
This whole thing has been a lie


03-05-2014, 06:46 PM

Days had been tough, and what was depression anyway. He didn't know, emotions were a bit of an off-putting mystery to the man who felt nearly nothing unless he was around Skadi. This lake was shaped like a wolf's paw, how funny, with all these living things it felt odd and out of place compared to when he had been at the giant albino's side. Now she was trapped in Glaciem, he was slightly afraid for her. Afraid of all these new emotions that he could barely handle, having no heart. Ubivat made his way across the lands, he had been in such a daze he had not noticed the scent border so he had no clue he was in another packs territory. It wasn't like Ubi was one to cause trouble, he simply drifted along like a ghost because he was one. A zombie to the outside world, he felt nothing physically. Because his sister killed him all those nights ago. Connected to the walker family deeply, but not in the way one would want. Murders, thieves, that was the family he was from. Long since banished, forgotten and left behind. Somehow he had been given a second chance so here he stood, with no objections otherwise if he weren't so confused. He wanted to get Skadi back from Glaciem but he was not high of rank to do so. In the process he could get caught in their trap. Ubivat's orange eyes looked at his reflection, royal markings covering his fur as he dug in a deep breath and let it out. Lapping up water since his mouth called for it, odd things his body remembered and forced him to do. Even though he was dead.
His tail flicked back and forth as the gray male with odd colored markings raised his head to look at the odd shape of the lake. Perhaps over time he'd be able to fight for Skadi's freedom, what else would he do if not. Just move along like the royal he was, sure enough ludi had become his friend through the connection of his ex fiance. Who was married, happily, with children, as was he moved on to Skadi despite not having children. Even then his automatic no desire factor scared most away. His zombie like nature, the living would never understand the russian man ever. Closing his eyes he flopped down to a well toned stomach. Dust giving way in the heat he did not feel so gave no signs of being tired nor dehydrated other than his bodies yelling at him for more water. He'd be fine really, when had he not been fine? He had always been on his own ever since his sister killed him. He was not someone who could not take care of himself. Though causing trouble was the least he'd want to do despite that was what most of his attitude showed right now. Ubivat wasn't one to cause trouble, he was dead, and meeting Skadi had changed him from his anger. From something devious to more mild it seemed. Though he wouldn't be able to record the last time he felt like this, that was for certain.




7 Years
03-06-2014, 06:14 PM

Surreal padded beside her uncle as they patrolled along the outer territories of the land that Valhalla called home. He still had a great deal to teach her, though he was no longer a Beta of Valhalla, and had admitted to her that he intended on stepping down to become the first Elder of Valhalla. She could understand this. No matter how much she wished that time could slow down, that her mother and Uncle would live forever, she faced the fact that they would eventually join Cairo and Aislyn in the realm of the dead. She would not grieve their losses for long, knowing that both had someone waiting for them on the other side. The aunt she had never met, Akana, Cormalin?s mate. And Cairo, for Erani.

So she drank in all her uncle had to teach her. How to remove an intruder from the pack lands without starting a fight or chasing them, yet firmly stating that the territory was off limits for wanderers who didn?t wish to join. How she should have handled the male who walked right past her just before the move to the island, though she hadn?t followed that move right away, with her mother so ill. Movement at the lake caught her eye first, and she froze, head turning toward the movement. A stranger stood in the lake, drinking. He was unusually marked, though she had seen some amazingly marked wolves in her lifetime; Vahva and Lyric, for instance. He was also large. Casting a glance at her uncle, she approached the stranger with a firm bark. Tail lifted to the height held by a Beta, head up, ears pressed forward, though her jowls and hackles remained relaxed, and her stride was non-threatening. ?You walk on Valhallan lands, stranger. Can I help you find the borders, or are you here to cause trouble?? Scots and Russian accented tones lilted out at him, not harsh, nor gentle, but reserved and firm.

As her uncle came to stand beside her, she felt his warm approval through the fur brushing her side. It lent a bit of confidence to her heart, though her expression was unchanged as she waited for the stranger to speak.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.