
Voices in the Dark



03-08-2014, 02:39 PM

What a strange place Koi had wandered into, at first the girl had been wandering around in the forest and next thing she realized she had wandered into a hole in the side of a mountain. Tail wagged behind the two year old as she moved down a small tunnel, copper eyes blinking a few times as they readjusted to the darkness. Nose would sniff at the air heavy with earth and rock, making sure she wasn't wandering into somebody's home that would result in trouble. After a few minutes of looking around she would perk up at being alone, bounding down another tunnel, claws lightly clicking against the stone ground as she moved deeper into the caverns.



03-08-2014, 06:46 PM

One thing Isabella learned in her home range was that caves were always cool if you went in them deep enough. Some of them even held water if you were lucky and water filtered though the cave rocks was the most crisp and clean water in the world. Caves were also dark and lonely, a good place to think. Even if the fox colored wolf wasn't fully alone, her gecko friend walked here and there around her as she lay before a small pool of water. It was a nice find, water was scares in this deadly summer and it was not easy to get to. The cave held many secrets under paw, holes that could cause a fall, steps tat would lead to a crevice but such things were easy for Isabella to get past, she was always sure of her steps.

She had lost track of how deep they were within the cave but she knew they were deep enough in to loose the scents of the outside world. All that was around them was the smell of the damp cool air. Well at least for a while the air held only the damp scent, there was soon a scent of another wolf a female she did not know. Isabella stood to her proud stance, tall as an Alpha with ears and tail showing dominance.

"Did you come in here for water as well?" She spoke loud enough to be heard. Her voice was cold and emotionless as it always was. In a few smooth steps she stood in front of the pool. Alphonso the gecko moved with her standing beside her as if he could fight against any wolf who came upon them. "Guests are welcome so long as they are not greedy! We are going to share our water not give it up!" The gecko's voice sounded as wolf as Isabella but held much more emotion, not a challenge or anger or anything but a tone that said they were not pushovers.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."



03-13-2014, 12:11 AM

It would not seem to take long before Koi had found another in these caves, a brown colored female, who immediately took stance upon seeing her. The girl would come to a stop a few feet away, tail wagging in a calm manner, gaze going to the small pool of water nearby, causing her tongue to lick her lips. The woman asked if the silver and white girl came here for water also, which would make her give a slow shake of her head. It wasn't her objective, just wandering around, but now that she saw the liquid she was beginning to get thirsty.

Upon the woman standing in front of the pool, blocking the view, the girl would form a small frown. She was in no way intimidating, or even scary or mean looking, just a friendly gal looking for adventure. Upon another voice speaking up Koi's eyes would light up, gaze falling upon the small reptile moving up beside the she wolf, saying guests were welcome if they weren't greedy and that they would share their water but wouldn't give it up.

Koi chuckled, lips pulling back in a goofy grin. ?Koi was just exploring outside when I found this place, not greedy at all. Could I have a quick drink?? Tones were sweet and bubbly, her rear moving slightly from the wagging of her tail. At times she could appear ditzy to others for her personality, but she wasn't here to fight, especially over a small drink of water.



03-13-2014, 12:35 AM

Vahva had just been parched from prior. Her traveling back to Valhalla after a bit of an exposition led her to the singings caverns. Her ear and leg had healed finely, and now she wasn't just broken down as she had been. Though there were two other wolves here and at first the tall woman would not recognize Koi. Only creeping closer, but then stopping as she saw the girl. She tucked her tail slightly torn ear flicking as she approached. Giving a smile to Isabella and their little geko friend.

"There's plenty of water for everyone, specially since when the rains continue, then this place will fill again." She said in a soft kind tone. "Is it alright if I take a bit too?" She then turned towards her daughter. Bright eyed the red eyed woman was thankful to have caught her daughter if anything at all. "Koi." She spoke softly almost amazed to have found the small woman who reminded her so much of her mother.



03-13-2014, 11:38 AM

Isabella's eyes locked on the creamy female who approached them. Studding the female she took in everything, body language, the tone in her voice, the shift of her gaze from herself to Alphonso. Alphonso saw the sift too and couldn't help but part his lips in a sort of smile when he saw the female's eyes light up a bit. As protective as he was of Isabella he knew enough to relax when the others seemed as happy as this. That and he didn't mind to be seen with such admiration. Isabella however was uncertain even among friendly looking wolves due to how easy it was to lie. The woman, Koi seemed her name was, at least acknowledged Alphonso and spoke softly with a rapidly wagging tail. Ah a wagging tail, one of the things she would see only as silly if she did it herself but at least the rapidness of it seemed o make this wolf a friendly one, hopefully not one who was lying.

Isabella was about to answer as another wolf joined them, another female who seemed to know the first. This one was a stark contrast to the creamy wolf,dark black, white and with an odd blue coloration. Her icy eyes shifted to the crimson eyes of the other woman. This woman was also kind, and presented them with logic that rain would come soon and make more water. The fact that this woman also acknowledged Alphonso made both of them happy.

Looking at both of them Isabella relaxed again before getting ready to address them. Dipping her head she paused before she spoke. "Greetings to both of you. My name is Isabella VentFlurrer. I see no problem with either one of you drinking. Alphonso?" She asked looking to the gecko. "You both seem like very nice wolves! Drink your fill so long as you don't drink it all." He moved back behind the pool leaving Isabella in her place. Watching them still Isabella stepped aside and sat beside the pool but not behind it, with her eyes still on the duo. "I must apologize if I seem rude, I come from a land where when you have something you must protect it to keep it." Though her voice did not chance and her stance was a proud one her eyes were a bit kind.

"The harshness of weather was something we all had to endure. It would be wrong of me to withhold something from wolves as polite as you." It was true they were polite, and at least that was something she could trust for the moment. Kindness was easy to fake but manors were hard to fake for very long. Still, she would watch them carefully. The females didn't seem like much of a threat and she did her best not to look somewhat friendly while she sat like a statue with only her eyes moving. That was somewhat friendly her in mind, not showing aggression. Alphonso laughed a raspy laugh. "Ladies, do not mind Madam Izzy is...very set in her ways." Isabella flicked an ear at that she was used to Alphonso by now and his comments. "And do not mind my companion, he does not know how to hold his tongue." Isabella retorted almost smiling at her friend. Perhaps she would have if the others were not present.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."



03-21-2014, 12:48 PM

She would await what the woman and her little friend, hoping they would allow to her sit for a bit and have a drink before she moved further into the caves for exploration. Somebody else would approach them however, head turning and ears forward, listening to the soft slicks of claws against the stone ground. Within moments a woman would appear, pelt of black and white, a blue mane going on and bright red eyes. Koi's face would light up and she looked the new woman up and down, her mother! Jaws would part in a grin, tail wagging like mad when he mother spoke. ?Mom!? The girl would go and lean up against Vahva, rubbing her face into her neck with small whines of happiness.

It would take her a few moments to settle down enough to realize the woman had spoken, introducing herself as Isabella, and the small lizard thing Alphonso, strange but nice names. The didn't mind sharing as long as they didn't drink all the water, Koi would give rapid nods to this, understanding very well. The lizard would move away, leaving the three woman standing there. Isabella would then apologize for her behavior, explaining that she came from a land where you had to defend such things. ?It is okay, Koi understands. Some wolves are mean and will take things you find.? She gave a small nod this time.

Taking this chance, while still listening to the woman, Koi would walk over to the pool and lower her head to take a few laps. After a decent amount of water to soothe her dry throat, Koi would lift her head and glance from Isabella to Alphonso after words were exchanged, chuckling lightly. ?I've never seen a wolf with a friend like you Alphonso. How did you guys meet?? She asked curiously.



03-21-2014, 02:01 PM

Oh she was glad Koi wasn't as harsh as Colman. Or at least hadn't been as mean. Then again she didn't run off with a bunch of Glaciems just because he claimed to have fallen in love. Well regardless she was no longer angry at the boy, he was her son, and this girl was her daughter. She loved them like the world. Giving a smile towards Isabella and her companion she dipped her head. This wasn't the first time she had seen such a thing, her mother had a ferret tanner that she had carried with her? "It's alright, I've been in such a situation before." she responded to the comment about protecting what was theirs. Vahva gave a flick of her tail as she rubbed up against Koi. "My name is Vahva Hutashi, and this is my daughter Koi." she introduced the two of them. Before raising her head.

"My mother had a companion once, he was a gray ferret called Tanner." Vahva laughed a little bit at the memories. Oh how happy she was right now that she had found Koi. Maybe the little girl would want to come to Valhalla with her. She would introduce the girl to so many, make her feel welcomed unlike in their last pack where life was far more harsh. Though she might have been getting ahead of herself and all and needed to calm down. Lowering her head, she took some water from the pool, after she drank her fill which was little. She raised her head again, for the conversation, and joy of this little reunion.



03-21-2014, 10:26 PM

There was an odd feeling whiten her as she watched the two of them. A mother and daughter, the girl was so grown yet the two of them seemed close. Her own parents were somewhat like that before she ran but she knew the dark side they held long before she ran. Even if she didn't they would never be able to have a relationship with that, perhaps she would never have such a relationship with anyone. But that was just silly inner brooding, it would be rude to ignore the two before her and focus on her own weak thoughts.

The younger one, Koi spoke while using her name, an odd thing but perhaps that was just the way she was. Either way she was glad both the daughter and the mother understood her possessiveness over the water. Turning her head to the Mother as she spoke she nodded at their names, Vahva and Koi. Watching Koi get a drink she wondered how long it had been since either of them had water. Alphonso watched them as well tilting his head this way and that. He was fascinated with wolves from the way they walked to the way the drank and loved to watch them. Moving to Isabella he rested on he paws to get a better vantage point.

At Koi's question the gecko beamed as Isabella's eyes grew softer. The question was a fun one to answer, it showed how Isabella was a curious wolf and Alphonso loved to startle wolves. They held on answering the question until both wolves were settled and in the mean time Isabella looked to Vahva. "A ferret as a companion? I bet it would be a bit easier with a furred creature, one that spoke more like us and had a tolerance for the cold." At her words Alphonso squirmed on her paws, a bit insulted. "But," Isabella continued. "things that are good in life are often not easy." Alphonso smiled satisfied as they prepared to tell their story. Isabella looked down at him but he paused. "You start Madam." He said with a nod. Isabella nodded and looked to the mother and daughter before her.

"I am a wolf who loves noting more than the Ocean yet who is curious about many things. When I first found the ocean of sand I was almost lost in it for I had never seen a place such as that or been in one so hot. It caught my interest and when I was stronger and wiser I went back and decided to look around from atop a massive dune." She paused and nodded to Alphonso. "Well, I was out that day wanting to sun myself and get so nice and warm! I also was looking for food of course and happened to see a wolf in the desert, well that happens sometimes and since I can talk your language there is noting more fun than seeing your rations when I first speak! The jackals, one of which that taught me to speak, had good reactions but wolves were even better since most of you haven't seen us before."

He paused an Isabella picked it up. "I was indeed surprised and curious, this gecko was also a scholar and wanted to learn, to see the world and learn what cold is. That and I feel like he would have followed me anyway." Alphonso laughed at that feeling he would have done just that. Having said all that was asked of her Isabella fell silent and looked to Vahva and Koi not really having much to say next. Conversation was sometimes fun but that didn't mean Isabella was very good at it.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."



03-25-2014, 08:27 PM
ugh, sorry for crappiness, didnt want you guys waiting forever again!

Koi would gaze over at her mother when she mentioned her own mother's companion, a gray ferret named Tanner. But then her mind went onto another topic, paying attention to the little story she hoped Isabella and her friend would speak of how they met. The lady would begin, explaining how she loved the ocean and was curious of many things, when she first found an ocean of sand she had become lost and went to the top of dune... then Alphonso spoke up, Koi's gaze switching over to the little lizard. He was sunning and looking for food when he found Bella, having learned their language from jackals and wolves were better to get reactions out of since they haven't seen his kind before, very true. Koi would sit with tail curled around, slightly inching closer to the companion as he spoke, ears perked and eyes big. Two people looking to learn, interesting, why hasn't the silver and white girl ever find someone like the lizard? "How long ago was that?" She found herself asking, tail thumping lightly against the ground.


Awesome table by Tealeh <3