
In Case of Emergency, Dial 411



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-13-2014, 12:12 AM

The sun rose high in the sky, and Sora found himself in lands he had not yet visited. This place was new, and yet it looked fierce. He had wandered from the island he had called home partly due to the fact he hadn't seen his father around, and wondered where he had gone to. Sora wasn't the best tracker, considering he hadn't been around his mother to learn before leaving. But no matter, he could start practicing on his own. He stopped and sniffed the air, wondering if there was something nearby he could begin tracking, and sure enough the wind would bring to him the scent of a a rabbit. Tail wagging slightly, he moved forward to investigate.

It did not take him long to find it, the creature nibbling at some dry grasses near the entrance to a place he had never seen before. However, he payed no mind to the dangers of the sharp walls lurking beyond the prey. Lowering his body to the ground, he would creep forward, closer and closer until he was near enough. His hind end wriggled, and then he pushed off to give chase. The rabbit spotted him, and immediately began its course into the path that led within the sharpened walls. It had dashed around a corner, Sora speeding after it and turning a sharp corner, his shoulder brushing the edge of the rock as he skidded to the ground with a yelp. Turning to look at his shoulder, he noticed there was a cut on it. Was it from the rock he had just touched? How could rocks be that sharp? Whining slightly, he licked the wound free of blood as it throbbed. Glancing around, he realized then that he had no idea where he was.

Ice blue eyes searched around, he could have gone back the way he came...but there was so many twists and turns he couldn't remember exactly which way he had just came from. Ears lied back as he stood there looking in all directions, how would he get out of here? Better yet...what kinds of creatures lurked within these rock toothed walls?

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
03-18-2014, 03:33 AM

Odette was in training. She wasn't officially set up to be doing so by Valhalla's standards, but she wanted to be fit enough when it did happen. Lately, she had been trying to find places that were challenging to her cardiac and muscular systems. Her muscles needed to become more firm and fit so she could handle any kind of attack without easily bruising. Determination was her middle name at the present time and with that in mind, she was on the right path.
The place she chose today was one she had never visited. Jagged rocks stuck out in various directions and the ground was rough on her paws. She pushed past the pain and continued to explore the abundance of rocky terrain and what it visually offered. Her curiosity and desire for exploring were both satisfied by the layout of the place and she intended to be there again in the future. Front leg muscles bunched up as she pushed herself onto a high level of rock above the ground. The challenge and the summer heat combined pushed at her body, but she pursued it head on and finally reached the peek.
What she was resting on gave her a view of the outstretched terrain. It had been untouched by man for centuries and from the looks of it, wolves had steered from this terrain as well. She took a second or two to catch her breath as she felt the sun sink into her muscles. First tense, they slowly loosened up and she could feel the difference right away. Her eyes closed as she took in deep, even respirations so her heart could begin to slow down. The workout she had put herself through was worth it and she knew another one would be in her future. Thoughts began to lazily drift, until a soft whimper reached her ear. It was far off, but she knew it hadn't been a mirage.
Her head turned to the left and she heard the sound again. A crevice in the rock that started from the top and ran to the ground indicated a rocky entrance to a scary trail. Odette's heart began thumping fast again as she realized that it could either be someone in trouble or possibly a trap for her na?ve self to walk in. Brow furrowed as she thought it over and then the forehead wrinkles disappeared. She descended from her level of rock and reached the ground, where her paws kissed the hot earth as she walked towards the entrance. She swallowed and then slowly began to walk between the walls. Pretty soon, her form was swallowed.
The cautious nature she had attained from one of her many adult mentors kicked in and she used it as her shield while she walked across the unfamiliar trail. The path wasn't travelled very much, she could tell, but it obviously went somewhere and wanted to know where. Soft whimpers that had only been echoes now became louder and she knew that she was getting closer. Red and blue eyes with shielded dispositions searched for anything that would stand out as her slender frame walked around the twists and turns that the crevice had made. She avoided any jagged rocks that stood out and a soft shiver ran down her spine as she felt one lightly touch her hind leg. Blood wasn't drawn, for she moved away from it, but it still made her skin tingle. Finally, the source of the whimpers came to light.
From the pup's point of view, Odette was nothing but red and blue eyes in the shadows of the crevice. The temperature between the two walls had dropped compared to the heat Odette previously experienced and with the temp came a light fog. Her frame was large compared to the young boy, so she would understand if he tried to run from her. A hint of light struck a place in the path ahead of her and when she reached it, her form wasn't dark anymore. As she stood there, she halted and looked at the unfamiliar boy in front of her. Her nose worked its magic, but she didn't detect any familiar scents. He looked afraid and was paralyzed with fear to even think of moving. It was just something she could tell.
"Hello, young one," she said softly, tones evident of honest concern. Her head leaned to the side and she gently reclined to her haunches. "Did you get lost? How did you end up here, of all places, by yourself?" Such a funny question coming from the most adventurous pup Alacritis had ever seen!

"You" Think


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13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
04-25-2014, 05:46 PM

The boy's heart pounded. Strange that he was so afraid despite his near gargantuan size. But even so, he couldn't help it. He was in a strange place with strange things. Even the landscape was strange, the ground and rocks had cut and nicked his paws and legs on the way in like a warm knife slicing through butter.

A sound had then caught his attention, a dual pair of colors staring at him from the shadows. Brows creased together as his head tilted, someone else was here too? Her voice broke through the shadows, questioning but friendly. He turned his body to face her, the look of hopelessness disappearing. "I uh...wanted to go exploring and decided to try my paw at hunting didn't work out too well."

He flashed her an embarrassed look, a crooked grin contorted his maw as his ears picked up, a question of his own coming to mind. "What are you doing out here?" He would question in a friendly tone, glad that he was no longer by himself out in this strange place. Perhaps they would be friends, unless she chose to just show him out and go on her way.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
04-25-2014, 06:50 PM

She watched how he reacted and it made her heart lightly pound in her chest. Despite being so big for his age, she still saw him as a young pup and it made her want to help him more. The blood that freely flowed from the small cuts on his legs and paws made her heart ache and she intended to help him if he asked.
Instead of him asking for help with his cuts, he was more interested in why she was there. Odette lightly chuckled and lowered her front half to the ground. She tried to safely avoid any jagged edges or pieces of sharp stones. At her lowered height, she met the same eye level as the dark-furred boy and she answered his question. "I was out here training my body so my muscles can become stronger. I want to be a warrior one day!" Her excitement vibrated through the small and enclosed gap between the large mountain-like structures. Her tail lightly tapped the ground behind her as she decided to further her explanation. "My Papa was a great warrior and I want to be like him when I am fully grown." She then realized that he said he attempted to hunt and a soft sigh escaped her lips. "Don't be discouraged about not getting your prey the first time. Practice makes perfect and even the biggest wolf can be graceful and have great balance after he tries many times."
Her gaze then moved up and around where they were. "I suppose that you didn't intend on coming so far in here. It does seem kind of scary, but I think it's only misunderstood...I'm just glad to see that you're not hurt really bad. New places can lead to trouble sometimes."

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