
Knock Knock You about to get.....

Widow Pack Challenge


"Little Things Add Up"


Master Fighter (280)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
10-13-2024, 12:31 AM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

The sun rose and Trixy was moving. Waking her companions and moving, having stashed her weapon and other equipment in Gav's den. They would be collected later. Paws making tracks in the snow and ice as she moved, she was set on her destination. The boneyard, not for something friendly today, but for her attempt at proving to herself and those around that she wouldn't stop, that she was strong despite her size. She was tough as shit and she would prove herself to the world.

Her eyes were hardened like the ground beneath the snow, narrowed on the land ahead. The boneyard, a land of savagery and bloodshed. The scent of battles fought long past a scent on the cold wind. A nod to her companions as they took their places, Charlie taking to the skies and Frank on the ground beside her. His head shook and he dug a furrow in the ground with his antlers. His bulk had set in for winter and she had planned this just so. The pied raven overhead would signal the position of where this was to take place, while also was ready to aid her. This time she had come fully prepared to fight. This time the fight was starting on her terms. A howl given to the skies, summoning the dark rosetted woman from before.

Her shoulders rolled as her head dropped. Defenses falling in place as she waited to see if the woman would show. She was ignoring anyone that would show otherwise for now, her focus solely on the fight ahead of her. The easy go lucky and kinder Trixy locked away until this was done.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

Bellatrix vs Widow for pack challenge
Round: 0/?
Height: 15"
Build: Light


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
10-13-2024, 03:19 PM
others are welcome to come and watch ofc, but once the fight officially starts I'd appreciate a hold be placed on posts for the judges sake!

one judgment, no jury. i am, i am the fury

She was on her way back from The Prominence when she heard the call, though it wasn't nearly as ominous as the bloody red sky or even the mysterious spires that tore through the land. With the new knowledge of strange things happening over at the shimmering shore, she was already headed west but quickly derailed her course and took her time answering the call, a smug smirk spread across her face as she found the same child waiting for her that she defeated once before. Had they not learned their lesson, or would she need to beat it into her again? She certainly didn't have a problem reminding her if need be.

Ravens circled above her, cawing and cackling, clearly amused and ready for another fight. Her cat, ever present riding on her hips, let out a low warning rumble but sounded more annoyed than anything. Widow quietly hushed the cat as she finished approaching, leaving plenty of paces between her and the challenger. This would be a piece of cake again, even if the girl looked stronger while her companion looked filled out. Widow looked more filled out too, the early stages of her pregnancy appearing more like added bulk than the growth of pups already larger than the woman challenging her today. Of course she would need to be mindful of the sharp horn on their face, but she was almost certain she wouldn't have much to worry about being so much taller than the pint-sized wannabe.

"I've squashed bugs bigger than you, birthed pups bigger than you... what makes you think you have a chance against the Queen of Hell?" she asked, voice ringing with amusement although her question was honest and sincere... how could she believe that she could win this? Widow was genuinely curious. "I'll let you have the first move again, it only seems fair, " she smirked as she spaced all four of her paws evenly for balance. Her body lowered as she gently shook out her coat without disturbing the cat upon her hips, fluffing it up before rolling her shoulders forward and tucking her chin slightly to protect her chest and throat. Dexterous toes gripped into the earth and allowed the cat claws she was equipped with to emerge and pierce into the dirt for extra traction while she waited for the girl to make the first move.


Widow vs Bellatrix for pack challenge
Round: 0/2
Height: 45"
Build: Light
─ by Skelle !
Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!

PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022



Master Healer (256)

Intermediate Navigator (45)


3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
10-13-2024, 04:18 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 04:18 PM by Crux. Edited 1 time in total.)
((Timeline is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on this one for Crux))

Crux had to admit... This wasn't exactly good timing. But he knew what his duty was, he had Riya gather up what useful herbs they could, anti-inflammatory, herbs to fight infection, pain reduction, blood staunching... Whatever they had ready. Which unfortunately wasn't much. But it was what they had to work with and he'd make it go as far as he could. Then the pair of them set off to where Widow had been called.

He hadn't been there for the challenge that had won Widow her pack and so had no context for this fight but clearly the women were familiar with each other... Though it took a second check to realize Widow's opponent was indeed an adult... Somehow she was even smaller than Triss, which Crux hadn't even believed possible. Still he kept his expression in check, dipping his head towards Widow as he approached, making his presence and therefor at the end of this, his healing, known. Then he settled himself a respectful distance from the two combatants. He knew things sometimes got more violent at events such as these and he was going to do his absolute best to stay out of it outside of offering his healing abilities as needed. Riya settled slightly behind and beside him, her eyes scanning their surroundings. Some part of him hoped Triss would stay home, and yet he also couldn't help feeling anxious how this would go... Especially for her, and the danger of her not knowing the outcome.


Art & Code © Skelle 2022
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.



Novice Navigator (15)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
10-13-2024, 04:27 PM

Honestly she probably would have stayed in Boreas with Jiro for longer if it wasn't for her older sister's call going up. A new adventure all its own! She'd given a quick explanation to Jiro and then raced off. Because of course she did. If Jiro wanted to show up he'd have to follow her on his own, but at least she hadn't given him no explanation. But there also wasn't a world where Imogen would miss this! Imogen had been younger when Trixy had made her first bid for a pack and Imogen hadn't been there so she didn't know if this was the same woman who'd beat her prior or not but it didn't really matter, at least not to Imogen.

"You got this Trixy!" She called out excitedly as she approached, wanting to rush up and give her sister a friendly shoulder bump but she also didn't know when the fighting would actually break out so she left it at that and settled herself behind Trixy, seafoam gaze searching the other wolves who'd shown up. Admittedly Trixy's opponent was pretty, and behind her was a massive wolf with leopard who looked like he was probably finding this less fun than she was. So a stick in the mud basically.


Base by Srinyx
[Image: frvmqag.png]



Expert Fighter (135)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
10-13-2024, 04:50 PM
Reaper heard the challenge and a chil went down his spine. He hadn't been there for the challenge where Widow won the pack. Now it looked like the stability and home he had made with Mae was being threatened. He moved his way through the forest of Hellborn and towards the call. When he arrived, he saw a mix of faces. Some smell of Hellborn, some did not. He sat, watching his Queen carefully. He had faith she would win but a trickle of doubt was in the back of Reaper's mind. What if he lost his home, again? What about Mae? There was a knot in his stomach and his seagreen eyes searched for his beloved. She wasn't there, yet. He could only sit and watch as the challenge went on.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

1 Year
10-13-2024, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 06:39 PM by Laz. Edited 1 time in total.)
Holly, what was going on? Why was an angry looking lady calling for Widow's pack? Why so angry? Off course Lazuli was too new to know the background and the past of this pack. Not knowing the two fought for this before, so all she could think was that the weird looking wolf only wanted to be mean and try to have Widow out of her crown, and Lazuli felt dread, anxiety deep down her chest. But she decided to trust in that the Queen would stand and kick this woman's ass.

"Go widow go!" She said letting her goofy side flourish and free. Not caring what others would think about her actions, actions that only worked to hide the anxiety building up on her youthful soul. She sat down on her own spot.

code by shaz


Judilian Band

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Healer (230)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
10-13-2024, 07:09 PM
Atreyu was exploring nearby when the call rang out for a challenge. Immediately her curiosity rose because she knew the tones that carried that call. Bellatrix was challenging for a pack! Keeping her pace at a brisk trot, Atreyu urged Bigs to keep up with her as she made her way to the Boneyard. There was already a bit of a crowd forming when she arrived, though she did get there in time to hear one of them holler out in support of each of the contestants. There was a bit of a shock when the alpha, who was challenged, turned out to be a wolf she had fought before. She remembered the woman well because of the dirt thrown into her eyes.

Her eyes fell to the smaller Bellatrix, though her holographic eyes shone with pride and not ridicule. The spotted pink dire woman knew better than to make the mistake of underestimating the small. She wasn't sure if it was said everywhere, but somewhere along the way she had heard the term dynamite comes in small packages, and each time it had proven true for the yearling band leader. She could see the judgement in the eyes of some, others she could see hope. For now, Atreyu said nothing either way, only watched and waited with Bigs beside her. In her mind, she cheered for the small woman who had given her a valuable resource and had shown nothing but kindness toward her.

"Talk." || Think || 'Hear.'
code by bird, art by alo

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.


"Little Things Add Up"


Master Fighter (280)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
10-13-2024, 08:01 PM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

She waited for the woman, no care for whether she liked Trixy or not. When she showed both her companions alerted to her, and Trixy pivoted to face her directly. The words the woman threw out bringing a glare and a narrowing of her eyes to Trixy's face. The words distasteful and reminding her of a bully. Trixy despised bullies. The woman might of beat her once but Trixy was not about to let that deter her. But confidence like that would be this "Queen of Hell's" undoing. Underestimating a small thing was a deadly thing. Some of the most deadly things in the world were tiny, bacteria, spiders, snakes, all came in tiny varieties that were deadly. "Don't write me off just because of size, some of the deadliest things are tiny." Her lips peeled in a grin for a moment as Genny came encouraging her. She had her own depending on her, so this woman's supporters were of little consequence to her at the moment.

--fight starts here--

Widow gave her the first move and readied herself, Trixy gave her a nod. Her eyes narrowed and she rolled her shoulders forward, eyes on the woman. She was aware of the cat and the birds above, she'd fought her before and thanks to that she knew what to expect from her companion wise. Her ears pressed and that was the signal. Frank started forward aiming to close the gap his head lowering and powerful body going straight for Widow. He aimed to use his larger than Trixy bulk to shove his left shoulder into Widow's right while simultaneously rolling his antlered crown and aiming the backside of his large antlers to slam into her right ribcage around where her shoulder sat. His front left hoof aimed to stomp on her right forepaw at the same instance to hopefully keep her grounded for the moment with his almost two hundred pounds of bulk.

Trixy darted forward in the same moment Frank did, aiming to run not for Widow directly but in a semicircle to Widow's left and Trixy's right, hoping she would be more focused on Frank. Her neck dropped and lips peeled, while her chin tucked to guard her throat. Her toes splayed with her run and tail came out straight, acting as a balance and a rudder for Trixy. Trixy's horn aimed to stab into the woman's(Widow's) left back hock, knowing she couldn't reach a lot much higher. She had hope to stab directly into the muscle of the hock and ankle and hopefully unbalance Widow or at least cause her some kind of destabilization. Her raven stayed up high for the moment. The snow and ice below might cause them an issue but it was a risk Trixy was willing to take.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

Bellatrix vs Widow for pack challenge
Round: 1/2
Height: 15"
Build: Light

OOC: Where my facts come from for the reindeer size is here. By this logic he is about 200lbs of almost pure muscle and stands around 36" tall.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
10-13-2024, 08:14 PM

Eltrys heard the call from his nearby home at the falls. He knew Trixy was making efforts to find a place to call her own. He was not aware of who she would pick as her challenger.

The Archdruid joined the gathering throng with an air of neutrality. He was here to observe. To watch. It could be easily mistaken though that he was here to root for Trixy since his home had housed the old members of Norad. Though he was still a new leader himself. He had fought Trixy once. He had taught her as well, but he was ultimately a teacher and would neither cheer nor hold judgment over either Widow or his student.

He sat next to another of his students, Atreyu, giving her a silent nod in greeting and letting his gaze lock on the two wolves before them. Intending to simply observe what may transpire here today.


"Our character is often revealed at our highs and lows... Be humble at the mountaintops, be steadfast in the valleys. Be faithful in between." - marcandangel.


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
10-13-2024, 10:50 PM

On the return trip from inspecting the strange occurrences happening up in Boreas, the call for a challenge was a rude and rather unwelcome one to the Hellborn wolves. Stolas' ears snapped up and gray eyes narrowed. Who the hell would be calling for an alpha challenge at a time like this?! Exchanging a concerned look with Widow, Stolas escorted his wife down to the Boneyard to face their foe. Widow was a woman who needed no backup or knight in shining armor to come to her rescue, but she was also full of their puppies right now, and Stolas feared what the challenger might be capable of doing. Would the cur try to kill their unborn children in the challenge? The mere thought had the Goetia prince on edge.

Arriving at the arena, Stolas eyed up the challenger—a small obnoxiously vibrant thing less than half their size. Raising a brow in incredulity, he cast one more supportive look to his queen, then stepped aside after offering her a kiss. "Tear her to shreds," he whispered to Widow in support, then took his place squarely behind her with the rest of the Hellborn wolves to watch the fight take place. His nerves were tense, smooth fur bristled, gray eyes sharp and focused. If this little wolf tried to go any real harm to his wife or their children, he wouldn't hesitate to rip her throat out.



"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (699)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
Yesterday, 02:30 AM

They were on their way to check out the happenings down in Auster. After the spires erupted near Insomnian lands, her vulture, Seymour, informed her that there was a phenomenon happening far in the South. Of course, she wasn't the type to miss out and so she gathered a party to travel with her. Erebos and Enyo were right behind her as they made their way into Auster, the temperatures here were far different than at home. After skirting Castletowns borders, and when they drew closer to their destination, she heard the telltale call of a challenge. Her fur bristled in excitement! Who was being challenged? Who was the challenger? The voice sounded vaguely familiar from a past challenge, but she couldn't quite remember who that was.

As the traveling party arrived to the Boneyard, however, a bit of recognition came to her when she spotted the miniscule brightly painted she-wolf already tangling with Widow. Oooh a round two!? Her friend, it seemed, was quite popular these days. Or maybe the tiny wolf had something against her? Whatever the case, Medusa sat on the sidelines and pulled a bag of dead mice from her travel satchel, popping one into her mouth as she watched with keen interest. Would the challenger lose again? She cackled as she chewed and watched with interest, curious to see if her alliance with Hellborn would still stand, or if tiny-wolf would take that away from her.


As her mate and *ahem* protective detail, Erebos may crash her threads at anytime!

Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:


Grim Reaper

Master Fighter (265)

Advanced Healer (80)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
Yesterday, 04:38 AM (This post was last modified: Yesterday, 04:39 AM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)


› far from the enthusiastic nature of his wife, the enormous dire wolf kept close to medusa with a vigilant gaze ahead. his ears swiveling and listening as he kept optimal awareness of their surroundings. his gallop was thunderous on the terrain, vibrating through the ground as he tailed behind his smaller mate. his aura was tight and pushing, deflective in nature. his energy was deliberate and to an extent, unfriendly. his handsome face hidden of emotional cues and exterior proving to be rigid.

on the way to auster, a pack challenge rang through the brisk airs. they changed course as if they all had the same idea. enyo tagged along, the trio soon coming up to see a small crowd take place. for whom? his binary colored eyes glanced about, surprised to come across the form of his ex wife. speaking the way she usual did, disregarding the potential power others may of had. still an enslaver at heart, it seemed. his gaze was harsh and heavy on the dark wolf, remembering their fall out like it was a fortnight ago. glancing at stolas and then the rest of her minions, Érebos seated himself near his pregnant mate on the sidelines. he looked to make eye contact with enyo, speaking to her in a silent way that these siblings usual did.

shuffing his weight, he saw the opponent but he knew better than to be haughty. everyone was capable of something.. "May I have some?" he looked at medusa before coming to eat some of her snacks with her. medusa always had snacks(what a perfect wife). with alot on the line today, Érebos was tense and ready to protect both his royal sibling and his puppies- with the illusion that he wasn't, in place. one wrong move from any of widow's gophers would entail much more than a pack challenge today. ‹

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Yesterday, 05:18 AM (This post was last modified: Yesterday, 05:30 AM by Exposed. Edited 3 times in total.)

Exposed “Artio” Lebraid

Low, cadaverous rumbles conjured their way past soot-black lips, miry canines deluging them in gesture of draconian displeasure, where drool blighted the graveyard’s chin with papery threads. What felt like weeks was mere days, an obloquy unlike no other stifling the very breaths she took — knots jostled, exhales were chasmic and dour. She’d paved through few dominions, none of which seemed prosaic; howbeit, the inebriety of a provocation purled across the atmosphere, inciting a means to acquisition, perchance.

My, how enthralling.

It wasn’t often that Lebraid cared for social congregations, but the magnestism, the vivacity, the desire to simply gather sagacity of what could be later advantageous, it truly vowed no mercy. Knowledge was, after all, power. She needn’t engage in colloquial convolutions, of course. An ear would flick, dressing taut as monochrome eyes held a moonless, somber expression -- soon, bones became this wasteland’s gem -- primordial, almost, as the air mused with sweetmeat, dead dread. The wolf relished in it, all too easily. Now, what of this challenge? Lebraid ensured she was sat away from the mass, silent, surveying; impassive gaze slaves upon that of a doll, or so it seemed, emblazoned in a galaxy of magenta, french-violet and crayola elixirs. And then, there was the denim-cloaked, auric-embroiled opponent, their polarity in size rather derisory at best. There was no certitude as to what may come from this, so who, pray tell, will avail?

An inkling of ghoulish zest fed, but lay dormant, for now.

Action. | “Speech.” | Skill.

“Wrong me once, I’ll kill you twice.”

Template by Raine <3

Exposed is highly unpredictable in all threads.
Template by Raine



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
Yesterday, 07:43 AM (This post was last modified: Yesterday, 07:44 AM by Mae. Edited 1 time in total.)

Mae had followed Reaper and the other members of Hellborn. The song of the challange ran down over her spine. The slate woman followed that of Reaper's scent as it soon crossed with others. A knot formed within her stomach, threatening to make her sick. The female turned to her Queen and then the unknown woman twin peaks shift upon her cranium. A nod to both women who were in the challenge.

She wouldn't put herself within the line of outlash or anything. Mae was always respectful to anyone she has come across. The woman slowly moved towards Reaper, passing by Crux with a nod, she lowered down and laid there. Laying her cranium down upon his front paws. A slow whimper leaving her maw.

Her eyes looking up to him as a kiss was placed upon the inside of his neck with a teasing nip. Shortly after she turned her attention over everyone who gathered. A friendly smile offered to Atreyu one of her dearest friends. Then towards Erebos. Wondering how he had felt about this challenge. Although it seemed to not allow it to be affecting him.

"Mae and Reaper"

Reaper may join any threads that involves Mae All Titles to Threads are from Fleetwood Mac songs


Judilian Band

Intermediate Navigator (40)

Advanced Hunter (70)

1 Year
Yesterday, 07:52 AM

The main lady Atreyu had began her journey, the whole lands hearing the call coming from the boneyard, a shiver running down over her spine and entire body. A nervous shiver. She followed close near Atreyu. As ears twist looking over everyone who was gathering within the land, and circling around a small female she recognized as Bellatrix and a darker female whom was unknown to Fairytale. Eyes turning around to meet the others who was gathering near by. The albino girl sat down beside Atreyu, the woman feeling safe beside Atreyu. Many others who were unknown to Fairytale as her tail curled tightly up against her hind quarters. She offered Bellatrix a friendly smile. Deep down Fairytale known to never underestimate those that are much smaller.





Master Fighter (270)

Advanced Hunter (110)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf
Yesterday, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: Today, 03:23 AM by ENYO. Edited 2 times in total.)

      Ellara Praetor

Enyo stood tall, her imposing silhouette casting a long shadow over the wasteland as her eyes fixed on the unfolding challenge before her. The air in Auster was thick with tension, but Enyo’s posture remained regal, unbothered by the stakes of the pack challenge.

She watched, eyes narrowed, as the small figure of Bellatrix. Despite her tiny stature, the small she-wolf moved with confidence. Enyo was surprised to see her again so soon. A flicker of recognition passed through Enyo's mind, recalling the day they spent building the trap together. How small she seemed in comparison to the towering, dire figure of Widow. It would be easy to dismiss the challenge, but Enyo knew better than to write it off. A hint of a smirk curled at the corner of her lips, a rare and fleeting gesture. Bellatrix certainly had the nerve.

The War Queen wanted to see just how far Trixy's willpower would take her.

Enyo's attention shifted to Widow, her brother's former mate. The mere sight of her reignited the old embers of disdain deep within her chest. Widow was a capable fighter, no doubt, but that didn’t intimidate Enyo. Not in the slightest. It intrigued her. She sized her up but Widow lacked the aura of dominance that Enyo exuded without effort.  From what she was told, Widow lacked emotional control. A volatile and prideful woman who didn't mind threatening to enslave brother.

That wouldn't do.

If it ever came to blows, she’d crush her.

Enyo's mouth began to water at the thought of bloodshed. It was a day she looked forward to, it would've happened already had Erebros not asked her to leave it and not harm the woman.

But for now she stood silent, the heavy weight of her daedric armor resting comfortably on her muscular frame. Her gaze drifted to Erebros, her brother’s cool demeanor matching her own. She knew he was as invested as she was, though his interest was likely drawn by memories of a past best forgotten.

Her ears twitched, catching the faint sounds of the challenge. Bellatrix's voice carried across the clearing, defiant, determined. A part of Enyo, the part that admired audacity, hoped the small wolf would surprise them all. Her velvety voice, though quiet, was laced with both amusement and an edge of cruelty as she murmured to Erebros without looking at him, "The small one, Bellatrix, has more courage than sense. But Widow… she’ll fall. One way or another. If not now then one day. We all do."

Enyo’s eyes gleamed coldly as she watched the scene unfold. No matter the outcome, she was ready. Always.





Enyo's companions Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, & Atromitos, a large snowy owl, are to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
Today, 02:31 AM
please refrain from posting from now until the last round 2 is posted!

one judgment, no jury. i am, i am the fury

Widow was prepared for this fight, even if she didn’t know what day it would happen. She fully expected someone to try and take her rank from her, but she wasn’t the least bit surprised that it came from the tiny girl she won against previously. She went on to speak the obvious, as if Widow didn’t know what she was named after. Sure, she was bigger than the girl and even her reindeer, but she was named after the very thing she spoke of. The child sized woman was foolish if she thought Widow didn’t know what her own name meant.

Others gathered quickly, but the only spectators she cared about was her sinners and her husband. She caught a quick glance of Medusa arriving with Erebos and some similarly marked woman, but she couldn’t be mad… well, she was mad, but that anger would get redirected into this fight today. She doubted Medusa dragged him down here for anything other than the ominous skies and quaking ground, and it wasn’t like they were standing over the borders of her queendom.

Refusing to take her eyes off the woman to give her husband one final confident look, she wanted to make sure the girl couldn’t surprise her with a sneak attack. She had given her the first move after all, so it only made sense that she kept a careful watch despite the distance she left between them when she answered the call.

– fight start –

Widow was not surprised that the reindeer would make the first move. It was taller than Bellatrix, but still rather tiny compared to herself. It charged forward, clearly trying to aim its left shoulder into her right shoulder, likely seeking to knock her off balance or perhaps even force her shoulder out of socket, but Widow was prepared for a direct charge. Her body was lowered to the ground, paws spread for balance while her toes and claws gripped into the cold, snowy dirt, seeking more traction than her weight could provide alone.

Above her, both ravens cawed and began their descent from the sky and towards the face of the quickly approaching reindeer. One sought to grab at the animal's left eyelid with its talons while the other aimed for the left side of the reindeers throat, right underneath where the jaw bone connects to the skull and potentially threatening the carotid artery with its talons.

Despite the charging reindeer, Widow was not blind to Bellatrix approaching on her left. Picking up her front right paw to step forward, she effectively dodged the stomp of the reindeers front right hoof as she surged forward and curved over her own left shoulder, also avoiding the blow from the reindeers right shoulder into her own right shoulder, though she wasn’t able to entirely dodge the reindeers attacks unfortunately. Widow hissed as she felt the reindeer’s right antler scrape from the middle of her right scapula to the middle of her rib cage, however as her body turned to the left with her fangs bared and chin tucked close to her throat for a narrower turn and protection, her cat moved to grip onto her scruff instead and waited for the right moment to attack from a different vantage point. Widows strong hips followed behind her torso, and she used her momentum to aim her right hip at the middle of the reindeers upper chest and throat, hoping that the force behind her movement would bruise the animals sternomandibular muscle and trachea with her right hip where her right femur created a sharp protruding angle made of bone. There was no doubt she would be forced into a hard stop and left with her own bruising if the attack was successful, but she was too focused on the fight itself to worry about it now.

Thanks to the turning of her body, her tail acted as a rudder to help with her turn radius but pressed tightly against her own left hock as the horned woman got closer. She had to watch that horn or else the tendons and ligaments in her limbs could easily be severed, but she had an idea. As her front right paw landed upon the snowy dirt again and dug in for traction, her pace slowed and her rear left paw lifted before she half kicked, half stomped outwards away from her own body and towards the left side of Bellatrix’s muzzle with flexed toes, knowing damn well that she was risking scraping or puncturing her left rear paw on the horn instead. Hoping that Bellatrix was distracted by the kicking and clawing attack attempt to her face, Widow pivoted on her left forepaw and narrowed her eyes to avoid any flying particles of sand or ice, lowered her head to be inline with her neck and to better reach her smaller opponent, and parted her jaws wide as she reached towards the left rear limb of Bellatrix, ultimately seeking to sink her fangs into the semitendinosus muscle along the backside of the smaller woman’s thigh and yank her away with a toss of her head to the right.


Widow vs Bellatrix for pack challenge
Round: 1/2
Height: 45"
Build: Light
─ by Skelle !
Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!

PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022


"Little Things Add Up"


Master Fighter (280)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
9 hours ago
Bellatrix Ravenwood

Bellatrix wasn't shocked with how this woman fought, they had fought before. The caw of Widow's ravens were a signal of their attack, and Frank, Trixy's reindeer was ready. His eye closed as the first went for his eyelid, the claws scratching and leaving small cuts as his muscles in his face tensed against them. It left little for the raven to grip, as the second tried to claw at him through dense fur, fatty muscle, and thick hide, leaving no more than surface scratches and welts on the reindeer. A minor inconvenience to the capreolinae. Widow's hip connecting to his muscle between his chest and shoulder around the collarbone bruising the area effectively and causing the animal to snort out his pain as he made to turn and move away, not in fear but out of his part being done. He made to moved off with no intention to harry the spotted woman further.

Bellatrix's own raven, Charlie, took the chance to make his move, silence as he descended in his flight, eyes keen on Widow's cat as it settled on Widow's scruff. He aimed his own body and claws for the cat's neck, aiming to scratch into the cat's skin around the cat's throat to the left side of the cat, his entire body at a T angle from the cat. His wings simultaneously aimed to batter and hopefully prevent the cat from being able to aid Widow, possibly knocking it off or unbalancing it.

Trixy's eyes stayed narrowed as Widow's back left foot lifted, her chin tucking and head recoiling effectively making Widow's stomp miss her face and glance past her nose. Her body began turning to the right in that same instance, pivoting and using the snow and ice to aid in the movement as her toes splayed. Her eyes glancing to Widow's face in that moment as the woman twisted. Widows teeth landing no where but air as Trixy pivoted, body angling to be parallel with Widow's own now keeping beside and away from the foot that had tried to stomp her a moment before. She folded her body to compact herself for the next move she had, tail flagging directly behind her aiding in her balance and the direction of the turn. Trixy's lips peeled and muzzle crinkled to keep blood and debris from her eyes that might fly at her from their movements. With Widow's head and neck turned to her now Trixy unfurled and completed her twist, now aiming a bite directly for the left side of Widow's face near her ocular, intent to grasp and hold from the side of the face with her lower jaw aiming for the muscle of her cheek and her upper jaw for the brow of Widow's eye. Her hackles stood erect and tensed to deter damage to her neck and shoulder region. Her ears pinned to her skull to avoid them being damaged or grabbed. Back legs splaying to keep her balance as her upper body left the ground in her lunge. Front left leg aiming her paw to place it above Widow's muzzle to steady herself and keep the woman from grabbing it hopefully. Her right front paw curling close to her chest to protect it. Her tongue pulled back to keep it out of the way of her own bite. The weight of her body should the bite land might keep the woman's head down, as even though she was small it didn't mean she was without bodyweight, in fact she was mainly muscle mass which would weigh more than body fat would.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

Bellatrix vs Widow for pack challenge
Round: 2/2
Height: 15"
Build: Light

ooc: gg either way, would like to state I would like Luns to judge if possible as well <3