
The Elites Of Celestion.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-08-2014, 08:23 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2014, 03:27 PM by Erani.)
So, an idea popped into my head as I was messing around with line art coloring in PS: Celestially colored wolves. These wolves come in a load of unnatural colors, and are named after stuff in the sky; stars, constellations, all sorts of stuff. So here we are!

The Wolves of Celestion are a pack of the most Elite warriors a wolf will ever have the honor, or misfortune, of seeing. What sets these wolves apart from all others in Alacritia, are their massive arrays of unique, celestially colored, wildly patterned coats. They range from small to extra large in size, and have every sort of build, except flabby. There is not an inch of unused fat on the bodies of these Elite warriors. They are honorable fighters, mostly, with the occasional wolf who is "in it only for the money, and if the target bids higher, loyalties will switch faster than you can say 'treason'."

From the age of three months, training in battle begins, forming muscles and agility, and a serious, no fun frame of mind. These wolves are Elite to the last hair in their beautiful pelts. Females are trained just as heavily as the males. Knowledge of healing is reserved to field knowledge, for the most honorable way to die is in battle to these wolves. Fear is not an option. Running? Never. Fight to the last breath, or until the battle has been won.

These wolves are masters at all brands of war, from tactics and strategy, to full out brawl, rip and tear battle. Mercy to the enemy is not an option unless the enemy backs down first and submits. Family life is actually a known thing, love is not unfamiliar, but often is ignored, since in a warring land, and an Elite Warrior pack, death is also not uncommon.

Wolves of Celestion are masters at working together in a battle, having particular strategies such as rank walls, shoulder to shoulder, with ranks formed behind, square formation, for when they are flanked, with jaws on all sides waiting to rip into an enemy. These many different formations are not unlike medieval human warfare. (Good books to read that have a lot of good detail are the Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon.) These wolves work as an army, but are just as masterful with one on one combat.

These wolves come from a land where colors and coat patterns like theirs are extremely commonplace, everywhere throughout the lands, and solid colors like white, black, grey... Timberwolf patterns... These are all extremely rare, practically unheard of. You can imagine the puzzlement upon a wolf from Celestion's first meeting a white wolf. They could end up being quite attracted by this novelty, readily taking mates of the regular coloring and natural patterns, or some could be completely the opposite, shunning these dull looking wolves.

However, life in Celestion has experienced a natural disaster, driving the legion of Celestial Pack out of the lands. This tragedy comes in the form of a massive volcano caldera eruption. While this pack wasn't in the direct vicinity of the blast, they have, however been forced to leave by the ash, tremors, and gasses killing off the prey, and some wolves.

Names run in the line of Celestial stuff, galaxies, Stars, Constellations, Planets.

These wolves will cost gems. A lot of them! And I want to see them very active, in a lot of spars and fights. Maybe someday, one will form a pack? Because of the natural disaster, wolves of all ages may be made, from 1 to 10.

Upon application of the Form, if it is a WIP, I expect it to be finished within a week of being posted, or I will disregard the application.

Here's the code!


Voice: (I beg of you, no Celebrity references for voice... I will have no idea who you're talking about.)
Roleplay Sample:

And now, here are the wolves.





Aludra: (Free - Cheap)

Murzim: (Free - Cheap)


Charon: (Free - Cheap)







Circinus: (Free - Cheap)

Corona: (Free - Cheap)

Libra: Taken and Played by Shelby!


















Centauri: Reserved For Tealah!
















More designs to come!


03-09-2014, 02:13 PM
Nevermind, even though I really did think that I had copied the RP sample I had for her.


03-10-2014, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2014, 11:47 PM by Zlata.)
I'm backing out. Not because I don't absolutely love the celestials, but because I just can't find the muse to think her up. :/ Sorry Bri. I'm just gonna try and handle my existing charries for now lol.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-10-2014, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 02:34 AM by Sin.)
Number: 13
Name: Phoenix
Age: 2
Voice: J. Michael Tatum -Voice over link, skip to 51 seconds-
Scent: Always smells like the heat of burning fire.
Appearance: This titan stands at a massive size of 42" and contains the power of the mythical bird itself. Hence his namesake. His pelt is intermixed with a combination of oranges and warm yellows that blend in perfectly upon his coarse coat. Muscles ripple underneath the short thick fur that envelops his figure, abnormally large paws used for smacking and beating the opponent into seeing stars when the teeth fail to connect. He has learned to adopt tactics from several different opponents and creatures, adopting techniques from big cats and bears among other animals. The top portion of his body contains more of the solar color then the rest of his body, his tail being the only exception where it runs down from the base of his tail to midway before it stops. He contains the eyes of the solar flare, pitch black pupils ringed by yellow and then outlined by an intense orange. Those who stare into his eyes feel intimidation, for he contains no emotions within his eyes nor his features.
Personality: Emotionless is the titan that walks the lands. He knows not the existence of love or friendship towards others. The only one who has been able to receive such things is his twin sister, Phoenixa. However, even she hardly if ever, sees his emotions at all. He is devoid of almost every emotion; compassion, love, sympathy, non-existent within the heart of this beast. He prefers to keep distant from others, often using tones of neutrality and coming off as rude or as if he doesn't care. It's not because he hates everything, no. It's simply the way he was raised. He is a warrior, a fighter, and a leader to the core. Seldom will he ever want to hand the power to someone else, and although he is not power hungry like some wolves, he simply does not like to follow authority whom has not earned his respect. He is a quick thinker, and a tongue to match should one decide to provoke him. Although he is level headed, he will not hesitate to put someone in their place should they choose to insult him. They will have only brought the misfortune upon themselves, for he never goes easy. His motto "When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat." In other words, if they don't see the light of their mistake upon insulting him and being disloyal, he will not hesitate to engage you in combat to teach you your wrongs. The beast is not to be trifled with, for he will never hesitate to attack. (Just an emphasis on that part of him.) Loyalty is instilled in him just as much as fearlessness, however, only to those who have earned it. And it is no easy task to earn his loyalty and trust. It's a battle either way. The titan knows only seriousness, and is unknown to the ways of laughter, fun, and play time. He is all work and no play, and there is no telling whether he will ever see that side of life.
Roleplay Sample:
A growl summoned its way to his maw as the beast walked the lands. He was in a land unknown, however, the free lands were almost his for the taking. He could smell the weakness of the earth, the decay of destruction past, present, and future. The lands here were weak, but he would make them strong. The Celestion walked among the normalcy of the world, for he was a celestial titan who dwelled among the stars...or so he always believed. He was an elite, a warrior, nothing could stop him. And those who tried would quickly find themselves in a position between life and death. He was not afraid to take the life of another, although with good reason...unless he was provoked and irritated enough to simply do it. Fiery eyes roamed over the landscape, coarse fur lying flat against his form as the autumn wind picked up. Upon anyone else, they would have shivered from the sudden chill, but he remained unaffected. He was already cold, not in temperature but from the cold of his heart. He was not one to trifle in unimportant affairs such as friendship and love, so he knew no such thing.

Audits swiveled, the sound of footfalls nearby catching the males attention, however, not the ones he was looking for. His sister had become separated, the Celestion scattered from the fate that had befallen their homeland. And he ended up here, but had his sister made it too? However much he was able to live without her, the thought stung the back of his mind like cactus thorn lying unseen beneath the skin. They always stuck together, not because he particularly cared, but because together nobody dared mess with the duo. They were titans, and together they would strike fear into the hearts of those who dared challenge them. Another growl found its way forth, the footfalls coming closer. However, they sounded heavy, not like any dog or creature he had heard before. But...was it really weight he heard? Or clumsiness? Either way he would find out. The male crept forward, ears flat, eyes narrowed, tail stuck straight out behind him as his hackles raised, and he would confront the interloper that dared tempt his path. Upon breaking through the shrubbery, he would come to find a creature unlike any he had seen before. A lumbering creature, black and white with rather large claws. Its black beady eyes gazing at him with a curiosity much like his own, however, also holding a sense of unease and hesitation. A tilt of his head would bring him to a stop, the titan gazing wondrously at the smaller creature. "What are you and who are you?" He would question, words falling from inked jowls with no emotion attached, although there was the very faintest hint of curiosity behind them. The creature would rise up on hind legs, as if sizing him up. Unafraid it seemed to be, mischievous and daring were the waves cast off his soul. And he would respond. "Name's Rhonir, I'm a honey badger. Don't tell me ye've never seen one 'o my kind before?" The Celestion would gaze at him with a blank slated gaze. Honey badger? What the hell was that? However skeptical he was, he could not keep up the facade.

"No, I've never seen something like you before...Tell me, where am I?" Rhonir chuckled slightly, the titan himself narrowing his eyes as he made to question the badger, however, the badger would answer first. "Ye're in a land of opportoonities my frien', this is the land tha' is inhabited by creatures such as yoorself,'re a wee bit different then others I've seen 'round here. So ye're new tae these parts, that okay. I'll show ye around if ye'd like, c'mon. Follow me." Rhonir would turn, shuffling off in the opposite direction of which he came. Phoenix would stand there, eyes narrowed as he debated within the confines of his mind whether to follow, or go his own way...but there was something about this creature, something that would pull the titan forward. Never in his dreams had he thought about following anyone, much less a creature smaller then himself. But it was happening. After several moments of following the lumbering creature, Rhonir would turn, black eyes gazing up at the massive wolf. "So what be yer name big fella?" The beast would look down, fiery colored eyes pondering and thoughtful before an answer fell from his lips. "Phoenix." A short introduction, however, the creature had only asked for his name. With a nod of confirmation, the badger smiled slightly as he fell in step with the monster wolf. "Phoenix eh? Tis a noble name...I think you and I will get along quite fine. Welcome, Phoenix. Tae the land 'o heroes." And thus, would begin the journey of the Celestial being and his new comical and brave companion.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-10-2014, 05:36 PM
Croatoan is out of the running, and may not apply in the future.

The Roleplay sample you have given me is not authentic, as I have just read Laufey's post, and he is played by Lazuli and not you. When I ask for a roleplay sample, I want something written by the applicant. Not lifted from another member. This honestly shocks and disappoints me that you would do this.

Croatoan may not apply for any characters that I put out as adoptable wolves.


03-10-2014, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2014, 09:05 PM by Madieke.)
-stakes claim on Cetus and Murzim-

Number: 12
Name: Cetus (Ceti) Mira ---
Age: 2 years
Voice:Daenerys Stormborn (Game of Thrones) [url=http://"] Linkie[/url]
Scent: thunder storm rains, sandal wood, and jasmine
Appearance: This child blessed with the unique colors her family carries is a picture perfect of the gathering night sky. Hues of blue, grey, purple and teal swirl and give a smoke like effect on her frame. Her lower half lighter than the top. Her paws and legs seemed to be dipped into a bath of glittering stars, clinging to her fur. Some twinkle as high up as her side and haunches. Her eyes are two bright masses of color depicting the sun in the sky, glowing defiantly against the darkening sky of her fur. So bright they are it is hard to stare into them for too long, much like trying to stare up at the real sun. Her fur is silky soft, not a strand out of place. It is slightly long, giving a feminine wave to her body. She is neither tall nor small, averaging just at 30 inches tall. Her frame is light, with a large chest cavity, long strong limbs, slightly large ears and a long muzzle.
Personality: Cetus, often perfering to be called Ceti holds up to her name. She loves water, striving to be the best warrior is water settings. She is grace and poise yet deadly with the strike of a Black Mamba. She tends to be isolated from others, wishing not to grew any attachments when it is all to likely she might lose a friend or loved one is battle. Love is a word she had heard before but doesn't know it's true meaning or even felt it except to her brother Murzim. The only thing Cetus knows it pain from wounds, anger, discipline, order, and silence. Concealment to her best quality besides being one of the few to might very well in water up to her neck.
When there is no battle to be fought, nothing to defend or stand up for; she often feels empty and meanders around a lot. She is the type to voice what her thinks is right, what she'll fight for. The defenseless, to elderly, the young and sick all deserve protection in her eyes. She is more than willing to throw her life on the line without asking or looking for acceptance. She loves the rush and thrill of a fight, craves it. Days gone without it leaves her so bitter and down she has been seen biting at her own legs, drawing blood, or attacking trees till her mouth filled with blood.
Oddly enough Cetus does not anger too easily. She has a very level head upon her and knows when to shut up and turn away.
Roleplay Sample:

Number: 6
Name: Murzim Sirius ----
Age: 4 years
Voice: Jerry from P.S I Love You [url=http://""]linkie[/url]
Scent: pine needles, smoke, cedar bark, sandal wood
A handsome large male of 40 inches tall, of deep chest, strong build but not stocky. He build is handsome and refined features make him a rather classic looking wolf save for his fur color and eyes. Thick fluffy fur is a blurry effect of black smoke upon a white background. He would be rather plain and normal looking if it wasn't for his eyes. Orbs like those of death, of ghosts and nightmares. The blend of white and grey is rather errie upon his face. At night they glow a deathly silver, cold and creepy.
Personality: The silent stalker, a king of stealth and silent swift attacks. He isn't much for fighting all the time, doesn't crave it like his sister. But he will fight when told to. He will spar with his sister to ease her addiction to the blood rush of battle. He admires her for her headstrong ability to just throw herself in there into the fray. He is more the type to judge and think out his moves, to plan attack. To scout out before the others to report back their enemies exact locations, mass, and strength. Details are easy to remember and relay for him.
He is rather calm, sitting back watching life pass by him. He is not upset of his life style but highly proud of it. He loves knowing how strong his family is, to be able and take some relief knowing everyone knew how to defend themselves. It eased his worried back on those he cares for. Others may never know it till his death that he cares very deeply for others well being. He will go out of his way to make sure your safe and happy.
Roleplay Sample:
He could easily remember the day they took in Cetus. Her parents had been killed in a fight, leaving her the only pup all alone. He remembered finding her tiny little scrap of dark blue fur laying by the entrance to her parents den, calling out for them. He couldn't just leave her there to die off. So at the age of two years he took her in as a little sister. His mother had been unable to have another little after his, so it was easy enough to get his mother to agree. Over the next two years he had been her friend, playmate, mentor, brother, guardian, everything he could for her.
Their bond had forge a pair of formidable fighters. They easily knew what the other's next move would be. It was like some kind of graceful dance between the two. They went everywhere together, so it had been no surprise they had left together when the pack fell apart.
Laying there in the shadows of night with Cetus curled up next to him, his paw draped over her protectively he couldn't help but smile. Life was good, not matter all the crap they had been through, it was still good. His eerie white eyes peered through the night, it was his night to be on watch. For the past few weeks it had felt like someone was following the both of them. They had yet to make a make but Murzim was sure they were out there somewhere. He didn't say too much to Cetus about knowing she would want to hunt whoever it was down and give them a good beating. She was so headstrong, and stubborn.


03-11-2014, 01:23 PM
Wait, I copied it? I thought I had copied the little sample I had on Microsoft Word.

Katja the First


8 Years
03-11-2014, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2014, 10:46 AM by Katja the First.)
Number: 35
Name: Centauri
Age: 1
Voice: a strong, commanding voice, deep for her gender and age, with ringing tones made to carry on a battlefield - even when speaking in a whisper it is a tone of intensity
Scent: Centauri smells of crushed pine and the fresh, cold scent of a mountain wind.
Appearance: WIP because I need to be on another computer to distinguish those colors. XD
Personality: Centauri is a warrior and leader down to her very core, despite her young age. From the time she was old enough to understand what was happening around her, she idolized the eldest warriors, those who had been in battle and survived, grew experienced enough to become the elite of the elite, those who led in battle to coordinate the efforts of every warrior. She craves that respect, that power with every fiber of her being - not power for the sake of power or for attention-seeking, but for the knowledge and because she wants to be the kind of wolf who could be trusted with that power. Serious and studious, she meticulously studied and absorbed knowledge even during their infrequent rest times, wanting to know more than simply how to fight or plan tactics, but also how to think like a leader should and how they acted outside of battle. From them she learned to treat each wolf as an individual, to give them her complete attention and respect when speaking with them no matter who they are, so that they feel that they, personally, were important to her and that she had their best interests at heart. She also learned to actually have their best interests at heart, to actually care about their needs and opinions.

When the caldera's eruption disrupted their way of life long before she should have been anything but a student of war, the young wolf was shaken, but stepped up with a maturity beyond her years to assist in the evacuation of the poisoned land. She does not have confidence in her ability to lead, not yet, but she is poised to step into a supporting role until she earns the respect and loyalty that her youth keeps her from.
Roleplay Sample: (*sputters* I got carried away with this a bit)

Centauri narrowed her eyes against the sting of wind-borne ash. The stink of sulfur burned at her nose and throat, threatening to choke her. She'd returned on her own accord to scout the old territory, seeking for any stragglers who might need assistance with evacuating. So far all she'd found was death. She pitied the wolves whose corpses she had come across - to die such an inglorious death, not in battle but simply choking to death on the toxic air or crushed beneath the pyroclastic debris thrown out.

A faint whimper caught her ears. The young wolf turned to the sound. All that greeted her streaming eyes was the smokey purple and navy swirled pelt of a crumpled form not far away. A corpse, she'd thought, but now she wondered if she'd been mistaken. She approached cautiously - scavengers were as ill-suited to the sick environment as wolves, but it would not do to be taken by surprise by an opportunistic one. A quick glance at the body showed no signs of life, but closer study showed that the wolf, a female, had not been alone when she'd died. The body was hunched over those of three very young pups, barely old enough to walk. She must have been lost in the chaos of the eruption and tried to get the pups to safety alone before she'd succumbed to the burning air. Another whimper drew her attention away from the body - following the sound a short distance away she found a fourth pup collapsed beneath the withered hulk of a dead bush.

Centauri slipped under the bush, curling around the nearly-senseless pup as she considered what to do. The warmth and comforting solidity of her body next to his calmed the pup's whimpers and he snuggled closer. The pup's once-yellow eyes were clouded and sightless from the constant irritation of sulfur and ash, his every breath drawing a shudder of pain from his small body. Foam had formed around his muzzle, tinted pink by blood from his sulfur-ravaged throat and lungs.

She shook her head. She reached down, her open jaws clamping around the pup's neck. Her jaws flexed, quickly and efficiently putting the young pup out of his misery. Her heart clenched with regret, but she knew enough about healing to know that he was beyond saving, and she could not in good conscience force that decision on someone else by bringing him back to the pack. A leader made the hard choices for themselves, and they lived with them, and that was what she would do now.

She slid back out from under the bush, leaving the rapidly-cooling body behind. Even in the short time she'd been under there, the ash fall had increased, nearly covering the bright corpses of the mother and her other pups. Centauri raised her eyes to study the sky and the caldera, and came to another difficult decision. There was nothing more for her to do in this land. No one left alive to save, nothing for her here. So she turned her back on her birthplace, and stretched out into a ground-covering lope in the direction some of her packmates had taken. Perhaps they could find a new homeland, and she could continue her training there.



10 Years
Athena I
04-22-2014, 12:05 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 11:22 AM by Cael.)
Number: 17

Name: Libra

Age: 3

Voice: Usually calm and easy to listen to, often with a sing song like quality whenever she's speaking to someone she enjoys the company of. Generally stays in a medium alto range, but will get a bit higher if she's upset.

Scent: Warm and light, reminiscent of cinnamon with undertones of the salty air around a beach

Appearance: (I made a thing:[link]) Dark and light, Libra's pelt is divided in two. Her head, neck, forelegs, and most of her torso are coated in a vibrant mix of whites and various shades of yellow. At her hips the sunlight fades away into night. Her hind legs, tail, and haunches have been dipped in a coloring reminiscent of the night sky: inky black dappled with a slightly more pale shades of gray. Only the toes on her hind paws show a few more soft dapples of the yellow coloring. Even with the bright color of the upper half of Libra's body, her eyes still manage to stand out. They shine a bold red color with a thin ring of yellow circling her pupil. This natural born warrior stands at thirty eight inches tall and is made of pure muscle. Her years of training in the art of war has given this trait to her. That's not to say that she isn't feminine. Quite the contrary. Her fur flows over her body in a silky sheen and her body has retained its subtle feminine curve despite her rigorous training. Libra is a sight to behold.

Personality: Calm, even, and decisive describe this warrior. Libra will never be one to run blindly into anything, instead always wanting to gather as much information as she can before she acts. Of course, this trait works in a slightly different fashion when she is fighting. When she's in combat Libra relies on the vast amount of knowledge she has gained through her training to be able to act on a moments notice. She will not second guess herself in the one field she is truly comfortable in. Libra has also always been comfortable in a position of leadership, always wanting to be the lead in an attack or the head of a hunting party. Because of this it is sometimes hard for her to give up the reigns to someone else unless it has been proven to her that said wolf is competent. When it comes to her personal life and relationships, Libra is as dedicated as they come. She will never turn her back on anyone she considers her family, friend, or love. In the right setting she can be the life of the party, the light to which everyone is drawn. She prides herself on her poise and grace, getting easily flustered at times if anyone ever knocks her off her pedestal. She has a strong sense of justice and right and wrong and will work tirelessly to make sure any injustice doesn't go unnoticed. (not 100% sure on her personality yet, it might change a bit as I play her and feel her out)

Roleplay Sample: Fresh air. She never thought she'd be so grateful for something as simple as fresh air. Libra breathed in deep as she looked up toward the clear sky, letting the images of the darkness and ash slip away from her mind. Ever since the eruption all she could think of was the destruction it had brought, but now she could relax once more while she tried not to think about how many of the wolves from her homeland had been killed in the aftermath.

Quietly, she padded toward a clear pool of water, first lapping up the cool liquid before slowly slipping into it, sighing contently as the water seeped into her fur. The bits of ash that had been clinging to her slowly drifted out into the water around her, revealing the sunshine-hued fur beneath. Her fiery gaze closed and she let the water soothe her, counting her blessing and thanking the stars for letting her find this place.

A sound behind her made her ears twitch, her head turning to look over her shoulder at a lone pup standing on the bank behind her. Her brows would pull together in confusion as her form would turn to face the newcomer, her head tipping slightly to the side. She was slightly confused as to why a pup would be on its own, but what really caught her eye was the young one's coloring. Browns and creams covered its body, having the pup blend into the ground around him. Never in her life had Libra seen such a color or a pattern on a wolf. The pup was almost the same colors as a deer for crying out loud! Libra considered her own coloring tame compared to some of the wolves she was used to seeing, but this... This pup's color was downright bland.

Libra moved toward the pup, looking at him closely, examining this new kind of coloring. Suddenly the smaller wolf turned and took off toward the trees behind him, apparently frightened by her approach. "No, wait!" she called, but it was too late. She sighed, her ears folding back. Where was she? What kind of place had she found? Where all the wolves here colors of the earth? Was she the oddball now? Libra's legs folded beneath her and she settled down in the shallow part of the water, letting her body sink into it till it came up over her shoulders, lowering her head into the cool water. "What now?"

(Crappy sample, sorry <3)



6 Years
Dragon Mod
04-22-2014, 02:34 AM
App is all done. Sorry for the wait.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-22-2014, 01:17 PM
Oooo. I love these two ^^

Sasuke gets Phoenix!

And Shelby gets Libra! Excellent ways to introduce them to the wonders of Alacritia (Bland looking wolves, and strange looking honey badgers, oh my!)



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-22-2014, 03:33 PM
Since it's pretty clear the Celestions won't be able to come ashore of Alacritia as a whole group, I will concoct an event that separated them into little splinter groups of one to four.

A storm hit as they were in the midpoint of the duration of their swim to better land. The wild sea swept the tight swimming group apart. Injuries from some being dashed against rocks upon shores of Alacritia abound, from broken legs to nasty gashes that might need medical attention.

As such, this will allow for the people who can afford the purchases needed to play these lovely wolves (Odd colors, height, accessories, whatever you want, get it.), to bring them into Alacritia!


04-23-2014, 01:27 AM
Number: 14
Name: Phoenixa
Age: 2
Voice: -Stephanie Young Voice-
Scent: Like fire smoked wood during a bonfire with the lingering hint of apple cinnamon.
Appearance: Standing at 40" she is a slimmer version of her twin brother, Phoenix. Her brother may be built like a muscled tank, but she is not so heavily built. Her bodice does contain the womanly figure and curves that the opposite sex would be quite attracted to, however, she doesn't try to do it at all. Seductive she may look, but she loathes the attention given to her. Her coat is more silken in feeling compared to her twin, for hers is softer to the touch. Her colors, however, are darker and still vibrant compared to Phoenix's coloring. Her frontal portion is covered in a smoky black hue, from her toes, up her legs, chest, face, and shoulders she is covered in sooty darkness intermixed with the boiling colors of the everlasting sun. Bright oranges cover the rest of her body in mixtures of dark and light fire, as if her fur will burn to the touch. Large paws are one feature of her that are not proportioned to match the rest of her feminine body structure, as well as her eyes that bore through the darkness. They burn with such an intensity it's as if she could burn right through your very soul. Fire seems to ring her dark pupils while a warm yellow traps the fire within.
Personality: Not as emotionless as her brother, however, a close second, this giantess likes to use her talents to her benefit. She can be seductive and manipulative when need be, however, she prefers to keep her "womanly charms" hidden under her belt. She will resort to using brute force if necessary, and almost always will if she doesn't get what she wants. She is a powerful warrior, never lacking in training as she and her brother spar constantly, however, she will never turn down the opportunity to learn more, to gain more power and tactic and grow stronger. Though she has a mind of her own, she is somewhat naive and can sometimes be manipulated into following the wrong person if she is offered the chance for power. She is more head strong and stubborn then her brother, and often finds herself in spots of trouble. Sarcasm is a well known trait of hers, as well as the stubbornness and hard headed attitude that seems to be her core. She doesn't back down, so it is hard to tell often whether she is brave...or foolish. Loyalty to her brother is instilled within her, and she will never betray him. However, who knows if she can be manipulated to turn against him. She is a power seeker, after all.

Phoenixa is a severe woman with a fearsome and commanding presence. Harsh with her subordinates and peers and coldly merciless to her enemies, the deceptively beautiful woman's sang-froid has earned her the nickname "Ice Queen" despite her fiery appearance. Sharp-tongued and highly combative, Phoenixa is no stranger to furious chastisements and bursts of fiery violence, especially toward those who fail to live up to her high standards and staunch adherence to the "survival of the fittest" philosophy. As such, she has no tolerance at all for weakness or lack of willpower and fosters great distaste for the concept of "Equivalent Exchange", or 'to gain one must give' which she views as a mindset promoting easy handouts and unnecessary compromise. That being said, she is extremely perceptive and adaptive, able to coolly judge which courses of action will lead to the most beneficial results and capable of thinking and acting on the fly in response to unpredictable or mutable circumstances.

Roleplay Sample: "Tch...where the fuck is he?" A growl escaped between her teeth, eyes sparking annoyance as she limped up the beach. Her pelt still held some moisture from the waters where she had arrived from, unsure as to how she had even gotten here. Perhaps the destruction of her homeland had forced her to the shores to begin with, subconsciously wanting to escape before she was killed. She had been following Phoenix among many others, right before a blast had separated them. She didn't know if he was alive or dead now, but either way she would continue her life with or without him. Though she did keep a rising hope within her cold chest, because he was not allowed to leave this world unless it was by her hand. "Do you hear me, Phoenix!? I'm the one that you will leave by! Not by the hands of this pathetic earth!" He yelled into the sky, the birds nearby taking flight as they startled. She would continue on, front leg limping though she did not let it hinder her. She would never show weakness to those who would find her.

It would seem like hours passed, the sun almost disappearing on the horizon. Sand clung to her fur, and it was irritating to say the least. A jetty would appear before her, and she growled in irritation. Hadn't she passed that hours ago? Looking back, she would scan her past tracks. It was what she saw when she looked forward that pissed her off. "Fuck me! Don't tell me I've been going in circles!" She was seething now. For her tracks were both behind and in front of her. She had walked around an entire island, and it didn't please her at all. Sitting, her fur bristled as her ears flattened. She was ready to tear into something, and if her brother was here she probably would have snapped at him. Teeth bared, she wanted to take out her rage on someone...

"Lost Are ya? Well, that's a shame." Her head would jolt up, who the hell was that? Fiery eyes scanned the premise, though all she could see was sand and rocks. Was she beginning to lose her mind? That was just great...She scanned once more, the voice seemed to have come from the now rocks were talking to her? "I must really be losing my mind...that or I'm dead..." "You don't look dead to me." She would jump, body whirling around to see a seemingly black creature near her tail. The giantess growled, hackles bristling as she stared at the giant lizard. What the hell was it? Why didn't she see it sneak up on her? "What's the matter darlin'? Never seen Godzilla before?" The lizard would chuckle, amber eyes ringed with green gazing up at her. Tongue flicking out every so often as its tail swept the sand behind him. "What the hell are you?" She would question it, taking a step closer to it as if threatening him. But he would only laugh in her face.

"I could ask the same thing you big smelly brute! I'm Gojira, a Marine Iguana. And you look like sodden piece of driftwood, really. That's no way to talk to someone who might know a way off this island." He would lift a claw, gazing at it before casting a quick glance at her. Phoenixa would growl, rage seething at his response. How dare he call her smelly! "Smelly?! I should rip you apart here and now you naked rat! Nobody dares talk to me that w-- She would stop. Did he say a way off? She was on an island? Now, she was interested in listening. "Wait...I'm on an island?"
Gojira would nod, raising a scaled brow at the obvious, claws finding their way back in the sand again. "I just said that, are you deaf?" He huffed slightly, though it was more teasing then anything. "It's customary to introduce yourself to those offering help, you know." He looked at her, tongue lashing out as his tail tip flickered. Phoenixa stared at him, as if bewildered that someone was talking to her this way. Though she was impressed, not many were brave enough to speak to her in such manners let alone stand up to her. "My name is Phoenixa Celestion...a celestial wolf, as my name implies. Now, where am I?"

"Aaahhh, now that's better. You're on Scaled island, part of several that ring the lands of Alacritis. And if I were you, I'd find my way to the mainland before the crocs decide to make a meal of you." Crocs? There were crocodiles here? Now that was something that would get on her nerves...though she wouldn't admit that she wouldn't be able to take on one right now, not with her injured leg. "Well, you said there was a way off right? There's someone I have to find, so if you can show me how to get out of here I'd....greatly...appreciate it..." the last words would reluctantly leave her tongue. She never asked anyone for help, but this time, she didn't have a choice. A satisfied smile would spread across the giant lizards face, a chuckle rumbling in his chest as he turned around. "Alright, follow me then. And welcome, I'm sure you'll find this place to your liking."


04-23-2014, 02:23 PM
Number: 2!
Name: Mars
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female because Mythology, yo.
Voice: A strong, yet light female voice that is sometimes velveteen and sometimes strong and firm.
Scent: Charred Firewood, Cinnamon, Ginger, and other sharp-smelling spices.

Standing at the height of 29", the woman is indeed of feminine structure, with a slender body and plush tail. About her neck, is the soft lacing of soft and well-groomed fur. With delicate and strong legs, the woman is indeed of accidental beauty. An ashen cloak patched by earthen tones and russet sand envelops the fine lady in many autumnal colors. Most prominent about her tail, paws, and spine are the russet tones, smaller patches seemingly sprouting from the main lines of color. Each color fits the contours of the woman's body, working their way up to sharply contrasting sapphire eyes.

At the alignment of Chaotic Neutral, the woman is indeed of unpredictable nature, often doing whatever the hell she wants. She will throw you under the bus if it benefits her or someone who is close, and she will stand for you. It more so depends on her affiliations with you, of friend or foe. The woman is intelligent, and uses her appearance to seem innocent, willing her victims to be her followers. Somehow, in a strange nature of hers, the woman can be a sweet and charismatic individual, without thinking. For those close to her, and in her dark heart, the woman is caring and protective, especially for most of the Elites of Celeston. She believes in a brighter future for the Celeston wolves, and wishes to create them a home for them to reside, and live by their own rules and laws, set by herself to maintain order amongst the vibrant wolves.

Roleplay Sample:
Delicate pillars would lead the russet toned woman toward a shimmering lake of cerulean liquid. On either side, the lake was shrouded by an impending mask of vapor. Sapphire pools gazed over the surface of the calm, shimmering waters. Above, the full round moon shone down from the midnight sky. Bright stars sparkled on the dark fabric that made up space matter. The fabric of time would eventually give out to the serene atmosphere as the russet woman broke the silence. Suddenly, as if the forest had stood up and began to dance, the trees were whistling under the will of the blowing wind. The calm waters overturned and began to dance. The woman's nose was soon lifted to the wind as a melodic cry rang from her inky lips. Sapphire irises would close as the cry grew stronger until it finally faded, not greeted with the sound of any other wolves.

Perhaps the other elites had not survived the crossing to these lands, like she had been told. The woman had been told that the elites would be here, and that they would survive the crossing to the earth beneath her paws, to meet here. At a shining lake beneath the full moon. Sapphire irises were softened as the woman's pillars delicately folded beneath her chest, as she lay down, still intently watching the lake, as if the elites would suddenly rise to the surface, after a long time in slumber. Perhaps not today, or tomorrow, or ever would they arrive. Am I truly the only survivor of my blood? The woman silently would run through the thought before her crown would become cradled between her paws, as sapphire pools gazed out at the lake once more, before closing to welcome a night's rest.



4 Years
04-27-2014, 04:41 PM
Not directly related to the Celestions but for simplicity sake putting her here. I think we're thinking she washed up on shore as a pup from a storm and was raised by celestions? Any other plots Bri let me know she's at you're disposal! :D

Name: Integra (Birna Branwen)
Age: 3 years
Voice: Susie Essman aka Mittens text description will also follow and tweak a bit.
Scent: after a storm (in progress)
Personality: Loyal, brave, honorable
Roleplay Sample:
[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



5 Years
04-27-2014, 05:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2014, 03:16 PM by Misha.)
*Deleting request*



8 Years
05-01-2014, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2014, 09:36 AM by Maximous.)
Number: 14

Name: Phoenixa

Age: 2

Voice: She has what some have called the voice if an angel, though she herself has never thought of it that way. Her tones are soft yet seductive and sweat until you piss her off and even then the only time it holds the sweat and seductive essance is when her emotions show through. At the point of aggresion her voice will grow stern yet it will not raise unless a good lashing is of need. If she does not know you or care enough to allow you to see her true emotions her soft voice will be more dull and professional than anything.

Scent: her scent is strange as she not only smells like a feild of wild flowers but like a small camp fire as well. Each year during her birth season one sent will completely cover the other. One year it could be the fire scent the next year she might smell only of the flower feild.

Appearance: her pelt is a mixture of oranges and yellows with a few hints of red her head and face are pitch black with black splotching on her front legs, paws and chest. The only part of her head that isn't black is her ears Which are both a lovely shade of orange. Her eyes though stunning are emotionless with two different colored rings around each pupil. The inner ring is orange and the outer is yellow and the order in which they circle her pupil is the exact opposite of her brothers. Her muscle gives her a strong yet fast looking structure as the muscles aren't bulky. Her fur is long soft and silky giver her a slightly fluffier look yet she maintains her sporty girl look, which gains quite a bit of attention from the males. Infact se doesn't hate the attention, she just wishes they would leave her alone while shes working. Her twin is much bulkier than herself but don't let that fool you as she is every bit as tough as he is. Pheonixa stands a mere 3 inches shorter than her twin at 39 inches tall and wieghs 170lbs.

Personality: Phoenixa is a mixture of a follower and a leader. For certain things she demands that others listen and follow her orders for others she is content taking orders.she would never be a good primary alfa however her potential as second or third in command is promising. She isn't a flirt and she doesn't use her female charms to get anything, she beleives in working hard for everythingng she gets. Males have never been a priority for her as she has always been consumed by what ever job she happened to be given. Some would say that she didn't like to fight, but rather loved it..she would let them think what they wanted as she didn't like it but she didn't hate it either. Playing with pups and sparing with friends is what she does in her free time otherwise she is found carrying out orders and doing her job(s). She is kind and protective of those she cares for however quite hostile to thoughts she doesn't know or who pose a threat of any kind. Like her brother, Phoenix, few see her emotions and her loyalty is unwavering until you give her a reason to distrust you. Also much like her brother she is a fearless warrior who is all about her work...however she has been known to play which has never been known of with her twin. ay alter as played)

Role Play Sample: Phoenixa knew the moment she stepped into the new land as the ash ash and toxic smells of her homeland where gone. Had she been a more emotional she-wolf she might have broken down into tears at the knowledge that she would never see her home again and that chances of seeing someone from her childhood were small. Fortunately for her she wasn't.

Turning so that her orange and yellow optics looked back to where she came from, she took a moment to listen in case another from her home land had followed. A few minuets passed and she gave up on that small sliver of hope. With a deep inhale and the soft exhail of the word good-bye she moved further within the foreign land.

Orange ears would swivel constantly and her eyes would scan in case of any danger. Her head was held low so that her nose could pick up any and all scents. Amongst the autumn setting most of her pelt blended well with the yellow and irate hues, though she still stood out. Instantly she would stop dead in her tracks as her gaze landed on a strange wolf.

The woman was torn between staring and growling at the unknown wolf. She td never left her land and had never met a solid colord wolf before. In her home they were merely stories and when one did exist they were a rare novelty. In her mind she couldn't believe she had lived to see a solid colord wolf. Had the stranger been a male, like so many woman through her history, she may have felt the need to make him hers.

When the solid colored she wolf spotted Phoenixa and started toward her, the multi colored woman let a growl escape her in warning. In the same instant her orange ears would lay flat againced her black skull. The stranger stopped instantly and stared at her in the same way Phoenixa had been sating at her. It seamed as though the other she-wolf had never seen a wolf like the beautifully colored woman.

The stranger took another step forward and Phoenixa spoke at last with a threatoning and dominating tone that demanded obedience "Stop,or the next step you take will result in the loss of your limb." the she wolf had listened and mad no move to get any closer. It was with that very obediance that gave her confidence that the other woman posed no threat. Orange ears would perk back up and a question in a more friendly tone would be asked "Tell me, what strange land am I in? in a tone full of marvel and a small amount of submition the other would answer her "Alacritis, your in Alacritis.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


05-13-2014, 01:36 AM
Finished my app Bri ^^



5 Years
06-23-2014, 06:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2014, 06:25 PM by Misha.)
My app is finished, by the way ^~^ <3



7 Years
09-06-2014, 05:51 PM
Ely has received Murzim, however, Cetus still needs a Roleplay sample, luff.

Yes, Starry will receive Mars; However, try to rein in your demanding manner in the future. :P

Congratulations, Secret, you have Phoenixa.

Remember to get these guys active, and catch up with Shelby/Libra!
Love, Bri!

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.