Semi charmed life
Judilian Band Members
Resources were low, dangerously low. Fairytale didn't care for the idea that the band may go without food soon, especially with everyone dealing with the aftermath of the large worm, which in fact drove towards Aspen Dam. The plot of the acreage that Judilia had taken would do, and serve it's purpose for the band. The expanse offered everything that they would need, even if it was only for a single month. It was all unbuilt, for them all to build upon. Knowing that there has been a lot on her rose gold leader, the gentlewoman sure didn't open up to Fairytale yet, but she known that with everything happening and all at once worried them all.
The lass kept her gaze ahead of herself, she wasn't stupid though. Knowing that some creatures here could be dangerous, so she'd have to skirt around the dangers. Her understanding of the resources would help with the task at hand now. Appreciation to help the band members flooded her cranium. A smile spread across her lips while she slowly moved, the grasses and moss was tender to the touch which also bent and swayed to the breeze of spring that moved threw the tree's. Alerting the young woman that prey was still lurking around. Fairytale also wanted to show the band her appreciation.
The silvery buttery filly moved carefully, pale salmon optics survey the ground, songbirds of springtide flooded all threw the air around her within their branches of the trees. A smile as she began to pull and tug on branches placing them in a pen, one by one she began to get to work. Securing them together with vine and whatever else she could.