

Mal Feral


03-16-2014, 01:43 PM
The mocha colored brute walked down the path where a lake had been located by his flying acquaintance. Tsarr, his crow, and someone who was only there to find food and nibble of the scraps that were left behind by Feral. His pale, crimson orb scanned the area, while his emerald orb followed suit. His eyes were different than most wolves, but he didn't care on what they thought. Feral watched as a few large bass leapt from out of the lake, and back inside. A few joked around with the brute and splashed some of the clear liquid upon his pelt.

"Damn fish," he muttered under his breath as he would hold his mouth open inside the water, careful not to drink any. He breathed through his nose as it was elevated and out of reach from the water. When one of the fish was careless and touched Feral's pearly teeth, the brute snapped down upon the squirming morsel, the fish was soon laying limp as Feral snapped upon the fish's back and the cartilage that was it's spine snapped, and the fish lay dead. The mocha colored brute set the cold morsel onto the land and began to dig into his feast. Within a couple minutes, the fish was almost completely gone as he left the tail for the crow above his head. He walked onward, but something soon caught his nostrils and he waited to see what will happen once the wolf, or other animal presented itself.