is it any wonder
Another day, another new horizon to greet him. This one was nothing but a wide open expanse of jagged, rocky hills. The grass underfoot was somewhat crunchy, clearly a victim of the sun's rays over the past weeks. There were scattered outcroppings of stone all around him, surrounded by the crumbled castaways that had fallen away over time. The cocoa dappled wolf meandered closer to a cluster of stone, overturning the odd nodules with one paw to marvel at their roundness. He wasn't certain he'd ever seen a naturally occurring cobble that was so smooth all over without being worn away by waves. Interested in testing the rolling ability of the stone, he gave it a light tap with the side of his paw to see how heavy it was. Quite heavy, actually. More so than he might have originally expected for its size. Another flick of the wrist sent it properly rolling down the slight incline, picking up enough speed to start bumping and bouncing down the slope. When his stone nodule bounced once, then twice, and landed on a flat area of exposed bedrock, the witch was stunned to watch it split nearly down the middle. Both halves rolled to a quick halt on their newly acquired flat edges. Ears shoved forward with bold curiosity, he loped across the distance between himself and his prize with no regard for anything else. |