
You Oughta Know


03-05-2014, 10:38 PM

Politics was as much part of ruling an empire as delegating tasks to your people, and caring for them. Her mother hadn't been very political, but the few times a political delegation had happened in her mother's empire- she had made sure that her daughter was present. Roman Armada could play politics, though she wasn't sure how the other rulers in the land could play. Thus her political journeys began, and she began with one of the newer packs in the land- wanting to see the empire- the ruler whom she would need to know. What souls would this pack harbor? What would they be like? Her ivory paws drew her to the borders of the kingdom, where she would halt. She would wait several moments, before tilting her head back and letting a summons, for the ruler of the land.

Standing there she would wait, she had come alone. She hadn't developed a strong bond with another in her empire, but that wasn't the reason that she was alone. She preferred her appearance to be confident, and not action invoking. She was coming to speak with another Queen or King, not start a war- or a fight. She didn't need back-up for a conversation. She had heard rumors that this empire called itself, Ebony, and she could appreciate the strength and elegance to the name. She wondered if their ruler held the same air of elegance?




5 Years
03-14-2014, 08:00 AM

The summoning howl rang out across the land, and Raisa's ears could not help but capture it's elegance. The sooty fae had been out running the borders of her lands, and was as close as might be wished. The trek would be a short one, and she thought herself the nearest to it's origin. For a moment she wondered if perhaps she ought leave this to her High Lords and Lady, perhaps one of them would be suitable, but no. Besides, the queen was always looking forward to meeting others from this strange land. Perhaps it was a rogue calling for passage, or another leader come to make peace talks. Either way, Raisa's gait became a trot. It was no long moment before she laid eyes upon the pale femme. She certainly was quite pretty, in a strong sort of way. Elegance would mark her where other things could not, as it was easily the first thing one might notice. Luckily for Raisa, the same had been said of her. So with banner aloft and waiving, ears forwards and head high, she would bound forward and mark her dominance over the land she stood upon. It would not do for the woman to think she was dealing with anyone other than the Queen. She halted her motion a pace or two away and quirked a brow. "Welcome to Ebony, Stranger. What can I do for you?" Courtesy had been among her first lessons as a pup, and it was not one so easily forgotten. Raisa waited patiently for a response.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-16-2014, 11:17 PM

The mistress would not do well to wait long, and the approaching scent on the air, alerted her that a patron of these lands wouldn't keep her. Amethyst eyes would come to rest on a cinder hued woman, whose face held brilliant markings. The other could only be a queen, she moved with a grace and elegance, one that any could admire- and that Roman herself could easily appreciate. Perhaps, this meeting would not waste her time, after all. The other greeted her, and a smile danced on the black lips of the ivory goddess. "Ebony, what a uniquely beautiful name for a remarkable kingdom." She commented smoothly, her gaze seeking the others. "My name is Roman Armada, The Queen of Tortuga." She would go on introduce herself proudly. "Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with, I can tell you must be royalty." She practically cooed, her body relaxed. She would be so bold as to seek the name of the woman at her opposite. She had come to Ebony, to speak with the patron of the land, hoping to secure either an act of neutrality or some sort of an alliance. At least in this meeting she would hopefully gain the knowledge of who she would be dealing with in the future should war or disaster plague the lands.



03-18-2014, 12:34 AM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

The summons for Raisa's presence met the man's ears with great frustration. His queen had been called to meetings by many different leaders as of late, and it seemed that they would only keep pushing at her. Golden eyes squinted in annoyance as he rose from his meal and followed the fresh scent of his queen to the border of their newly established lands. It was not long before he caught sight of the two wolves at the border, one being his ashen queen and the other...

She was hot, she was angry, and she was ready. Her fight had only made him all the more willing to prove that he was in power. She had lost her will and would soon lose her innocence. This bitch, the alabaster northern bitch, would take what he gave her whether she liked it or not. She could not stop him from taking what he had rightfully won. The cunt had it coming to her.

He would grab he by the scruff and his jaws would lock down hard, his tongue lolling at the crimson tang of her blood in his mouth. He would take her and leave her for the vultures. He would finish, and turn to look into her fading amethyst eyes and....those eyes...

Her eyes had haunted him since the day he met Raisa. He could never forget her eyes. She was standing there, speaking with his queen and he was frozen to the spot, her sickly scent hanging heavily in his nostrils, his breathing going ragged. He would not lose control. It would not happen again. He wanted to cry out for the physical pain that her presence would bring him. How could he face her, now, and in front of his ashen queen? To have such beauty thwarted by his hideous mind was unspeakable. The alabaster dame did not deserve the way he had treated her. And his queen did not deserve to have all alliances broken on his behalf.

The auburn man wished to run far from the scene on the border, Yes, she was alive. Yet the relief that should have washed over him was poisoned with the horror that threatened to choke him. His eyes widened in fear and he knew exactly what he had to do. Paws would shakily push him forward until he stood nearly three lengths from the pair of them, where he could go no further. He opened his maw to speak but words would not surface. Finally, a rasp of air would escape his jaws and struggle to form words. " queen..." He would speak to the ashen royal. Golden optics would squint again, for he could not meet the gaze of either woman. "You speak to the woman I defiled." He told her plainly, finally able to muster up the strength to raise his head.

Eyes would finally lock onto the face of the northern woman, and though he held his body straight and chin high, he could not keep the sob from escaping his throat as his nightmares became a reality. "My lady, words would never be enough." He would began, taking a step back, shaking his auburn head and cowering in her presence. "Never enough to make what I did to you excusable. I...I am....I was a monster to you." Ears would lay flat against his skull, not in a sign of hostility, but in pure submission to the woman. "I am a monster." He would confirm for himself and for his own queen.


"Talk" Think "You"



8 Years
03-18-2014, 08:54 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2014, 07:44 PM by Maximous.)
The call would come just as his black lips and ivory canines would pluck a herb he'd been looking for, for weeks. He would wait only a few moments before trotting there. In waiting he was hoping that one of the higher ranks would arrive before him, he had even debated on taking the trillium plant he'd found back to his den but he decided againced it.

That desision probably wouldn't be the worst one he made all day though. He'd arrived just in time to loose all respect and trust he might have had for the Ebon Knight. He did not trust the other man to stand so close to lady Raisa, and would never again. Involuntarily, a growl left his throat. It was obvious to who it was for as he never once looked at the alabaster woman.

His icy eyes only seemed to become a colder shade of blue as he stepped protectively between the two women and Fugue. The ivory woman was not part of his pack but she was at their boarders, and she was not posing a threat. Besides, he was protective by nature...even the plant held in his jaws was held gently. At this point the only one who could make the large man move was his Queen, Raisa and even then he would be reluctant to step aside.

Maximous spoke no words as he stood there. The only thing he would give the red tinted male credit for was knowing what he was and feeling bad for it. The two girls may accept Fugue's submissiveness, but Max would never again trust him to be alone with their queen or any other woman within Ebony. He waited silently for his queen to respond.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


03-19-2014, 06:49 PM

A call rang out, an unfamiliar one to the giantess, who picked up the pace and trotted towards the origin of the howl. She was not the first to arrive, far from it. A strange alabaster femme stood at the borders, but seemed far from calling any dire attention to herself. What was distressing was the threatening demeanor of one of the Sola Knight's, towards one of the Ebon's. Pale silver audits caught the tail end of a conversation, the Ebon Knight confessing to the rape of the Queen upon the borders. This must have triggered the anger from the pale Sola, but did not explain why they were duking it out before a prospecting alliance. The jet furred soldier would stride up with all the intimidation she could muster, fixing her eerie gaze upon the Sola with an aggravated expression. "There is a time and a place for this, Sola. Neither of which is here and now. Calm yourself, or I will be forced to remove you from the premises." Neutral tones would warn as she placed herself a couple paces from the aggressive male. She did not need this male to make a mockery of this pack, despite how coloured the marked Queen's opinions were already of Ebony. With her tormenter within the ranks, no doubt she would not be seeking an alliance here much longer. Magma and glacial gaze would flick to the tribal marked features of the powerfully built stranger, crown giving a dip of greeting. "My lady, I apologize if this meeting seems disturbing, I assure you we are not as disorganized as we may appear now." Strong tones would assure the stranger as she gladatrix stood calmly among the group. Her ebony pelt glinted in the light, bearing a lattice work of scars to speak of her prowess and competence.

The obsidian warrior dragged her gaze to the soot furred queen and give her a soft smile and a deep bow of her powerful cranium. She was attempting to put all of this under control, for such a display was not quite necessary from her subjects. They needed to seem poised and controlled, well organized. Certainly not disorganized with fighting among the ranks and disorder rampant. This was far from acceptable, and if these wolves didn't clean it up the onyx soldier would have to drag them off and separate them. However, none of this was betrayed by her pale blue and orange-crimson gaze, she seemed as formidable and neutral as always. However, she was mildly intrigued by how the strange ruler would react to finding the man who had raped her within a pack she sought to ally with. Most would react with disgust and anger, or even fighting, which wouldn't surprise the warrior in any way. However, defiling females was not in any way new to the masked she wolf, having been raised amid the Militants- where such a thing happened to frequently to be of issue. Tall audits would give an absent flick as she surveyed the scene, waiting for reactions.

"Talk" "You" Think



Shilah I


6 Years
03-22-2014, 06:13 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2014, 06:13 PM by Shilah I.)



03-22-2014, 06:15 PM

No? no, no, no! She was off duty and not going to the borders. Hell no. Kaliska was lounging belly first on top of a large, flat piece of shale, enough the atmosphere when yet another call rang out. Ebony had been ridiculously busy as of late. While proud to do her duty as an Ebon Knight the simple fact was that she was on her break and had every intention to enjoy that break. A rat currently rested in her moth that she was chewing on quite delightedly. Nope, she wasn't curious who was at the borders? not even a little. Not even?. oh hell?.

Kaliska was on her feet and heading toward the call in a simple, elegant, little trot. It wasn't long before she was carried into the gathering of wolves. Raisa, Platinum, Fugue, Maximous and a strange white femme she didn't recognize. The fae introduced herself as Roman Armada, leader of Tortuga?. wait. Armada? Kaliska frowned. Well this wasn't going to end well. She supposed she could see the family resemblance now but at least this Armada had far better manners. "Hawwo Waisa." A sickening crunch punctured the air as Kaliska slurped down the rat a bit of the tail getting caught between her teeth. She sat quickly on her haunches, paw coming up to her mouth as she attempted to work the last bit of her meal from between her teeth.

Kaliska was so engrossed in what she was doing that she almost missed what Fugue had said. Defiled?defiled? Kaliska choked on the rat tail and went into a coughing fit before finally expelling the limb. "What do you mean, defiled?" Her hackles raised ears pinned as she turned on Fugue. That's right he'd better grovel! She had have a mind to castrate him right there. How in the hell had Ebony ended up harboring a rapist. Shoulders rolled forward, limbs bent as her weight shifted between her limbs. "You better find a dam good way to make amends Fugue before I hand her your balls myself."




5 Years
03-22-2014, 06:54 PM

The elegant fae introduced herself as the Queen of Tortuga, Roman... Armada. Raisa quirked a brow, wondering how such a mannerly, seemingly respectable woman could bear any relation to the northern king who had come to sweet talk the sooty fae a moon before. Raisa let a small smile curl onto her lips and a gentle chuckle out to grace the air. "A pleasure, Mistress Roman. I am Raisa Xanilov, Queen of the Ebony throne. Might I ask what relation you bear-" Her words were cut off by the sound of approach. Her words froze upon her dark lips, as her eyes fell upon the first friend she had made in this new realm. She remembered the dark conversation they'd had not long ago, and still didn't know how she felt about it all. It had been quite the blow, but the man she knew did not seem to bear relation to whoever he was. The Queen watched as the strangest look came to seed upon his visage, growing and and festering until his body was taught with tension. Fear glimmered in shining eyes, and his breathing sped. In a choked voice he spoke. " queen... You speak to the woman I defiled." Raisa felt her heart stutter within her chest, squeeze so tight she thought certainly it must be nigh on bursting. A cold concoction of fear and shock and anger began to fill her bones.

She opened her mouth to speak, to say anything, but she could not before a number of others amongst her pack ranks were drawn onto the scene. Maximous came first, apparently having heard just enough to decide he did not like what was taking place. He came to stand between the two fae's and Fugue, taking an aggressive stance. Platinum was hard on his heels, her immense form over-reaching all the others in attendance. She emanated a tense sort of power, similar to aggression, yet restrained. Her words seemed well intentioned, but Raisa had seen enough of politics to know this meeting had already flung far south in a matter of moments. Kaliska was not far off, the spitfire with a good heart, and wit too quick for her own good. Raisa let her eyes fall closed in a long blink, waiting for what she knew was inevitable, and letting out a long sigh. "You better find a damn good way to make amends Fugue," she said with all the intimidation her stature could afford, "Before I hand her your balls myself." It was too much to take in at one time and Raisa drew herself up. She was a queen, no? It was not an empty title, all the wolves before her were her vassals, save for one. Tact was in great need in these situations and she immediately made a note to travel to the remaining alphas alone, seeing as pissing off the nobility of far-flung realms was seemingly a trend. "Silence!" Her voice cracked out over the conglomeration of hostility and anxiety like a whip.

Fugue still trembled among it all, terrified and remorseful. His apology was not lost on her, but she could make heads or tails of the immensity of her actions until she had some space and time to think. Raisa waited until the last moment to spare a look at Roman, hoping instead that if the woman lunged for Fugue or herself at least one of them might have the good sense to get the poor man out of the way. He had committed a grievous crime, this could not be denied, but he was still a wolf of Ebony, and it was her duty to protect him. Instead her searing fire and ice gaze fell upon every member of Ebony in attendance, before settling on the Tortugan alphess. "Well, well, well. What an event this has turned out to be. Do you demand right of retribution?" Her voice was level, but it had lost some of it's elegant warmth. It would be clear to all that the sooty queen was not playing the game of royals now, no, it was more than that. If Roman did demand Fugue's punishment, be it by her fangs or Raisa's the sooty queen would wait and see. It would all spiral away from that simple fact, and Raisa waited atop the razor's blade to see what she would choose.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-22-2014, 08:45 PM

Thus far the meeting had turned out pleasant enough though she hadn't yet embraced the reason for her visit. The air about the Queen who would introduce herself as Raisa Xanilov. A pretty name, and a name that was unusual. She would begin to ask a question, that would be caught off by the arrival of another. Before the ivory mistress would even turn her head, the scent of the intruder would hit her and she'd freeze. It was him- the face of her darkest nightmares. The man who had ruined her- defiled her. Him. She slowly turned her head, her amethyst eyes burning as they claimed the form for the male. She had never forgotten how he looked, the browns and creams of his coat- How could she? His scent filled her lungs, as she took a deep breath. Her gaze didn't leave him, though she noted that others were arriving. She didn't pay them any attention.

Blood roared in her ears. She could hear the words of others- snippets of conversations, questions directed at her. She couldn't speak- yet. Her mind replayed the scene.. She could feel his teeth, the way his legs grasped her. She could feel the pressure of his body, as he mounted her- claiming her in a way that no other had ever. She felt the pain, as he stripped her purity. How she had then laid there- too mentally broken to move. She flashed back to the moment, when the Queen opposite of her spoke. Would she demand retribution? She didn't speak for several moments, her mind buzzing. She was a Queen! She had to pull herself together!

She debated, her eyes finally leaving her rapist and coming to rest on the Queen. She wondered what emotions, Raisa would see there. She pulled herself mentally together, before she would finally speak. "Queen Raisa..." She'd begin. "Do I want retribution for the man that defiled me?" She would question, her eyes widening as she repeated the words of the queen. Her ears flattened against her head, a growl leaving her. "I have wished him dead, a thousand times over. I've wished him tortured- his masculinity stripped from his body." She would admit- before continuing. "... and God help me, right now- I can not even fathom hurting him." Her gaze would leave the queen, her expression unreadable. "You were a monster and I should end your life for what you've done." She would speak, directing her words now to her attacker. She was so confused. She felt so many conflicting emotions towards this man. He had defiled her. Why did she feel sympathy for him as he quaked before her?

Her heart sped in her chest- she suddenly felt so exposed, as if all of her secrets had been drug before the land for everyone to see. What would her father think of her now? She stood in front of her attacker and was unable to deal him what he deserved- and God didn?t he deserve it. Looking at Fugue- she spoke again, her tone soft. ?Are you still that same monster?? She inquired softly. So much had changed in the past seasons since he had defiled her. Instead of reacting brashly she now had to put the needs of her kingdom ahead of her. Her kingdom needed allies and she didn?t want to hate the man before her for the rest of her life. She wouldn?t let that hatred, consume her- she wouldn?t let it destroy her life. No she?d find a way to forgive him and to let it go. Even if she proved to be a disappointment to her father- a disappointment to the royal blood that coursed through her veins.



03-25-2014, 12:49 AM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

Golden eyes would widen in horror as the small group was joined by the sola knight, Maximous, and then the high lady Platinum. The sola would hear Fugue's explanation and be so enraged that he felt the need to stand between the two ladies and the auburn man. A mixture of rage and sorrow would fill his heart, pounding within his chest and causing a seething pain to course through his body. He was being barred from his own queen, one whom he had never once wished harm upon. Yet he would admit, he had been a dangerous man. Perhaps being restricted from the ashen lady was what needed to be done.

Once Platinum spoke up, Fugue's head would shake from side to side and his head would lift to the high lady's eye level. "Please, lady. His reactions are befitting. I am in no place to be near Lady Raisa." Though it pains me...

Auburn head would turn again to face the ivory queen. She was speaking, seemingly to him, confirming his deepest insecurities and causing him to question his own sanity. She did not wish to hurt him? Did he not deserve her lashings? Had he not saved himself for her retribution, holding himself back from taking a dip in the mouth of the volcano that Raisa had saved him from on the day they had met? He could not accept that she would allow him to survive after the misdeeds he had done. He had sinned against her and against all that was right and proper.

Those eyes, those amethyst eyes with every story and emotion hidden behind them, burned into him like scalding hot stones. She was so calm and so sympathetic. Here, he could not run from her. His dreams had caused him to fear her, and yet here she seemed so calm. So this was reality. It was a relief, and a curse. He simply could not handle the tension that it caused on his mind.

"Are you still that same monster?" She would ask him, and his mind could not settle on the answer. He knew who he had been, and who he was now. It killed him to imagine that he could have ever been that sort of monster. He still knew that monster for he had seen him every night in his nightmares. His tail would curl farther beneath his body, his ears pressed firm against his skull as he opened his maw to address his victim.

"That monster and I are well acquainted. I hate him. He made himself a home in my mind and before I knew it, he had overtaken me. I am ashamed to say that he and I were one for the better part of my upbringing." He would pause, and his golden orbs would drift to the ashen queen who had given him so much, then lock back onto the tribal-marked visage of the ivory queen. "In my moments of sanity I would find solace only in the planning of my own demise, to permanently end the creature that I had become. He would even encourage me, push me to do so to end my own misery and make a mark on this world as a coward, a rapist, a pillager, a scoundrel. And then I met Raisa." His voice would crack on her name, feeling too dirty and too undeserving to speak the woman's name. He had to continue. Had to make things right.

"With her, I could feel normal. I could look back and see the demon that I had become. She gave me a reason to change, a purpose. I wanted to be a good man, to be a good knight and to make things right. You...your vision haunted me. Continues to haunt me. Yet I found it within myself to expel the monster from my mind and body. With that part of me gone, I felt free to become the man I wished to be. The only thing keeping me back was the thought of you, broken and defeated by that lakeshore. I knew that I would never be able to truly become an honorable man until I had seen right by you. So to say that I am still that monster would truly be a statement that only you can make, for you are the final factor in that conundrum. Though I know that it is difficult for you, you have no idea what relief it is to see you here alive, stronger than ever and able to pass the judgement that I so rightly deserve. I am forever in your debt, and if it means giving my life so that you may have the closure you need, it will truly be a lighter punishment than I deserve." He finished and blinked in signal to the two women who stood before him. It was time now for the higher powers to decide his fate.


"Talk" Think "You"



8 Years
03-25-2014, 07:32 AM
Keeping his icy eyes on Fuge, the man opened his maw to speak to Lady Platinum. Before any words could escape him, the auburn man would inform the high lady that Max was in the right. A dark brow would raise at the man but nothing more would move until his queen spoke.

At her command for silence, his head would turn to her. His eyes would immediately soften as he looked upon her face. It seemed like a long moment before lady Raisa would glance over at her ebon knight and then speak to the ivory woman. was not up the ebony male but if it were Fuge would have been banished. Luckily for the man, Raisa left it up to Roman.

If the tortugan queen had lunged, Maximous would have moved between them just as he had moved between Fuge and Raisa. When she seamingly stumbled over her thoughts as they escaped her Max was surprised. He turned back to the auburn man as he spoke.

Though the large man's muscles wereno longer thence he still did not trust the the other man. He waited silentylly for the two queens to give their thoughts.
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



03-29-2014, 05:23 PM

Raisa called for silence and Kaliska waited with baited breath. She had no strong attachement to Fugue and even less desire to share a pack with one who would rape a queen. As such she was fully ready to do whatever the queen asked just short of taking Fugue's life? that decision was for Raisa alone. But the alphess surprised her.

Kaliska's head titled to the side as she stared at the pale alphess in awe. Silence fell around them as she asked the pointed question. Was Fugue still a monster? Her gaze narrowed as it turned to the male, large ears intent on seeking out any signs of lying. She'd seen criminals break down in begging for forgiveness only to walk away laughing when they were turned loose.

He spoke long and earnestly and Kaliska turned away, back to Roman when he'd finished. He spoke truthfully as far as she could tell though it was still hard to think of him as safe. Could the monster be born again? What risk could he pose to the pups? She kept her mouth shut for once, uncertain how to respond.




5 Years
03-30-2014, 04:33 PM

Roman's lack of acting-aggression spoke volumes for not only the quality of her leadership, but of her very character. Raisa found herself growing fond of the fae in a strange, distant way. It pained her to know that, as she harbored Fugue, an alliance between the packs would likely be impossible. This did not mean that she would not yet strive for it, of course. In an instant the Queen decided that while she could not hand her own over to another, she could not let him go on rebuked. As it was, she waited with baited breath, waiting to see how the alabaster woman might react to Fugue's openhearted speech. She never said she would not claim the man's life, but that she was willing to wait... It gave her hope, hope that they might escape this encounter without bloodshed. For all that she wanted to speak, to moderate the situation in some manner, she could not force the words to come forth. This moment, as fragile as autumn ice, stretched on between the auburn man and his pale opposition. It was bigger than her jurisdiction alone, and all she could hope to do was react to the coming moments, and hope the chips fell favorably.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-31-2014, 11:44 AM
She would take a deep and steadying breath, as the creature that had once been her worst nightmare spoke. She listened attentively, keeping her face a neutral mask- it wasn't the time to betray the storm of emotions that she was feeling. Her ears flattened slightly at his speech, as she took in each phrase, each word. Her interest peaked, when he would speak of the Ebony queen. So Raisa had saved him- changed him? Her violet eyes flicked to the queen, as she tried to decipher the conflicting emotions in her mind. Part of her craved retribution- part of her did not know how she could simply walk away, and leave him alive. She was no murderer though. Sure, he had once been a violent creature, and his murder would have been justified, but as if it was some sick twist of fate he had repented. She could walk away now, abandoning her attempts to make her home peaceful with the neighboring empire's over her own personal vendetta- and let hatred eat at her heart. Or she could forgive him.

He finished his speech, and she took a deep breath. Briefly closing her eyes for a few moments, willing her words to form- in some sense of... sense. Opening her eyes, she inclined her head slightly, and spoke. "Fugue. I... I... forgive you." Her words were sincere, her eyes betraying the conflict of emotions that she felt. Her claws flexed against the dirt, and she flushed slightly- aware again of the audience she had, in one of her most personal moments. "You say, Queen Raisa saved you, perhaps she did- but I think there is something inside you.. that saved you from yourself." She said slowly, casting a look at the Queen, dismissing the incident with a slight flick of her ears. If he was to be punished, it wouldn't be at her paws. She didn't see any point in holding a grudge with him. It would do her no good. She was forgiving him, and it was like she could actually feel another piece of her life fall together. She was getting just a little bit stronger.



5 Years
04-05-2014, 01:24 PM

Raisa let out a baited breath. Things had resolved... somewhat smoothly. She could not let her body relax, not completely anyways, but it was better than the horrid tension that had sprung to life ever since Fugue's arrival. Roman seemed a noble sort, and the soot Queen's respect for her was immense. She bowed her head to the other woman, not quite submitting, but more showing her gratitude. Raisa would not wish for spilled blood in any situation, especially when the opponent was one such as Roman. She sighed in relief, her eyes falling closed in a long, luxurious blink. "Thank you, my lady," she said, her voice low and tranquil. A flicker of grief played in her eyes when she spoke again. "I realize that, despite your understanding, an alliance might no longer be favorable for you. I hope that no matter what you feel, we might leave here in good faith, if not bound together." Raisa decided she would like to get to know Roman better, merely on a wolf-to-wolf level. The Queen, having been raised among nobility, had always been drawn to the more refined sorts. It was something she was sure she would enjoy, though she would also understand if Roman did not agree.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!