
Goof Off



5 Years
03-08-2014, 12:08 PM
The sun was mid way through the sky, the day was passing by, and all was well with the world right now. At least in Newol's world right now. He was trying his best to adapt to the pack life, but it still was something that wasn't particularly him. He hated having someone have rank over him. From the time he'd left his mother's womb, Newol had been in charge of his own destiny, and now he had to take orders. It wasn't horrible, it was just a difficult change. So today he had taken time out for himself and retreated to the woods that he loved so much. There hadn't been trees like this where he'd been born. He was a mutt from the desert. And no matter of royal blood and high pedigree that he bared would change the fact that that was the way he viewed himself. A mutt. So as he walked along the forest trees, he just did his best to put everything from his mind. He was a young man now, so it would all eventually click and everything would line up. There was nothing he believed he could not overcome, so this was just another trial in the endless quest to find out exactly where he fit in the grand scheme of the world. It was all just noise. It was all just noise and would all be over soon. So for now, he blocked his ears and walked among the trees.



03-08-2014, 12:37 PM

There was not a particular reason why the man was roaming the forest, but he had allowed his legs to move him as he faced an internal battle, and somehow, he had ended up here. He would continue along a rugged dirt path, his gaze lain across the horizon as his mind raced at a thousand miles an hour. There were so many things he had to think about, like what he was going to do about Chrysanthe, and what he was going to do about Twig. It was not possible for him to have them both, so what was he to do? Twig was pregnant and in need, Chrysanthe needed him for mental support and was finally avaliable... and now that he had left Seracia, there was no turning back. He would sigh heavily, his lids clenching shut as he stopped momentarily. "What am I going to do..." He would think to himself, his eyes opening as he glanced toward his caramel hued paws.

Suddenly the pounding of footsteps would draw his gaze upward, his audits falling forward as he squared his stance. There was a stranger here, and from the sound of it he was heading straight toward Themisto at a steady pace. He would cock his head slightly and stare off into the direction he assumed the stranger was coming from. A figure would finally step into his vision, and he would squint his eyes as he peered down the isles of drooping willows. It seemed to be an adult male, and Themisto could only hope this rogue was friendly. He didn't feel like fighting for his life today. Lips would crease as he barked a friendly greeting, making his presence known in a welcoming manner. He would remain where he was, muscles tensing as he anxiously waited for a reaction before determining if this was a friend or foe.




7 Years
03-08-2014, 12:55 PM

Emer had done a rather good job at keeping to herself as of late, though still the girl was lost. She had very little idea as to what she actually wished to do with herself, only knew that day by day it was becoming more and more obvious that there was probably no way she would ever return to her family. It was a daunting fact, one that hung over her with guilt and sadness and yet at the same time was also something she was learning to cope with, just as she was learning to navigate her way around Alacritis fairly well now.

Still she was reduced to aimless wandering, with no location to go, no one here that she desperately wished to see. That was perhaps the hardest fact, not only had she left her family behind, but it was all for nothing so far. She had taken to the Western lands once more as of late, and had found the shade of the trees here rather welcoming in the heat of the summer. Another uneventful day so far, and whilst that suited her just fine a part of her couldn't help but wish for some sort of change in her life.

They do tell you to be careful what you wish for, and apparently with good reason. As she continued to meander through the willows she suddenly caught sight of not one but two wolves ahead of her. One was staring at the other as a bark of greeting suddenly left his lips, though friendly in tone, it wasn't aimed her direction and she still wasn't sure she wished to tempt fate. Quietly she stayed put for now, observing and waiting, though body readying to turn and run if she had to.

image by serendipity



5 Years
03-08-2014, 01:12 PM
The bark reaching his ears quickly brought Newol out of any kind of trance he'd been allowed to drift off into and his eyes fell upon the older brute in the distance. It had been a friendly greeting so Newol had no reason to assume hostility to the male yet. Thus, putting on a friendly smile, he continued his pace to close the gap between himself and the other. His scent had to be of some confusion though because of it's nature. He smelt firmly of the wilderness, smelt like a loner, as he had been one his whole life, and now mixed into that was some of Valhalla's pack scent. It was stronger now than it had been before, thanks to the amount of time he'd spent in the pack so far.

This male would actually be a pleasant distraction for the brute as he liked to meet new faces. He wasn't the kind to make an abundance of friends but that was of little matter, because it never hurt to try. He was a smart wolf, and so he new it was important to be kind and friendly. You held a better reputation that way. Plus, there was actually very little else for him to do at the moment so he saw no apparent reason as to why not. Once he was within a respectable distance, the handsom young male gave a nod of his head in welcome and spoke. "Greetings, Friend."



03-08-2014, 02:03 PM

As the stranger approached he would realize that this man was from Valhalla due to his scent, which was the pack he was about to join for Chrysanthe. He would greet Themisto, and he too would nod a respectful greeting. The scent of another caused his nostrils to quiver, and his right brow would raise curiously. His head would swing toward the other stranger, and he would bark, encouraging them to come out. "We are not alone, my friend." He would say as his gaze glanced toward the male before him, his head turning as well after a few more moments of observation. Hopefully the other rogue wouldn't try anything funny. "My name is Themisto Mathias, what is yours?" He would inquire with a smile, his attention set upon the man once again. He would ask him about Valhalla next, should he stick around long enough for a conversation. Who knows, maybe this man had other obligations.




5 Years
03-08-2014, 02:19 PM
It was a nice thing to be received so easily. Perhaps one of the most refreshing features of Alacritis that Newol had observed so far was the fact that strangers seemed to understand how to be Civil with one another. It was the male's first words though that did in fact put him off just a tad. Newol had been just as aware of the other scent, but had chosen simply dismiss it because of principle. These woods where a fairly safe place where one could seek shelter, and Newol intended to keep it that way. If trouble where to happen here it wouldn't be on his account. So with a rather level tone, he addressed the male before him. "I am aware. But if you'll notice they are minding their own business and so I say we should be inclined to mind ours aswell." It was a fair enough statement, the male thought to himself. Maybe he was too relaxed, and maybe this all was a fault, but Newol was perfectly content to let be and be let be. If this stranger wanted to join them, he was perfectly content with that aswell too. Finally, smile returning to his face, he spoke in a more friendly tone. "Newol. Newol Zaraidd. What brings you out here, Mr. Mathias?" He'd been without knowledge of Chrysanthe's knowing this male, not did he particularly expect him to be looking to join the pack. To him, he just suspected this brute to be another Loner.



7 Years
03-08-2014, 02:34 PM

The greetings that the males gave to each other certainly still seemed to be rather friendly, there were no signs of hostility and yet Emer still found herself tense, mind refusing to relax just yet, especially as the one known as Themisto mentioned her presence, his gaze swinging her direction as he let another bark sound. There was still no sign of aggression in that sound, though still Emer couldn't be certain whether it was safe to emerge or not.

The other male, apparently known as Newol seemed less inclined for her to join them, a comment that left her all the more confused as to whether she should emerge or turn away. The option was certainly there, neither of them had directly sought her out or seemed intent on discovering who she was though that fact also seemed to back up the first impression that they might be friendly, harmless wolves.

With a deep breath, Emer took a hesitant step forwards, and then another her movements soon bringing her away from her chances of hiding and into the sight of the two males. Still she kept some distance, not wishing to push her luck and become too comfortable before she could fully assess the situation. No here the tiny woman still had the chance to run if she wished to.

image by serendipity



03-10-2014, 03:30 PM

His right brow would raise as a smirk creased the mans lips, a reaction to what the stranger had said. He was simply making a general statement, just in case he hadn't scented the other loner and they had walked into an ambush. "Yeah, sure thing." He would respond, his sunset hued eyes glancing toward the direction of the other rogue. His nostrils quivered as he registered the scent of a female, which slightly put him at ease. His gaze would fall back upon the male though, who had just given Themisto his name and had asked a question.

"Just... Wandering aimlessly. You?" He would inquire, his head tilting somewhat toward his right. What was this man doing out today, and what were his intentions? He figured he would keep the conversation going, what else did he have to do besides sulk over his lady problems? That was no fun anyways, and besides, he could make a new friend today if he stuck around long enough.

Audits would swivel toward the gentle thud of paw steps as the damsel emerged from her hiding place. His head would swing toward her so that he could get a good look at her, since he believed first impressions were very important. She seemed timid and shy, and so he would attempt extinguish her fears with his kindness. He would flash her a warm and inviting smile in the hopes that she would join them before speaking. "Would you like to join us?"



7 Years
03-18-2014, 12:00 PM
ooc: A sneaky post to remind us this thread is here, and give me the extra post I need for Emer xD

The pair continued their conversation as she debated about her choice, the male named Themisto would soon pause the talk for a moment as he looked towards her. She was small already, though she only made herself look smaller still as she stood there a little hunched over with her gaze flicking between the two males. They certainly didn't seemed friendly enough though still she couldn't feel overly confident about the situation. She'd only become more and more nervous the more time she spent as a loner, and worry filled her everywhere she went.

"Would you like to join us?" Themisto would ask her with a smile. Emer took a deep breath and took a few steps closer to the males at the further invitation. "I'm Emer Lasair." Clearly still feeling rather timid, her voice was rather quiet as she gave a little introduction of her own. She figured that the question was bound to come soon enough anyway and she had overheard their names already.

image by serendipity