
Give it a lick, it taste's just like raisins



03-13-2014, 02:55 AM

Orochi had been bored really, he was upset that his mom wasn't around neither were his two siblings or his friends either. Leaving the little creamy pup all alone near the designated den area that Vahva told them to return to when it was sleep time and also never to explore out of pack lands without an adult. They were in this huge family now, Orochi had never seen so many other wolves, they were so much smaller than mommy, but bigger than Raven. The pup was deathly bored now, he sighed and rolled around in the grass for a few moments. It was easy to tell he'd be growing into a giant since his size already was bigger than your average pup. His silver eyes watched the sky as he jumped up suddenly and giggled, wagging his poor excuse for a tail back and forth.
More wolves, meant more friends and adults telling him how pretty he was. He just wanted to be pretty, that was all he wanted. Prancing around like a little girl he found himself starring at a frog. "Ewww, what an ugly thing." he said, unknowing what it was since he had never seen anything like it before. What was that thing? Orochi tilted his head to the side, jowls growing up in slight disgust for the ugly looking creature to him.


03-13-2014, 03:45 AM
Alone. It's what he wanted right now. It was all he had known. Although it had only been two days since he had been accepted, he had yet to interact with anyone from within his new home. Whether it was temporary or permanent, he had yet to decide. But he supposed he would have time to figure that out later. At least now, he had a place to call home, no matter how temporary. With a heavy heart, he moved quietly through the trees as he sought out a place of solitude to sit and think upon. However, his trek would soon turn fruitless as he happened upon a young pup he had never seen before. Then again, how would he have known about it? He had not yet made an effort to learn about those who resided within. He heard the comment slip from the pups lips, and though curiosity formed within his mind, there was also the sense of commenting on the pups ignorant words.

He approached from behind, his Cross marked shoulder leaning away and out of view with the angle he took. "There is no such thing as ugly in this world. Everything is beautiful, no matter how different it may be. Even this frog." He said calmly, no edge nor malice within his tones. His tail lifted slightly upon his hocks, blue eyes gazing calmly down at the young boy that discovered the amphibious creature.



03-14-2014, 12:43 PM

The boy was calm when approached by the adult, they were not nearly as tall as his mother. Been born and raised most his life by a beast, the innocent mind wasn't scared by simple things that were large. Still his silver eyes moved back to the frog. Orochi tilted his head, curiously raising an eyebrow to it. "Then what is ugly? Doesn't something have to be ugly. It's not like being ugly is a bad thing, just means my coat is better." he giggled wagging his tail. As he jumped on the frog, paws entrapping it delicately. Wiggling his hind quarters like a little girl he stretched out as the frog hopped off. Orochi seemed sad that it was running away, but now he was distracted by this man here.
"Hey, hey....who are you. I'm Orochi! Aren't I beautiful." The boy commented as he brushed up against the strangers leg. He had been told he was safe here, there was no need to hold back and be so manipulative as he usually was. Orochi wondered if what Vahva said about his mother was true, that some wolves might be afraid of him because of his mother having such a reputation for killing men mainly.