
take me back to those days


03-03-2014, 11:53 PM

Massive beast sat silently at the edge of the beach, watching the waves roll in and out. Toes would clench, muscles relaxing and contracting to drag nails through the damp sand. He still remembered the last time he was here with vivd detail. Secret had starved himself to the point where her body had rejected and aborted the baby put within her from an unwanted meeting with a male named Kaios. That male had found her and eaten the lifeless form of their child right before their eyes. Jaws clenched and teeth ground together as eyes continued to stare unblinking out at the ocean. Kaios had done that and yet she had still called for him when she had been attacked. Not Kylar. Not her children. Not her pack. No she had called to that monster to save her.

Lips curled back, maw contorting into a vicious snarl as he allowed his lower jaw to unhinge and tongue to loll out over pearly white canines. How could someone love a beast like that in the end? Was that what she had wanted? Would she have loved him more if he had been a rapist and a murderer? Was that was she wanted him to do with his life now? If it was she needed to give him a sign.

edit: edited to correct my drunk spelling XD




03-05-2014, 10:36 PM
Tessi wasn't adapting well to this new environment. Not nearly as well as she'd thought she would. As she padded down the sure, her mind was trying to run away from her in ten different directions as her gaze fell to the ground before her. Everything was going all wrong, she kept thinking. When she'd left her family she'd firmly believed that she'd been strong enough now to be able to handle herself in a wolf's environment. She'd be able to coup with having to rely on herself to get food and shelter and keep warm when it got cold, but it was slowly turning out to not be the case. She was in fact fairing very poorly at certain parts of it. Particularly interacting with other wolves. Some loners where friendly enough, but others just wanted to be left alone to mind their own business. And others, others only had interest in taking what they wanted for themselves and to hell with what it caused. Tessi couldn't lie to herself, she'd fallen short.

It wasn't so bad when she was just on her own, no. She was good enough at hunting small game to keep her belly satisfied, and thanks to her size, shelter was easy to find as well. But she was having a great deal of trouble finding in in her to steal herself away and stand bold and strong. At night it was less like finding a place to rest her head and more like finding a place to hide. And what made it even worse was how she acted around males. They scared her. Around wolves in general she was having trouble keeping her voice but sometimes she just froze up and didn't know what to do. No sooner did this thought cross her mind that she looked up and spotted the other male looking out across the waters. His scent having brought her to a sudden state of alertness.

Once again, her spirit failed her. Her first reaction was to attempt to run before her body caught up with her mind, but it failed terribly. her muscles jolted as she tried to launch herself away from the beach and break into a run, but it all went wrong and she just went rigid. He had that look in his eyes, and his face with his lips drawn back in a blood thristy snarl. She could feel his fangs closing down on her neck in her mind as she looked at him. His mind was else where. It intrigued her as much as it did frighten her. For the moment all she could do was sit there and stair at him with a confused and puzzled look on her face. The idle thought crossed her mind though, that perhaps maybe he was a soul in pain, and maybe that wasn't as bad a thing it looked. But for the moment, she didn't have the heart to but faith in that stray a notion. So to her it was exact what it was. Just an idle thought.


03-11-2014, 12:34 AM

The funny thing about signs was always that they could be taken a number of ways depending on how you looked at them. If someone was feeling holy or enraged or saddened or any other emotion the sign's meaning could be skewed and warped to match that emotion. Maybe that was why the arrival of a strange female left him with a war of emotions screaming through every nerve of his body. Slowly gaze would turn, expression slackening and growing dead as he allowed sickly green gaze to lock onto the little nymph frozen in his presence. He had asked for a sign and here it was. What did it mean? Did she want him to murder this woman? Did she want him to take her under his wing as he had done for her? Only one of those options seemed plausible, seeing as the other had ended in disaster last time. Why should he help anyone? All they ever did was turn on him or leave him or worse used him and then left him. It was funny, almost, that's man so massive in size could be left feeling so small in the presence of a mere woman. And such a little bit of a thing as well.

He barely registered the fear coursing through her veins, the same fear that was holding her firmly in place only a short distance away from him. The man didn't comprehend that he probably looked exactly like the monster he wished to appear as. He was a tangled, matted mess. Once sleek black and silver pelt was now brown, too dirty and caked with mud for his actual color to be seen. He knew there was dried blood around his face, neck and forepaws. Maybe even a bit on his flank but it was dried and a deep red that probably wasn't even visible without close examination. Thick ruff held twigs and various other debris, matting his once sleek coat further. Even his face was streaked with mudd, the only color that shone through we're those sickly green eyes that stared unblinking at the woman for what felt like an eternity but was probably nothing more then a minute. Why had she come? Though the slate grey of her body was strikingly similar to Secret it was the white points that kept him from hallucinating and imagining Secret had come for him like he had in the past. He had no doubt that she would come for him eventually but this was not she. This was just poor unfortunate soul who had just randomly happened across him today. It happened more often then not that two strangers bump into each other. He had to keep telling himself that as finally eyes blinked, registering more of her details for once. The grey and green eyes that stared at him in fear.

Why did she fear him though? Why was she cringing and cowering without even knowing him? How dare she judge him without knowing him! Massive beast lifted himself, head drawing ever upwards it seemed as chin curled towards his chest in a never ending effort to protect his throat from attack. He wanted to bark at her, lunge at her and force her not to cower but even in his he delusional mind he knew that wouldn't help the situation in the least. But he still couldn't fight the snarl that was curling up the edges of his lips. "You should pay more attention on where your going if you don't want to run into anyone little girl." Words drilled like poison from his tongue, starting from somewhere deep inside his chest and scratching up damaged throat. Vocals were not pleasant in the least, not soothing in sound, in fact they were quite harsh on the ears. His voice had never been charming or seductive like some of his brothers. He had never been a smooth talker, more a man of few words and even that sentence was hard to choke out, almost painful to say. Throat would clear, trying to get rid of the harsh feeling growing after speaking too much but it did little to help.




03-12-2014, 11:10 PM
Something about the way the male looked at her when he finally turned his head to face her, it just sat horribly with her. She felt like he was looking right through her. That took another massive chunk out of her ability to function. His sinister green gaze cutting right through her like that. Again, she tried to move, tried to force her body to get her away from this situation. All that she managed though was a series of muscles in her shoulders and legs flexing but not moving. It was like concrete had been poured in around her paws. This wolf was dangerous. He appeared extremely unstable, one big matted up mess of fur and mud and blood. Only someone who had stopped caring about the world could allow themselves to deteriorate this badly. He was clearly not sound in the head. It only added to the trouble she'd walked up on. If she wasn't careful, something awful might end up happening.

But then the confusion washed away from those hollow green eyes and they where hollow no more, now filled with what appeared to be anger. The brute rose to his feet and that's when Tessi realized that she was truly without a prier here. These brute was massive compared to her. He over power her easily if he managed to get his paws on her. It took all the shaking from her limps. Any defiant traces of will to attempt to flee finally dieing. She became still, very still, and her maw parting slightly as she looked up at this male. What corner of a nightmare did he crawl out of, she found herself wondering. But then, he finally spoke and that's what snapped her back to the reality of the situation. His voice fell broken from his lips in what sounded like painful rasps. Just the sound of it caused Tessi to turn her ears away. How could such a creature have such a voice?

He made a valid point, and that only helped to belittle the poor girl even more. In her defense, she had been lost in thought about the very problem she encountered here and now. She was in fact, NOT strong enough to handle being on her own. But at this point it was too late to turn back. She could come up with no reasons to defend herself with, so she found herself sinking down to her belly, lips pulled back in an expression of fear, and eyes locked on the brute, ears pressed flat against the back of her head. Finally, a shaken voice fumbled from behind the small creature's lips. "I-I'm sorry." was all she could manage. Oh this was horrible. Tessi found herself just wishing she could curl into a ball and wait for it to all go away, but she knew that wouldn't work.