
Loving can hurt

Athena I


9 Years
10-24-2014, 11:38 PM


Oh everything about this was unconventional. Nothing was normal, but she didn't care. She padded through the mile-high woods, moving slowly thanks to her large stomach. She knew it wouldn't be long now before her children would arrive, but there was something she needed to do first. It wouldn't be the huge public display that her and Veruex's union had been, but it would be just as special to her. At some point, perhaps after the pups were born, she knew she would need to thank him in some way for being so forgiving and accepting of all of this. He had done more for her than she ever could have imagined and he deserved to be thanked in some way. But, for now, she focused on the plan at hand. She had taken the time this morning to clean up her fur the best she could and made her bangles shine, wanting to look her best for this. For Amalia.

She had told Vereux about it before hand, wanting to make sure it was okay with him before she called them both. She found the perfect clearing in the middle of the woods, the snow perfectly smooth and the gnarled trees around her making the clearing look like a separate world. She sighed to calm the little bit of nerves she was feeling before lifting her head and letting out a howl, calling both her husband and her lover. What a strange thing to do. She let the call echo into nothing and she settled herself on her haunches a smile on her muzzle while she waited for them to arrive, so excited to officially bring Amalia into her world.



7 Years
10-24-2014, 11:49 PM

Nerves had kept her awake all night, sleep eluded her as she thought of this day. She had spent most of the morning pacing in her den, the scent of Athena still lingering there. Trying to take deep breaths to calm her fluttering heart, she gave her chest a few more licks to calm her disheveled looks. She wanted to be pristine for this moment, for her Athena. She still couldn't believe that her husband was fine with all of this, which made her care for the man even more. Taking one last breath, she walked out into the crisp air, her white paws crunching the fresh snow. It was then that Athena's song called out for her, stirring the butterflies in her belly. Biting her lip to suppress the excited yip that dared to sound, she began her short walk towards where her beautiful woman called from. She had to laugh a bit, it probably was not easy for her to get around with that huge belly of hers. Amalia had taken to talking to the growing pups every day, telling them stories about the wonders of the world and how excited she was to be their mother. Giddy, Amalia finally paused at the edge of the clearing, her heart beat stuttering as she saw the silver goddess standing there waiting for her. Grinning, she ducked behind a tree and picked up the bouquet of flowers that she had wandered away to gather, most of them bland in colour because of the season. They were sturdy flowers, and she thought it represented them quite well.

She slowly made her way towards the black marked girl, smile wide as she tried to hide her nerves. Swallowing hard, she finally made it close enough to Athena that she could pick up her scent, stronger than the flowers she had carefully grasped in her jaws. Setting them at Athena's feet, Amalia placed a tender kiss on one of her divine cheeks. "For you, my love." She whispered, practically shaking from her growing nerves. Today was the day that she would officially be a part of Athena's life, and by extension Vereux's as well. They had little ones coming into the world soon, but she was not worried about that. With three set of eyes looking out for them, she had no doubt that they would be well loved. Glancing up at Athena her grin grew wider, a shaky breath leaving her lips. "Ready?"



6 Years
10-26-2014, 08:22 PM

He stretched his sore body out in the morning, shaking himself free of the snow. The thick scar sitting around his neck obviously at this point wouldn't go away. Another scar to add to the two he already had around his ankle and his missing eye. His wife calling seemed to become a habit as of late. Yet it wasn't like he hadn't grown used to it. After all, his entire world revolved around her at this point. If she practically asked him to go and die he would do just that.
Raising himself, he would walk towards his duty, ears perked forward as he looked at the two ladies. A small smile grown on his face, his tail flicking a little behind him. ?Both of you looked like flowers that just bloomed to see the sun.? he noted as he settled himself in front of the two women. Lovers, the two of them were. Because it was what Athena wanted, and his heart was just compelled to please her somehow. Amalia was a sweet girl and dare he say his friend if anything.
?The two of you look beautiful.? Vereux complimented. He wiggled a little bit wondering if the two of them were ready. After all he had only been witness to one wedding, and that had been his own. Yet at this all of them would be united, there would be no denying them. Plus they had Athena's pups to protect.

?I speak?

Athena I


9 Years
10-26-2014, 09:39 PM

Her russet faced lover would appear first with a bundle of flowers in tow. They were northern flowers, strong enough to survive the harsh northern weather, and she wondered if Amalia saw the symbolism behind these lovely flowers and their relationship. They had been separated for so long and their feelings for eachother had only seemed to grow over time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say. "Thank you, my lovely," she whispered back, leaning in to kiss Amalia's cheek.

Just as her girl asked if she was ready she glanced over and saw Vereux approaching them, a grateful smile finding her muzzle. There he was, her knight. Her mind flashed back to that day when he had promised to follow and protect her, before her becoming queen, before Isardis was gone, before meeting Amalia, before all of this. Back then it had just been him and her and still to this day she knew she could count on him. He was missing an eye and had a small collection of scars going but he was still the most handsome brute in the room in her eyes. She grinned happily at his compliments, chuckling as she leaned toward him and kissed his cheek as well. Thank you. For this, for everything," she whispered, leaning back and glancing toward Amalia again. "I'm ready," she said, turning her gaze back to Vereux. "We're ready."
