Grim Reaper

Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Healer (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Ooh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
09-29-2024, 04:01 AM


› fatigue set in only after a few moments longer but thankfully, enyo assisted him. the croc thrashed ands turned over, snapping at enyo and Érebos as they continued to fight. Érebos began pull on the croc's body, his teeth biting through the croc's skin as he attempted to keep it still. ripper joined in and worked on their tail. with enyo on the neck and ripper on the base of the croc, Érebos seized the moment for all its glory and went right for the belly! tearing through with newfound energy until the croc finally became limp. at last the battle was over. this one they'd all remember. they were all worked and covered with it's crimson ink. ‹

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]