
What I Want To Be


03-11-2014, 01:47 AM

Testing the ground, she stepped out. Wary had she been for a long while, the storm that had wreaked havoc upon the lands some time ago still fresh in her mind. She had gotten lost from her mother, no idea where she was. No idea where to go. She was lost. No purpose, no place to go. She wandered along, feeding off what she could find on the lands. Taking water from the many creeks and puddles she would find, but now that the sun had gotten hotter, and the air more dry...water had been scarce. She didn't know why it was so, hell, she didn't even know that the season had changed nor what it was called. She was deprived of so much knowledge that she should have known already, deprived of the social interactions that should have been implemented into her earlier. But alas, there was naught that she could do now. She had not seen another since she got separated from her mother. And the one or two that she had come across, were vicious dogs that tried to kill her. She had made it away, hidden herself to stay alive. And now she was in parts unknown, lost, craving the social interaction that wolves were born to do, and become the great warrior that she wanted to be.

Colorless eyes surveyed the lands, the grasses feet taller then she was. She was not a tiny thing, for upon growing to her full size she would be quite a large yet lean creature. But due to her lack of food, she seemed somewhat scrawny. Her fur not as well kept as she would have liked it to be, but she tried. A bath would be necessary later, just as she did every night in the small creeks she could find when the creatures of the day were asleep. She had grown fond of the had been safer then the day, but she was growing restless. Craving to find something, anything...

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5 Years
04-20-2014, 08:14 PM

Canta was taking a slight break from her duties, there would be much to do when she returned and she planned to do as was expected of her. She wouldn?t let her mother down. But for now the girl was trying to escape the worry plaguing her, to have that much responsibility suddenly thrust upon her well? it was daunting to say the least. Still she hadn?t meant to wander this far away, but something had driven her forwards, even after she had noted how far she was and where the sun was in the sky she had pushed on. Perhaps something was pulling her forward, the gods her mother was so intent on?
The grass here was slowly turning brown in patches, the autumn working its way into the very life blood of the flora. A scent assaulted her and she paused, eyes growing wide and cocking her head to the side in wonder. A pup? female and alone? Lifting her muzzle into the air she caught the scent again and began to follow it. She stepped lightly forest gaze scanning the ground frantically.
Finally she spotted the poor creature. She was tiny, clearly malnourished, red and white pelt sticking out in the foliage. The girl automatically dropped to the ground, belly fur brushing the earth as she slowly approached. ?Are you? alright?? She called out, voice soft and non-threatening as she did her best to get closer to the miserable child without scaring her off.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]


06-05-2014, 09:55 PM
OOC: Going to liquid time this to when she decided to leave Glaciem, but before she lost her tail, etc in the earthquake. I will create a separate thread for them for that c:

A voice would reach her, startling her slightly for she had always avoided encounters from other wolves. But today, another would find her. Kasai turned to face the owner of the voice, body stiff and ears erect as she gazed hard at the other girl. She wanted to hide, not because of fear but the embarrassment at what she might look like right now. For a moment, she would think about lying to the girl. Her prided heart unwilling to ask for help, but it was clear she needed it. She wasn't sure how much longer she could survive on her own. She had left Glaciem, her mother having abandoned them again. Not the first time, and quite frankly she felt that Argent wanted nothing to do with her bastard children. She knew quite well that Isardis was not their father, for he never treated them like his own...With a deep sigh, she would slowly nod her head. She felt pathetic, and she hated the fact of it. "Y-yes...Do you have any food? I'm hungry..."

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Lipstick Lies by Vampires Everywhere! on Grooveshark



5 Years
06-11-2014, 11:20 AM

For a moment the girl only stared at her, hard. Canta got the distinct feeling she wasn?t exactly welcome. Still to look at the red and white girl she seemed in a bad way and Canta couldn?t just turn her back on that. Finally the girl seemed to give in giving a sigh and nodding. ?Y-yes? do you have any food? I?m hungry?? Canta didn?t but she was would be damned if she didn?t get the girl some food.
?I have some stashed a little ways back, I can go get some.? She lied, trying her best to keep her voice even. If the girl thought Canta had food maybe she would be less likely to sneak away. The dark girl started to retreat, remembering a rabbit warren she had seen a bit back and hoping she could make short work of anything inside.
Finally turning away she trotted towards where she thought she had seen it last?
It took her longer than she had hoped but she had finally managed to catch the mangy thing. All in all the rabbit wasn?t that great of a meal, it was a scrawny thing. Still she hoped it would be good enough for a starving child. Forest green eyes scanned the grasses as she trotted back towards where she had seen the girl, hoping she hadn?t left.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]


06-16-2014, 03:19 AM

Her ears would perk slightly, the girl trying to hide the hopefulness at the mention of food. She watched the other girl leave, and she herself wondered for a moment if she too should just leave. What if the other didn't return? Abandoning her like her mother had? She would decide to wait, placing blind faith in a stranger she knew nothing about. She sat down, stomach growling as it ached and begged to be fed. Ghostly silver eyes would fall to her paws, ashamed and embarrassed that she was depending on someone else to help her. But she was still young, what else could she do? She wanted to be independent, but she didn't know how to hunt nor fend for herself quite yet. She would look up, scanning the area before her in hopes that the other would return, for once, hoping that she wouldn't be left behind and forgotten once again.

And it would seem by prayers luck, she returned. A glint of hopefulness flashed for a moment, and hesitantly she would slink forward. Towards the girl that carried food with her. Though it wasn't big, she didn't care. She was grateful nonetheless, for anything was better then nothing. She couldn't remember the last time she had eaten fresh meat, but today that would change. She moved towards the darker girl, tail wagging slightly as ears swiveled uncertainly. She gazed with appreciation, her chest lightening at the prospect that someone actually cared enough to help her. "Th-thank you..." She muttered her words, hoping she wasn't being a burden to the stranger already. She sat again, looking pitiful no matter how hard she tried to look confident.

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