
Cool like Jagger



The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (65)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

10-06-2024, 06:34 PM

Little soldier boy

The border line wasn't far behind the boy as he moved. He was on a mission today. Get some of the white bark for a small project idea he had. He'd need to make a tiny model in order for his uncle to forge something with him and he was set on those awesome claw ideas. That and he wanted to make some more cool swords. Best way to do that was prove he was into the craft right? Maybe his uncle would teach him more than just sword forging.

He'd spent his morning in the dojo, working on his offensive. Though Uncle art seemed pretty busy so he hadn't asked for lessons. Maybe he should ask Dusk or Ember.... A noise had him pricking his ears as he moved about the aspen trees. What was that rumble? The snow was crunchy under paw and it made it easy to hear things. The crunch to his left had his steps pausing. A look to Nikolai as it kept towards him. Heavy. A squall from Andrei had him turning and backing towards the pack border.

Then a large brown form was coming. The bird overhead was raising cane and taking off towards the castle for help. Andrei was smart enough Titus figured he knew the drill. Nikolai and him darted to either side of the bear as it came for him, its jaws chomping on air and paws slamming where he had stood. His form turned and Titus aimed a bite claws unsheathing as he got a grip on the bear's ear. His paws and claws aimed and gripped into its cheek and the top of his muzzle while his wolverine came in biting the bear's forepaw.

He wouldn't die without a fight and this bear didn't know the hell it just got itself into.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Come marching home

Titus has a male white Raven by the name of Andrei, assume he is overhead or somewhere watching even if not mentioned.

Bowen as his mother, Artorias as his alpha and uncle, and Briar as his aunt may enter any of his threads regardless of how they are marked until he is a year of age. Bowen has permission to powerplay him as needed.


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (140)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-15-2024, 09:22 PM
Solaire followed the border around the plains with his axe securely on his back, doing his part to keep patrols going around the pack's territories. He knew that with all the weird stuff that was going on and with his mother expecting another litter his dad was going to be really busy for a while so he had started spending less time in the greenhouse and more time out here helping out with the defenses. Because of that, as he passed by the edge of the grove, the urgent cawing of a raven above him caught his attention as he was the first pack wolf the bird got to. He stopped in his tracks and watched as it circled over him and then began leading him through the grove and off toward the dam on the other side.

Even though he didn't immediately recognize who the white raven belonged to he knew that many of his family kept them as companions and there was no hesitation as he turned and began charging through the trees to follow. Soon enough the roar of a bear reached him and he doubled down on his speed, reaching over his shoulder to ready his large axe as he went. Bursting through the tree line he spotted the grizzly bear in question and a flash of orange attached to the bear's ear let him know who was in trouble, his cousin's distinctive coloring giving him away. "Hang on, Titus!" he called around the handle of his axe as he ran forward, pulling his head back to send the edge of his axe into the bear's hip as soon as he was close enough to do so. The sharp blade dug deep into flesh and the bear roared in pain in response, immediately beginning to rear back and stagger away from him.

"Solaire Carpathius"


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (65)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 hours ago

Little soldier boy

He was so enveloped in giving the bear a hell of a time that he didn't see nor hear his raven returning. Andrei had brought him someone to help nonetheless and he would be thankful later. The holler of his cousin had him clenching his jaws down tighter and he heard the roar of the bear and the yelp of his wolverine as the bear tossed Nikolai. But the wolverine only got back up and made to charge again as the bear reared. Nikolai clamped onto the bear's inner thigh, and Titus raked his claws down the bear's snout before aiming to claw it in its eye. The bear was starting to try to shake him free but Titus wasn't going to relent.

He wasn't letting the bear that dared try to hunt him go free. No he had a little sister and his mom to protect, and thats all it took to have him narrowing his eyes and shaking his head to thrash the bear's ear off. He felt its claws rake his hip but he wasn't caring right now. His job was to stay alive and make the bear regret it's every choice. He had its face bleeding already and likely it was half blind now.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Come marching home

Titus has a male white Raven by the name of Andrei, assume he is overhead or somewhere watching even if not mentioned.

Bowen as his mother, Artorias as his alpha and uncle, and Briar as his aunt may enter any of his threads regardless of how they are marked until he is a year of age. Bowen has permission to powerplay him as needed.