
Call away the memories; Briena



03-05-2014, 05:29 PM
The wash of wind that touched the sun baked earth brought with it the tastes and sounds of the life before him and with its gentle push it seems also to take the light. The evening was growing late and the shadows stretching ever further against the earth, shadowy tall trees growing and stretching out like fingers against the earth reaching further and further until there touch fell against the lake and distorted in tiny little ripples.
It was here that he could be found, beneath the long expansive of a distant shadow after stilling his movement and raising his head to the cool touch of the wind. It was here that he had decided he could go no further; the touch of life came in the form of scent, strong or distant depending on the ripples and pull of air.

He sat lithely on his hunches with his thick expanse of tail curling about his hind legs. He raised head touching the cool frame of wind. He had not yet crossed the carefully placed border-markings, but sat on their outskirts even as the sun faded and the moon begun to rise. He was thrown against a stark and translucent glow of silver that washed colour from the earth around him and highlighted the subtle shifts of white-silver-grey that frolicked along his coat.

The sun was completely gone now; a full moon rich and heavy in the air above him, the hour of the wolf had arrived. It was now that he opened his powerful jaws, and broke the silence of the night with his heart-wrenching melody. Within its notes held a message, not quite a summoning for he would not be so presumptuous, but instead an acknowledgment, a respect for territory and a question to those that ruled here.
He cut off his cry with a snap of his fangs and waited as still as the night for a reply in either sound or presence in response to his call.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-12-2014, 02:05 PM

Erani was quite bemused as she heard the call that came from the Lake, not a half hour after she?d left it after meeting a stranger, Jinxx Black, there. It seemed wolves were drawn to Valhallan lands. She?d never heard of so many in one night coming to the borders. At least this wolf had noted the borders and obeyed the unspoken, and sometimes harshly enforced, laws of Pack borders. In another pack, like Blackmoon, for instance, if you crossed the borders without permission, you were subject to all cruel punishments. Valhalla was gentler, and thus far, Erani had not yet had a wolf trespass that was a threat or hostile.

She padded toward the call, ears forward, tail at the level of her hips, slowing to take in the moon washed form. He was male, neither large, nor small, with pale eyes. He held himself politely, and his call had been just as polite. She approached, head cocked slightly, a small smile on her muzzle. ?Good evening. I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary of Valhalla. What brings you to my borders this evening, stranger?? Velvet tones held a lilting cadence of Scottish highland accent mixed with educated British, lilting the ?r? with a soft roll, while her low voice added a mysticism to her words. She settled on her haunches, tail curling about her haunches as she waited for his explanation.



03-12-2014, 03:05 PM
The wait of the white-wolf by the borders of Valhalla was not a long one as the Alphess made her appearance before him. He knew her for what she was before she spoke by the way she carried herself on powerful paws and a noble gleam in sapphire eyes. More than this he could see it in the way she held her head in the way of a wolf with responsibility. She stopped her movement now, standing before him. In acknowledgment of her presence he dipped his head low in respect for this dauntingly regal wolf, who spoke in unfamiliar tones that rolled against her words.
?Greetings, Erani Adravendi, Alpha Primary?
He spoke as she too took her seating, his eyes tones of opaque silver that met to her solid orbs of living sea.

?I am Alpine, and this is my first time in this land and thank you for your answer to my call. I have come to ask of you a place within your pack, if you have the room to take me?
He explained himself in tones as warm as a summer?s day despite the cool touch of the moon against this night. As he spoke he found himself glancing once behind her and into the riches of the pack that lay beyond. Here was the structure of a community run by the wolf before him and he had already heard of the nature of its wolves. He knew that of all the packs in this land it would be this one he was most likely to fit within and happily call his home.

?I am happy to play my part within this pack as you see fit, Alphess if you are willing to take me?
He stopped there to give the queen her chance to speak



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2014, 01:34 AM

This male was very respectful, Erani noted as the male bowed his head to her. This was something she liked, and she smiled gently as he looked up. He began to speak, and she listened closely, finding no falsity to his tones or posture. The male was very well spoken, and she sensed he would do well in Valhalla. With the way things were going tonight, Valhalla was very well off.

It didn?t take her long to think over what he said, or his offer. With a gentle smile, she rose, stepping forward and touching her nose to his shoulder. With his build, she had a feeling he would do best as a warrior, or a hunter. And so she spoke. ?Very well, Alpine. You are welcome to my family and my home. I believe a Gamma, or Warrior, will suit you among our ranks. We have much that will be celebrated tonight, and I expect to see your face among the crowds. You will receive training in hunting and healing as well, as all our wolves will. I will see you in a few hours, Alpine. Make yourself at home, and welcome.?

She turned, gently brushing her tail over his shoulder and laying her mark on him. The scent that would tell Valhalla?s members that he was family and welcome. She headed off then, into the moonstruck night, attending to her business. She had a meeting to start.

-Exit Erani-



03-13-2014, 01:31 PM
The words of the brute where greeted with a warm smile as the Alphena rose and touched her nose to a shoulder, it was a surprisingly intimate gesture that told him a lot of the fae before him. She was not the sort to act high and mighty, a queen and her cohort looking down upon the world. It was in part for this reason that he had decided to make his way here, he had learned that Valhalla was not a court or an army; it was a home, a concord of wolves that dwelled happily under her rule. It was shown in the kindness and acceptance in her touch and her bearing well regal was not oppressing but sweet.

Erani then spoke her peace, granting his acceptance into the pack and a status amongst them as a warrior, which he accepted with a nod of his head at the appropriate time. He was told to make himself at home and was welcomed into her borders. He learnt then also of how busy she was and of a pack meeting to come: The perfect time to associate himself with the pack to learn names and faces.
?I will be there, my Alphess?
He promised her as she turned from him, her tail brushing against the soft fur of his shoulder, and he felt a brush of her noble scent and knew that she had marked him as one of her own. Just like that, the young warrior had himself a home and a family and as he watched her past he contemplated familiarising himself with the territory.